Oh and as a final note, since I'm majoring in animation now I finally have my own pen tablet and can draw digitally, so yeah you'll be able to see the vision and stuff of my work! :3
But yeah for the people that kept commenting to me while I was gone, thank you guys for reading my work even though I was gone all this time
But anyways, I hate content creators who denounces their old and more popular stuff as a bad thing and try to shame other people from enjoying it. I think those people are sellouts. While yes my old stuff is not me anymore I wish for people to still read them and enjoy what they are and go read my current works to see my evolution.
Anyways, I'm gonna stop writing Black Witch for now. Well not stop writing but my current iteration of it is just fundamentally not what I want it to be anymore so I'll need some major retooling of it and just start fresh. I felt like I made the the internal sentencing of the story too complicated and stuff, also I do not mind sexual stuff but I want it to be more subtle now too.
The main reason why I haven't returned, life and procrastination. Life got in the way, I'm in college now majoring in animation lol and secondly honestly the more I stopped writing the more I felt like my story has become foreign to me, I can change it anytime I want but current me would have written it differently than me in the past. Also I'm alive which is also a plus lmao
I do hope you'll come back and continue the story at some point.
For those complaining, I would venture a guess that the author is 1) not a native English speaker. In fact, from what I've seen, it's an Asian background. (Based on syntax) 2) They were in school and in lockdown. Depending on the country, they may not have had any time to themselves in the last year and a half
they probably don't care that you aren't reading anymore, since they havent logged on since august. it isnt really a big deal as authors come and go, write and stop writing, leave and come back. hope you find a new series just as enjoyable as that one.
Hey everyone :) I'm back. Sorry for the almost month long break. School and video games been occupying my time. But I guess one benefit of that is that I managed to flesh out the world of Live Like A Princess by a lot. Just thinking about it all in my head and stuff.