Chapter 46 ‘The delightful family breakfast’
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<Golden Queen>

The Queen had come to enjoy her new routine.

Its inefficient nature held a certain charm.

"I-I'm pretty sure I can do this by myself now..."(N)

The queen gazed at the little girl sat in her lap. Her short white hair fluttered with each and everyone of her movements. Movements that had been made in an attempt to avoid the spoon in the queen's hand.


The queen had gotten used to this type of reaction. Every morning she had spent with her dear daughter always started out like this. Navy had at first been very feisty and unreasonable when it came to this very simple matter of eating. She didn't like the idea of being fed or the fact that the food served had been already chewed. Really small issues. Navy had tried running, hiding, and even pretending to be full to avoid this but her successive failures and resulting punishments gradually made her give up.

"Yes! I-"(N)

The queen quickly took the opportunity to shove the spoon into Navy's mouth. An expression of pure bliss lit Navy's face for a second before it collapsed into one of indignation. To put it simply, this was not the first time the queen had played this sort of trick, nor was it the first time Navy had managed to fall for it.

"Don't make such a face after eating something so tasty, give thanks. There are people who would kill for such food"(G.Q)

The food the queen chose and prepared for Navy was a luxury many desired. Whenever the queen chews the food, she imbues her own energies into it. Making it more tasty, more nutritious, and more appealing.

"Y-yeah... sorry"(N)

Navy stared at the ground while fidgeting with her hands. The tip of her tail swayed back and forth.



"Thank you for the food. It tasted nice"(N)

The queen couldn't help but let out a small smile at her daughter's response while flagging Marie to come and clear the now empty plate. It didn't matter how tough or unrefined her daughter acted. She was going to mould her into something truly special.

The gaze of the queen lifted up and to something she hoped would just leave.

"Ah, sister! You truly do have an eye for food! Was this creature around the last time I was here?"(C)

The queen decided to ignore the little nuisance sat opposite her lovely table.

"So, Navy how was your trip?"(G.Q)

A genuine question the queen wanted answered. She, after all, had not seen Navy the entire journey.

The little girl seemed to freeze at her question.

"O-oh, it... it was enjoyable..."(N)

"Is that all? What did you do?"(G.Q)

The little girl hesitated for a bit before divulging more information.

"We--I just played a c-couple of games...and did... uhhhh... a little walking"(N)

It was at that moment her dear sister broke into a loud laughing fit. This caused Navy to divert her attention while donning a confused and slightly worried face.

"Sister! You should have seen her!"(C)

"Seen me?"(N)

A look of dismay was slowly climbing Navy's face.

"Come on Navy, did you think I would really leave you alone wondering in a strange forest?"(C)

It was at that moment the queen felt Navy start to slip off her lap. Luckily her tail was there to keep her in place.

"Please do tell what happened sister"(G.Q)

"Where should I begin... Ah, I guess there would be right!"(C)

Her sister cleared her throat before she began speaking in a high tone,

"Greetings tiny children! I demand you to tell me where I am!"(C)

Her sister's laughing fit resumed as the queen felt Navy's presence grow smaller.

"Can you believe that was the first thing she said when meeting the other kids?!"(C)

The queen could almost not believe her ears. Almost. She had after all viewed a few of her Navy's actions through the eyes of Vultur. Navy had demonstrated behaviours not at all suitable for Yalery kind. Behaviours that went directly against the queen's teachings. It was because of that reason the queen had decided to hold her debut. To curb her wayward behaviours, but it appears she didn't even know the full extent of it.

"Continue sister, don't hold back even the smallest detail"(G.Q)

The queen needed to know the full extent of Navy's transgressions in order to properly help right her in the end. 



"What do you mean I am not coming?!"(M)

Marcey was stood in a room that screamed expensive. All the furniture in the room was extravagant and lavishly painted leaving them feeling like works of art rather than tools.

"My decision is final"(W)

Marcey stared at the soldier sat in front of him. The hero.

A certain feeling was welling within his gut. A strong feeling.


The monster that took the form of a friend was the most repulsive.

"Is this some cruel, petty form of revenge? Some elaborate scheme to make yourself feel better?"(M)

Marcey had been given a rough outline of the intended plan. One that could very well jeopardize the small peace they had managed to gain. He hated the plan and had come to something very rational. He was going to end or at the very least subvert it. Something that can be easily accomplished through journeying with the perpetrators. Something that White wouldn't allow.

"I believe you owe me one Marcey, especially after I freed you from your inevitable death"(W)

Marcey couldn't believe the words spoken to him. Mainly because of the person who spoke them. Marcey vividly remembered White in a very fond manner. She was Ignavus' right hand. She was his most trusted subordinate. Marcey could still remember how White would follow Ignavus everywhere like a lost dog. It came to the point where weird rumours started following them. Rumours that were unfound. White just held a deep admiration with Ignavus and understandably so. He was the greatest hero of their time. It was because of those reasons, those credibilities that Marcey found himself at a momentary loss.

A wrathful smile made its way onto his face.

"I don't owe you shit. Not after this"(M)

It was at that moment Marcey decided to take his leave.

It appeared the new hero was over her head.

Who does she think she is to order him around?