66 – A New Era (END)
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What followed was a match for the ages. Those who witnessed it could only speak with admiration about it.

Alice and Jonathan, alone, held off the zombies for hours. Not a single one got past the pair. Of course, they eventually got tired and suffered some injuries, but they weren't life-threatening.

Jonathan was scratched a few times, but thanks to the cure, he didn't turn. And although they both won their battle without any big injury, the same couldn't be said for the others. Parts of the prison were broken, and some died.

The number of survivors was now around 20,000, but Jonathan hoped no one from the main cast died.

Jonathan was on the floor, with Alice at his side. He was painting heavily, "Did --- did we win?''He managed to ask it with difficulty,

Alice, even with her superhuman body, was also painting. '' I thi--k we did.''

Jonathan pushed aside a zombie corpse that was on top of him and looked at the carnage he and Alice had made. Heads were rolling on the floor, limbs everywhere, blood in many places.

Jonathan made an estimate and reckoned that he and Alice had faced at least 100,000 zombies and won. Of course, not without injuries.

But he and Alice were alive and that was what mattered the most.

With difficulty, Jonathan got up and helped Alice too. When she looked at the carnage, she asked, "Did we do this?''

In the middle of a fight, it's hard to be aware of what's happening, so it was no surprise that Alice was shocked.

'' Yes. We won.''

Alice was emotional for a few seconds. Jonathan saw this and wanted to give her some space, but suddenly she pulled him close and gave him a big kiss.

Jonathan's eyes widened in surprise and, with Alice's strength, he couldn't move. Seeing that any resistance was useless, Jonathan decided to enjoy the kiss, even if it felt wrong.

After a while, Alice broke the kiss and made a surprised face: "I'm sorry! I suddenly got too emotional and acted without thinking!''

Jonathan didn't mind, "It's okay, really. I understand.'' He really did, the feeling of winning a war that big and difficult was something only the people who participated in it, could feel and enjoy.

'' I apologize again.''

''Don't apologize, but I have to go see the others now. We can talk about... this and us later".

Jonathan said goodbye and went to see the others. There was a lot to do.


The first people Jonathan encountered were Eve and Nathanael, who looked fine. '' How are you guys?''

When Eve and Nathanael saw Jonathan they stared hard, their face changing to one of shock.

'' What?''Jonathan looked at his body and it hit him he didn't even change clothes, so he looked like the color red walking. He shrugged after a bit, '' Nothing I can do right now. I don't really care.''

He was too tired to do that.

The sibling recovered and even with the mess Jonathan was, hugged him, '' I -- the last we saw you the Nemesis were getting close to you. We had to help with the other parts so we couldn't check... We thought you had died.''

Jonathan was happy to see people caring for him, '' I told you I was going to survive. And I'm glad you both did.''

The sibling broke the hug. Jonathan then remembered something and looked at Eve. Under the shocked gaze of Nathanael, he said, '' And Eve, the thing you suspect is true. I'm in a relationship with Samantha.''

' We just won a war, I think the best time to tell them is now... I think.'

Nathanael could only stare with his mouth wide open, while Eve just sighed, '' I suspected...'' and with a voice, only she could hear she said, ' Danm it, mom! You went first than me!'

Jonathan expected a more explosive reaction from her, so he was a little glad it was a normal one. Nathanael on the other hand... '' Dude, are you ok?''

That made Nathanael go back to the real world, '' I'm okay, but man, this is something you should've told us earlier! Since when you guys are ... doing it!?''

Jonathan sighed, '' Remember when we left our neighborhood years ago, to search for a better place?''

Nathanael nodded.

'' Since that time.''

Nathanael then paused. It seems he made some calculations, '' Wait, so Hope could be yours?!''

Jonathan flinched, ' This guy is a little slow to some things but now, look at him being sharp.'

Regardless, Jonathan didn't want to hide anymore, '' Hope is mine.''

Nathanael once again stopped working. But now it was Eve's turn.

'' Are you guys really in a relationship?'' She asked Jonathan with a different look in her eyes.

That look made Jonathan a little fearful but he replied honestly, '' It's complicated. We hit a wall recently bu-''

Before he could continue Eve jumped him and kissed him.

This time and once more, Jonathan didn't react because he was too shocked. When he finally recovered, he pushed her aside, gently.

Eve was looking at Jonathan with hunger in her eyes.

Jonathan never saw her like that and asked in a low voice, '' Eve, I just told you I'm in a relationship with your MOTHER of all people, and you react by kissing me?! What the hell!''

Eve chuckled a bit, '' You are the one who said you guys are complicated, so if my mom won't act, I will.''

Jonathan was shocked. This was the first time he saw Eve like this.

Poor Nathanael, who had just managed to recover from finding out his best friend was the father of his little sister, only to find out his sister kissing said friend like there was no tomorrow.

He once more stopped working.

Eve, now calm, started to pull the not-working Nathanael away, '' I'll leave you alone for now, but expect a talk later.''

Jonathan could only smile bitterly about the whole situation, ' I never saw Eve like ... that. But - I don't know what to do now.'

Everything become even more complicated now since the problem was more or less resolved. Regardless, Jonathan continued up his path ahead, to see his family/group.


Jonathan first checked on his parents, then, after making sure they were alright, went to see his group, the original ones from the prison, like Rick, Daryl, Carl, etc.

He was relieved to see that everyone survived. Jonathan then called Samantha, who picked up right away, '' Hello?''

Her voice sounded hopeful. Jonathan said slowly, '' Come back home. We won.''

Jonathan could hear her crying a little on the other side of the line, '' We are coming.''

She then turned off the call, and Jonathan now had time to look around. He could see a lot of zombies around, places that needed fixing, and ground that needed cleaning. It would take a lot of time and effort to do it, but Jonathan was happy and relieved, as they had won and had the possibility to do things the dead could not.

He could now think about other things, like expanding their territory, killing all zombies in the country, and asking the Umbrella scientists to somehow try and make everyone like Alice.

It was ambitious plans, but he now had the chance to make them into reality.

' Now, let's start a new era!'


Thanks for the support! I loved writing this fic at the beggining, but I lost the movitivation to write in the middle. The quality took a hit and I decided to end things earlier, to not compromise even more the quality.


Happy new year!