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/ Profile / Skadia
Famous Author
Apr 28, 2020

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Famous Author
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Joined: Apr 28, 2020
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Writing's fun :D

DropDownBear · Jan 3, 2023

Kerina was delightful! Looking forward to reading through the rest of your catalogue!

Skadia · Author · Feb 8, 2022

Hello! Quick message to tell you that, just like last year, a bunch of us authors of trans fiction have participated in a secret santa in December and written a total of 29 short stories that you can find here:

Mine is called "Shifting Rites", and you can get all of them for $6. The complete bundle contains more than 250k words, so if you want to support us, don't hesitate to check it out!

Regnus · Nov 14, 2021

Omens of Change is it abandoned? Very nice story.

Skadia · Author · Nov 15, 2021

Nope! Just on a bit of a hiatus. I wrote about it in True Selves' first chapter's author's notes, and I'm basically swamped with work atm.

It's so close to the end though, I really really want to finish it

lexcia · Dec 6, 2022

Hope you still want to finish it, I've been reading it the past day or 2 and its been great so far :3 

Tishers · Jul 9, 2021

I do hope you resume writing someday. I thoroughly enjoyed your stories.

Skadia · Author · Jul 9, 2021

Chapter 30 of Omens is done, and 31 is halfway done. I've only started writing again a few days ago, but new chapters should be uploaded soon!

Skadia · Author · Feb 15, 2021

Hey everyone! The 26 short stories I was talking to you about in my previous post are now being progressively released on ScribbleHub. A new chapter is posted every other day, enjoy!

Skadia · Author · Jan 18, 2021

Hello everyone! Quick message to tell you that a bunch of us authors of trans fiction have participated in a secret santa in December and written a total of 26 short stories that you can find here:

My own is called "A Life in Ottawa", and you can get all of them for $5. Most of the profits go to the authors, but I think part of it also goes to charity!

Skadia · Author · Jan 18, 2021
Omens of Change is sitting at 300 words or so, I got caught up studying and reading the works of other people for a little while now, so I'm not being very productive, but I'd rather not burn out and go at a slower pace than stop altogether. Don't worry though! We're way closer to the end than the beginning, I don't see the story lasting more than 12 chapters. 
Thank you for your patience, hope you'll enjoy the short stories if you decide to buy them!
whoos · Jan 18, 2021

i loved what you did with the prompt! excellent story in an excellent bundle

Skadia · Author · Sep 28, 2020

Very sorry if anyone got alerted of a new Omens of Change chapter, I made a mistake while scheduling its release and it did some weird stuff. Chapter 22 will be up in about 14 hours, a bit after the Scribblehub reset.

I'm almost done with Chapter 23, which will be Patreon exclusive for at least a week before being released. Hopefully I can write 3 or 4 chapters and release them quickly one after the other in something like ten days clear.png

DerbyGhost · Aug 23, 2020

Genuinely don't know why I wasn't following you before. I love your stories lol.

Skadia · Author · Aug 23, 2020

Thank you so much! And the feeling is definitely mutual clear.png

charna · Aug 9, 2020

I have just joined the platform and you take 'Omens' is the first read for me. Pure Magic, that's all I can say. I was transported away and couldn't stop. If the rest of the site is as good as this I will be very happy and 'married' to my tablet!

Thank you very much.

Skadia · Author · Aug 9, 2020

Thank you so much! I'm on mobile right now, but I could recommend a few stories later if that's something that would interest you clear.png

Skadia · Author · Aug 2, 2020

This message is broken into several because of the character limit

Sorry about the delay and lack of communication. I don't want to abuse the status system, as it sends everyone a notification and I don't want to be annoying, but I still want to keep everyone up to date nonetheless.

Skadia · Author · Aug 2, 2020

Suddenly, Erin no longer looked like the soft and kind friend Sarah had gotten to know over the past few weeks. She seemed serious, very reminiscent of the way she’d appeared to be before they’d first talked. There was steel in her eyes, but Sarah could also see the gears turning within her mind, as her friend was considering the best course of actions, dozens of scenarios being crafted and carefully analyzed in her head.

Skadia · Author · Aug 2, 2020

Sarah felt like she’d just discovered a new facet of her friend. This was the Erin who regularly went into the Eriz forest and fought against monsters to protect people she didn’t even know, the one who endured Becker because he was the only one who could help her at times, the one who devoted countless hours to the study of magic for the sake of keeping the world a safe place. She was a shield, taking abuse for the sake of others. Bending, but never breaking.

Skadia · Author · Aug 2, 2020

She’d caught glimpses of that Erin at times, whenever she would get pensive or when she’d hear something in the forest during their training sessions, but this was the first time she’d ever seen her this focused on her task, with so much fortitude emanating off of her. She meant business, and Sarah pitied whatever got on her path.

mogust · Aug 2, 2020

Glad to hear that you've found some motivation clear.png

It can be difficult to write at times, I've been there myself. It's important that we enjoy what we do though, and that will mean different speeds for us all, even though that will also mean that the readers have to wait at times.

That is the nature of web novels.

Looking forward to reading what you have written once you post it clear.png

Skadia · Author · Jul 11, 2020

I'm gonna try to write a couple chapters (I'd say 5-6) and release them in quick succession, see if that works better for me. 

In any case, expect at the very least one chapter before the 19th of July! I'm getting back to writing Omens now that The Enchanted Pond is finished

Wkppp · Jul 11, 2020


LadyYuki · Jul 11, 2020


Lexi · Jul 11, 2020


Skadia · Author · Jun 15, 2020

I'm upgrading my computer and forgot to buy RAM, so it's sitting in pieces until tomorrow clear.png

I'm done with uni work though, so expect a chapter in the coming days, once I'm able to write again !

Skadia · Author · Jun 8, 2020

Ok, I've written the general storyline for chapter 10, now I need to write the actual chapter. I'd like to finish writing it in the coming 40 hours (Timezones make things like "tomorrow night" annoying to use online, it's 10 in the morning here), but I can't promise anything.

After that, it's back to my last essay, and then I am F R E E to write Omens of Change whenever I want !

Until september that is

mogust · Jun 8, 2020

Sounds good :) Looking forward to reading it as you release it. clear.png

Skadia · Author · May 30, 2020

Chapter 9 is sitting at 500 words, and I hate essays. I want to finish this chapter in the next 40 hours so that I somewhat respect my "2 chapters/week" self imposed rule, but I can't promise I'll be able to.

Can't wait for the 9th of June, I'll be able to write so much more then :D

Skadia · Author · May 26, 2020

Chapter releases might slow down a little bit until the 9th of June, because I have uni stuff to do (namely writing essays). I'll still try to release 2 chapters per week though

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