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/ Profile / Orange_Rain
Famous Author
Aug 16, 2020

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Famous Author
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Joined: Aug 16, 2020
Followers: 87
Following: 1
Comments: 82

Hello and welcome. You may call me Orange Rain, and I looooove orange soda.

I like to read novels of many kinds as well as write them. The stories published here will be in and as well, so if you can, I'd appreciate it if you could support me on all platforms. I also like to read any professional critiques people may have on my works in order for me to become a better writer. If you want to see how I'm doing, I have a twitter, @OrangeRain3477 , where I post random stuff and drawings I may post from time to time (they're mostly adult stuff, though, so no users under 18 are allowed). I also have a subscribestar if you wish to support me. You will get certain benefits depending on what tier level you subscribe to. Please go on to subscribestar dot adult slash orangerain for more info (keep in mind that as the edited 'url' suggests, you must also be at least 18 to subscribe).

Thank you for your time, and I hope you'll enjoy what I have in store.

Doomderp · Aug 25, 2023

Are you alive?

Orange_Rain · Author · Jan 16, 2023

Apologies for going dark the past few weeks. There's been a lot of changes to my life that I'm still trying to adjust to and it's been stressful. I'll go into details later, but for now, I've posted a bunch of new stories on my subscribestar all for free to make up for my absence. Please use the following link to get all that's available there:

averageteenbookworm28980 · Jan 17, 2023

I hope that you're doing okay and it's great that you're back!

TypeFantasyHeart · Jan 17, 2023

Will DO! Had faith that you will come back and write Great Sage Faries again. WIll check it tomorrow.

Orange_Rain · Author · Jan 17, 2023

@Unknown85 If clicking one of the chapters gives you a warning saying 'You're leaving subscribestar!' while a timer goes down, don't panic, as that's normal. Either let it count down to 0 or click the 'docs' link to take you to the google docs page.

If you're experiencing other problems aside from what I listed, please explain what happened in detail.

TypeFantasyHeart · Jan 17, 2023

.... after reading the new version of Fairy Harem... im very dissappointed. I filled the survey.

Orange_Rain · Author · Nov 28, 2022


After I came back from my Thanksgiving vacation, I came down with a fever. Still fighting through it now, and I haven't got everything prepared for the latest update in subscribestar, so I'm afraid I must skip it for this week, which means I must push the next update for this platform a week back. I'll be sure to get better as soon as I can and have something ready by December 11th or 12th.

Thank you sincerely for your patience and understanding.

TypeFantasyHeart · Nov 28, 2022

Eat multi-vitamins and minerals supplements. They help overcome diseases.

LordHeadass · Feb 25, 2022

When will great sage come off hiatus?

Orange_Rain · Author · Feb 28, 2022

I have no specific date in mind and I'm working a lot of things out with my editor for the reboot. The best I can say is that I'll have it running some time this year.

Ale1985 · Dec 26, 2021

Merry Christmas. clear.pngclear.pngclear.png

hayden.suslov · Dec 20, 2021

Hey author you still alive?

Orange_Rain · Author · Dec 21, 2021

Yes, I apologize for responding late, but I'm putting up the chapters now.

BRENYNW · Nov 16, 2021

Author. I love cheap op brawler but lately if feels as if you dont know where the story is going. having so much content in such a short period of time makes it hard for the reader to judge how much time has actually passed. I believe that each chapter should encompass no less than a half of a day. 

Orange_Rain · Author · Nov 17, 2021

Part 1: I understand your confusion and I apologize for that. OP Brawler was the first story I put up publicly, and while I intended for the days in that story's world to last longer than Earth's, I must admit that my pacing is one of my weaker points that I'm trying to fix as a writer. I do have a general idea of the direction the story's taking, but I have a tendency to take more 'scenic routes' than what may be expected.

Orange_Rain · Author · Nov 17, 2021

Part 2: Honestly, the pacing I'm doing would fit a Slice of Life story better than an Action/Adventure, and putting the battles aside, I feel this story focuses more on Jinma's development and his interaction with other characters, hence why this may fit more as a SoL story.

I'm going to try to improve the pacing in the coming chapters, especially when we finally get to starting the dungeon crawl, but thank you for your input and I hope you'll continue to read it and my other stories.

Orange_Rain · Author · Jul 7, 2021

Since when did I became 'Famous Author'?!  How does this work?!

TypeFantasyHeart · Jul 10, 2021

Dude.... the author of harry potter is NOT just a famous author. You must ADD "World" to famous author.

Tsuru · Jul 11, 2021

Dislikeable MC in summary but maybe the inside is good. DIdn't try (yet).
Also i find series in scribble later with R18 tag (latest update) search page always open in a tab.

Orange_Rain · Author · Jul 12, 2021

@TypeFantasyHeart Very true.

@Tsuru Keeping up to date with the newest/latest stories, specifically those with the R18 tag, I respect that.

Tsuru · Jul 13, 2021

You misunderstand/overestimate me too much. T_T

I am just too addicted to reading chinese web novels...... now i use the R18 series for COUGH..... got 20+ tabs for them.

Tsuru · Jul 6, 2021

Can you please add " * " or "(R-18) to chapter titles of your series that got sexy scenes ?

Orange_Rain · Author · Jul 7, 2021

Someone else asked something similar, actually. I'll have to keep it in mind.

Tsuru · Jul 7, 2021

Thx. =)

I won't deny it is possible it got the malus of attracting readers only interested for the ecchi scenes but it would help quite a few people.
Or the people that hate seeing ecchi.

LordHeadass · Jun 25, 2021

Cant wait for great sage to come backclear.png

BRENYNW · Jul 4, 2021

Can't wait either. I think if the author just took where we have so far and progressed while putting the sexual activities with the summons on the down low as activities that happen once in a while; it would be more align with the authors' goal in bringing the fairies to the forefront.

I think that the author should use those E-Stones and make the familiar grow to human size, Dwarf size then to full adult over the course of a few dozen chapters while doing more things as a hunter.

BRENYNW · Jul 4, 2021

Maybe have the fairies go through evolutions, like the red fire fairy becoming a volcanic white fairy with hints of blue and red having power equivalent to exploding volcanoes. The purple darkness fairy becoming a void fairy with hair as black as space with hints of stars in her hair. The light fairy becoming a celestial fairy with powers over the light of the sun to control its rays to shine a light even in the darkest of nights.

BRENYNW · Jul 4, 2021

The water fairy becoming an abyssal fairy with the power too conjure water with the same pressure of the deepest oceans; conjure water in all states, solid, liquid, and gas. Wind fairy obviously becomes a storm fairy with extreme control of weather, lightning, hurricane, and tornadoes. The earth fairy becoming a world fairy who can sense all who step on the earth rest on nature, and additionally, alter nature with ease.

werewolf1987 · Jun 1, 2021

100+++++ chapters for xeno king tyvm

Orange_Rain · Author · Jun 1, 2021

Regarding OP Brawler's survey (please take it if you haven't already: ), I have to say I was pleasantly surprised with some of the answers I got so far. That really leaves me more excited to write what I have in store for you guys, so look forward to what will come in the future. clear.png

Orange_Rain · Author · May 23, 2021


TypeFantasyHeart · Apr 26, 2021

DO remember to post the survey link in the fairy novel to get more answers

Orange_Rain · Author · Apr 26, 2021

To Great Sage readers, I forgot to put this up in this week's updates, but I set up a survey to read your thoughts on the story up to now and what you'd wish to see in the reboot. I'll remember to put it up next week on the other public sites, but if you have a couple minutes to spare, please give this a look and tell me what you think.

TypeFantasyHeart · Apr 26, 2021

Sent you a PM, i wanted to leave a message here but this thing here didnt allow me more than 500 characters...

Issei · Apr 28, 2021


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    Last Active: May 1, 2023 09:22 AM
    Birthday: Mar 5, 1993
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    Location: United States
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    Hello and welcome. You may call me Orange Rain, and I looooove orange soda.

    I like to read novels of many kinds as well as write them. The stories published here will be in and as well, so if you can, I'd appreciate it if you could support me on all platforms. I also like to read any professional critiques people may have on my works in order for me to become a better writer. If you want to see how I'm doing, I have a twitter, @OrangeRain3477 , where I post random stuff and drawings I may post from time to time (they're mostly adult stuff, though, so no users under 18 are allowed). I also have a subscribestar if you wish to support me. You will get certain benefits depending on what tier level you subscribe to. Please go on to subscribestar dot adult slash orangerain for more info (keep in mind that as the edited 'url' suggests, you must also be at least 18 to subscribe).

    Thank you for your time, and I hope you'll enjoy what I have in store.

    Author Information
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    Total Words: 891,132
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