Chapter 6: Contact
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I wasn't prepared for this shit to happened in my eyes, right now.

Some dudes tried to forced their way on a beautiful big breasted woman. Even worse, the beatiful big breasted woman was my big brother girlfriend. Couldn't let him get ntr-ed, after all I was his little sister.

The dudes ranged from your everyday salary man to the delinquent school boy, I even saw a creepy old man leering at the back of the group. 

They took her to a public bathroom with her struggling around the way, but her effort were futile under the watchful and lustful eyes around her. I would probably call the police seeing the situation, but it would take a long time from them to arrive and at that point she would be the same again.

Fortunately, I had an DE EAGLE strapped right under my cloth. I could probably gun them down before the worst happened to big brother girlfriend rather than doing nothing.

I was just eager to shoot more after releasing the first shot back then at the school. It was an addicting experience and can't be stopped.

While in the other hand, my big brother was shocked to point of fainting while standing. I guessed that seeing his girlfriend dragged away to a male toilet by a bunch of nasty guys electrocute him into a state of low-battery, so any thing I do to wake him up and do something was pointless.

Guess, it was just me and my trusty Dessert Eagle. 

I slowly left my big brother and unsheathe my Dessert Eagle. It was lucky there was a no people around here, if it's not... a little girl holding a real big pistol in Japan will probably caused commotion. 

I hate NTR and seeing it happened to a close person like my brother just made me mad. Real mad. A reminder must be placed that I wasn't a bro-con who like to see his big brother girlfriend taken away by some ugly bastard just for me to have Big Brother for myself.

"Heck no!!!" I shrugged my head, "Incest is the worst-cest. Till this day, I still wonder why do people love to see a lovely family ruined by a forbidden carnal desire of internal relationship."

The public bathroom was divided into two sections. The first was for female and the second was for male. The crowded one was of course the male bathroom.

If someone looked at the public bathroom full of male varying from; ugly bastard, DILF, delinquent, hair closing the eyes type, and even a homeless person, they would get the hell out of that place. 


Smokes came out from the barrel of DE EAGLE. The bullet follow its trajectory course and found itself in a head of a poor obese middle aged man. He came down to his knee and dropped dead to the ground.


Another unfortunate soul had meet the death with a bullet in his eyes, creating a path to the back of his head. This time was more delighted experience for me, because a meany looking delinquent with red dyed hair had a nasty thing in his hand. Yes, a d*ldo, and I didn't want to think what he gonna do with it.


Most people would say neck was the important thing to connect the brain and the body, and so I will prove the truth. The neck bleeding happily now had a new resident, a lovely bullet sitting there between vital arteries and nerves. As time moving faster, the heartbeart kept getting slower for a nerdy guy in his thirty. He had already get his pants out, but not yet his underwear. So as an extra caution, I shoot him in the balls.


With each shot released from the gun, the white marble of the public bathroom had turned into a bloody red. The bodies of those people littered down there just as the last echoes of gunfire faded into the air. 

Admits the carnage, stood a lonely girl at the same age of my big brother. Of course it was a beautiful woman with a big breast who loved my big brother, not like I'm jealous or anything.

"Kana nee-san, everything is okay, all bad people are gone," I tapped my hand into the trembling big brother girlfriend.

Her lifeless eyes was wandering nowhere. Her clothes were scattered on the floor, but her underwear was still being worn by her. It was evident that they still haven't do anything yet to her, and my big brother girlfriend was safe from their raging boner.

"Ah, Ko-chan... You... Here?"

Kana, my big brother girlfriend didn't seem in right mind. Her pronunciation was so slurred that every words came to a halt and drools came from her mouth.

"Hehe... There were many... big stick... hehe."

The reason for this must be her brain's defense mechanism to cope with a traumatic incident. With people forcing themselves on Kana nee-san, it was truly an unforgettable event that will surely linger lost in her memories. As she laid there with only underwear on her body, her subconscious clung to the only familiar person and that was me.

Suddenly, Kana pounced on me with her big breast, "Scary.. Ko-chan."

She was successful on making me drowned with boobs. Hugging me with all of her might, while trying her hard to not cry was the only thing that Kana could do right now. 

"Uffh, Iv Veing Drovned."

To be honest, I just wanted to eat ice cream and go to the toy store. But alas, the day ended with lots of blood and a sight of my big brother girlfriend crying.


So, one day you wake up and realized that you find yourself as a little sister of a protagist from a well-known anime. But, this anime isn't like any other anime. You will find every corner of this world are ready to pounce on your body especially to blow your mind into a mindless slave of sins

I'm here to breakdown every mistakes of what you must do and what you must not do:

  1. Become American
  2. Invest on second amendment
  3. ???
  4. Profit