Chapter 3 A sassy and world-weary girl
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       The United States was divided into 12 major cities after zombies took over the world. Atlanta is the city with the weakest remaining strength among them, but it is also a city-state with the most layers of city defense agencies. The facilities around the city completely protect the central bustling urban area, allowing residents to stay within the city. Normal life.




        warning : "Zombies have invaded. Please close the doors and windows and stay at home."

      As the sirens continued to sound, Alan's family knew something was wrong. They had just escaped from Charlotte...are they going to escape from Atlanta again?


       Alan decisively picked up his mother and held Emma on his back, ran towards the narrow alley and hid behind a pile of debris.


       The three of them held their breath and secretly observed the movements on the street.

      At first there was no change on the street, but then Emma pointed to the manhole cover and said, "Look, Alan!"


       I saw the manhole cover in the middle of the road constantly shaking. When the vibrations became louder and louder, with a loud bang, the manhole cover flew into the air more than ten meters away and landed with a clang.


      As the sewer hole cracked, a huge hand broke through the ground and stretched out. Some zombies also ran up.


       Hundreds of zombies quickly swarmed around. The big hand pushed the ground, and the huge body slowly climbed up from it. A giant ten-meter-tall Hulker appeared just like that.


      As soon as  Hulker appeared on the scene, he started smashing it wildly. A car was grabbed by the monster and flew to the alley where Alan and the others were hiding, almost hitting them.


       Alan and the three of them have nowhere to escape, they can only try not to be seen by the zombies


       However, the houses and urban structure here are not comparable to Charlotte. The streets can be separated independently like gates. Even the windows and doors of the house itself are made of thick iron plates with barbs. The most unique thing is that the overpass above each barrier wall has an independent gun room.


         Soon the zombies were blocked within a few streets, and then machine gun crews were seen taking position and quickly opened fire on the zombies in the streets.


       Alan and the others were in the middle of a blocked area, and the scene was filled with bullets and chaos.

     As the zombies were gradually blown up by the machine cannon and fell down, Emma couldn't help but cry out in excitement.

      "Ah!" Several speed walkers heard the sound and noticed them, and quickly ran over with their teeth and claws spread.




       Alan asked Emma to help her mother and ran to the other side of the alley, where she faced the zombies.




A summoned mechanical ladybug flew to Alan's outstretched left wrist and quickly transformed into a small laser gun. This was the self-defense function he installed in the mechanical ladybug.


        He aimed at the zombies' faces and fired several laser beams in succession to blind the zombies' eyes, making them unable to see the target and running around.


     Alan fought off the zombies beautifully, but at this time he didn't realize that Hulker had noticed him, and Jukui quickly rushed towards Alan.


        Alan was very frightened when he saw Hulker rushing towards him. He quickly flew into the narrow alley.  Hulker hit the narrow alley with a "pound" sound. Alan might have turned into meat in just one second. Even though iHulker's body was too wide, he couldn't squeeze in. Coming in, the terrifying and ugly face and dull eyes were still staring at Alan. Although Alan had bruised his arm, he quickly got up and did not dare to slow down a step, for fear that it would forcefully squeeze over him.


       Alan ran out of the alley and saw Emma and her mother with a strange girl.




       What appeared in front of him was a girl with blond hair and a high ponytail, but dressed in a smart outfit. The girl's facial features were very deep, and her beautiful eyes contained a sense of heroism, but she looked at them with her hands on her hips and her hands on her hips with a world-weary look.


       "Hey! Who are you...? You shouldn't be here, right?"

       Alan thought she was also the one accidentally trapped here, so he grabbed her hand and said, "Don't worry about this for now! Let's escape together!"


        Alan faced the girl with a serious and nervous expression. Although the girl was shocked, the giant had already arrived and she had no time to explain.


       Suddenly, they felt a huge shadow above them, and all four of them looked up at the same time. The terrifying and ugly face of Hulker squatted on it and looked at them. It turned out that Jukui just now was not stupid enough not to climb the house, but climbed to the fifth floor of the building next to it.




        Alan helped his mother and Emma, ​​and the four of them ran to the end of the street lifelessly. Hulker kept stomping on a row of houses with his bloody mouth open, and chased them here, causing them to run along the street, while Hulker chased them on the roof next to them.


      Suddenly, the giant jumped up, flew over their heads, and landed with a "thud" in front of everyone. The force of several tons shook the ground and made everyone unable to stand and fell. Now Jukui stood in front of them.


        Hulker opened his fangs and mouth, waved his hands and swept down the wall tiles of the houses on the roadside, and everyone moved aside desperately.


       "watch out!!"


       At the critical moment, without even thinking about it, Alan hugged the girl and rolled to the side to avoid the falling roof tiles. He got up in embarrassment.


     "Are you okay...?"


 Before Alan could finish speaking, he found that his hand was accidentally placed on the girl's breast...




 "Pah!" The girl slapped Alan on the face with a world-weary face.


     "I didn't...mean it...never mind!"


 Alan admitted that he was wrong, but the situation was still critical, because Jukui's eyes were now locked on the two of them...


       "What should I do? ?!" 


Alan moved his head to find a way.


        At the critical moment, Alan had an idea and ran directly in front of the Hulker

like throwing a baseball. Kirby, who had transformed into a shock shield, instantly transformed into a mechanical ladybug, flew to the front of the giant boss, and extended it from his back. He pulled out his laser gun and fired two hard shots into Jukui's eyes.


       Hulkeri was attacked by the sudden laser beam, his eyes were damaged and blinded, and he started to swing and smash wildly.

        Everyone took the opportunity to run towards a wide square, only to see the girl stop and face Hulker.


     "Hey! Idiot zombie, over here!"


       The girl's actions were not as weak as her appearance, but instead she looked like a professional zombie hunter.


       Hulker heard the sound and rushed here. Alan was worried that the girl would pull her away. The girl said with a smile:


      "don’t worry. Leave it to me and you guys stay away." 


        As he said this, he raised his right hand handsomely and fired the flare.


         The signal flares rose in the night sky, and the girl faced the Hulker without fear.


        Seeing Hulker preparing to rush towards the girl, suddenly a dense rain of armor-piercing bullets swept over from the side, stopping Hulker from advancing.


         All the artillery shells were fired at Hulker, and a vertical-wing aircraft slowly descended and poured bullets into the zombies.


         The Hulker screamed desperately and ran around more violently. At this time, the second and third planes also arrived to join the bombardment.


      Alan, his mother and Emma hugged each other and watched all this.


       After a burst of fierce fire and smoke, Hulker was finally defeated and fell to the ground.

        When it was confirmed that all zombies had been wiped out,the alarms went off again.


   "All zombies have been wiped out."


       Upon hearing the news, citizens staying in the house opened their heavily protected doors and windows one after another, restoring the bustling city night scene.



       The heavy valves between the streets were also opened one by one, and people began to come and go in Atlanta's inner city again. The store owner's frightened face turned to a smiling face to welcome customers, as if the zombie invasion never happened.


       After several small reconnaissance drones checked that there were no zombies left in the sewers invaded by zombies, the engineering drones quickly rushed in and out to seal the holes in the sewers.


      "Big cities are just different."


 This is the feeling of Alan's family. When they were looking around without knowing where to go next, the girl walked up to Alan.


        "Hey, who are you? You touched my breasts just now. You're not bad looking. I didn't expect you to be a pervert."


           The girl was still staring at Alan with her beautiful yet world-weary eyes. She really couldn't figure out why such a beautiful girl spoke so viciously as if her ancestors had died eighteen generations ago.


       Alan was no longer good at talking to strangers, so now he couldn't explain himself and stammered, "I'm sorry, my name is Alan... I... our family just came to the city..."


        The girl raised her eyebrows with a suspicious look, but what made Alan dumbfounded was that both her mother and Emma expressed their gratitude to the heroine who had just stood up to face the Hulker,Can't believe this girl just did a 180 on her attitude., and she said sweetly and heroically:


      "Auntie, that's right, welcome to Atlanta!"


       It turns out that this girl’s attitude is so different between men and women!…


       At this time, many cars suddenly drove towards them, surrounding them. Including the vertical-wing aircraft just now, they all landed in the square. Dozens of guards got out of their cars and formed a vigilant posture around them.


       "Ms. Hannah! Are you okay?" A midtown security squad leader named David stepped forward to care about the girl.


        It turns out the girl's name is Hannah.


     "I'm fine! Zombie invasions are common, but I met a family who just arrived in Atlanta... Just help them find a house to settle down properly!"


        Hannah ordered David, the squad leader, and it seemed that her identity might not be ordinary.



  "Auntie, sister, you can rest assured to stay here. If you have any difficulties, you can come to me. My name is Hannah, and the commander of the Atlanta City garrison is my father."


       Hannah said goodbye to Kelly and Emma in a very friendly way, but when she looked back, sheTurning into a cold world-weary face, he whispered to AlanTwo words:




        Hannah then got into one of the cars and drove off, leaving Alan questioning his life.


       "What's going on with this girl...?I saved her..."