Chapter 51: Psychic Possession!
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ORIGINAL Author: Chaos

SPINOFF Author: Vester



The Cursed Monsters finally slaughtered the last person which was covered in red glow.

His blood literally splattered everywhere in the surroundings~



“Aaah!!! The Monsters are coming this way run!!”



“Stop!!! It hurts!!!”

After killing the last person, the Cursed Monsters became calm and travelled back towards their owner while trampling through the people!

The people being stomped on were in quite a lot of pain!

The monsters were ruthless even though they were just walking… They didn’t give a shit about the people and just walked right through them while crushing them under the feet.

The people screamed and shouted as they were trampled upon, some of them were even hurt because of the Cursed Monsters claws and the blade sticking out of their elbows. Even though they were just Servant Class Monsters, the normal people were still vulnerable to them.

After all, it didn’t even took the Cursed Beast Monsters 5 min to slaughter One Hundred and Seventy Nine “Mages”.

Meanwhile, Bai Yang’s corpse which was overlooking everything like a boss undead monster, shuddered all of a sudden and it’s eyes lost the pink illusory glow!


It suddenly collapsed on the ground face forward and was not moving at all!


A Cursed Beast Monster halted in its tracks, it looked at it’s body very weirdly. Then suddenly, it’s body started bleeding black, from all sorts of holes! The blood gushed and then…


The Cursed Beast Monster exploded…

The pieces splattered everywhere on the people nearby.


“Ewwww!!! What is this!!!”


Some young teenage girls screamed as they saw it all go down.




Just like the first one, the rest of the Cursed Beast Monsters also followed suit.


Similarly, all of them which were making their way back suddenly splattered into mushy puddles as soon as Bai Yang collapsed!

Mu Bai, Xu Zhaoting and Zhou Min immediately halted in their tracks!

Before they were able to do anything, the Monsters turned into a puddle and died on their own!

“What the?!”

“What’s happening?!”

“I… I don’t know…”

The three were confused beyond belief. Everything happening today was a shock to them!

Mu Bai suddenly stepped forward.

“W-wait! What are you doing?! Do you want to die or something??” Zhou Min quickly held his arm and pulled at it.

“Of course I don’t want to die! But we need to check it..” Mu Bai shook her hand off!

“…” Zhou Min didn’t know what to say anymore…

She had a complicated look on her face.

Meanwhile Xu Zhaoting’s palms were already sparkling and ready to discharge at anytime!

Mu Bai cautiously approached one of the black puddle while his hands were also emitting cold fumes.

He gulped as he got near the disgusting black puddle. _Shit… it won’t suddenly kill me right?_ Mu Bai thought as his hands began to shiver and resolve began to waver!

He stood in front of the puddle and noticed the liquid was very viscous! At least 5-10 times thicker than blood!

He picked up a pebble and dropped it in the black puddle.


Nothing happened…


He heaved a sigh of relief while wiping the droplets of sweat on his forehead.

“It’s fine guys, they’re dead!” Mu Bai informed the other two.


Xu Zhaoting and Zhou Min also heaved a sigh of relief.


Mo Fan’s corpse which was not moving for a while suddenly inhaled as if he was out of breath for a while!

Zhang Xiaohou who was crying buckets was startled!

“B-brother Fa—Hyaa?!” Before he could complete the word, Mo Fan’s eyes sprang up and he sat up suddenly!

He Yu who just arrived at the scene was just as much surprised!


*Pant* *Pant* *Pant*

Mo Fan panted like crazy as if he had ran a 50km long marathon without any brake.

He looked at his own body and noticed that a sharp burning pain was emerging through his chest!

“Fire Burst!” He immediately lit up a puff of flame.

“Ugh!” He started to cauterize the big gash on his chest which was not closing at all.


The process was painful but not unbearable considering what he had been through all his life.

“Brother Fan what are you doing?!” Zhang Xiaohou yelled when he saw Mo Fan trying to burn himself!

“I’m cauterizing my wound, so that it won’t bleed anymore. Potions are useless for wounds made by curse or corruption. So it won’t heal unless I find a Light Magic user who can purify it first.” Mo Fan explained.

“You on the other hand can be cured since you didn’t suffer any wounds. So, Heal him He Yu” Mo Fan said as he looked at He Yu standing in daze there.

She immediately snapped back when Mo Fan mentioned her name!

“O-okay!” She nodded her head and immediately made Zhang Xiaohou drink the potion.

“I thought you died Brother Fan… You have no idea how worried I was!” Zhang Xiaohou said.

“Haah? There’s no way I would die from a mere Cursed Beast Monster.” Mo Fan replied in annoyance.

Sure he played out an act, and his acting was also top class since his friends really thought he died but still how could they think that ‘He’ would die from a Cursed Beast Monster…

Sigh.. forget it…

“I used a spell, which made me possess Bai Yang’s body for a few minutes since my cultivation is unbearably low right now…

I’m Sorry for hitting you so hard with the cursed beast monsters, but in my defence they are not under my control. They still retain their savage nature after all. I only gave them orders on what to do.” Mo Fan said.

He Yu and Zhang Xiaohou were stumped! How could he do it? He only has Fire Element after all…

His explanation just doesn’t make any sense.



Zhang Xiaohou was enveloped in a warm greenish golden glow as He Yu applied one Potion on his affected area and made him drink the other.

He was recovering at a visible speed! His chest wounds healed and his cut on the head closed up!

Since the cut, was not made by the Cursed Beast Monster but by him banging against a rock, it healed up nicely without leaving a scar!

“Stop Thinking about useless things and let’s go, I’ll ask my Wolf army to gather the people.” Mo Fan noticed Zhang Xiaohou was healed perfectly.

_Wolfy round them all up!_

He gave a message to Wolfy via their soul connection to gather all the scattered people.


Wolfy Acknowledged and the wolf Army immediately got to work.

Sigh… _Sheesh, can’t believe my Possession worked! If I hadn’t levelled up my Mental strength to what it is, I doubt it would’ve worked, since my Psychic Element is just at the 1st Tier of Basic Level._

Similar to the concept of Advanced Spell of Psychic Element Mind Control, Mo Fan had devised his own original spell “Possession”.

It allowed him to possess an individual’s body completely for a few minutes or hours or even days depending on his mental strength and cultivation level of the element.

But Possession was a draining spell. It drained his mana even faster than he could recover.

Not only that but there was a visible drawback about this spell when his cultivation was low…

He himself would be in a vegetative state. That’s why he didn’t wanted to use it unless and until it was absolutely necessary.

But because of it, he was able to ‘cleanly’…? Wipe out any presence of Black Vatican from the hoard of civilians.

Within ten minutes the Wolf army immediately gathered everyone up!

Mo Fan recovered his Psychic Element’s mana and cast another spell to pacify them. But it didn’t work because of his low cultivation.

“Damn it.”

The people were terrified of the Wolves but they knew that they won’t attack them, since they were escorted by them before!

But it didn’t change the fact that they were extremely compliant because of fear.

Mo Fan went near Bai Yang’s corpse and burnt it!

Bai Yang was burnt to ashes within two minutes because of the extra damage of his spell.

Little Loach had absorbed each and everyone of the Soul Essences of the One Hundred and Seventy Nine Black Vatican scums!

Surprisingly there was a bountiful harvest of Sixty Five Soul Essences!

But Mo Fan hadn’t checked it yet.

Truth be told there were hundreds of Warrior Level and Servant Class Soul Essences floating around inside Little Loach!

Mo Fan had planned to use them to strengthen his Element’s stars but Little Loach had other plans for them~



Shadow/Chaos/Curse Element: Tier 0

Undead/Earth/Sound/Psychic Element: Tier 1

Summon Element: Tier 3

Fire, and Lightning Element: Tier 5

Space Element: Tier 4


Fire Element: Tier 1

Space Element: Tier 1

Summon Element: Tier 1

Lightning Element : Tier 1

Mental Strength: Lv. 3 (Around 3.5)


Small Warrior Level.

6× Stronger Than Every Monster at it’s Level because of Royal Bloodline!

8 metres Huge.