Chapter 12 – Halloween – A Year Later
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Nerdcam Part 12

“Out of twenty... Three dollars and eighty seven cents is your change. And your receipt. Have a good one.” Anna leaned on the counter and watched one of the shop's regular customers depart.

When the bell over the door had ceased ringing, she felt around on a shelf under the counter. Finding her phone, she called up a calendar/planner app. Friday. Halloween was eleven days away. On a Tuesday. She'd be working all day, but she didn't mind so much. A friend, Irina, who they had met through Crystal and Nicole, had invited Anna and Jack to an early Halloween party on the Saturday prior. Next Saturday, that is.

For this weekend, on the other hand, Jack had earlier said he had something planned for them. He had been away most of yesterday, but when she had asked about it, he would only go as far as to say 'Preparation. Trust me.”

She had tried texting him on her lunch break – to ask if his surprise plans would require a nice outfit, but hadn't heard back from him.

Replacing her phone, she felt for the latest issue of Gamer Weekly, which she had set aside while stocking magazines. She made it halfway through an article about the exponentially escalating system requirements of modern computer games when she noticed a figure approaching. Looking up, she found a familiar, if still surprising, face.

“Hi.” Jack gave an awkward little wave. “Uh...”

“Hey.” Anna gave him a curious look. His manner was... Off.

“Maybe you could help me...”

She arched an eyebrow. He was acting like... Like they didn't know each other?

“Mmmm-aybe,” she rested her elbows on the counter, settled her chin in her hand. “What are you looking for?”

“Do you carry any manga?”

Anna stared blankly for a moment before smiling.

“Why, are you a weeb?”

Jack convincingly delivered his reply as if he'd never had this conversation before.

“Nah, just a general nerd. I like Western stuff, too.”

“Ah, okay. Probably a few. They're with the- lemme show you.” she closed the magazine and moved out from behind the counter.

While Jack followed her past a few aisles, Anna wondered how far he planned on taking his little game. And if it was going somewhere. Maybe something to do with the promised surprise?

“Here you go.” she gestured to a corner where a couple of magazine racks full of comics stood near a section of shelves lined with graphic novels and, yes, a handful of manga.

“Thanks, uh... Sorry, you don't have a name tag or anything...”

“Anna. If there's anything else I can help you with, lemme know.” she started to turn away.


She stopped and gave him an inquisitive look.

“I noticed you were reading a gaming magazine.”

“You stalking me?”

He gave a self deprecating chuckle and scratched the back of his head. She had to admit, his act was good. Made it easier to play along.

“No. I was hoping maybe I could use it to segue into conversation without looking weird or stalkerish.” he shrugged. “Maybe next time.”

“Well done.” Anna teased, smiling. She crossed her arms over her chest. “Give it a shot anyway. For the sake of argument.”

“I guess I'd start by asking; computer or console?”

“Mm. Both.”

“And you're not entirely casual. You like some retro games.”

“Lucky guess?” Anna carried on upholding the charade, as if this was all new.

“The tat on your arm. Pong.” Jack pointed out. “Speaking of which...”

“Speaking of which what?”

“The ink on your other arm. From a certain movie?”


“I know a place where they make a decent turkey club. Or just coffee. Any chance you'd like to meet whenever you get off work – talk about retro games, 80s movies, and, uh, what it's like working in a book store?”

As pickup lines went, she'd heard worse. Wasn't going to stop her having a little fun, though.

“That sounds kinda nice, but... What if I'm seeing somebody?”

Jack nodded, looked down, then back up again.

“Yeah, I kinda figured.” he shrugged. “The offer stands- dinner or coffee – as... potential friends? You could invite him. Or her?”

Anna's mouth hung open for a moment, then she bit her lower lip to stop herself smiling.

“That would be,” she cleared her throat, “It's complicated.”

“Explain it over coffee?”

Anna smiled, rolled her eyes.

“Alright, Nerd. I get off at five. Tell me about this sandwich place when you come pay.” she said, turning to head back to the register.

She wasn't sure if it was just him selling the bit, or if he had done a lot of browsing, but it was a good twenty minutes before Jack appeared at the counter again. She lifted the single volume he placed on the counter.

“No manga, huh?”

“Not this time.”

“Algernon Blackwood.” she read from the cover before ringing up his total.

“I read somewhere that he wrote some creepy stuff way back when. Influenced Lovecraft, among others.”

“Oh yeah? Learn something every day. And that'll be four nineteen.”

He handed her a five, along with a card which turned out to be an old dentist appointment reminder.

“Flip it over.” Jack said.

On the other side – in the middle of the other side – was written:

'(Directions to Ellison's)'

And nothing else. Anna shook her head, but played along.

“Thanks.” she covertly flicked the card back toward the trash bin behind her. “Your change is eighty-one cents. Aaand I'll see you at the diner around five-thirty?”

“I'll be there.”

“Your treat, did you say?”

“Well, I'm not sure I actually said that, but-”

“Oh, I must be mis-remembering.” Anna said innocently.

“But it would be my pleasure to treat you.” Jack finished.

When she got off work at five, Anna considered stopping by the apartment to change and freshen up, but decided against it. The first-meeting game Jack had going not withstanding, it was just dinner at the diner.

Nonetheless, rush hour traffic and a detour around an accident meant it was closer to six when she arrived.

Entering and looking around, she half expected to find Jack seated at the same table they had used this time last year, on their first real date. A handful of high school kids occupied the spot. A glance found Jack at the next table along the wall, already nursing a drink.

“You came.” he said, sounding pleasantly surprised, when he noticed her approach.

“Sorry, I'm a little late. Traffic.” she explained, taking a chair opposite him.

He waved this off.

“Don't sweat it. Menu?”

“I've actually been here before.”

“Oh. And... no boyfriend?” he asked, lifting his drink.

“You seem nerdy. What do you know about quantum entanglement and the many worlds theory?”

Jack sputtered when a knee-jerk laugh tried to escape around a swallow of Dr. Pepper. He grabbed a napkin and coughed into it until he could breath properly.

“Ahem. You weren't kidding when you said it was complicated.”

“It's sort of a Schroedinger's Cat situation.” Anna elaborated, enjoying herself. “For our purposes, we can assume I'm single... Unless a boyfriend shows up.”

This time it was Jack trying to suppress a smile.

“That's... A very intellectual rationale. Sounds a little sketchy.”

“Trust me.” Anna replied airily.

Jack started to say something, then stopped when a waiter appeared at the table. Again diverging from the choices of their first first date, Anna ordered a grilled chicken sandwich and a coke. Jack opted for a BLT. Naturally they both got fries.

“So, 80s movies in general,” Jack asked when the waiter had gone, “Or just a special soft spot for The Goonies?”

“Both?” she shrugged. “What about you? I didn't see any tats. Got a fave 80s flick?”

A favorite?” Too many great choices. The Thing, Blade Runner, Terminator, Predator. Lost Boys, The 'Burbs, The Breakfast Club... Back to the Future.”

Anna smiled, nodded.

“Good picks, N-”

“Legend, Ladyhawke, Labyrinth. Big Trouble in Little China, Willow, The-”

“Okay, okay.” Anna laughed. “Too many to choose one. Got it.”

Shortly, the food arrived. True to habit, Anna immediately scooped up half the hot, salted sticks of potato goodness from her plate and transferred them to Jack's.

“Ooh, hot.” she sucked at a couple of her fingers before wiping her hand with a napkin.

Looking up, she saw Jack was giving her a curious look. She wondered again how long he planned on staying in character.

“Mm, theoretical boyfriend gets half of all potato based food. You'll have to stand in as proxy. You're skinny enough.”

“Happy to help, if you're sure. Must be how you keep that figure, huh?”

“And exercise. Could stand to lose a little more figure from some parts.”

“Not where I've been looking.” Jack muttered.

“Oh really?” she munched down a fry. “Mm, good thing my theoretical boyfriend isn't around.”

Jack nodded, finished a bite of BLT.

“Yeah. That would be complicated.” he agreed amiably.

“Smartass.” Anna smiled.

They went on to retread old ground, trading banter and occasionally happening upon some new insight. Having met at the book store, they eventually circled back around to preferences in reading material. And it was after some talk about horror novels versus short story collections that Jack set a slip of paper on the table between them.

“This is probably too forward, but there's a haunted house thing I'm going to later. I can vouch for the host.”

Anna lifted the paper – just a piece torn from a sheet of printer paper this time, not a repurposed card. Lifting it, she read off a time and an address.

“Do I have to wear a costume?” she asked, while pondering over the address.

“I think that's optional.”

“Mm. Are there going to be treats?” she smirked.

“Chocolate, at least. Course, you're welcome to bring your own... Treats... Or tricks...”

She gave him a long cool look.

“I dunno. That's pretty forward. I'll think about it.”

Jack nodded.

“This address...” she trailed off.

“Yes,” he said with a bit of extra emphasis, “That is the address.”

So this wasn't just a gag, she thought. The address was for an apartment, not a hotel. A little ways uptown. Was this something he had roped a friend into helping with? Maybe another old buddy who owed him a favor? Presumably nobody she knew, or she wouldn't be drawing a blank on the address.

They ate in silence for a few minutes before Anna leaned forward and spoke.

“You know, Jack, I'm not like other girls.”

“I noticed that. Instead of saying you're not hungry, then eating half my fries, you gave me half of yours.” He replied without missing a beat.

“Kind of a smartass, aren' ya Jack?” she smiled.

Jack leaned forward a bit himself, mimicking her quiet tone.

“Kind of.”

“I meant, I'm different physically. I'm trans.”

“Oh,” he feigned a moment of thought, “Well, I won't hold it against you, but, uh, if you ask nicely, I might hold it for you.”

“Pfft!” Anna shook her head, half laughing, abandoning their little game finally. “Come on. There's no way you would've said that the same day we met. Talk about forward.”

“Yeah, probably not. I mean, if we had met in person instead of a site where I had specifically clicked on-”

“That's true.” she allowed. “It wasn't exactly a secret.”

Jack nodded.

“Already knew you were packing, but... Everything else about you was a nice surprise.” he replied before sitting back in his seat and finishing his sandwich.

Her old shy smile appeared for a second.

“You weren't all bad yourself. Nerd.”

Shortly, Jack dirtied a couple more napkins, then rose from his seat.

“This was nice. Hope I see you later.” he started to turn away.

“Hey, wait. Are you leaving?”

“Well, I'm gonna go pay first.”

Anna gave him a look.

“There's probably plenty of time, if you wanna change or put on something Halloweeny, by the way. Go for comfortable footwear.”

“You're not gonna explain? Anything?”

“Trust me.” Jack gave her a wink before turning to walk over to the bar.

She watched, and when he lifted a hand as he passed on his way out, she lifted her chin in acknowledgement. When he had gone, she sat a little longer, sipping her Coke and wondering if she should go to the trouble of dressing up in 'something Halloweeny.' She couldn't muster much annoyance over Jack's surprises. Any time he went to lengths to keep a secret, it turned out to be some deeply thoughtful gift, romantic gesture, or new erotic experimentation. Sometimes all three.

There was a vague itch. She wouldn't have minded a kiss before he disappeared again, she belatedly realized. Ah well. Whatever she was going to do, she probably ought to get going.

While Anna went home and looked through her closet, Jack walked a few blocks uptown to start checking that his preparations were all in order. This involved a few different stops, but he had finished and backtracked with plenty of time to be waiting when Anna arrived at the address he had given her.

She found him standing in the hall wearing the same jeans and zippered hoodie he had worn to dinner. Not wanting to go to the trouble of a new costume, she had chosen to dust off an easy cosplay outfit. Jeans, black tube-top, leather jacket. Top hat, silver ankh necklace, and artistic application of eye liner. She was less pale and more curvy, but otherwise a good take on Neil Gaiman's Death.

“Hey.” Jack greeted her.

“Hey yourself.” she gestured up and down, indicating his outfit. “You hinted I should dress up, and you're still wearing this?”

“I'm Donnie Darko.” He stated matter-of-factly.

Unzipping the hoodie, he revealed a black tee printed with stark white bones.

“Weak.” She teased.

“Yeah, yeah. Granted, it's not as easy on the eyes as yours. I have something good lined up for the party next week. But given the plans for tonight...” he glanced down. “Ah. You wore sneakers. Good. I thought you might forget that part.”

“Uh huh. How about you start explaining before I use my comfortable footwear to go back to my car?”

“Fair enough. Walk this way.”

He turned, opened the door, and moved into the apartment, stepping in an exaggerated tiptoe, like a cartoon character trying to be stealthy.

“You are such a dork.” she rolled her eyes, smiled, followed.

Jack flicked on a light while she closed the door behind them and ran the bolt. Looking around, her first impression was that the place was rather empty. Jack had stepped over to a little TV tray. As she moved closer to have a look, he lifted a pair of clipboards and held one out to her.

“Is this a husbando performance review? 'Cause I have some notes.”

“You know I'm not a masochist.”

“Har har.” The first sheet appeared to be a floor plan for the apartment. “What is it, then?”

“You know how we've talked about getting a place together, but it's a pain making time and scheduling to check out places?”

“I do...” she flipped the sheet and found headings for each room with prompts and blank lines to write in notes. The prompts were Pros, Cons, and Notes. There was an extra heading at the end which read simply Other Notes.

Jack handed her an ink pen.

“Anna, welcome to your all-expense-paid apartment crawl.” he put on a Price is Right announcer guy voice.

“My what?”

“Well, it's only a few. It is a pain in the ass lining stuff up all for one day. And they don't normally let you do this so late in the day.”

“Deeply thoughtful... Gesture.” Anna mumbled. “Weird, but thoughtful.”


“Uh, nothing. How did you get them to let you do this?”

“Combination of bribes and favors. And cronyism.”

Her brow furrowed.


“You'll get it when we reach our last stop. For now, just follow me for your tour of prospective apartment number One. Remember to jot down your thoughts, and feel free to ask questions.”

She followed him into the center of the empty den.

“What did you memorize all the specs for the- For three apartments?”

“As far as you know.” Jack joked. “No, I have notes here.” He waved his clipboard.

“Oh, well, just give me-”

She moved around to stand facing him, only for Jack to slowly lift he clipboard up overhead as she reached for it. Shifting her sights from the notes to his face, she slid her arms over his shoulders and pulled him down for a kiss. When, after several seconds, she took hold of his sleeve and drew his arm down, he put up no resistance.

“You play dirty.” Jack accused while she transferred the notes to her clipboard.

“Mm. Dishonor on my house?” she asked with a pout of mock contrition.

“Well, we're kind of the same house at this point. And maybe literally in the same 'house' soon.” he pointed out.

“Oh yeah. Dishonor on our house.” she turned away, then backed up against him. “You gonna teach me some discipline?”

Jack wrapped his arms around her and rolled his hips forward to give her ass a suggestive bump. Tipping his head down, he whispered, “While you check the place out, I'll write down some ideas on the best ways to do that, but... If we start now, we'll never make it to check out the other two places.”

Anna gave a murmur of disappointment, and a wiggle of her ass, before grudgingly agreeing.

“Alright Nerd. You went to a lot of trouble. I guess we should.”

“Thank you, Snookums.”

“Ew. So does this mean there's no haunted house?”

“Well, we can pretend if you want, but the ambience and decorations and stuff are sparse. Sparse may be too generous, even.”

“Whatever, Nerd. Hey, you do more of the cooking. What do you think about this kitchen?”

So they made their way through the apartment, pausing here and there to discuss various details and jotting notes on the forms Jack had made. The apartment had three bedrooms, one and a half bath. All of which were relatively barren until they came to the last room. Jack flicked on the overhead light, then stepped aside to let Anna in.

In the center of the room were a couple of large cardboard boxes stacked one atop the other. Moving to look closer, Anna found a third, smaller box on top – partially propped up with an actual forked stick. Sitting in the shadow of this Loony-Toons trap was a wee little box of chocolates.

“You're gonna need a bigger box.” she smiled.

“Actually, that's the perfect size for-”

“My ass.” Anna nodded, lifting the little box and reading the label. “Ooh, espresso dark chocolate. Keep leaving traps like this, you might get my ass after all.”

“Heh. Oh, check out the room while you eat. We gotta get going soon.”

“Yes, Dear.” Anna borrowed what was usually Jack's sardonic rejoinder.

Anna made a circuit of the room, scribbled down a few notes, and came back to where Jack leaned in the doorway. There had only been four chocolate bonbons, and she lifted the last one close to his face.

“Last one?”

Jack shook his head faintly, leaned around her hand, and replied, “Just a taste,” before stealing a kiss.


When they parted, Jack looked thoughtful, nodded.

“Not bad.”

“Right? Okay, let's get going, Schedule Boy.”

As they exited the apartment, Anna popped the last chocolate in her mouth.

“'is iz fud.” she paused, chewed, swallowed, “Fun. We should go apartment shopping every holiday.”

“I dunno. I think I might be spoiling you.”

“You make it sound like a bad thing.” Anna pressed her keys into his hand. “Here. You know where we're going.”

“Alright. You take these for now.” He traded her the clipboards.

Fifteen minutes of driving – which might have been less had they walked – saw them arrive at their second destination.

“Hey, if we're driving anyway, why'd you tell me to wear comfortable shoes?” Anna asked as they entered the building.

“Uh, heh,” Jack gave her an apologetic smile, “Funny you ask. The elevator was out in this building last I checked, and...”

They reached the elevator and found a sign advising them that it was, in fact, still not operational.

“So we're hoofin' it.” Jack concluded.

“'Hoofin' it'?”

“Walking. Taking the stairs. It's only the second floor, so-”

“Is it worth it though?” Anna loosed a melodramatic sigh. “They can't even keep the elevator running. Makes me doubt their commitment to Sparkle Motion.”

“Nice reference. I'm sure when they find out you're thinking of moving in, they'll get right on it.” Jack replied as they started up the stairs.

“Smartass.” she tapped him alongside the shoulder with the clipboards.

Apartment Number Two was, aside from a different floor plan, much like Apartment Number One. There was an island in the kitchen, and on the counter top was a fresh sheaf of forms for notes, as well as a Halloweeny touch. A black coffin, about a foot long, roughly fashioned from cardboard and painter's tape. Painted on the ill-fitting lid in white were the words 'Sub Hoc Signo Cavitates.'

“Latin? What's it say?” she inquired.

“Under this sign, cavities.” Jack provided.

“Cute. If I open it, is something going to pop out at me?”

“I sure hope not.” Jack chuckled.

Lifting away the lid, Anna revealed a layer of mini peanut butter cups.

“Trying to force me into another gym visit this week? And it's not even actually Halloween yet.”

“I notice you didn't mind the high end dark chocolate.” Jack pointed out.

“I'm still buzzing from the espresso, though. So I can lie to myself and pretend they cancelled out their own calories.”

“Ah. Next time I'll put the junk food in a coffee mug.”

“Smartass. The coffin's cute, though. Now... Gimme the dime tour, Lurch. We've still got another stop tonight, right?”

“Indeed.” He added the sheets from the counter to a clipboard and handed it to her. “If you'll turn your attention this way...”

So they made the rounds of Apartment Number Two. There was some debate about the bathroom. Not that either of them felt the need for something big and luxurious, but it did seem a bit on the small side. Single sink. Small tub. Apartment Number One had an extra half bath, so it seemed like less of an issue there.

The tour proceeded apace; observations were made, considerations considered, notes noted. Jack snagged the cardboard coffin on their way out, handing the car keys back to Anna.

“Um, you know where we're going, remember?” she reminded him.

“So do you. I'll give you directions until you figure it out.”

Anna shrugged.

“Mmmm-kay. If you say so.”

In the parking garage she doffed her tophat and tossed it on the back seat as she climbed in. Jack deposited the clipboards and cardboard candy coffin back there as well.

“We're gonna take a left as we go out.” Jack advised.

A light rain spotted up the wind shield as they pulled out onto the street.

“Hm. Okay, if you want me to drive after all-” he began.

“It's just rain. I think I'll manage.” Anna assured him. “Just gimme the directions, Donnie.”

“Yes, Death.” he used the same patronizing tone usually reserved for 'yes, Dear.' “Huh. Donnie Darko and Death. Pretty fitting crossover. Oh, take a right up here at the light.”

“Mm, the museum is out this way...” Anna said after driving for a few minutes.

“We're not going that far.”

“I mean, if you were leaving town going North, but that's further. Um. I dunno. The only reason I go this way is for when we visit Nikki and- Oh. Really?”

Jack smiled, nodded.

“Hence cronyism. They helped me work something out with the building super.” he confirmed.

“Work something out?”

“Don't worry. There weren't any safe words involved.”

“'Atta boy.” Anna smirked.

“Smartass.” Jack smiled, then continued, “It's a little further from the store, but I figured we should at least look at it. Would it be weird for you living in the same building as Nikki and Crystal?”

“No. Not for me, anyway. I don't think they'd be, like, coming over every day like sitcom neighbors. They've got their own shit going on.”

“Yeah,” Jack nodded. “That's what I figured.”

Guest parking was out alongside the building, so they had to brave the rain for a second on their way in. Anna wisely left her top hat in the car.

They took one of the elevators – which were working – to the third floor. Jack led the way to a particular door, and knocked – which made Anna wonder. She only had to wonder for a second, as Nicole answered the door almost immediately.

“They wanted to help out.” Jack filled Anna in as they were welcomed into the apartment.

Anna was busy taking in the effect of their efforts. Faux spider webs made of stretched cotton batting shrouded the doorway. A lamp in the living room had been fitted with a green bulb to give a weird ambience. She and Jack had just made it into the living room and turned around when Anna realized Niki and Crystal were already leaving.

“Hey, Sexy. Have fun.” Crystal smiled before stepping out.

“Wh-” Anna attempted to interject.

“Here. You should be good 'til Saturday.” Nikki handed Jack the keys to the apartment. “We're going to a midnight showing of The Exorcist. Call us tomorrow and tell us all about the apartment shopping and... Stuff.”

“Okay, but-” Anna waved uncertainly as Nikki slipped out, closing the door behind her.

Anna turned to regard Jack. Her eyes went distant for a beat.

“They are definitely gonna get dirty at that movie.” Anna observed.

“You mean because the theater isn't cleaned between showings?” Jack managed to asked straight-faced.

“No, funny-man.” She moved closer and lifted her right hand to cup his crotch. “That's not what I mean.”

Standing with a clipboard in either hand, Jack put on his best goggle-eyed look of dismay.

“But... That's illegal.”

This earned a laugh.

“Well, it's an adult type movie, so at least they shouldn't be corrupting any, uh-”

“Impressionable youths.” Jack provided.

“Right. Now,” she took one of the clipboards, “Can we turn on some other lights or get a flash light so I can see?”

“Oh, you can look around tomorrow.” He took her free hand and towed her through the living room and kitchen.

“Tomorrow? Jack... I didn't bring clothes or a toothbrush or...”

“That's why it's called spontaneous, Sweetie.”

She let herself be pulled along, faintly exasperated, but smiling. Realizing it was becoming a familiar sensation, she shook her head, exasperation fading.

“I like being spontaneous. I just like to know when I'm doing it.”

“Well, yeah,” Jack paused at a bedroom door, “That's fair. If you wanna go later, I'll drive and you can nap. But first, there's Starbucks in the fridge, the apartment tour to do, and,” he gave a little cough, “Your gift.”

“Whoa, what?” Her exasperation began to well up again. “I know we like spontaneous – and Halloween – but since when do we give gifts for almost-Halloween?”

“Um,” Jack shrugged, “Since it's close to when we first met, and it's been a year...”

Anna blinked. Her face went slack.

“I didn't know we were... Why didn't you say something?”

“That would've ruined the surprise.” He smiled.

Seeing a different kind of exasperation on her face, he added, “Relax. It's more of a gesture, really. I didn't spend a bunch of money on it or anything. As far as the anniversary thing, I just wanted an excuse for the gift.”

“So... It wasn't specifically for a one year anniversary thing?”

“No, but I thought that was a nice idea...”

She sighed, gave him a jab with her clipboard.

“That's for making me feel bad. Although... Maybe we could make Halloween our official unofficial Anniversary. Like, for the purpose of celebrating it. 'Cause we already celebrate Christmas, and my birthday – when we exchanged rings. Be nice to have a separate day...”

“Sure. You know I'm not picky about that sort of thing.”

“Yeah. You could be a little picky once in a while, y'know?” she poked him again, more gently.

“Let's make it Halloween, then. Family doesn't expect a visit for Halloween. We can hit a party, go out to eat, or just chill at home.”

“Typical shut-in logic,” she noted, “But, in this case, sounds good.”

Jack leaned to kiss her forehead.

“So, where's my gift?” he whispered.

“Jackass.” Anna laughed. “I'll think about that. Where's my gift?”

“After you.” he gestured to the door.

Giving him the squint eye, she opened the door and ventured into the room. There was a green glow coming from something at around waist height in the middle of the room. Sliding a hand along the wall, Anna found a light switch. When her eyes recovered from the sudden light, there wasn't a lot to see.

What there was to see, brought on a moment's deja vu. A couple of large cardboard boxes stacked on atop the other. To one side, two heavy mink blankets lay in a rumpled mass.

“Always with the boxes.” Anna murmured, going in for a closer look at whatever it was that sat atop the boxes.

It was, as she had suspected, Jack's laptop – and his mouse, which she realized was the source of the glow.

“Are we watching a movie?” she asked.

“Nope.” Jack moved into the room with her, gestured to the blankets, “Have a seat.”

She spread the blankets a bit and knelt. Jack settled behind her, long legs splayed to either side.

“This isn't gonna be a Rick Roll, is it?” Anna abruptly demanded.

“Ugh, I'm deeply wounded by the implication, Sweetcheeks,” he joked, “Click the mouse to wake it up.”


She did as he suggested. The screen lit up. There was a single icon in the center of the plain black background. The icon was a Jack-o-lantern with the text 'click me.' She shrugged.

“Follow the white rabbit, huh?” she mused, double-clicking.

A window popped up. White text fed rapidly across black as the program went through it's simplistic loading protocol. Then an intro screen with larger text appeared accompanied by a clip of crunchy 8-bit sound.

“Hack the planet!” the midi crackled.

On the screen, Anna read:

'Hack the Planet Productions Presents...


A demonic 8-bit roar sounded, whereupon the words 'ANNA'S DOOM' turned blood red.

She looked up, amusement, awe, and disbelief competing on her face.


“I know a guy.” Jack supplied with supreme nonchalance, then added, “There's a fan of the webcomic who does mods for DOOM. I know it's not your favorite game, but this particular mod should be entertaining. I mean, I assume. I haven't even played it yet. Hopefully it's not too buggy.”

Look back, she found the screen had changed. She recognized the simple start screen:

Start Game



She hit the enter key and, out of curiosity, tried one of the old cheat codes when the level had loaded. It worked. Tapping down the line of number keys, she discovered a few substitutions to the old arsenal of weapons. A flamethrower, a quad-shotgun, a machete, and something she had to test before figuring out it was a killer orb like the ones in Phantasm.

She soon discovered that the various monsters and corrupted military types had been replaced as well. The imps were now xenomorphs, and spat acid instead of fireballs. Judging by their movement patterns, it was the pinkys that had been replaced with a number of slashers – Jason, Mike Meyers, Leatherface. Other stand-ins included Candyman, Pinhead from Hellraiser, and Pennywise from It.

“Did you tell this guy our whole life stories?” she asked, upon discovering that the health pickup icons had been changed to pizza boxes, and armor pickups were new shoes.

“Nah. Just some details to make things fun.”

It was a few minutes of play before Anna realized that the level she was playing was one giant library – or book store.

“Wondered when you were gonna catch on to that.” Jack observed when she mentioned it.

She had been up on her knees to be on a level with the computer. Pausing the game, she glanced back at Jack.

“Somebody just happened to offer to do all this for your, uh, wife... Like, out of the blue?”

“Well, not exactly.”

She felt his hands on her hips and let herself be pulled back into his lap. He had taken off his hoodie at some point. She ran her hands along his arms where they loosely encircled her.

“So how-”

“I offered to pay, but he was a fan of the webcomic, and said he had been working on making a horror movie themed mod anyway. So we worked something out and I'm sending him signed copies of the print volumes we've published so far.”

“Hm. That explains that part, but-”

“I uh, might've posted on the site – on the forum – asking for interesting ideas for a Halloween themed anniversary gift. With a little info...”

“Wait, so when you said the anniversary thing was just an excuse-”

Jack gave a little cough.

“I lied. Didn't want you to feel bad. It was my fault for not saying anything about the anniversary idea, but... he gave a half shrug. “Guess I didn't really think about receiving a gift. At the risk of sounding corny... I already have you.”

“Dummy.” she quietly replied. Pulling one of his hands from her body and lifting it to press it to her face, she kissed his palm, then added with a smile; “That is pretty corny.”

They sat for a few seconds that way, Jack gently dragging the pad of his thumb over her lower lip. While Anna let her eyes close and hugged his other arm to her.

“Good thing I know a cure for cringe.” Jack eventually murmured.


Having worked his free hand under her leather jacket, he trailed it up her side, tickling. Anna flinched, twisted, wriggled against him, gasping complaints and invectives between bursts of laughter. Finally she managed to turn about in his arms and sprang up, throwing her arms around his head – burying his face in her breasts in the process – and toppled him onto his back on the blankets.

Jack's voice came, muddled beyond comprehension, from under her tits. Pushing herself up, hands on his shoulders, she gave him an expectant look.

“What was that?”

“I said 'this would be my second favorite way to go out.”

Her eyebrow quirked up.

“Let me guess. If you come down with terminal-nerd-disease, you want me to sit on your face while they pull the plug?”

“Good to know all my subtle hints aren't going to waste.” he joked, running both hands down her back to give her ass a rough squeeze.

“Mmm. And if I go first,” she mused, “Well, Brad Pitt isn't getting any younger-”

She broke off with a little cry of surprise as Jack began another merciless tickle assault. Wrestling to restrain his hands, she lowered her grinning face to bump her forehead to his. He subsided as she pressed her lips to his. Soon, soft moans replaced their laughter.

When they came up for air, Anna sat up straddling him.

“Still got the heat working in here, huh?” she observed, shedding her jacket and tossing it to one side. “Hey, did you say Starbucks?”

Jack's hands stilled where they had been about to undo the button on her jeans.

“Oh, yeah. In the fridge. I thought the ice might melt and water them down, so I just got a few different types of the bottled stuff.”


She brushed his hands away and rolled off to stand. He watched as she moved to the door and paused there. Turning to face him, wearing a sultry smile, she popped the button and slowly drew down the zipper on her jeans.

“Want anything while I'm up?” she asked in a most suggestive tone.

Jack just stared, smiling faintly, for a long moment before hopping up.

“Right behind you.” he assured her.

In the kitchen, while Anna stood with the fridge door open, deciding between mocha, vanilla latte, and caramel macchiato, Jack curled his arms around her. He slid one hand under her top and up over her tummy.

“Trick or treat.” he breathed into her ear.

Anna nudged him back enough to close the fridge door. She took her time enjoying a few swallows of mocha before recapping the bottle and turning around.

“Mm. That's a pretty weak excuse for a costume.” she said at last, “I'm not sure you deserve any sweets.”

“Okay, but...” his eyes trailed down to her open fly, “What if I was hoping for something salty?”

“Oh. Well, maybe...” she took a step to one side to set the bottle on the counter.

Stepping in close, Jack spoke very quietly.

“What if I asked really nicely?”

He planted a sucking kiss just behind the corner of her jaw.


He began inching downward, kissing down her neck before nuzzling against her chest. Anna's breath caught, and she gave a husky purr as he teased her nipples with his teeth. Moving down again, he paused.


Lifting her shirt, he pressed kisses to her tummy on either side of her navel.

“Mm, Jack...” she murmured, one hand going to the top of his head.

Down on one knee, he crushed his face into her crotch, then opened his mouth against the bulge forming through the material of her jeans. He let his teeth graze her. When she moaned in response, he tipped his head back to look up at her.

“Please?” He asked, his voice a breathy whisper.

Looking down and meeting his gaze, an extra surge of arousal flooded Anna. Neither of them was big into the dom/sub stuff, but they weren't immune to a thrill at seeing and hearing each other intentionally playing at vulnerability and literally asking for it.

“Take my pants off.” she instructed, deciding to play things out a little longer.

Jack took his time doing as he was told.

He nuzzled against her again, with only her soft panties barely containing her. When he eventually looked up again, she nodded.

“Those too.”

When he had slipped her underwear down, but before he could take advantage, she laced her fingers into his hair and gently but firmly restrained him.

“Don't move.” her voice was heavy with lust.

He didn't have to wait to find out what she had in mind. The next moment Anna shifted forward, rising on her toes and pulling him closer. She shuddered, slowly rolling her hips out of sync, lost for a few seconds in unthinking impulse as she ground her cock and balls against Jack's face.

Far from any inclination to pull back, Jack reached around, one hand on her ass and one on the back of a thigh, pulling her to him and giving his head a little shake – a bit more gently than he might have were he nuzzling her tits. He unknowingly loosed a long, deep groan as, eyes closed, he lost track of everything but the feel, and warmth, and smell of her.

With both of them hot, hard, and breathing heavily, Anna eventually tapped Jack on the head, inching back when he loosened his hold on her. He tipped his head back again.

“I still haven't... Actually said yes.” she noted between breaths.

Jack smiled, eyed her gorgeous, twitching cock where it hung within easy booping range, making him start to go cross eyed, then looked back up at her.

“Please... Anna.” He tipped his head a bit more so that her hot, swollen tip rested on his chin. His expression said he was well aware how much this was turning her on – but rather than smugness or mischief, he radiated the same desirous passion she felt as he added, “Let me suck your cock.”

If her expression and breathing hadn't been a dead giveaway, her cock twitched, bouncing against his chin.

“Please. Fill my mouth.” He opened wide and slid his tongue out and down to touch her tip.

“Mmph, okay, fuck.” She whined, already moving to slide her length over his tongue, pressing past his open lips.

“Oh, God, Jack.” She groaned as he began sucking.

While Jack enjoyed his treat, Anna peeled off her tube top and shed her bra. Threading her fingers back through her raven hair, she arched her back and took a deep breath. And another. She made a point of inhaling slowly, stretching her lungs full, while trying not to focus on anything particular – including the pleasure. Partly to last longer, and partly because the pleasure always seemed to build so intensely that way.

Regardless, she knew she wouldn't hold out very long. On that note, it occurred to her to consider whether she wanted to cum like this, or wait until they were fucking. Or both? She could probably-

Another thought followed these, and Anna opened her eyes and looked down again. She gave Jack a gentle tap on the head.

“Hey, oooh,” she groaned, her attention inadvertently zeroing in on the swelling, pulsing pleasure. “Hey, Jack.”

“Mm?” Jack slowed, stopped, drew back.

He wiped his lips with the back of a hand while Anna shuddered at the sensation of suction slipping over and off the head of her cock. She was still for a moment, teetering on the edge, as pre-cum oozed from her tip to drip to the floor between them. Jack's eyes followed the dribble of fluid down, then tracked back up to her face. The corners of his mouth quirked up.

“Did you, mm, did you happen to remember lube?” she asked.

The hint of smile faded.

“Aw. Shit.” he said quietly.

“Tsk tsk. Aren't you Mister Boyscout? Never mind.” She smiled, having thought one step ahead already. “That just means you're going to get to enjoy your favorite treat.”

“Um?” his brow rose.

Taking a step back, she bent and caught up her jeans and tube top, tossing them in his face.

“There's your pillow. Lay down.” Then, with a laugh, she added, “Well, strip first, then lay down.”

Looking forward to finding out what she had in mind this time, he quickly struggled out of his own clothes and spread the communal pile of garments to form a pillow and a patch to lay on so that he his bare skin wasn't sticking to the cool floor. Finally, he lay down on his back, assuming that was what she meant.

“I know you asked for something salty,” Anna joked as she turned and stepped to stand with one foot to either side of his head, bending to see his face past her swinging cock and balls, her hair falling to brush his midsection, “but first you'll have to, uh... Have your cake and eat it, too.”

“Swing and a miss.” Jack laughed. “Leave the funny stuff to the professionals, toots. But yeah, go ahead and drop those sweet cheeks on me, Sweetcheeks.”

Anna rolled her eyes.

“Take a reeeally deep breath.” she muttered, lowering herself into a squat.

Jack chuckled, reaching up to help steady her. As she shifted to fold her legs under her and kneel, he spread her sweet cheeks and guided them down. He gave a feeble 'mmp' when she surprised him by settling more of her weight in his hands than he had expected.

Pinning him down and sealing his face beneath her buns, she gave them a wiggle, then paused for a three count before lifting her rump a couple of inches. After the initial surprise, this clearly hadn't done much to put a damper on Jack's enjoyment, Anna noted. During the playful smothering he had pressed his tongue out against her taint.

“Just a sec,” Anna said over a shoulder before rising onto all fours, “Mm, I want a taste, too.”

Finding him quite hard already, she bent to lick down the length of his shaft. She then took him into her mouth and rocked forward and back, giving him a few hard sucks and earning a well-pleased groan from the vicinity of her ass in the process. Shifting back and releasing him from her mouth, she took him in hand. Opening wide and extending her tongue, she slapped his cock against it repeatedly, trailing spit between them and making a nice wet smacking sound.

“Been watching porn again?” he smiled.

“Just having some fun.” she replied. “Ooh,” she playfully slapped his thigh, “Do the thing.”

Jack took a turn rolling his eyes, then, with a faint 'hmp,' lifted his upper body all together, using his core. In the near-dark room, Anna could hardly see the difference, but when she nuzzled her face against him and trailed her tongue over his midriff, she felt the washboard ridges of muscle under the surface. She smiled, then gave his tummy another long, lingering lick, a kiss, and a gentle slap.

“Okay, relax. Breath.”

While Jack sank back onto the pillow of clothes, she rose on all fours again, giving him a few moments before lowering her backside close to his face again.

“Good?” she asked.

“Not bad, but I'm hoping to be better any time now.” he joked.

“Well, since you forgot lube...” she began, taking hold of his right wrist and bringing his hand up and placing it on her shaft, “Now you get to help me make some.”

“Oh. I hadn't thought of th- mff. Mmm.” He was quieted when she again lowered herself onto his face.

Happy to take the hint, he began stroking in the front while putting his mouth to work in the back. Moaning from time to time, Anna at first contented herself with kneading and squeezing her own breasts and tweaking her nipples. She reserved a tiny part of her awareness for holding her body at the right angle and not dropping her weight on Jack while he was busy tongue-bathing her from balls to back entrance.

Eventually, when she could feel herself getting close, she put her hand over his.

“Keep going. Just, mm, like this.” She adjusted the angle down a bit and shortened his stroke so that her cock wasn't shifting up and down so much. She held her other hand, cupped, a couple of inches beyond her tip.

“Ooo, yeah,” she almost panted, “Like that. Don't stop.”

She fought the urge to buck or roll her hips while her body tensed and shuddered in response to his efforts.

“Huh, Jack, oh, uh-huh-huh-hnnn!” Her voice deteriorated into a series of short gasping cries, which came between the breathtaking surges of pleasure.

Jack kept his tongue pressed to her clamping hole and his hand stroking as Anna came. The first few ropes of hot cum spattered into her waiting hand with such force that it actually registered in her mind, though only as a small and distant sensation amidst the crashing tumult of orgasm.

As the intensity of her climax eased off and the clenching throbs of her cock slowed, she allowed herself a few shuddering jerks of her hips. Finally, she tapped Jack's hand, though he was as good as usual about reading things, and had already eased into long, slow strokes.

“Mmmm. Thanks. Gimme a sec... And I'll turn around.”

Anna kept the one hand closed on the warm, sticky seed as she lazily rose. Getting to her feet, she turned to straddle his midsection, facing him this time. Lowering herself, she half turned and pressed her closed hand to his cock so as to gradually sheath it, slicking her cum down his shaft as she stroked down to his base.

“Mm, that worked out well.” Jack observed.

The observation was followed by a happy sounding murmur when Anna took an extra moment to tease his balls with her nails. Smiling herself, she lowered herself to lay atop him, their faces close. Bringing her still somewhat sticky hand up, she paused.

“You wanted something salty, right?”

Jack watched, not answering, as she licked her hand clean. He swallowed, then tipped his head a bit, expecting her kiss. He didn't quite anticipate how forceful a kiss it would be, or how she would thrust her tongue deep into his mouth. Feeling her breast heave against his chest, her lips crushed to his, her tongue moving, spreading the intimate salty tang of her, he was suddenly swept up and spurred on by overpowering passion and lust.

While Anna brought her hands up to his face, Jack curled one arm around her and levered himself up with the other. As they rose, Anna shifted back, then made an emphatic, muffled sound. Though neither of them broke the kiss, Jack did stop short of sitting fully upright. Anna took the opportunity to wiggle her lower body back and reach down with one hand. She shifted again, then slowly let her weight bare her down.

They reacted almost in unison, inhaling, then groaning their pleasure into the kiss as she took him inside. Too worked up to take it slow, Anna didn't bother trying to take his entire length. Stopping about halfway, she began rocking her hips forward and back. She felt Jack's hands glide up her thighs, over her hips, and back to rest lightly over the hills of her ass as they rose and fell.

Finally breaking the kiss, she nipped his ear lobe.

“You're turn, hmp, Nerd. You gonna... Cum for me, or, uhn, or do I have to ask really nicely?” she managed between moans.

“Heh, mm, fuck,” he smiled, eyes closed, breathing heavily, “No... You don't have to ask.”

“Good,” she was close enough that their faces brushed as she moved, “Give it to me.”

They shared another fervent kiss, after which Anna's rhythm broke for a moment when Jack began leaning back. Moving his hands to the floor behind him, he put his abs to more practical use – helping him thrust up in counter-time to Anna's bouncing. Just as worked up as she was, he wasted no time speeding up. Seconds later, the apartment was filled with the rapid-fire slapping of their bodies meeting. Anna's cries sounded like somebody getting off while strapped to an out of control washing machine.

Giving up on matching Jack's jackhammering pace, she braced herself with her hands on his chest, just letting the ride hurry her toward climax. In a pleasant turn, it was the sound and feel of Jack reaching his limit that finally tipped her over the edge and into her second orgasm. As he became almost still, rooted and pouring cum deep inside her, she moved her own hips again, grinding her semi hard, leaking cock against his tummy as she finished.

As the intense pleasure subsided and the brain fog lingered, Jack slumped back onto the clothing cushion. Anna slid her legs out from under her and settled limply atop him.

As their breathing approached normal again, Anna shifted lazily. She lifted her head a bit.

“Hey hon?”

“Hello?” Jack replied without moving

“Does this place have any... Paper products?”

“I think there is actually toilet paper in the bathroom.”

“Oh, good. We won't have to use your clothes to clean up.” she joked.


“Thanks for my gift, by the way. And, like, all of this. The first date thing, too.”

“My pleasure, really.”

They were quiet for a bit.

“Hey.” Jack eventually spoke up.

“What's up?”

“You know you just called me 'hon'?”

“I...” she thought a moment, shrugged. “Yeah, well... we just came and stuff, so...”

Jack smiled.

“Yeah. Kinda liked it.”

“Hush.” Anna smiled.

“Okay, so, different topic.” Jack replied.


“Total honesty, while we're still all dopey. How do you feel about moving in together.”

Anna gave this a bit of thought. She found his right hand with her left and teased his palm with her nails before lacing her fingers with his.

“Let's do it.”