20 – Alpha
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He couldn’t even process what was happening before the canine teeth touched his neck and prickled him.

Sharp pain passed through his body but disappeared before he couldn’t even yelp.

Fel licked the wound she made and  in an instant distanced herself from him.

“Agh.. Dang it. Why did you do that?”

Touching his neck he felt a wet layer of something.

Some of it was her saliva remains and the others were droplets of his blood.

Surprisingly, after the initial prickling the wound stopped bleeding immediately and didn’t hurt at all.

“Woof. Friend a Leader.”

Fel answered with confidence as she lay down with her back on the floor showing her tummy.

This made him stop saying something bad as he wondered if she didn’t attack him and did something different.

So he looked at Sera with questions in his eyes and her open mouth covered by her hands and wide eyes.


‘Is this some big deal?’

Thinking about her being a wolf , maybe there is some kind of habit that they do and he didn’t know about. Or maybe it was the custom of werewolves…

‘Wait a fucking second.’

“Sera! She didn’t turn me into fucking werewolf, right? Right?!”

With desperate eyes he asked Sera who was looking at him with an astounded expression.

However, after his loud question she recovered from her daze and answered him.

“She marked you…”


For a moment he didn’t know what to think about all of this. But she still didn’t answer his question.

“Am I turned into a werewolf, Sera?!”

With apprehension in his voice he asked her again.

The idea of turning into a ravenous beast once in a while not knowing friend from foe wasn’t exactly tempting to him.

It wasn’t like he dislikes werewolves, vampires or any other creatures like that. He finds them really cool. But it is one thing to know all the pros and cons and not knowing anything.

And the most important thing is the fucking consent!

This is a violation of his genes! Where is Spirit Police when people need them?!

But Sera’s next words calmed him significantly.

“No you are not and won’t be, sir. In the first place, the ritual of the curse of werewolves is much more bloodied than this light bite. She simply marked you with this, acknowledging you as her leader, her Alpha. Other animals should also feel it… You should also acknowledge her as your Beta. She is waiting.”


“Woof. Yes!”

As she explained this he visibly sighed in relief. Fel wasn’t so inconsiderate in the end.

He really feared for a moment that he could say goodbye to his humanity.

So with a slightly berating yet bit fond expression he crouched on the ground and patted her tummy.

“So no permanent changes in me?”

He still had to ask to feel completely at ease.

“Ehm… Sir, I can’t really say there won’t be some side effects. I personally saw this for the first time. Furthermore, this is something that is probably made only in packs made of werewolves so who knows what changes it may bring. However, you do not need to fear. The changes won’t be at the level where it could change your race genes. It also shouldn’t bring any adverse effects either. All in all, it should be only beneficial for you.”

When he heard this he once again touched his neck. He planned to ask Fel too but she didn’t look like she was able to answer him for now.

‘Whatever. If it is not bad then I do not care about it.’

“Fel, next time say something before just jumping at me! I thought I was a goner!”

“Eh? Friend, why?! Enemy?!”

Fel jumped up immediately and looked around with cautious expression.

“Why?! Well… Haaah. It’s nothing. It doesn’t matter now.”

Seeing her like that he wondered if she just played it sometimes trying to avoid the consequences…

The silly dog was looking for enemies while Sera went to gather the garbage. As it seems they completely forgot their task again.

Sera only remembered it as she was trying to clean this place ever since she became a maid…

“By the way, how come that both spirit and material can contact each other here? I know that this place blurs both realms but changing race should be impossible right?  So even if Fel wanted to change me it should be impossible as she is same as you, a spirit.”

Satisfied with his deduction, he puffed up his chest.

“Eh? Sir, why would you think that we are spirits?”

However Sera’s question made him realize he probably wasn’t right.

“You are not? Didn’t you say that you can normally get to this place only as a spirit and that I am an exception?”

“That is only when the position of the Housekeeper is empty. It is the House itself that is taking initiative to bring spirits inside. Both me and Feliria are alive with both spiritual and material bodies. We were taken here by Housekeepers back then through the Summoning Magic Array ....”

When she said this her face showed a lost expression as a trace of gloom passed over her before she was forced to smile once again.

He wanted to ask more about them as he was interested but seeing her expression he decided to change topic.

“So, when are you going to get out of this maid costume?”


Shocked, she covered her body as her cheeks turned red.

He laughed at this and took the sack full of garbage from her.

“Didn’t I say that either the maid costume or the armor should go? How can you even move in that if you wear it like this, hahaha?”

Seeing her flustered expression was something that he came to enjoy from the moment he got to know her reactions.

She was like an open book and her poker face was nonexistent.

“Mou~ Sir, you are a bully.”


However, during their conversation when they bickered his mind was going elsewhere.

‘But a Summoning Magic Array, huh. Wonder where it is.’

His mind never did go stray from his original intention.

To find a way to get out of here alive.

No matter how good his time here or how good someone was to him here he was still here against his will.

He wants to leave and get back home.

To the place where his friends, family and his interests lie.

Despite losing his parents he still had other relatives he loved very much.

Things should still be okay as he lived alone and they weren’t in contact with each other so often.

In his opinion, it would take several days minimally before someone realizes something is wrong and that he is missing.

Probably, either his good friends or a few of the professors he had good relationships with.

After all, he was never one to skip school and they knew it.

Once they find out he is missing they will not know whether he is dead or alive…

Thinking about this, his inner anxiety spiked and his mood soured a bit.

“Sera, please guide us to the Fire Pit so we can get rid of this.”

“Eh?! Ah, yes, let us go, sir.”

Sera hurriedly gestured to him to follow him.

He turned to look at Fel and saw her still lying down so he had to call her.

“Fel, let’s go!”


She immediately ran to his legs and rubbed herself over his pants.

Since she didn’t do anything excessive he didn’t do anything and instead looked around worriedly.

Kitty, or rather Nova now, still didn’t return. He was quite worried that she could enter some dangerous place or meet some dangerous entity. Fortunately, Sea said that the House should guide her and nothing is gonna happen to her. He decided to believe in her since she doesn’t have reason to lie to him. Or at least he hoped that she would not.

They went through the ‘labyrinth’ in the living room and got back to the place where the chairs and couches were.

He decided to call this the Center of Living Room for the sake of convenience.

This made him wonder where Sera planned to go.

He didn’t expect that there were big doors beyond one pile of things lying on the ground!

“Where do these doors lead to?”

“Ah, that is the main entrance to this house, sir.”


As everything was a mess he couldn’t even guess that this place would hold the doors of the main entrance.

Right now, everything looks the same. Garbage everywhere.

“Haah… Fel, can you please help me with this?”

“Woof! Yes, friend!”

She nodded as she started to take all of those heavy things away from this place.

On other hand, he, a weak human, could take only smaller things and put them away.

No, he definitely wasn’t just reorganizing every junk around only to make just a bigger mess.

He knew that once you fall in that spiral it would be hard to get out of it.

On the first day, they managed to take an entire sack of garbage.

It isn’t much but considering that we had to filter a much bigger amount of things to give to the original owners or rooms he felt that they did a good job.

Especially after this horrible day when he was almost goner several times and managed to become pack leader of Fel. That alone will be an extreme advantage in the future.

He sighed. While he took some broken boards off the pile he found another book.

This time it took him a second to find out that he couldn’t read the title.

“Sera! I have another book for you.”

So he gave it to Sera. He noticed that there was a strange expression on her face for a second but it soon disappeared. He wasn’t sure if it was just his imagination or not.

‘Well, she doesn’t have any reason to look at me like that. Right?’

Some things that they easily identified they put on the piles they prepared where the things that should not be thrown away were put aside.

Those piles quite grew and didn’t look like they were any different from others but they knew what to do with them later.

When the doors were finally uncovered he noticed how shabby they looked.

It was quite shocking since the room he was residing in was literally so majestic that it looked as if it belonged to some palace.

On the other hand, this looked as if it belonged to some abandoned cottage.

That made him wonder why all of the rooms he saw were somewhat mismatched.

It feels as if this house has several rooms and corridors from different eras sewed together.

Just like Frankenstein’s monster…

But he didn’t dwell on it for too long as Sera already opened the doors and left this House.

He planned to do so as well but as he passed the broken boards he left on the ground he stopped.

‘I may as well take them.’

Fortunately, they weren’t so heavy so he could easily hold them under his armpit and followed after Sere in a hurry.

Once he got outside he saw the starry sky once again. Despite seeing it for the second time, it was still something beautiful.

When he looked in front of him he saw a big fountain. But there was no water flowing in it making it look rather bleak.

Everywhere around here have living fences making the place look like a labyrinth.

Some of it was shaped into all kinds of creatures. However, most of them were humanoid.

But just one glance was enough to know they were not humans.

“How come this place is so maintained? Wouldn’t those living fences grow everywhere?”

This was something he wondered about as there was no way those fences would stay the same for an infinite amount of time. Or at least normal living fences, that is.

“This place is also under the domain of Ms.Gardener. They won’t dare to grow outside of their designated areas.”

‘Oh, so she controls this part too. I guess it makes sense since she is Gardener.’

“Now we will need to get through this labyrinth to get to the Fire Pit…”

Sera pointed at the side entrance at the right that led to the so-called Fire Pit.

He didn’t know what to expect but he felt at ease when he saw Fel, Sera and…

His eyes opened wide when he saw the intruder to his personal space who fell on him from the skies.

“Long time no see, Mr. Housekeeper! You look much better this time!”