Pompous Angels
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Jake stares at himself in a mirror as he brushes his sharp teeth.

"Stupid fucking Angel'sssss." Jake mutters with the tooth brush in his mouth.

He spits out the tooth paste into the sink and washes it out with water. He then flexes out his large fangs and flicks them both, producing a little bit of black venom, which falls into the sink. He then grabs a small comb and combs his mustache. 

Then he stares at himself in the mirror and a few words of Lucifer come into his mind. "Am I really that depressing looking?" He looks himself over in the mirror. "I guess I really haven't been my usual gun-hoe self in nearly 11 years."

Jake sighs as he brushes back some hair out of his face, and sets his red hat on his head.

"You know your sister's been whining that you haven't seen her in nearly 60 years. You should go see her." Mimzy voice echoes in his head.

Jake shivers a little. "I'd rather not see Jacklyn. She's so... possessive.Always weirded me out when we were alive."

Jake stretches out his arms and grabs his guns Sally and Mustang and fastens the holsters. Then he grabs his bandoleer and rests it over his chest.   

"Hope I don't fucking kill myself today." Jake mutters as he walks out of his room, his spurs jingling. 

Jake heads down stares and walks over to the bar and sits down. Husk hands him his "One Shot" cup with some coffee in it.

Suddenly Angel Dust stumbles through the front door and into the lounge with exhaustion. "Oh, fuck."

Niffty pokes her head out of a plant pot with a feather duster, before climbing out and going over to Angel. "You look messy! What happened to you?"

"It's who happened to me. And the answer is everyone. Twice!" Angel walks over to the parlor. "Val had me working 16 hours straight on a fucking whim." He pulls his hands back to straighten his backside with crackles of bones being popped. Niffty hops onto his back for a second and dusts it off. "The absolute dick bag."

Angel collapses on a cough.

"I have no idea how anyone could enjoy that kind of businessssss or work." Jake states. 

"I don't think you'd even understand if I were to explain it to you, Old Man." Angel calls out.

Jake sets his mug down and glares in Angle's direction. "Who the fuck you calling, Old Man?"

"I'm calling you, Old Man, you senile Snake!"

Jake's face contorts in anger as he pulls out his glowing knife. Though Charlie and Vaggie walks into the lounge with Vaggie holding two luggage suitcases.

Then the wall near the bar explodes, startling everyone. Though Angel gets annoyed that it's the second or third time the same wall that was fixed was blown up again.

"Argh! What the fuck is with that wall?:

Cherri Bomb appears from the hole in the wall through some red smoke. "What up, hoes!" She laughs.

"Who's this little twerp?" Jake asks as he spins his knife and puts it away

"Who's this little twerp?" Jake asks as he spins his knife and puts it away.

Angel Dust hears the laughter and immediately gets up from the cough with excitement. "Ho-Holy shit, Cherri Bomb? Long time no see, baby!"

Cherrie jumps into the room. "Angie, ya bitch!" She holds a lit bomb. "You been texting me depressing shit all day, figured we could tear shit up like old times. It's been fucking forever!" She senses Charlie coming up behind her and gives the bomb to Charlie. "Here hold this."

Charlie freaks out and plays hot potato with the bomb. "Ah! Oh my God! Oh my God!" Charlie tosses the bomb back and fourth in her hands.

Jake sighs and points a finger at the bomb and a black and blue liquid surround the bomb, then he brings it up into the air above everyone. It suddenly expands outwards as a muffled explosion goes off. The liquid dissipates and red smoke covers the room for a few seconds. 

"I love seein' ya Cherri. But I'm too tried. I need to pass out." Angel falls towards the couch, bit Cherri catches and pulls him up.

"Oh, you can sleep when you're double dead, fuckhead! Come on, what you really need is a recharge, a reinvigoration, a re--"

Charlie interrupts Cherri. "Responsible night on the town. That is a great idea. Hi!" She shakes Cherri's hand. "Charlie!" She points at the wall. "That's my wall you just blew up. It's so nice to meet one of Angel's friends. Argh, he never brings anyone around!"

"I wonder why?" Jake asks in sarcasm as he sips from his mug.

"Yeah, me too." Charlie says obliviously. "Yeah, me too. Anyway, Angel and everyone else have been working so hard. I think they deserve to have a little fun."

"W-W-wait, they?" Charri asks.

Charlie waves over to Husk and Niffty. Husk doesn't seem to care much, but Niffty is shaking so fat that rattling sounds can be heard from her body. 

"Yeah! Hi, everyone! Angel and his friend are taking you all out for a night of fun and relaxation!"

Jake grabs a bottle from under the bar counter. "Fucking lucky." He pours all of the bottle's contents into his mug.

Cherri holds up her hands. "Wait, I am only here for Ang..." Charlie gives her a large stack of cash. "Ooh! Never mind." She throws her arms up, clutching the cash in hand. "Let's go!"

"Make sure they have the best time tonight." Charlie says to Cherri. "Anyway the portal to Heaven should be opening right about..." 

Just as Charlie predicated, the portal to Heaven opens in the middle of the lounge.

"Now!" Charlie screams in delight.

Charlie grabs Vaggie with both arms and throws her into the portal, then grabs Jake and drags him over by his tail, as he refuses to even walk into the portal. Jake's ten thrown into the portal, leaving behind his mug and spilling its contents on the floor. 

Charlie steps a foot inside the portal and turns to everyone else, waving bye to them. "Bye!"

Charlie enters the portal and vanishes on the spot just before Sir Pentious walks by with a drink in his mouth. He notices Cherri Bomb and spits out his drink in shock.

"Well! If it isn't my arch-nemesis! Have you come to meet your gate in battle, Cherri Bomb?" Sir Pentious doesn't notice one of Charlie's discarded luggage in his way and ends up tripping over while Cherri Bomb doesn't seem to mind about him.

"Apparently, I'm going out with Angel and I gotta drag your sorry asses along." Cherri takes out a piece of gum and starts chewing on it.

Sir Pentious hears her well, and is flustered by Cherri's suggestion. He immediately goes over to her and seemed nervous while Charri faces him and blows a bubble.

"Oh, oh, you and me are going out like for fun?" Pentious asks. "I... I don't think this would ever happen." He panics. "What-what do I do? What-what do I wear?"

Sir Pentious grabs Cherri's shoulder for suggestion, but she doesn't like Pentious touching her and grabs his claw to the point it seemed like she's crushing it.

"Don't fuckin' touch me, ya munted dickhead."

And with that, Cherri leaves behind a flustering Sir Pentious, who is blushing red after Cherri touched his hand.

Up in Heaven Charlie, Vaggie and a annoyed Jake arrive before the pearly gates.

"Vaggie, Jake, look at this place." Charlie says with excitement. "It's sooooo clean! Isn't that amazing?"

"Yup, super cool." Vaggie says sarcastically. "Heaven. Wow."

"It's sssso... bright." Jake covers his eyes a little with his hat.

The three approach the front desk where St. Peter pops up from behind the desk.

"Hiya!" St. Peter greets. "Welcome to Heaven! Can I get your name please?"

"Welcome to Heaven! Can I get your name please?"

"Oh! Uhm, Charlie Morningstar!"

Peter opens the book of reservations that are supposed to be a list of names they've cataloged for those who are to enter heaven. "Charlie Morningstar. Hmm." Her starts to mumble names from the list. "I'm not seeing you on my list here. That's so odd."

"Uh, um, my Dad got me this meeting, so maybe--" Charlie starts.

"Oh, Dad! okay!"

"Try Lucifer... Morning... Star."

Peter realizes who Lucifer. "Oh, fuck!" Her nervously speaks. "Yeah, hooo. Hehe. Yikes. Am I right?" he flies down to the three. "Are you sure you're in the right place? Because I think you might be a little lost."

Vaggie is unamused of St. Peter, crossing her arms in disappointment. "Oh, here we go."

Jake punches the bridge of his nose. "I knew this wasn't gonna be easy."

"No, uh..." Charlie starts. "We're, we're here for a meeting."

Just then, high above the four of them, Sera and Emily suddenly appear in their angelic forms before turning into their humanoid forms as they land info front of the three demons.

"St. Peter." Sera calls out.

" Sera calls out

Sera continues. "We can take it from here. Greetings, daughter of the Morningstar. I am Sera, the High Seraphim of Heaven. You are gifted to be here."

The other Angel, Emily, is super-excited to see outsiders from Heaven that she  squeals and comes forward to greet them.

The other Angel, Emily, is super-excited to see outsiders from Heaven that she  squeals and comes forward to greet them

"Hi!" Emily greets. "I'm Emily, the other Seraphim. Though you can call me Em! Emmy, E, whatever you want. I go by whatever." She laughs. "Welcome to Heaven."

Peter flies overhead to get the gates open and starts to sing "Welcome To Heaven". Then gates open to reveal Charlie, an unamused Vaggie and an annoyed Jake the world of Heaven, a beautiful, clean paradise that is the complete opposite of Hell. Even the Angel's looked completely different than the demons.

"Dearly beloved, it is my pleasure to say onto thee.." Peter starts to sing. "♫ Welcome to Heaven, oh oh! ♫"

"Dear God they sing here too." Jake mutters in horror.

"♫ Where virtuous reside, 24/7. Oh oh! People are happy that they died, cause here we got no worries, got no burglaries, no strife. It's the perfect afterlife! Welcome to heaven, oh oh! ♫"

St. Peter flies amongst many advertisements in Heaven.

"♫ Check out our sick decor! The spirits leaven, oh! Please keep your brimstone off the floor, we've got the best and brightest, the politest of the lot. ♫"

St. Peter poses with lots of other angels.

"♫ And ev-ery-one is hot! ♫"

Emily then sings. "♫ Gosh, I'm so pleased to show some outsiders around. After you see our realm, you'll never wanna go back down! ♫"

Sera then chimes in and sings. "♫ Of course it is just temporary, I'm sorry you can't stay. ♫"

Emily and St. Peter grab hands and fly up together, as they duet. Before falling back down and posing with some other angels.

"♫ Cause every single day in Heaven is a happy day! Welcome to Heaven! ♫"

"♫ Yeah!♫" St. Peter pants as the song finishes.

Jake just looks around. 'I wonder if Scruggs is up here?'

Charlie, Vaggie and Emily run hurriedly, with Jake swiftly following from behind. They all unexpectedly pass Adam, who is drinking a soda, and Lute. They both immediately pause as they see Charlie, Vaggie and Jake.

"Holy fucking shit balls, am I seeing who I think I'm seeing?" Adam asks.

"What is she doing here?" Lute questions. "How did she even get up here?"

"Who cares? I'm handling this shit right now." Adam goes to challenge Charlie. Vaggie and Jake, but Lute stops him.

"Wait! You wanna start a fight on the promenade in front of everyone?"

"Better than waiting for the fucking extermination."

Lute immediately grabs Adam by his collar and pulls him to shushes him harshly. "SHHH. Sir, what was the Seraphim's one rule?"

"Ugghhh, 'No one but the exorcists can know about the exterminations'I know, fine." Adam slurps his drink. "Don't fucking shush me, bitch."

Just before they can settle this,  Sera suddenly appears behind them both. "You should listen to your lieutenant, Adam." She teleports them to an office-like building with just one sway of her wings.

Adam turns around and looks at the stern Sera with shock. "Fuck! Sera! You can't sneak up on a guy like that. Jeez."

"Your Highness." Lute greets. "Forgive me, but what are the hell[spawn doing here?"

"Well, you failed to control the demons unrest, and now Lucifer is involved, setting up an audience for his misguided daughter." Sera informs, she turns around to look out to Heaven. "I never would have agreed to your..." Adam slurps his drink loudly. "-'yearly activities' of I thought it would bring trouble to our doorstep." She looks back at Adam. "Keeping Heaven safe was my only reason for allowing it."

"What do you want from me?" Adam asks. "I'm just one guy."

Sera walks towards Adam. "I want you to do whatever you need to do to keep this problem from getting any worse." She leans down to Adam. "Are we clear?"

"Yeah. Got it."

In a hotel room Jake looks around his own room. He looks around in slight disgust as he looks at the cleanliness and how bright it is. 

"Uh, this place is too clean." Jake mutters as he rubs a hand over a table. He walks over to a window and looks over all of Heaven. "This place is to fucking bright."

Suddenly a knock is heard on the door and Jake raises an eyebrow. He puts a hand on mustang's glowing handle, which is on the back of his hip, and walks over to the door. He goes to open it, but the door slams open, revealing Adam and Lute.

"Heya, Jakey boy!" Adam shouts, as Jake goes to pull his revolver out, but Adam holds up a hand. "Hey now, you don't want to start an incident in Heaven now, would you?"

Jake growls and takes his hand off his gun. His tail heavily rattles. "Leave, asshole. And don't call me Jakey."

"'Leave Asshole'" Adam mocks Jake as he walks into the room, with Lute following behind and glaring at the snake. "You know that's how you sound right now. Like a real whiny bitch. Though, I wonder if you're gonna go out and see your brother. You know he's up here, you know the one that got you killed?"

"What do you want, you blockhead?" Jake asks as his eye twitches. "And he'sssss not my brother."

"Oh, nothing. Just coming to check up on how you demons are. And I came to tell ya, you're just wasting your time up here. What is that little hot Princess gonna be able to do?"

"Just gonna make a fool of herself." Lute states.

"You don't seem to understand just who you're talking about." Jake says. "That's Charlie Morningstar, you know, the daughter of the man who made your first wife fall in love with him. Oh, I know the ssssstories, Adam."

Adam glares at Jake. "Shut up, Snake."

"Oh, you mad, kid. You know, for the first man, I expected something more... refined. Not some fat man that thinkssss he's better than everyone." Adam goes to punch Jake. "Oh, you don't want to start an incident in Heaven now, do you?" He asks in a mocking tone.

Adam huffs and stomps out of the room and glares at Jake, as Lute follows him. "Just so you know, Jakey, I'm gonna fucking kill you."

Jake smirks. "Try me. 'Cause I'm gonna be the one to kill you, and I keep my promises."

Adam growls as he slams the door shut as he and Lute leave the room. Jake sighs and rubs his temples.

"Why must everyone make things more difficult." Jake mutters as he walks over to the bed and sits down on it. "Wow... this is very ssssoft." He lays down on it and sets his hat on his chest, letting out a yawn. "Maybe just a short nap will be... fine." 

Jake soon falls asleep.

"The FUCK, Jake!" Velvet's voice rings out. "Why you go and do something so stupid as selling your fucking soul!?"

"Velvet, listen." Jake is heard. "I had too."

"The fuck you mean, you had to?! What did you sell it for, money, power? Huh?"

"Velvet, just lisssssten to me."

"No, fuck you, Jake! I looked up to you, because you didn't take shit from anyone. You got stuff done even if it meant getting your own hands dirty to do it! But now your just just like everyone else, willing to do anything to get what you want. Even if it meant selling your soul!"

"Velvet, don't be like that. Come on, just listen to me. I had to do-"

"Just shut the fuck up, Jake."

A loud slam Is heard.

Jake's eyes snap open as someone knocks on his door. Jake sits up with a groan and rubs his eyes.

"Jake, come on, the meeting is starting soon." Charlie calls out from the other side of the door.

"Ugh. Coming!" Jake slides onto the side of the bed and sets his hat on his head. "Argh, how long was I asleep for?"

Jake stands up and cracks his back, before slumping forward. 

"Oh, my back." Jake grumbles as he rubs his back. "Fuck, I feel like an old man." He walks over to the door.



In an angelic courtroom Charlie, Vaggie and Jake sits at the bottom. Adam walks by then on his way to his seat with Lute.

"Oh no, not him again!" Charlie whines.

"What up, baby?" Adam sings a little and sits down beside Lute. "Saw you went to my manager. Low blow, Karen."

"Why did he call you, Karen?" Jake whispers to Charlie, and she shrugs.

Sera then speaks up. "We are gathered here today to determine whether or not a soul in Hell, can be redeemed into the heavenly realm by means of this Hazbin Hotel. Princess Morningstar?"

Charlie sighs. "Thank you, Seraphim." She stands up and clears her throat as she looks at some cards. "Webster's Dictionary defines redemption as--"

Adam interrupts. "Objection, lame and unoriginal."

"Sustained." Sera states. "No further dictionary references please."

"Right, ok, uh, uh... ummmmm...." Charlie shuffles through multiple cards, all which have various dictionary references on.

Jake sighs and facepalms. "We're doomed." He whispers.

"If you have actual evidence, then show it already." Adam calls out.

"We have a patron right now who is making incredible progress." Charlie informs.


"Angel Dust."

"Oh, yeah. The porn demon. He's totally worth being redeemed." Adam blows a raspberry.

"How does he know how Angel Dust is?" Jake asks Vaggie, which she just shugs her shoulders.

"Well, if you know so much. What do you think it takes to get into Heaven?" Charlie asks.

"Ummm, w-w-well.... Uhhh." Adam struggles to give her an answer. 

"Is everything okay, Adam?" Sera asks.

"Give me a fucking minute, okay?" Adam scrawls something down a golden piece of paper, before teleporting it over to Vaggie.

Vaggie reads what's written on the paper. "'Act selfless, don't steal, stick it to the man.' Are you fucking serious?"

"Wow, I was nowhere close to getting in Heaven." Jake nods to himself.

"Uh, yeah." Adam replies to Vaggie. "Sure got me here, didn't it?" He laughs and looks up to Sera. "Right, Sera?"

"He was the first human soul in Heaven..." Sera agrees.

"Well, I bet Angel is doing all those things right now!" Charlie calls out.

"Then let's fucking see it, brah!" Adam snaps his fingers. 

A spying orb appears in the middle of the courtroom.

Charlie walks over to the orb. "Your Honors, may I present exhibit A."

Down in hell inside a nightclub Angel Dust and the rest of the gang at present.

"Woo!" Cherri shouts. "Isn't this place the fucking best?"

"I'll admit, 'Consent' is a good name for a sex club." Husk says.

Sir Pentious spots Niffty sweeping. "Niffty, dear, what are you doing?"

"I'm sweeping!" Niffty aggressively sweeps the ground. "Urgh, look how icky it is in here!"

"That's because we're at a club, dear."

"Oh!" Niffty looks around. "I thought the hotel looked different!" She giggles and walks off.

Sir Pentious leans over to Cherri Bomb. "Ms. Bomb, I-I'd like to buy you a drink."

"Why?" Cherri asks as she turns to the snake demon. "Didn't you say we're arch-rivals?"

"Uhm... uhhh.... because I'm buying everyone a drink!"

The crowd cheers.

"Good." Angel sighs. "I need a drink after today. You know, Val, he's into this waterboarding shit now, I-I don't know, it's a kink.

Cherri rubs her head. "Angel, enough with the Val talk. He already ruined your whole day." She puts a hand on Angel's shoulder. "Don't let him ruin your night, too." She holds out three pills. "Here, take one of these and you won't be worrying about nothing."

Husk rolls his eyes. "Here we go."

"Oh, look, the drunk sobered up long enough to judge us."

Husk points a thumb at himself. "I ain't the one trying to get into Heaven. Look, you want to fuck up all your progress? Be my guest. I just..." He sighs. "I just thought you were better than that."

Charri glares at Husk. "Thanks, Captain Buzzkill. Come on Angie, let's get fucked up! It's been too long.

"I, uhh, I don't know, it's been a long night and I don't need to go too wild." Angel states.

Husk gives an approving hum.

"Come on, bitch." Cherri smiles. "If you've really been working that hard, you deserve a little R and R... and some THC, or maybe PCP with DMT. Aw, fuck it, let's see where the night takes us, huh?"

Sir Pentious slithers over with a couple shot glasses in his hands.

"I... I guess?" Angle questions himself.

"Cherri, I bought you a shot." Sir Pentious informs and sets the glasses down. "B-because I bought everyone another shot! Hooray!" He laughs.

The crowd cheers. 

Angel Dust drinks a shot. "Ah... Fuck it, let's do it."

Husk sighs as he rolls his eyes.

Back up in the Courtroom in Heaven.

"Heavenly people, what more do you need to see?" Adam calls out. "The porn star chose a night of debauchery. That's not a soul worthy of being in Heaven!"

"Um, objection!" Charlie calls out. "Are you really telling me you've never had a drink with friends at the end of a hard day?"

"Uh, we don't have hard days? it's fucking Heaven, bitch. You seriously going to sit there and pretend like this behavior is okay?"

Charlie growls in anger.

Adam looks at Vaggie with malicious intent. "What do you think?"

"I-I- I have to go to the bathroom!" Vaggie rushes out of the courtroom.

"What?" Charlie questions. "Vaggie, can't you hold it?" She gives a frustrated groan.

"I think we should keep watching and see what he does." Jake calls out. "I mean, he still could make the right choice."

"Did I fucking ask you, Snake?" Adam asks.

"No, but I'm a part of this court so I can voice my opinion. So let's keep watching, shall we?" Jake says with a smirk as Adam glares at him.

Sera sighs. "I don't know."

"Yeah, let's give him a chance." Emily pleads.

"Very well, the court will allow it."

Charlie gives Jake a big smile. "Fuck, yes! I mean... heh... thank you."

Back down in the night club the gang already had several drinks.

"Round 12, motherfuckers!" Cherri shouts as she sets more drinks on the table. "He;s are coming off!"

Angel laughs. "Oh yeah, keep 'em comin'!" He grabs a drink. "Come on, right here, right to Daddy."

"Oh, it's wonderful to have friends!" Sir Pentious chuckles.

"Everything's spinny." Niffty giggles as she tries to grab another drink.

Angel picks up the drink Niffty was trying to grab. "Ha, I think you're done, tiny."

"No! Gimme! Gimme gimme!"

"Oh, come on, bitch, she can handle a little more!" Cherri calls out as Niffty runs off.

"She's like ten pounds soaking wet, and--" Angel notices that Niffty's missing. "Oh shit, where'd she go?"

Angel spots Niffty shoving other patrons' drinks into a sack. "Dirty, dirty! Make it clean!"

Angel walks over. "Damn it, Niffty. Sorry fellas, here, next one's one me." He pulls out some cash and throws it onto the table. "Niffty? Shit."

Niffty's digging through a supply closet. "Chlorine... Bleach..."

Angel goes over to Niffty, but Cherri Bomb gets in his way.

"Angie... the fuck are you doing? You're supposed to be relaxing, not playing nanny."

"Look, she ain't used to this scene." Angel informs. "I-I just don't want her to end up in the gutter like I used to."

"Pfft, whatever, nerd. Just catch up when you're done." Cherri walks off.

Niffty laughs as she reaches for some more cleaning supplies.

Angel picks up the maid. "STOP!! You can't take that. God, Nff, why are you bein' such a mess?!"

Niffty starts to cry. "I'm the mess?"

"Oh, oh shot! Hey, hey, hey... calm down, ya ain't a mess." Angel takes a deep breath. "It's fine... Ssshhhh, hey, you wanna play with the kitty?"

Niffty stops crying. "Yeah..."

Angel puts Niffty one Husk's head while she giggles about it.

"The fuck is this?" Husker asks.

"She's wasted." Angel indoerms. "Just go with it."

"Really?" Husk looks up and sees Niffty playing with his ears and wings. "Ugh, get the..."

"Ahhh, hey, wow!" Sir Pentious falls out of his seat. He spots Cherrie and slithers over to her. "Hey, sssso... I see the club has a sex room. So I was thinking, maybe you'd want to, uhmm... do a... ssssSEX with me?"

Cherri snorts. "I'm sorry, why would we have sex?"

"Uh... uhm... because I'm having sex with everyone here!" Sir Pentious laughs briefly before he's grabbed by someone.

The crowd cheers, before dragging Sir Pentious towards the 'sex room.' Many sets of eyes are visible inside.

"Wait!" Pentious screams.

Angel and Husk, who's carrying Niffty, walk over to Cherri.

"You know, we can do this fucking shit every fucking night." Cherri shouts to Angel. "You don't have to spend all your off hours 'working on yourself,' you little bitch."

Husk then speaks up. "The hotel isn't a problem in his life, it's--"

Angel looks to the side and spots someone. "Valentino."

"Exactly. So why don't you-"

"No. Valentino." Angel motions, in horror, off to the side where Val sits at a large sofa-bench talking with some female demons.

"Yeah, I'm here all the time, they know me." Val says to the female demons and smokes from his pipe. "You're gorgeous... do you need a job? How many dicks can you suck? I can make you a star..."

Angel looks to his friends, yet Niffty's missing. "Let's get the fuck outta here. Ok. ...Where's Niffty."

"okay, yeah, bring me another drink or I'll fucking kill you." Valentino calls out to a waitress.

Angel spots Niffty running towards Valentino.

"Bad boy." Niffty giggles.

Angel walks through the tight crowd towards Niffty. "Excuse me. Pardon me! Get out of the way!"

Angel stumbles onto the platform and grabs Niffty, who is still running midair as Angel holds her.

"Holy shit, Angel Dust?" Val questions. "What are you doing here, baby? You didn't get enough dick today?"

Angel glares at Val. "Funny."

"Who's this chiquita? You brining me fresh meat?" Val brings a finger close to Niffty, and she bites at him, making Val Yelp. "Oi!"

"I just want a taste." Niffty giggles.

Val leans back on the sofa. "Ehhh, weird, but there's a kink for that, I'm sure!"

Angel stands up. "Fuck off, Val."

"Excuse me?"

"I said fuck off!" Angel says louder, everyone glances in their direction. "I may have to put up with your bullshit, but you ain't fucking with any of my friends."

Val stands up in anger and summons a red smoke chain and grabs Angel with it, pulling him close. "You forget who you're talking to? own you, bitch. Is that damn Snake, poisoning your mind?"

"Yeah, you own me, in the studio. And you can do anything you want to me there, just like our deal says. But out here, I get to do what I want. Jake don't bring Jake into this, he has nothing to do with this. So once again, FUCK. OFF!!"

Valentino smacks Angel, sending him tumbling to the side as Valentino walks over. "Enjoy the rest of your night, bitch, because I'm going to enjoy making you pay for it tomorrow."

Val walks back to his sofa as Angel wipes some blood from his nose.

"Fuckin' dickhead..." Cherri mutters.

Angel stands up and walks back to his friends. "Fuck it. It was worth it."

Husk smiles and puts a hand on Angel's back as they walk off." Way to go, kid."

Niffty appears and tears off a part of Valentino's fur. "OW! What the fuck?!"

"For my collection." Niffty chuckles. "Wait up, guys!" She runs after the others. 

"Did you just call these cunts your friends?" Cherri asks. "Thought that was my job."

"There's for for everyone, and ya know... you could come crash with us too." Angel says to Cherri.

"Okay, look, Angie." Cherri starts. "I'm glad this hotel shit is working; for you, but you know me, bitch, I'm doin' just fine. In fact, I'm gonna fuck the next guy I see, okay? But, if you need me, you know where to find me, yeah?"

Cherri walks off.

Pentious arrives back at the group, panting. "Is Cherri still here?" He sees Cherri walks into the sex room with another demon. "Damnit!"

Back up in Heaven Jake smiles as he watches the spy orb.

"Good work, kid." Jake mutters with respect.

Charlie motions to the orb. "See! He did everything on your checklist! He was selfless, he stopped Niffty from stealing, and he stuck it to that moth man!"

Adam taps his pointer fingers together. "Uhhh.... Well, uh.... then, then, why isn't he here then? Hm?"

"Why, why isn't he here?" Emily asks and looks at Sera, who looks away and doesn't make eye contact. 

The Angel's observing the court all murmur together.

"Wait... none of you know what gets someone into Heaven?" Charlie asks.

Jake raises an eyebrow. "How do none of you know what gets someone into Heaven. You all know exactly how one gets into Hell, but not Heaven. The fuck is this then?"

"This questioning stops now." Sera orders. "We know when a soul arrives. We know when they pass divine judgment." Emily summons Adam's requirements for getting into Heaven and looks it over. "It is out job to ensure these sounds are safe."

Emily starts to sing. "♫ But she was right, Sera. She showed us a soul that can improve. ♫"

Emily flies up and shows the orb with the scene of Angel defying Valentino.

"♫ He saw the light, Sera. Checked all the boxes that you said would. ♫"

Emily flies with the orb and asks the other angels observing the court.

"♫ Prove a person deserves a second chance. Now we turn our backs, no second glance? ♫"

Sera then sings. "♫ It's not as simple as you think."

Emily flies back up to Sera, who takes her hands.

"♫ Not everything is spelled in ink." ♫"

Charlie, Vaggie and Jake all stand up and look up to Sera.

"♫ It's not fair, Sera. ♫" Charlie sings.

"♫ Some souls deserve a small chance at a better after life. ♫" Jake sings.

Vaggie steps forward and puts a hand on Charlie's shoulder. "♫ Careful, Charlie, keep a cool head. ♫"

Charlie pulls away and looks at Sera. "♫ No! Don't you care, Sera? That just because someone is dead. It doesn't mean they can't resolver to change their ways. ♫"

The orb shows multiple images of Angel and the others.

"♫ Turn the page. Escape infernal blaze. ♫"

Sera then sings. "♫ I'm sure you wish it could be so. But there's a lot you don't know. ♫"

Jake crosses his arms and sings. "♫ The fuck is there not to know. Some souls don't deserve infernal blaze. They deserve a chance to raise up the from the hell. They've been forced to endure. ♫"

Lute then sings. "What are we even talkin' about? Some crack-whote who fucked up already? He blew his shot, like the cocks in his mouth. ♫"

Lute stands up and puts her Exorcist mask on.

"♫ This discussion is senseless and petty. ♫"

Both Adam and Lute fly up in front of Charlie, before flying over to and landing on the orb as they duet. " ♫ There's no question to be posed. He's unholy, case closed. Did you forget that 'Hell is forever'?"

Adam then sings. "♫ A man only lives once.  We'll see you in one month. ♫"

Adam flies off the orb and gets closer to Charlie, who briefly turns into her full demon form.

"♫ Gotta say, I can't wait to. ♫"

"Adam..." Sera calls out in a warning.

"♫ Come down and exterminate you! ♫"

"Wait!" Emily calls out.


Emily then sings. "♫ What are you saying? Let me get this straight. ♫"

Emily flies down and lands in front of the orb, staring sadly. 

"♫ You do down there and kill those poor souls? ♫"

Charlie then sings. "♫ You didn't know? ♫"

Adam shrugs his shoulders. "Whoops!"

Lute sings. "♫ Guess the vat's out of the bag. ♫"

Adam then sings. "♫ What's the big deal? ♫"

"♫ Who knew Heaven was as corrupt as hell. ♫" Jake smirks.

Emily looks up at Sera. "♫ Sera, tell me that you didn't know. ♫'

Sera then sings. "♫ I thought, since I'm older. It's my load to shoulder. ♫"

"No!" Emily shouts.

Sera flies down to Emily and takes her hands. "♫ You have to listen. It was such a hard decision. I wanted to save you, the anguish it takes to. ♫"

Sera gives a forced smile, the fire from the orb reflecting in her eyes.

"♫ Do what was required."

"♫ To think that I admired you. ♫" Emily tugs out of Sera's grip and flies upwards. "♫ Well, I don't need your condescension. I'm not a child to protect. ♫"

Emily turns in the air and questions Sera directly.

"♫ Was talk of virtue just pretension? Was I too naïve to expect you. To heed the morals you're purveying? ♫"

Charlie then sings. " ♫That's what the fuck I've been saying! ♫"

Both Charlie and Emily fly onto the orb and duet together.

"♫ If Hell is forever, then Heaven must be a lie! ♫"

"Emily!" Sera calls out.

Jake smugly smirks at Adam and Lute, and the two growl at him in anger.

Charlie and Emily continue their duet. "♫ If angels can do whatever, and remain in the sky. ♫"

Emily and Charlie fly off the orb and move out of the way, showing an Exorcist murdering a demon.

" ♫ The rules are shades of gray when you don't do as you say! When you make the wretched suffer just to kill them again! ♫"

The members of the court are horrified.

Charlie then sings. "♫ I was told not to trust angels. ♫"

Adam walks nearer to Vaggie. "♫By her ♫"

Lute leans on Vaggie's shoulder. "♫ Ha! She should now. ♫"

Jake raises an eyebrow. "♫ What the fuck should she know? ♫"

Vaggie walk over to Charlie, who takes her hands. "♫We should go. ♫"

Charlie then sings. "♫ No! Don't you see? We've come so close. ♫"

The three look up at all the angles talking together and Emily refusing to listen to Sera.

"♫ Look at them fighting; they're at each other's throats. ♫"

Adam then sings. "♫ Don't you act all high and mighty. Did you ever think your little girlfriend might be a liar? ♫"

Adam walks through the gap between Charlie and Vaggie and approaches the orb.

"♫ Don't, Adam, please! ♫" Vaggie begs.

"♫What's the fuss? ♫" Adam asks. "♫ Why hide the fact that you're an angel!♫"

Adam sinisterly turns while Lute grabs Vaggie and pulls her over to them.

"♫ Just like us? ♫"

The orb shows Vaggie in the past as an Exorcist, a shadow falling over the darkened courtroom as she spreads her wings.

"Holy shit..." Jake mutters in surprise.

Charlie calls to her knees in disbelief as Vaggie runs to her and Emily settles back by Sera.

Sera inhales to keep composure. "I'm sorry... but this court finds that there is no evidence souls in Hell can be redeemed."

"Oh, FUCK, YES!!" Adam shouts in excitement. "I WIN!!! SUCK IT BITCHES!!!" He flips off Charlie, Vaggie and Jake. "You better save the date cunts, because we're coming to your hotel... FIRST!"

Adam snaps his fingers, reopening the portal to Hell.

"What... NO!" Charlie screams. "You can't-"

"Oh fuck you!" Jake flips off Adam. 

"You... Mother fu-" Vaggie shouts.

Charlie and Vaggie scream as they are transported back to Hell through the portal. Jake's rattle shakes as he falls through the portals.

"Charlie!" Emily shouts. "Don't give up on this! I'll figure something out. I promise."

The portal closes.

"That wasn't called for, Adam." Sera says to the first man.

Adam smiles up at Sera. "Yeah, but did you see the looks on their fucking faces, it was... d-d-" He stammers. "Sorry..."

The court, Adam, and Lute fly away.

Emily crosses her arms and turns away from Sera. "Extermination... of human souls?! Demon or not there is NO need to be doing this."

"They were uprising, Emily." Sera claims and she turns into her true form. "It is my position as the Head Seraphim to protect our people at all costs." She goes back to her human form. "And it's your position to keep them happy and joyful.

Sera leans forward, putting her hands on Emily's shoulders.

"How can I bring joy when I now know we are bringing misery to thousands of innocent people?" Emily asks.

"Heaven needs us, Emily. Everyone looks to us.... and we can't doubt ourselves or worry about the fates of demons when we have our own souls to protect. Please, if you start to questions, you could end up like Lucifer: FALLEN. I couldn't bear to see you suffer that fate, so please, let me worry about this, okay?"

Sera kisses Emily's forehead. "I'm sorry."

Emily puts a hand on Adam's list, gently.



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