Chapter 3: Feng Long
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Xiao Bao and Zhang Da left the house, and walked through the narrow alleyway that was used to get to his house. The alleyway was so narrow that Zhang Da almost didn't fit through it.

Zhang Da kept glancing over at Xiao Bao as they walked through the narrow alleyway, narrowing his eyes and furrowing his brow. His suspicions were growing with every step. "Are you wearing hidden lifters or something?"

"No, I'm not wearing lifters!" he protested, a little too vehemently.

Zhang Da raised an eyebrow. "Really? Because you look like you've grown at least five centimeters since I saw you."

Xiao Bao forced a laugh. "I dunno, maybe I'm just standing up straighter."

Zhang Da shook his head. "Something's definitely up. You've been acting weird too. More confident, less clumsy. It seems like you're in a good mood."

Xiao Bao tried to ignore the accusing look in Zhang Da's eyes. "Like I said. I'm just, you know, going through a growth spurt," he mumbled, hoping it would sound convincing.

Zhang Da studied Xiao Bao's shoes carefully, his eyes narrowed in suspicion. They were ordinary sneakers, nothing special about them. But still, something didn't sit right with him.

Suddenly, a group of teenagers emerged from the far end of the alleyway, their footsteps echoing off the brick walls. Xiao Bao's heart sank as he recognized the leader of the group: Feng Long.

Feng Long and his cronies swaggered towards Xiao Bao and Zhang Da, their eyes scanning them up and down with undisguised contempt. Feng Long, who was very tall, at least 180cm sneered at them, his eyes narrowed.

"Well, well, well," Feng Long drawled, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "If it isn't the two losers of Lunyang High."

Zhang Da flushed crimson, his fists clenching at his sides. Xiao Bao remained silent, his eyes locked with Feng Long's.

"What are you two doing here?" Feng Long asked, his voice harsh. "It's weird seeing you losers outside."

Zhang Da opened his mouth to retort, but Xiao Bao cut him off, his voice surprisingly calm. "We're going to the gym." he said simply.

Feng Long's eyes widened in surprise. "The two of you? You think that will have any effect on the both of you? You two are losers, and will always be losers."

He turned to his friends, who chuckled in agreement. "Have you seen their clothes? They look like they're from the they're taken from the dump."

One of Feng Long's friends, a short, stocky boy named Guo Ming, pointed at Zhang Da's faded t-shirt. "Nice shirt, Fatty. I think my grandma has the same one."

Zhang Da's face burned with shame. He had always been self-conscious about his weight, and Feng Long's cruel words cut him to the quick.

Xiao Bao stepped forward, his eyes blazing with anger. "Leave him alone," he growled.

Feng Long laughed mockingly. "Oh, is the little runt going to defend his fat friend? How cute."

He took a menacing step towards Xiao Bao, his eyes gleaming with malice. "You think you can stop me, loser? You're nothing but a weakling."

Xiao Bao stood his ground, his heart pounding in his chest. He knew he couldn't physically match Feng Long, but he refused to back down.

"Try me," he said, his voice unwavering.

Feng Long's eyes narrowed dangerously. He raised his fist, but before he could strike, his friends pulled him back.

"Come on, Feng Long," one of them said. "It's not worth it. People are looking. Don't do it here."

Feng Long hesitated for a moment, then shrugged. "Fine," he said, his voice dripping with contempt. "But I'm not done with you two yet."

He turned to Xiao Bao, his eyes hard. "I want to know where Xiao Mei is. That hot sister of yours."

Xiao Bao's heart skipped a beat.

"I don't know," he lied, his voice barely above a whisper.

Feng Long's eyes narrowed again. "Don't play games with me, loser. I know she's been hanging out with those slutty friends of hers. Where is she?"

Xiao Bao remained silent, his jaw clenched.

Feng Long's patience snapped. He grabbed Xiao Bao by the collar and hoisted him up into the air, his face inches from Xiao Bao's.

"I'm going to ask you one more time," he hissed. "Where is Xiao Mei?"

Xiao Bao looked into Feng Long's cold, merciless eyes and knew that he was serious. If he didn't tell him where Xiao Mei was, he would hurt him.

But he couldn't betray his sister. He couldn't let Feng Long get his hands on her. After what happened in his memories. He knew he had to protect her in this life.

Feng Long's grip tightened, and Xiao Bao felt the blood rushing to his head. He gasped for breath, his vision starting to blur. Xiao Bao tried to push Feng Long away, and tried to kick him, but he was not strong enough.

Suddenly, Zhang Da lunged at Feng Long, his fists flailing. Feng Long easily pushed him away, but the distraction was enough for Xiao Bao to break free.

He stumbled backwards, gasping for air, his heart pounding in his chest.

Feng Long glared at him, his eyes filled with fury. He took a step towards Xiao Bao, but then stopped, his expression changing to one of amusement.

"You're lucky I have better things to do," he said, his voice dripping with disdain. "But this isn't over. I'll find Xiao Mei, and when I do, she will be not so innocent anymore. I will turn her into a toy, and then throw her away."

He turned and walked away, his friends trailing after him.

Xiao Bao and Zhang Da watched them go, their bodies trembling with fear and anger.

"What are we going to do?" Zhang Da whispered, his voice filled with despair.

Xiao Bao didn't answer. He just had to become strong as soon as possible, and then beat the shit out of Feng Long.

He had the Second Chance System now, so it was possible to take revenge on him in the future. That Feng Long would be very surprised once the vacation was over in a week, and that he, Xiao Bao, would be muscular, and tall.

Xiao Bao and Zhang Da entered the gym, their eyes wide with awe. The gym was huge, with rows upon rows of gleaming exercise equipment. People of all shapes and sizes were working out, grunting and sweating.

Zhang Da's eyes went to a few girls that wore tight yoga pants. Xiao Bao had to admit that those were nice to look at, but he couldn't be distracted.

An employee of the gym, a muscular man with a shaved head and a stern expression, looked at them and their clothes, but said nothing.

Xiao Bao and Zhang Da shared the cost of a monthly gym membership that was 440 RMB, then they entered the gym. Xiao Bao walked straight to the bench press, his heart pounding in his chest.

They both went to the benchpress, and Xiao Bao started first. He revealed his skinny arms, and sat down on the bench

He placed two plates of 5kg on it, and adjusted the height of the bar. He then took a deep breath and gripped the bar, his hands shaking slightly.

He tried to lift the bar, but it was too heavy. He struggled and strained, but the bar wouldn't budge. He tried again and again, but he couldn't do it. This was only 30kg? How was it possible that he couldn't lift it?

Zhang Da shook his head. "You're not strong enough to lift that weight," he said. "You need to start with something lighter."

Xiao Bao nodded in shame. He knew that Zhang Da was right, but he couldn't help but feel disappointed. He had always dreamed of being strong, but now he realized that he was weaker than he thought.

Zhang Da suggested to try to just lift the bar. But even that was too heavy for him. He struggled to lift it, and his arms shook with exertion.

He kept trying, but the bar wouldn't budge. He tried different techniques, but nothing worked. He was starting to get frustrated.

Xiao Bao looked around the gym and saw other people lifting weights that were much heavier than the bar. He felt a pang of envy. He wanted to be strong like them, but he didn't know if he could do it.

He took a deep breath and tried to lift the bar again. He strained and struggled, but it was no use. The bar wouldn't move.

He collapsed back on the bench, his body exhausted. He stared up at the ceiling, his mind racing.

He had always dreamed of being strong, but now he realized that it was just a dream. He was weak, and he would always be weak.

He closed his eyes and let out a sigh of defeat.

"Is this really it?" he whispered to himself. "Is my goal of reaching 200kg bench press really impossible?"

Then a notification appeared before his eyes.

[New task: Starting somewhere]

[Task: Do 1 push-up]

[Time limit: 10 minutes]

[Reward: 10 system points.]

[Punishment when failed: You will become a girl. Forever.]

Xiao Bao stared at the notification that had appeared before his eyes, his heart pounding in his chest. The system had heard his complaints in his heart. Could it read his mind?

He looked at the bar again, and then at the notification. He knew that he couldn't lift the bar, but maybe he could do one push-up.

He got off the bench and walked over to a clear space on the gym floor. He dropped to the ground and lowered himself into a push-up position.

He took a deep breath and started to lower himself towards the ground. Slowly but surely, he inched his chest closer to the floor.

He could feel the muscles in his chest and arms burning, but he kept going. He was determined to do at least one push-up.

Finally, his chest touched the ground. He held the position for a moment, then slowly pushed himself back up to the starting position.

He had done it! He had done one push-up!

He stood up and looked at the notification. It was still there, but it was now flashing.

[Task completed.]

[You have earned 10 system points.]

[Congratulation on earning your first system points. Unlocking System Shop]

[System Shop unlocked]