Ch 143 – Welcome to The Mad Rat’s Lab
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This chapter is short. I planned to make it an extra chapter, but it's too relevant to the story, so I left it as it is.


One day, the following post appeared in the Dungeon Masters Arena forums.


[Hello everyone! It’s me, everyone’s favorite rat! Hahaha!

I’ve been sad recently because nobody has reached the end since I did the most recent dungeon changes. My poor babies are crying in a corner because they can’t play with you…

And this can’t be! This can’t continue!

So I came here to extend you a formal challenge. Will you be the first to clear my dungeon and prove it by uploading a video of your achievement? Will you be the greatest hero of all time?

I welcome everyone to The Mad Rat’s Lab!

I look forward to it, and I’m sure you do, too. Fufufu! Hahaha!


Yours sincerely,

Mad Rat


PD: I’ll allow the winner to ask me any one wish. It must be something I can do, ok? Don’t go too crazy. You’ll also win an amazing chat with me and everyone’s favorite, my amazing older sister, Anthemia! How is it? Don’t you love it? Fufufu! Hahaha!

PD 2: Oh, yeah. I’ll only accept your win if you use Champions and stuff you can unlock before level 10. Power-stomping isn’t good, don’t you agree?]



Standing in front of hundreds of undead, perfectly aligned in rows and columns, a pale-faced man with blue eyes is reading some text in front of him.

“A chat with Andreu’s older sister, huh…? With my amazing game knowledge and my friendship with him, I’m sure I stand a chance. And then, maybe, I can make her become my teacher… Let’s do it! I’m sure I’ll win this time! Hahaha!”

The undead player makes the screen disappear, turning to the immobile undead army in front of him, awaiting his orders.

“The time has come!” He shouts. “We’re going to invade the world of the living once again. This will be the most important time, so I won’t allow a single mistake!”

As he raises his arm high, the undead legion follows suit.

“For the undead! For the eternal feasting on mortal souls! Hahahaha!”


Drowning his laughter, the undead army roars in unison.



“Hmm… Fufufu! Interesting…”

Sitting on a comfortable sofa, a young woman is reading something on her phone.

“You sure know how to incite the people, Andreu… But are you sure about this? I hope you don’t regret it later. After all, all the Mad Cultists will come as soon as they see the post. No, I’m sure you didn’t think about it at all…” She pauses to take a sip from a cup of tea. “Fufufu! You never think about the consequences… As silly as always.”

The woman starts stretching before standing up.

“But if anyone can participate, I can too, right?”

The woman stops moving for a while, a hand on her chin in thought.

“Anything I ask… Maybe, if I win, I can… he can’t complain if I ask for this, right? Fufufu!” Laughing, she walks and grabs a gaming helmet. “I hope you asked for your sister’s consent beforehand. Otherwise, she’ll get angry…”




Leave everything you’re doing and dive into The Mad Rat’s Lab!

This is an emergency! The chance to show our faith! The chance to show our world our beliefs! The chance to demonstrate we’re His best followers!

If you don’t join as soon as possible, we’ll judge you as an unbeliever and expel you from the Mad Rat’s Cult. There won’t be another chance! There are no excuses! Sickness, work, family… Nothing matters! A true believer will leave EVERYTHING to follow the Great Mad Rat’s call.




“Hey, Wizardess! Did you read that post? There’s a chance to meet Anthemia! Why don’t we participate, too? I want to win!”

“Slow down, Barbarian. I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“What!? But this is the only thing they’re talking about in the forums right now! I can’t believe you have no–”

The image blurs, before everything turns black. Sometime after, a woman takes out her gaming helmet.

“I was forcefully disconnected…? How weird, it never happened before.”

She calmly puts the helmet in its usual spot. Then she combs her hair, making sure not a single hair is out of place. She then dusts her clothes, checking for any wrinkles.

Finally, she reluctantly grabs her phone, which’s been shaking and making noise for a while, and checks it.

[Barbarian: 50+ unread messages]




*Knock, knock*

“Marta, Marta! Are you here?”

“Yes, I am. What do you want?”

Marta opens the door to her room and invites her younger sister inside.

Clara starts to explain, very excited. “Did you read Andreu’s post? Why don’t we go and force him to do our bidding instead of allowing someone else to ask him for anything? What do you think? Want to come with me?”

“Andreu’s post…? What are you talking about?”

“Oh, you didn’t know? Here you have it…”


20 seconds later…


*Bam! Bam! Bam!*

“Andreu, open the door!”

*Bam! Bam!*

“I know you’re inside. Stop hiding under the bed and open the damn door! Do you think hiding until I go away will solve anything!?”

*Bam! Bam!*

“Are you deaf!? I said: open the door!” *Crash!* “Andreeeeu, I got yoooou.”

“Aaagh, Clara, save meeeeeeee! Don’t stare at me like that… Don’t you adore your brother? Then help him before he dies. Ugh! I, can’t, breathe…”

“Hey, my dear brother. You know what? Clara told me about your liiiiittle, tiny post… Why didn’t you tell me beforehand?” She glares at him. If glares could kill, he would have died a thousand times. “Do you know what I hate the most? It’s people who use my name without my consent! How dare you put my name there without asking me first!? Now I’ll have to punish you.”

“Ugh! Clara! Somebody! Save meeeeee…!”


“That day, the DMA servers collapsed.”