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Famous Author
Jun 12, 2019

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Joined: Jun 12, 2019
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Just an amateur that likes to read and write fantasy in his free time.
I'm a beginner, so feel free to point out mistakes.

Greydra · Author · May 16, 2020

All Kigal-Note chapters up to Undead Lords are now updated. And I won't stop here!!clear.png

Greydra · Author · May 16, 2020

And there was the Attribute-chapters done. Moving on...

SUSAN00 · May 16, 2020

will garami get a puppeteer skill?she can use it to control things using her threads 

Greydra · Author · May 16, 2020

Not decided yet. I am busy with the chapter clean-up at the moment.

Greydra · Author · May 15, 2020

The clean-up of the old chapters have reached the start of Arc 2, but I'll get the Kigal-Notes done first before continuing. See the Dungeon chapters for a preview of how the Kigal-Notes chapters are going to be designed from now on.

Greydra · Author · May 15, 2020

New update: The [Enhancement] skills are going to be changed to [Reinforcement] instead.

Greydra · Author · May 15, 2020

Sure, why not. Reinforcement skills of the Ability Skills increase the stats that skill is related to, with one point for each skill level for the (Small) variants, 10 points for each skill level for the normal types, and 100*skill level for the (High) skills.

Shoto · May 15, 2020

então se uma criatura atingir o Nível 50 da habilidade de reforço de força (grande), então ele ganha um total de 5550 de status de força??? isso é monstro!!! não precisa chegar tão longe o nivel 15 daria 2050 pontos de força, isso é a força de 2 T-rex!!! e isso é apenas os pontos de bônus para chegar nesse nível, a força natural já deveria ser grande, então esse ser teria uns 3000 ~~4000 de força, isso é classe desastre. 

Greydra · Author · May 15, 2020

They get 5.000. You need to trade the weaker skill to get the next one after all, and the difficulty goes to the sky for each "level", so it's not that easy to get that high amounts. It's better to say that one can get a maximum of 5.000 bonus points to that stat with the Reinforcement skill.

Shoto · May 16, 2020

claro, que erro meu, é apenas 5000 de força de bônus. Mas acredito que deve ter monstros com essas habilidades de reforço em alto nível, por exemplo uma certa tartaruga do tamanho de uma ilha deve ter muita força e vitalidade e defesa... esse troço não morreria nem com uma bomba atômica na cabeça.

Greydra · Author · May 14, 2020

Just wondering, what sounds better: [Assassin Arts] or [Assassination Arts]? Planning a massive clean-up of the old chapters, writing mistakes, and such, so I thought of changing this as well.

I_Eat_Goldfish · May 14, 2020

Techniques of Unseen Murder clear.png

saganatsu · May 15, 2020

Assassination Arts

Kyrian_Clawraithe · May 15, 2020

I think it would make sense (and open up opportunities for humor) for them to be 2 different arts.

Assassin arts would focus on the movement/appearance/etc of the assassin to make them sneak through/survive dangerous situations better.

Assassination arts would be about the various different ways to kill without detection.

Kyrian_Clawraithe · May 15, 2020

Due to the nature of assassins, being people who prepare thoroughly so that they can strike at the best setting to kill without detection, I believe that these arts should be a high cost/high reward where it is difficult to improve these arts because they are extremely effective. I would do this by making the people who have that skill have to learn/develop ways to assassinate the target on their own and the arts would help them improve those ways and incorporate applicable skills/abilities.

Ain · May 14, 2020

Skill would be smithing technique, quenching, smithing, metalurgy(aka. Smiths knowledge),tempering,smithing process, forging, annealing, heating ,grinding, polishing, smelting. 

As for a weapon Hammer, axe, axehammer, halberd might be nice.

Greydra · Author · May 14, 2020

A new Question: What skills would the Smith class have, except for Smithing skills and [Fire Resistance] and skills related to stats.

P.S. Blacksmith is an evolved class of Smith, so keep away from the Blacksmith attribute as well.

Greydra · Author · May 14, 2020

I was making a Fairy Tail reference.

Ruiso · May 14, 2020

I know I based that skill on Gajeel and added some more stuff to make it more relevant to a crafting class.

Kyrian_Clawraithe · May 15, 2020

I think a blacksmith should have a skill to see and eventually understand impurities/weakness in metal. Sounds weak right? Well as the level goes up it adds different metals or types of material (because smiths handle a lot more than just metal even  in our world) and improves the ability to understand or see the weaknesses, until eventually a legendary warsmith would be able to glance at a barrier and know just how to hit it to make it collapse.

Lyndsey · May 15, 2020

Leather work, tanning, tempering, strength reinforcement, fatigue resistance, refinement (to get better quality metal) smelting for melting metals, something that could identify both the metal substances and it’s quality. a low level of weapon using due to testing the weapons made, same for armor. Percision for fine detailed works especially if they are working with jewelry or high quality weapons and armor.  

Greydra · Author · May 14, 2020

A small question: what kind of weapon do you guys think would fit a blacksmith character? 

theauthorokelley · May 14, 2020

Warhammer and maces

I_Eat_Goldfish · May 14, 2020

The blacksmith could have control of like 4 additional mechanical arms coming out of his back affixed to some contraption that's allow him to handle multiple crucibles at once. Like doctor octopus from Spider-Mans.

Ruiso · May 14, 2020

A hand Cannon that shoots elementaly enchanted cannonballs the size of tennisball that explode on contact with the element of the enchanments, like Fire, Lightning and ice. Maybe a shotgun shot for that scatter into a bunch of metal balls after shooting hitting a lot enemies, a riffle shot for maximun piercing damage that can drill through tough hide and armor or a plain cannonball enchanted to be more solid and heavy for impact damage that is metal attribute.

Shirokuma · May 14, 2020

Um chicote de metal cheio de espinhos! Basicamente um arame.

SUSAN00 · May 8, 2020

Do you have a discord server?

Greydra · Author · May 8, 2020

I don't. This is only something I do for a hobby after all. Don't use discord that much either.

Krikot · May 8, 2020

Some image of Garami?

Greydra · Author · May 8, 2020

Nope. I'm bad at drawingclear.png

Krikot · May 8, 2020

good luck with writingclear.png

Shirokuma · Apr 23, 2020

Black mage+summoner = warlock?

Greydra · Author · Apr 23, 2020

Nope. Something worse, and more original

Shirokuma · Apr 23, 2020

Encarnação do mal?

Greydra · Author · Apr 23, 2020

Nothing that extreme!clear.png

Ain · Apr 7, 2020

Are Humans the weakest? They don't have inborn skills.

Greydra · Author · Apr 7, 2020

All humanoids, except some races like Growth Chimera, get [five - the amount of inborn skill] free skills, which are randomly obtained during one's childhood. So humans have the largest variety of skills in their race.

Ain · Apr 5, 2020

Do you hlave to use skill points when learning from skill Scrolls? 

Greydra · Author · Apr 5, 2020

You just use the scrolls. No points are needed.

Ain · Apr 5, 2020

What are skill Scrolls for?

Greydra · Author · Apr 5, 2020

They allow you to learn skills without using the skill shop, blessings, titles, evolution, or classes. Only weak skills can be learned unless the scroll came from a high-difficulty Quest, Haunt, or Dungeon.

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