I disappeared for exams and then reappeared to write 1600 words in the span of a couple hours. This is for one chapter, I don't do any preparations. We have currently hit the 2600 word mark.
so I've been recently thinking of changing the title to make one easier to say and two make it look more appealing. Haven't decided on anything yet, but yeah, watch out for that
I am in a pickle right now, I'm thinking of starting a new novel eventually and I am torn between writing something that is thematically similar to AWDYNM or 'People Repellant' which is completely different.
Sometimes I want to just skip to like the middle part of the story where characters have been developed, the world established, the magic system explained, especially with AWDYNM being a slow paced story.
It's gonna be a long ride fellas. I estimated that reveal of the sister will be around chapters 80 - 110, don't quote me on this.