9 Asuma VS Kakashi
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Kakashi takes small, calm breaths, feeling the crackling energy of lightning chakra within him. It's a potent force, unpredictable and formidable. To channel it effectively, he focuses intently, balancing the fine line between control and chaos. In the midst of his concentration, he senses an approaching presence, an unwelcome interruption to his training.

Busy with studying, experimenting, and crafting a new jutsu, Kakashi's irritation flares as he glances up to see Asuma approaching at a leisurely pace. The annoyance is evident in Kakashi's gaze, his usual composure disrupted by the intrusion.

Asuma, seemingly undeterred by Kakashi's irritation, calls out in a friendly manner as he strolls towards the focused ninja. "Yo, Kakashi! Working on something interesting, I see?"

Kakashi, keeping his annoyance in check but still visibly bothered, responds tersely. "Trying to. What brings you here, Asuma?"

Asuma, maintaining his easygoing demeanor, grins. "Well, I heard you've been holed up here for quite some time. Figured I'd drop by and see what the great genius is up to."

Kakashi, with a measured sigh, relaxes his muscles, acknowledging the interruption. "Just perfect timing, as always."

Asuma chuckles knowingly, recognizing he has successfully disrupted Kakashi's concentration. "Come on, Kakashi. Loosen up a bit more. Though your muscles are relaxed, it is relaxed in a way that will allow you to smoothly respond to anything… as if…"

“Excuse me then,” Kakashi, though reluctantly, relents. “I feel like you are here to pick a fight.”

Kakashi raises an eyebrow, the irritation still simmering beneath his calm facade. "Asuma-san, I'm in the middle of something important. What brings you here other than disrupting my training?"

Asuma, twirling one of his trench knives casually, smirks. "I heard you've been delving into some serious ninja business. Couldn't resist checking it out, you know how it is?"

Kakashi maintains his professional tone. "Is there something specific you need, Asuma-san?"

Only picking up on Kakashi's annoyance now, Asuma grins sheepishly. "Ah, my bad if I'm ruining your zen moment. Just wanted to catch up and maybe, you know, have a little friendly spar."

Kakashi sighs, knowing that Asuma won't be easily deterred. "A spar, huh? I'm not really in the mood."

Asuma assumes a more serious demeanor. "Come on, Kakashi. It's been a while since we tested our skills against each other. I promise not to take too much of your precious time." He is clearly undeterred by Kakashi's reluctance.

Kakashi eyes Asuma for a moment, and decides this is a good opportunity as any in finding a different kind of sparring partner. "Fine. But I will make it quick. I've got work to do."

Asuma's face lights up with excitement as he readies his trench knives. "That's the spirit! Don't hold back, Kakashi. Let's make this interesting."

Kakashi addresses Asuma without looking at him. "Asuma, I'm busy. One last chance. Go away."

Asuma chuckles. "Come on, Kakashi. You can spare a few minutes. What's got you so engrossed, anyway? Moreover, you got my fighting spirit up, so it will be a shame if we don’t do this."

Kakashi is slightly annoyed, but he finally turns to face Asuma. "I don't have time for distractions. Whatever it is, it can wait."

Asuma, grinning, raises an eyebrow. "You know, I've got this feeling someone sent me here. Just to stir things up a bit."

Kakashi narrows his eyes, suspicious. "What do you mean? Who is it?"

Asuma, casually twirling a trench knife, smirks. "Oh, nothing. Just curious about what you're up to. That's all. I am just saying, I ain’t a snitch… but Obito kind of dragged me here."

Kakashi, sarcasm lacing his words, replies, "Curious? You? A Sarutobi peeking at someone else's training? That's disconcerting. Anyways, you say Obito dragged you here, where is he?"

Asuma laughs, acknowledging Kakashi's point. "Alright, alright. My bad. I just wanted to see what you are cooking up. If you want to know where is Obito, then you have to beat me up first."

Kakashi, unamused, folds his arms. "Well, I’ll deal with Obito later… And watching my training without permission? Not the best idea."

Asuma, realizing his misstep, offers a sincere apology. "Sorry, Kakashi. I didn't mean to overstep. Can you forgive a curious old friend?"

"Fine,” Kakashi takes a deep breath and regulates the circulation of air in his lungs. “But don't expect me to reveal anything. My experimental jutsu is far from finished."

Kakashi, his irritation momentarily set aside, enters a swift fighting stance and draws a kunai. Crouching low, he watches Asuma carefully, ready for any movement.

Asuma smirks, adopting a focused expression. "You know, Kakashi, I've been working on a little project of my own."

With a burst of speed, Asuma charges at Kakashi. Their weapons clash as Kakashi's kunai meets Asuma's trench knife. To Kakashi's surprise, a distinct vibration resonates from Asuma's weapon.

Kakashi narrows his eyes, sensing an unusual force. "What's with that vibration?"

Asuma grins, pushing harder. "Ah, just a little enhancement I added. Makes things interesting, doesn't it?"

The cutting force from Asuma's trench knife catches Kakashi off guard. He hastily retreats, narrowly avoiding the unexpected attack. The tension escalates as both ninjas assess each other, anticipating each other’s next move.

Asuma, grinning, taunts Kakashi. "Come on, Kakashi, don't be so timid. You've got to be more aggressive if you want to keep up!"

Kakashi, still assessing the situation, finally recognizes Asuma's tactics. "Chakra Blade..."

Asuma raises an eyebrow, impressed by Kakashi's quick deduction. "Got it in one, Kakashi. Sharp, isn't it?"

Kakashi analyzes the situation, word for word as if testing to see whether his own deductions are right or wrong. "Enhancing the cutting power of your trench knives with chakra. Clever move. Close combat must be your specialty now."

Asuma chuckles, twirling his trench knives. "You catch on fast. But what about long range?" His words confirm Kakashi’s reasoning and prove that this might be a more difficult fight than he expected.

Kakashi, deciding to test Asuma's abilities, swiftly throws a kunai at him. Asuma effortlessly parries it with one of his enhanced trench knives.

Asuma laughs confidently. "See, Kakashi? It won't be that easy."

Kakashi, adapting to the situation, throws a kunai at Asuma once again. Simultaneously, he hurls two shurikens from the left and right, ensuring a multi-directional assault.

Asuma, undeterred and displaying incredible speed, fearlessly charges forward. With precise movements, he parries the kunai hurtling towards him.

Observing Asuma's agility, Kakashi recognizes the Chakra Blade as more than just a technique to enhance cutting power. "Chakra Augmentation technique, amplifying attributes," he notes to himself. "No wonder his speed is off the charts."

Asuma smirks, confident in his augmented abilities. "You're not bad, Kakashi, but you'll have to do better than that to catch me."

Kakashi, analyzing the situation, prepares for the next move, knowing that the spar has just become a test of skill and adaptability. Calculations and precision dance in Kakashi's mind as he factors in Asuma's exceptional speed. Exactly at the nth microsecond, his shurikens subtly slow down, changing trajectories with a calculated finesse.

Swiftly, Kakashi retrieves an explosive tag and three senbon needles from his pouch. Asuma, sensing the shift in momentum, feels the pressure building as he keeps a watchful eye on Kakashi, hands poised on his own pouch.

As Asuma closes in, just three meters from Kakashi, the manipulated shurikens alter their courses, converging on Asuma. seizing the opportunity, Kakashi releases the senbon needles. Thin and elusive, they pose a challenge even for a seasoned ninja.

Asuma, sensing the incoming threat, reacts with unbelievable precision. In mid-air, he rotates and nonchalantly kicks the flat sides of the converging shurikens as if they're inconsequential. Simultaneously, with an almost unbelievable margin, he evades the senbon needles, showcasing an uncanny ability to navigate the deadly array with millimeter precision.

Kakashi, watching Asuma effortlessly handle the altered trajectory of the shurikens and evade the senbon needles, clicks his tongue in annoyance. The challenge has only fueled Kakashi's determination.

Without hesitation, Kakashi fearlessly advances, closing the gap between them. Asuma, wielding the Chakra Blade, is momentarily surprised by Kakashi's audacity.

Kakashi, with a kunai in hand, thrusts towards Asuma. As Asuma prepares to parry with his Chakra Blade, Kakashi skillfully retreats, ensuring that Asuma's weapon won't make contact with the kunai.

Asuma, recognizing Kakashi's tactical maneuver, smirks. "You're not holding back, are you, Kakashi?"

Kakashi, not missing a beat, responds with a wry smile. "You started it, Asuma. Let's see who can keep up with who."

The spar intensifies as the two skilled ninjas engage in a dynamic taijutsu battle, each trying to outmaneuver the other with swift and calculated moves.

Kakashi, fluid and nimble, executes a swiping motion with his left hand. However, Asuma anticipates the move and effortlessly ducks low, avoiding the intended strike.

Seizing the opportunity, Asuma counters with a sweeping leg kick. Kakashi, displaying his agility, lightly jumps into the air. Swiftly, he kicks with his left leg aiming for Asuma's face. Asuma, quick to react, blocks the incoming kick with his arm.

Not discouraged by the blocked attack, Kakashi flips gracefully in the air, landing in a crouched position. Undeterred and sensing an opening, Asuma rushes at Kakashi.

Noting Asuma's persistence, Kakashi remarks, "Getting impatient, Asuma? The Chakra Blade is a focus-consuming technique, after all."

As Asuma unleashes the Chakra Blade, Kakashi leans slightly backward, narrowly avoiding the ethereal blade passing by his throat. Seizing the moment, Kakashi pounces forward, surprising Asuma with a swift palm attack that propels him backward.

Asuma, recovering from the push, asks with a smirk, "What was that sissy move, Kakashi?"

Kakashi, maintaining his cool demeanor, simply replies, "Just a distraction."

It dawns on Asuma as the realization sets in. "Distraction for what?"

But before Kakashi can respond, Asuma feels a sudden jolt. His eyes widen as he realizes there's an explosive tag on where Kakashi’s palm strike exactly connected. The explosion follows, and Asuma falls to one knee, feeling the impact.

Kakashi, looking at the aftermath, comments, "Thankfully, it's not military-grade. Just for training purposes, or else, you would be dead."

Asuma, slightly singed but alive, grumbles, "You really know how to make training interesting, Kakashi."

Maintaining his calm demeanor, Kakashi watches over Asuma and declares, "I think it's safe to say I've won this round."

Asuma, despite the apparent defeat, laughs heartily and shakes his head. "Hold on, Kakashi, it's a tie."

Kakashi is perplexed, so he questions, "A tie? I clearly got the upper hand."

Asuma, still chuckling, points towards Kakashi's neck. "Check again."

Confused, Kakashi touches his neck and feels a slight incision, so small that he couldn't initially notice it. Holding his fingers, he realizes there's blood. Momentarily dazed, Kakashi looks at his blood-stained fingers.

Asuma, with a satisfied grin, explains, "You see, my Chakra Blade can extend. You just got beheaded by me."

Kakashi, processing the revelation, blinks in surprise. "But I'm still standing..."

Asuma interrupts, "It's training, Kakashi. I don't actually have to behead you to prove a point."

“Yeah, I know…” Kakashi grumbles childishly.