Seasons Greetings (and a poll!)
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Greetings of the Season

Hi and Merry Christmas, all you fabulous people, and also [insert season’s greetings you prefer here]. I’ve been busy finishing out the semester, trying to fortify what I want Get Lucky to be, and using my ability to grow a beard in Korea to its fullest advantage. Asians generally can’t, so I’ve won the genetic lotto, even though I look like a full murderhobo. Or a Klaus. Since I have such a luxurious salt and pepper beard this time of year, I got a job as a mall Santa. Little do all the adorable little children know, I moonlight as a smut author.

On November the 25th, I finished book 1 of Get Lucky, and right now I’m calling it Friday Apocalypse, though I’m open to changing that. So for the last 30 days I’ve been working on book 2! Since I’ve been playing a lovely game called Cult of the Lamb, it was time to use it as inspiration. Book 2 is presently called You Better Believe It, where Ash gets himself appointed the leader of a cult. What kind of agenda might his Divine Goddess have? Will Ash be able to suss it out before he indoctrinates too many people to the wrong cult? Will he embrace it and have a dozen wives?

Time will tell! Right now the book sits at 71,000 words, meaning we have about 30-40,000 to go before it’s over. Friday Apocalypse ended up at 125,000 (ish) since I’m trying to have them go a little shorter than the mammoth Evan books.

And, while my neck pain hasn’t faded entirely, it has subsided a bit over the course of the last 6 weeks.

AND, good news, I have 2 months of vacation with which to do a couple of things!

1- Arrange for production of EEE book 1, and probably through book 5, with a pair of narrators for the whole series, one for the female dialogue and one for the other 99% of it. That would mean hopefully an EEE1 audiobook by March or April?

2- Meet with my marketing guru to figure out if a boxed set of EEE is possible as a Kickstarter, and how to make it work. (I think I’ll be back in Michigan this July/August to make it happen). Think one large image over the five spines, along with an illustrated box to hold them, for your x-rated LitRPG (or just x-rated) bookshelf.

*if this interests you, please comment to let me know. I’m leery about making it, since I’m not sure how much interest there will be.

3- Write the end of You Better Believe It and figure out what’ll happen next, then possibly start AND finish book 3. I’m having fun with this card-based system, and the card-themed skills system. It’s helped me focus a lot more on skills than in Evan’s, where they sort of (ahem) dropped off the radar.

4- AND MORE? I’d have to be pretty pain-free for that to be possible, but who knows?

Have a lovely end of the year everybody, and thanks for sticking with me.

-Nolan Locke, the only Santa in Korea®