Chapter 48 ‘My little hero’
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"I'm being sherious, Mawie! Stop laughin! Thish ish not a matter to joke abou'"(N)

Marie couldn't help but let out a chuckle while wiping Navy's face dry. Teasing her little lady was just too easy.

"Okay, okay. I'll drop it... as soon as you stop moving your face"(M)

Her little lady ceased all motion at once. It appeared she was really against this idea.

'My gosh is she adorable'

Maire watched as her little lady tried making an expressionless face. She had closed her eyes and pursed her lips but was still twitching madly. Seeing this Marie couldn't help herself. One more little joke couldn't hurt, right?

"It's not like the cheeky spirit boy held your hand and professed his love to you"(M)

When Marie said this, she had expected her little lady to profess her innocence and deny the claims vehemently. That did not happen. Instead, her lady's eyes shot wide open. She couldn't have looked more guilty.

"I, uh, I-I don't remember ever saying anything like that. A-anyway even if it did theoretically like, happen. It wouldn't matter, right?"(N)

Her lady's attempt at nonchalance was awful. It only left Marie with potential problems.

‘Oh, my lady…’

Marie could already foresee how disastrous this situation could get. She had only agreed to listen to this tiny request from her little lady on a condition. A condition that would be broken the second she thought her lady might get hurt. If her lady sought out this dangerous wild spirit…To put it simply, the time for joking was over, she needed to nip this problem in the bud.

“I would like to remind you of just how dangerous wild spirits are my lady. They are beings know n for their mischievous actions. Playing tricks and conning people are all they are good for”(M)

“I know, I know”(N)

Marie couldn’t help but narrow her eyes at that response. It wasn’t too convincing.

“Just remember, if you get any funny ideas, I might be forced to tell the mistress"(M)

"Okay! Okay! No need for threats..."(N)

Marie could see her lady biting down on her bottom lip. Her frustration in being told what she was allowed to do was nothing new.

'Ahhh... that really killed the mood' 

As much as it killed the mood, it was beyond necessary that her lady understood this.

'All this after she has behaved so well'

Marie was really happy with the progress her lady had made. No longer did she fight about bathing, clothing or even feeding. Only a few short complaints here and there, mumblings or bargaining before she did as expected.

'What would be an appropriate reward?'

Good behaviour should be encouraged. A reward for good conduct and effort always encourages more.

"Shall we get going my mighty little hero?"(M)

Marie still remembered the phrase her lady used to shout whenever she was told to do anything she didn't like. Proclaiming she was a great hero was always her go to excuse as to why she shouldn't listen. Her lady would sometimes demand that Marie call her such in the past. It was a simple term her lady seemed to loved.

The look of surprise followed by excitement then subsequent embarrassment was most of what Marie expected.

"Y-you don't have to call me that, I know you don't believe me. I... I am no hero..."(N)

Her little lady had turned her attention to the ground.

'Oh no!'

It was far too soon for her lady to be losing her childish dreams.

"M-Marie, what are you doing?!"(N)

Marie had scooped up her little lady with one hand.

A mission was in mind.

Hollering at the top of her lungs she spoke,

"I am the greatest hero alive!!!"(M)

"What are you doing?! K-keep it down!"(N)

Giving her lady a small kind smile Marie replied,

"Not until you repeat it after me"(M)


"I am the greatest hero alive!!!"(M)

"St-stop that!"

Her lady's tiny hands attempted to block Marie's mouth. They failed. It was a good thing they were so small.

"I am the greatest hero alive!!!"(M)

"T-that's not even true! I can't even do anything! I can't fight! I can't use magic! I can't even win a trivial game! What kind of hero-!"(N)

"I am the greatest hero alive!!!"(M)

Marie saw her little lady's face twitch and twist into an ugly expression. She held onto that expression for a few seconds before finally repeating in a faint voice.

"I am the greatest hero alive"(N)

"Come on! Say it with your chest! I am the greatest hero alive!!!"(M)

Her lady hesitated for a moment before repeating in a slightly higher voice,

"I am the greatest hero alive!"(N)

"Almost there!"(M)

"I am the greatest hero alive!!"(N)

"One more time!"(M)

"I am the greatest hero alive!!!"(N)

The cute high pitched voice that rang out was not going to intimidate anyone. In fact, it was likely to have the opposite effect, but that was not the point of this exercise. The point of saying the chant was to lift her lady's confidence in herself and reward her good behaviour. It may have not been noticeable to most, but Marie had noticed it. The change that had occurred in her lady's behaviour. She no longer seemed to want to try. It was as if she was afraid of something. Something deep. Failure.

Marie had learnt about what had happened to her lady during her trip through many sources. Her informant, her mistress and through her lady herself. From what she could piece together her lady had suffered quite a few humiliations. Ones that were making her doubt her ability. A shiny example of this doubt manifesting was her lady's reluctance to try and use her mana. She stood out on the field for close to an hour before calling a quits. Marie had been looking for methods to help her lady gain back some of her former confidence. From the looks of it, it was starting to work.

"So, is my little hero ready to get going?"(M)

Marie stared at her lady's face which were hidden by her own hands.

"I... I can't believe you made me say that...never use that word again"(N)

'Damn... a fail...'

Finally freeing her hands from her face, her lady boldly declared,

"I am anything but little!"(N)

'There she is!'