Chapter 3
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In a forest, A man walks by a trail, a trail he must follow to reach where he wants to go...

Every step he takes, His cloak flutters, the color it takes makes sure he blends among the greenery of the trees. 

A book in hand, A sword and a gun at his waist, with a another weapon hidden behind his back. 

A creature notices his existence, Calling forth more of its kind. 

"A human!"

A tiny voice exclaimed so.

"Isn't he an Elf? He is an elf, right?"

"No, you idiot! Look at his ears!"

"Hold on, isn't this dangerous?"

"Eh? Why?"

"Well, we just got home, which means we haven't kept the pixies in check."

"Should we help him?"


A couple more voices emerged and brought up  a problem that may lead the man into danger.

Upon concluding a decisive solution, they decided to aid the man.


First person POV

This skillbook... I think I just acquired a really precious luxury item.

The skill this has is definitely not a normal one.


{ Magic:[Arcane armor: A+] :*all stats amplified| Armor takes on desired magical atrribute*}  <10 mp per minute>


Indeed, the most affordable one of its skillbook series can only get you a C- class and B class would be the most expensive one available at the market. 

Not to mention, it can fully take on a user's magical affinity. Most would just take on a percentage of it.

If a wind attributed user used a [B class] version of its series, it would take on the name of Gale armor, or was it Gale runner armor..?

Anyway, if I registered my Light attributed soul into it, If it was a [ B class ] version, it would turn into [Enchanted Golden Armor]. 

However, if an [A+ class] was used, it would turn into the great and classy [Radiant Armament]! 


I was about to register it to my skillset, Until I heard something...


My stomach rumbling... Well, I guess I'll stop walking for a bit and eat. Too bad I wasn't able to get to a town before this...


I was sitting and enjoying the scenery of a very enchanted forest whilst I was observing  majestic Ents roam around. 

I was chewing at the Dewey rations I found a while back. I also had a couple of fruits, I found them on nearby trees and there was one that fell from Ent. 

An Ent bumped into a tree, and dropped a fruit from one of its branches. It didn't seem to mind and just continued on its way. I really should've just gotten the fruit from that Ent a while back.

I was then nibbling at a fruit but soon started to get enough of its sweetness, until I bit one that had an overwhelming sourness. This led to me alternating bites betweem them. 

Yeah, this is good.

*munch* *munch* *munch*

"Umm, excuse me, sorry to interup- Oooh what's that?"

I got startled and stood up, pulled out my pistol and pointed at the source of the sound.

I couldn't say anything because I still had my mouth stuffed. The sound turned out be from a tiny creature with wings, Emitting a tiny radiance. I calmed down after seeing it.

"That thing you were eating! Can I have some!?" 

The tiny voice shouted so. 

"A fairy...? S-sure, what do you w-want?

"That thing covered in a strange wrapper, Can I and my friends have some!?"

The dewey rations? There's still quite a lot of them. I brought out 4 of them.

"Sure, take them."

I said smiling.

"Thank you!" 

The fairies eyes' lit up and accepted them with a cheery smile.

"Hey, Comaderie! What are you doing!"

"Ahh, Isla! This human gave us food!"

"Huh? Human food?"

"Yup! It's wrapped up, though. Want some?"

"Maybe later, I'll eat it with you so leave some for me."


"So your names are Isla and Comaderie."


"We sent Comaderie to warn you about something, but she ended up asking for food."

The fairy that seemed to be the first fairy's friend, Isla, said so with a tired expression.

"You mentioned a warning, any more details?"

"We thought about protecting you from pixies so we came to warn you about pixies."

"Hmmm, is that so?"

Pixies? Are they that much dangerous nowadays? They usually just do minor trickery and pranks, so I wouldn't really be hurt if I just stayed careful. 

Wait, maybe these fairies can take me into a nearby town. I can ask them for a favor.

"If you don't mind, Can I trouble you to guide me to a town?"

"Eh? Sure!"

"Sure, think of this as a thank you for the food."

*Acquired guide fairies.

"Just follow us and don't get lost, okay?"


And so the journey goes on.

Also, they been floating around while wearing these short-length skirts, so I can pretty much see what's underneath.

Fairies are actually hairless down there, eh?


You there! Yes, you! The Mature tag, you noticed it, right?