Chapter 1: Mannequins
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David was working hard adding the few final touches to the first area of his game. His new VR Horror MMORPG was called A Horrifying World and because of his shitty system it had to be a horror game. The system used fear as a currency and it specifically told him to design a horror MMORPG.

David had gotten the lore of the game figured out and the first area was set in NYC. A mysterious fog encompassed the city blocking out the sun. Monsters were known as the Twisted and the players respawning was explained as the fog feeds on despair and fear so it continuously revives the player and NPC’s for that fear. If a player or NPC gets a low enough sanity meter they too could turn into the Twisted. For an NPC that spells certain death for a player it just meant their corpse would become a monster and they could keep playing. The Fog twisted the surroundings and made new buildings out of the old. 

David was standing in the twisted NYC it was dimly lit at best and you would need a torch to see clearly. A torch would gain the attention of the Twisted a lot faster and some would just attack you straight away. There were five enemies currently in the game they were the Mannequins, the Watchers, the Hopeless, the Hunters and Betsy. Betsy acted as a mobile mini boss and was to basically say to players who thought they were hot shit that they aren’t. The world David was in was from the MCU specifically four months before Loki attacks NYC. David was wondering what his system actually did but he severely disappointed. 

His system didn’t make him overpowered it just brought his games shit into the real world. To bring the Mannequins into his world would cost him three thousand Fear. That was for a single Mannequin not a group or the ability to spam spawn them, a single Mannequin. Betsey would cost him one million Fear, he could also use Fear to make merchandise for his game. He was wearing a black shortsleeved teeshirt with the words Here’s Betsey in red blood font. Above those words was an image of Betsey murdering a man.

The world and its people and creatures were nearly completely sentient and the game world was ever changing. NPC accepted the facts that some people disappeared for ages and reappeared suddenly. David finished the starting areas and starting loadouts. There were three starting areas, the easiest was a police station as it was well fortified and had good loot. Medium difficulty belonged to a high school with more Twisted than the police station and less loot. The hardest difficulty belonged to a shopping centre it had lots of loot but also a lot of Twisted especially the Mannequins.

The game was digital and was compatible with any VR headset and ran on any computer. There was a tutorial and when that was completed you would be taken to a survivors settlement. The settlement acted as the starting hub of the game and didn’t get attacked much. The game was now on the Epic game store and Steam it would cost someone ten dollars. All David could do was wait for someone to buy the game.

David waited an hour before someone had actually purchased his game. Thanks to the system David could actually view and enter the game without needing a VR headset. His first victim seemed to be some weird goth girl she had long black hair and brown eyes. 


Becky was very surprised by what was happening. She had just bought a new game to play on her stream of a hundred people. She had put the headset but she was now in a blank space. A blue window appeared before her asking her for her starting loadout and location.

[Starting Point]

[Easy: Police Station]

[Medium: High School]

[Hard: Shopping Centre]

Her twitch chat was in the form of a blue window and was commenting that she should go big or go home. So she picked the shopping centre then another window popped up.

[Starting Loadout]

[Police Officer: Start with a M1911 pistol, three magazines of ammunition, a baton, standard police uniform and a set of handcuffs.]

[Doctor: Start with a scalpel, some bandages, medical knowledge, standard doctor’s uniform and three bottles of antibiotics.]

[Builder: Start with a hammer, a tool box, builders knowledge, hard hat, standard builders uniform, flashlight and a utility knife.]

[Solider: Start with an assault rifle, an M1911, three magazines of ammunition for the assault rifle, two magazines of ammunition for the M1911, standard military uniform, a bulletproof vest and a Rambo knife.]

Her chat went crazy and wanted her to pick the police officer’s starting loadout. She picked it and her surroundings began to change she was now crouching behind a shops counter. The stench of rot floated up her nostrils making her gip slightly. She had heard of advancements in making these games more realistic but this was something else. She quietly stood up and moved towards the full body mirror mounted on one the walls. 

Her chat began to howl as the mirror revealed her outfit. A tight dark blue shirt clung to her body with dark blue trousers. Her breasts were big but this top was absolutely suffocating so much so that she had to undo the top few buttons. Her jacket with the New York Police Department badge was on the floor with her gun its holster, the baton, cuffs and ammunition on top of it. As a proud American she knew how to operate a firearm like it was second nature. She exited the store and found herself on the top floor of the shopping centre. There was pools of blood and all the tell tail signs of bad shit happening here. 

Becky had the gun drawn and moved forward cautiously. Her chat was talking about the atmosphere it was quiet too quiet. The air was cold and carried the scent of death. Becky walked passed a clothing shop the window was broken and a naked mannequin was posed in the display. The mannequin was a sleek black without any facial features. The polished surface reflected Becky’s reflection back at her. 

“Bet it’s a jump scare!”

“It’s definitely something alright” her chat was slightly freaked out. 

“Guys it’s just a mannequin” Becky laughed slightly as she turned to leave. She got ten steps away from it then she heard scuttling and the hairs on the back of her neck prickled up. She quickly turned around and pointed her gun at the mannequin that was now out of the store window and just stood there. Becky was slightly scared and kept her gun pointed on the mannequin. “You can only move when I’m not looking at you” she stuck up her left hands middle finger “fuck you generic horror trope.” Her chat agreed and even laughed that was a mistake tho. 

As she said this the mannequin shot towards her, she was able to squeeze off one shot before her surroundings changed.

[A Mannequin has snapped your neck.]


Her chat erupted with surprised comments “what was that?” She panted slightly rubbing her neck she felt a lot of discomfort in her neck.

[Pain is real in this game you will only fell ten percent of this pain this can be changed at a later date] she wanted to quit she could actually fell pain. Her chat was asking if this was real which she said it was she pressed continue and found herself in the same shop as before. She collected her equipment and wandered towards her previous death location. Another thing she noticed was that she had something called a sanity meter that had gone down ten points. She found the mannequin hunched over her corpse. Sickening crunching sounds echoed out “kill that fuck!”

“Yeah kill it!” Her chat yelled as she steadied her arms Bang! her M1911 shot at the monster. The bullet hit the creature straight in the head, the mannequin just stood up and its head rotated a complete one hundred and eighty degrees. Her chat was in disgust the mannequins once smooth face was now split open in an upside down triangle way. This revealed a mouthful of razor sharp teeth.

“You’re one ugly mother fucker!” Becky yelled as the mannequin charged her. She unloaded an entire magazine of her M1911 into the monsters mouth. Black gunk flowed onto the floor as the mannequin came sliding towards her. She took cautious steps back before reloading her gun. “Yeah fuck you!” She stuck her middle fingers at the downed monster this earned the approval of her viewers. She turned around and screamed a load of mannequins jumped on her. Any bravado she once had, had now disappeared as she received another notification.

[You were mauled to death by several Mannequins]


Pain erupted all over her body as if she was beaten by hammers. David chuckled and quit watching her and decided to carry on working on his game.

[+20 Fear from Becky]

[+5 Fear from Becky] 

David sighed slightly if he was going to be successful he needed more fear.

[One of Becky’s viewers is planning to make Rule 34 content of Mannequin -20 Fear] David’s jaw dropped and he really felt like killing this person. His game had only been out for an hour and the streamer had only been playing the game for five minutes. David had lost faith in humanity he didn’t even make the mannequins sexy. They were mannequins you could find in any bloody store or shop. It wasn’t like the Nurses from the Silent Hill they were sexualised pieces of meat these were basically plastic, metal or even wood. David just sat there in his chair in dismay if someone was going to make porn of the fucking Mannequins what were they going to do with Betsey. 

Betsey was basically a female version of Pyramid Head. Betsey wore long blood covered grey trousers, a thick leather skin coloured apron. Instead of Pyramid Heads helmet she wore a mask of bandages covering her face. Betsey had long matted and messy brown hair that grew to her waist. Brown leather gloves complemented her large brown boots. Her weapon was a large six foot knife like Pyramid Heads but her blade was more serrated. Betsey was a slow mover and dragged her giant blade with a single hand behind her. 


Becky breathed in heavily as she crouched underneath a bench. It had taken her nearly an hour to get to the ground floor. She was told that any ammunition she used before she died would be restored. To finish this tutorial all she had to do was exit the shopping centre. Three mannequins stood guard, Becky took a deep breath and picked up a loose rock and hurled it into a shop window. The mannequins charged towards the noise and jumped through now broken window. Becky quickly sprinted towards the entrance and was nearly there before some giant knife nearly cut her in two.

Her viewers all messaged “gasp and run” as an extremely muscular arm emerged with the knife. The arm was followed by a head than a body the monster towered over Becky. Becky watched on in horror as her Sanity meter began to plummet. The chat exploded in a chorus of horny messages and the monstrous woman raised her giant knife high above her head. Becky was preparing herself for the pain but it never came. What happened was surprising a loud explosion flung the monster into one of the escalators. A woman grabbed Becky by the arm.

“Come with me if you want to live!”