AOT: Humanity’s Last Stand Chapter Eight: Trouble
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The seasoning and the wild peppers as well as the wild onions mixed with the water made it a bit like oil. Not many chefs lived in this world but cooking was an experiment, It was a combination of ideas together to create the perfect dish.

The wild onions and pepper contained a bit of natural oil so it would fry the deer meat and so therefore, It would turn a bit brown in color which would signify the time to add the pumpkin leaves to begin his vegetable soup.

I picked up the chopped leaves and poured them into the pot, Their green color being washed away by the brown water of the pot. I put a cover on the pot and proceeded into the living room.

A great chef no matter what is one with his food, He would feel when his food was burning and he would know when it was done, That was just one of the things about cooking.

I sat cross-legged on the mat while reading a book, my hands curiously stroking my chin, The words were far too easy and crude, it was almost a waste of time to do this but my Chef senses tingled instantly as he vanished from where I sat initially leaving Anna wide-eyed.


As I opened the pot, I was met with the sweet scent of my meal. The leaves had successfully spread across, coating the entire dish in it's natural aroma.

“Lunch is ready!” I cried out.

It didn't even take a moment for Anna to run outside, In her arms was a flat wooden plate which I had given her. 

I scooped up a lot of soup into her plate and even three pieces of meat just for her to enjoy herself, As for me, I had lunch before leaving home. Now that I'm thinking of it, Deers are at a shortage in the forest now, Do I need to wait for them to recuperate their losses? I think so, From now on, I'll hunt Boars and then also look for a recipe for non-expensive stew to serve alongside the Boar meat.

I looked at Anna who was devouring eagerly, like her life depended on it, I couldn't resist the urge, A hand went to her head and I stroked it with compassion. She seemed to like it very much.

I had once again left Anna behind for the day, She knew how to take food so it would last her until tomorrow afternoon, If you're wondering why I didn't bring her home? It's very easy. Just because Mom didn't complain with Mikasa doesn't mean she'll accept Anna wholeheartedly, Nope, That is seriously not the case here. I'd rather take care of her myself than give my Mom one more mouth to feed, Where's my Dad when you need him?

I clenched my fist as I held the Sniper, my signature gun near my face and walked around the forest, like a predator searching for his prey.

And anyway besides, I could see the stuff that happened when Mom noticed that I had a face wound.

“Aeron, Is there something on your face?” Mikasa asked, We were at the dining room and let me tell you, What happened next was not a pleasant sight.

Mom's eyes narrowed as she noticed a scratch on my face, Luckily the Combat system allowed healing if not I'd be screwed right now. Although it wasn't like Titan healing and took a much longer time to use, It was still preferrable than carrying a flesh wound around.


Oh man, She used my full name, I am in so much trouble.

“Mom, It's just a scratch,” I pointed out but that seemed to ignite the beast even more as she moved with lightning speed and drew me up by the cheeks. Even with my powers, I am powerless in the face of her.

Speaking of which, Why was she so fast???

“Mom, It hurts so much,” I said.

“Mom, Please let Aeron go, It's just a scratch,” Mikasa said while holding her hand, “You can pull my cheeks,”

Oh God, This girl put me in trouble and now she's saving me. I might get used to the Eren treatment from Mikasa, Oh my, I can't wait until we grow up and then I can fuck her senseless... Wrong thought for my age.

There is no way I would want the events of that day to repeat themselves and I had a feeling it would get worse if I presented Anna to Mom so I decided against it. Speaking of Anna, She sure was a brave girl. I made a small fence around the place and fixed the creaky door, And by small fence, I meant a fence big enough for no animal not to be able to jump over but for her to still be able to see the outside, It was only a matter of time before Shigashina fell and I'm getting scared.


Author's Note:

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