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/ Profile / CrystalSeaDragon44
Jul 19, 2023

Joined: Jul 19, 2023
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Comments: 19

I'm Erica, a trans girl with a penchant for storytelling. I have plenty of stories to tell - usually of affirming transgender transformations (usually magical), and the lives and adventures of these characters!

Although a lot of my written work will appear here, there may be things you're missing. I do webcomics as well as written stories, so you may have to visit my profiles elsewhere to get the full picture - you're usually looking for CrystalSeaDragon44, unless I can't use that for whatever reason. So far, you can find me on...

pixiv (CrystalDragon44):

CrystalSeaDragon44 · Author · Nov 29, 2023

Last night, I was given a Diamond Badge on DeviantArt for Embrace of the Ocean Chapter 3, so now I have Core - the usually paid for program that allows you to change your name!

As such, I'm finally CrystalSeaDragon44 on DeviantArt too! I've made changes to my profiles to reflect this.

I admit I had a good feeling about the story, but I never expected the response to be so good! Thank you, everyone!

CrystalSeaDragon44 · Author · Oct 16, 2023

I've come to a decision regarding my written works; I'm going back through them all, where they're at (currently DeviantArt, Scribble Hub, and pixiv), and I'm changing the authorship to a single name: CrystalSeaDragon44, the one I use in the most places.

As I move further into digital artwork, I can't just keep putting the gaggle of profile names in each piece. Already, I've marked several pieces with that name. I want all my profiles to be under one singular name...

CrystalSeaDragon44 · Author · Oct 16, 2023

Unfortunately, DeviantArt is the sore spot right now. I chose the name CrystalPenDragon44 before I really started my writing and drawing and before I settled on the name I like. And I can't change it to what I want without the Core service, which costs money I don't really have right now.

CrystalSeaDragon44 · Author · Oct 16, 2023

Otherwise, Scribble Hub and Tapas both have the name. And while I couldn't fit it all into pixiv, there's some username @ thing that I was able to change into crystalseadragon44, so the name is at least somewhere on the profile!

This will be a relatively quick change for each piece, and quite frankly, it'll clean up that messy authorship I currently have going.

CrystalSeaDragon44 · Author · Oct 16, 2023

From now on, everything will be under CrystalSeaDragon44, regardless of my profile name. That said, It's worth a reminder I'm only on DeviantArt, Scribble Hub, Tapas, and pixiv at the moment. I'll make announcements as to any future expansions when I make them.

CrystalSeaDragon44 · Author · Oct 12, 2023

As you can see, my efforts to try again at a cover succeeded! Now, I have a cover for the Stories of Embra! The larger canvas made this look so much better.

Meanwhile, I have been working on - and saving - additional stories. I'm getting into working on some comics that will be elsewhere, so once I get Book of the Dryads Chapter 6 written, Chapter 5 will go up, followed by The Legend of Darumond! I hope you look forward to it!

CrystalSeaDragon44 · Author · Oct 5, 2023

It seems my uploaded (self drawn) image from the other night for Curse Upon the New Moon went through!

... Except I'm not completely satisfied with it. Consider this a "first edition" cover while I work on modifying it. Funny how you think of what you needed to do AFTER you're done for the night...

CrystalSeaDragon44 · Author · Oct 6, 2023

This ended up being a pain to do... I only just finished and uploaded it.

I'm coming back to this one day. For now, I need to try some other things...

CrystalSeaDragon44 · Author · Oct 4, 2023

I have set up a pixiv account! In time, you'll be able to find all of my stories and art there! For now, though, it's still pretty fresh. It will take time to update it (however, it will be first to host a never-before-seen picture from me!). Unfortunately, due to a character limit, I'm simply CrystalDragon44 there.

You can find it here:

CrystalSeaDragon44 · Author · Sep 20, 2023

For those paying attention to my works, A Quiet Day..., which I had previously announced was coming, is now up!

Unfortunately, my backlog is gone. I was working on something, but not a new story; instead, it was the character drawing for Aurora from the Embra series! You can find the drawings on my DeviantArt profile now!

ZoeStorm · Aug 29, 2023

Thanks for the follow 😊

CrystalSeaDragon44 · Author · Aug 29, 2023

You came highly recommended! I read two one-shots, and after reading Dress Code, I knew I had to keep reading! Keep up the good work!

CrystalSeaDragon44 · Author · Aug 28, 2023

Finally got something new up for the first time in nearly a month: Star and the Golden Salt, the next story in Embra's series!

Hate it when life's a slog. The motivation was there, but not the circumstances.

CrystalSeaDragon44 · Author · Aug 28, 2023

BUT I currently have another for the Embra series in the "editorial phase," meaning fully written, just getting another set of eyes on it. It's a short (compared to the other "chapters," at least), kind of experimental mini story with a single scene dedicated to several of the characters each. A backup in case I take a while to get something else written... Keep an eye out for A Quiet Day, coming soon!
CrystalSeaDragon44 · Author · Aug 16, 2023

It's been a slog recently, so I haven't been working all that much on the next parts to either story (which stands to be either Book of the Dryads Chapter 5 or more likely Star and the Golden Salt, the next in Embra's stories).

CrystalSeaDragon44 · Author · Aug 16, 2023

So things don't remain stagnant, I decided to take the last story I had published on DeviantArt and put it here: Curse Upon the New Moon. A one-off short story, once it gets through review, it will be "complete." It's an old one typed up in Notepad, for reference, and my only "forced transformation" story to date. It deals a lot with the dysphoria I feel one would have over such a change, and their fight to return to normal. (A creepier tale that came just in time for Halloween last year.)

CrystalSeaDragon44 · Author · Aug 1, 2023

I have just published the last planned backlog story, Book of the Dryads Chapter 4, to the Dryads of Grovewall series. Now, I cannot guarantee a regular upload schedule. At this point, it's "when it's finished." Fortunately, if the series is "ongoing," it means I already know where I want to take things next! If not already being written, I at least have ideas! "Hiatus" means I want to come back, but I don't have any ideas at the moment...

CrystalSeaDragon44 · Author · Jul 26, 2023

Meanwhile, after that, there's one more series to catch up on, what I refer to on DA as the "Grovewall Series," another original content story. After that, I will be caught up on uploads, and I can really focus on writing more! (And drawing... eventually.)

CrystalSeaDragon44 · Author · Jul 26, 2023

For those following my stories, My most recent Embra series entry, the Missing Half-Genie - Part 2,  completes what I refer to as "season 1," which was entirely typed up in Notepad. There's still one more currently (Embra and the Old World, as seen on DeviantArt, typed in Word) before that series is caught up... For now. I'm actually working on what's next in the series, so HOPEFULLY you won't have to wait too long!

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    Last Active: Oct 9, 2024 10:54 PM
    Birthday: Sep 14, 1992
    Gender: Female
    Location: Michigan, United States
    Homepage: --

    I'm Erica, a trans girl with a penchant for storytelling. I have plenty of stories to tell - usually of affirming transgender transformations (usually magical), and the lives and adventures of these characters!

    Although a lot of my written work will appear here, there may be things you're missing. I do webcomics as well as written stories, so you may have to visit my profiles elsewhere to get the full picture - you're usually looking for CrystalSeaDragon44, unless I can't use that for whatever reason. So far, you can find me on...

    pixiv (CrystalDragon44):

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