Chapter 1
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 A troop of 25 horsemen from the seventh kingdom of Othrond was on guard at the Varner naval port to search for a group of elven diplomats from Ellorin, the Glyphwood Forest Empire. The elf diplomats were coming to the seventh kingdom of Othrond because of the civil war that had been going on for more than two weeks. The cause of the civil war is the fact that the natives of the kingdom want independence from Ellorin. The empire of the Glyphwood Forest dominates more than 8,416,767 square kilometers, this includes the 7 kingdoms of Othrond, the Iron kingdom of Nulbizah and the kingdom of Erevras, in addition to having colonies on the east Meriakan continent making it the largest empire in the world, is also the cause of the separation between the different races of the east and west.

 The captain of the Troop Rewyn Anor, a tall and strong man, with semi-short hair and a thin beard, watched the ship Triton on the pier, which had been bringing the 3 elf diplomats.
-Hey guys can I say something funny that happened at home some time ago?
-When I was about 6 years old, every night my daughter would watch while her mother applied cream on her face. Once, she asked: -Mom, why do you put this thing on your face? -My wife explained that it was to maintain a younger and healthier appearance. Without thinking twice, she added: -And when does it start to take effect?
- (Laughs)

-What daughter do you have in Dallas.
 While some horsemen laughed at the Dallas jokes, the Triton approached the pier.
-In the name of the god Drojn, it seems that the elves arrived safely.
-You'd be pretty screwed if some elf overheard you talking about "false" gods.
 The gentleman who had mentioned the name of the god Drojn, looked around and said the following sentence.
-L'm not seeing any elves. Are you Dallas?
-No, but they have good hearing.
-And besides Brandegar, it's not like the elves care, what do they expect?
-All quiet, they are coming.
 At that moment three elves - male - were descending from the ship and heading towards Captain Rewyn, who had asked his men moments before to salute.
-Greetings, gentlemen. I am Captain Rewyn and I will be at your disposal to guide you safely to the capital Elmor.
-We accept your humble greetings, we hope you will guide us safely, Mr. Rewyn. - Said the elf from the middle to whom his name was Gildenar. She has long straight black hair with a small braid near her right ear and has honey-colored eyes. As the chariots were driving, the elf on Gildenar's left side went towards a knight.
-I'm sorry about my inconvenient knight, but could I know your name?

-Is it my name?
-I'm Beorhtio.
-Good Mr. Beorhtio I hope you do not mention the names of the false gods of Atiruhsa, as I am sure you will not want to lose your position as a knight, I am not sure.
-Yes, thank you sir ...?
- Milorfin.
-I am very grateful to you, Mr. Milorfin. - He replied leaning as a sign of thanks, while the elf looked at him with a silly smile on his face. Soon after, when he climbed into the carriage, they set off towards the capital Elmor.


 On the way back to the capital the guards escort found two adventurers with a four-pointed star inside a south-facing semicircle that indicated that they had come from South Atiruhsa, they were two thin, defined men with brown eyes a long beard on his chin, in addition to having a ponytail cut. Captain Rewyn went to talk with them, for it was not every day that adventurers came from the south of Atiruhsa.
-Hello Southern adventurers, I see you are coming from the capital, did you have a good hostel?
-Hello, yes we did. Sorry to ask, are you from the 8th cavalry of the seventh kingdom of Othrond?
-Yes. Why the question?

-We were warned that if we found a troop of horsemen it was to warn them that a possible attack by rebels in the capital aimed at the lives of some elf diplomats who would be accompanied. -Answered one of them.
-Can I know who they were told by?
-Yes, it was Lord Adoamros, the religious leader of the temple of the goddess Simêt.
-Hum, right, thank you very much. Have a good journey.
-We thank you and wish you a good trip too.
 Ending the conversation and resuming his ride, Rewyn caught the attention of his subordinates.
-I want everyone to listen carefully. We were told that a possible attack on the city streets orchestrated by the rebels, I want everyone to be ready for anyone who wants to suspect, I was clear.
-Yes! Sir! -They all answered in unison.
 Arriving in the city they saw several people looking at them and at the carriage that transported the three elves, it was possible to say that they were all with hateful looks on the elves and this made it easy for assassins to hide among the crowd. After riding for 20 minutes towards the castle, Dalas saw a suspicious movement in one of the windows of one of the houses.
-There the left window of the second floor of that residence!
- Eliminate the target now! - Captain Rewyn replied. And then Dalas with his bow shot an arrow at the murderous support, hitting it.

-Go over there now to make sure he's dead! - Captain Rewyn ordered. And at his command, about 5 horsemen including Dallas went there. When they arrived they opened the door of the room where the murderous support would be, but when they opened that door they were all scared and regret, especially Dallas, because there was not a murderer, but a child, a little girl who seemed to have about 7 to 8 years old and she had an arrow in her chest piercing it. Dalas felt very sorry for and without realizing it he started to cry, because that little girl reminded her daughter a lot. The knights seeing that they could do nothing, since that child had already left for immortal lands, left the residence and while they left they saw the poor girl's parents running towards the room where the body of their beloved daughter, the mother and the the father took the body of his daughter and hugged him when they were crying, when Dalas was leaving he felt a chill behind his back and when he looked back he saw the child's father looking at him with the desire to kill him, Dalas seeing that look simply decided to ignore it when his captain called him back to training.
 And after another 20 minutes of riding they arrived at the castle. From there the three elves were received by some servants who took them to the main room of the castle where the king was. When they arrived they greeted King Hartmut Carlyle.
-How long King Hartmut. -The elf Gildenar was the first to greet him and soon after it was the turn of Milorfin and lastly it was the turn of Aldond the third elf. After greeting each other, King Hartmut Carlyle went straight to the point of why they had been called here.
-You must know that we are about a civil war and that the rebels have secret fields and hiding places all over my territory. And during one of these raids that we make to eliminate them, we located Aryan Sweet the leader of the rebels, as well as others of their leaders and we have already captured them, at the moment they are here in the castle prisons.

Os elfos reivindicaram as boas ações que o rei Hartmut Carlyle estava fazendo e logo perguntaram ao rei se podiam dar uma olhada nos prisioneiros.
-Podemos ter velos para poder determinar um julgamento?
Sim, claro, foi por isso que te chamei aqui. -O rei respondeu.
-Então o rei e mais dois guardas desceram as escadas em direção à masmorra. Ao chegar lá, os elfos puderam ver que a maioria das celas tinha rebeldes e em uma perto do final do corredor podiam ver Aryan Sweet, o principal líder dos rebeldes, mas sua atenção foi chamada pela cela ao lado, onde apenas uma pessoa podia Vejo.
-Por que esse homem nesta cela, ele não parece fazer parte dos rebeldes? -Milorfin perguntou ao rei.
-Bem, ele foi pego roubando livros de magia da luz, ele disse que os roubou para estudá-los, posso acreditar, se ele realmente quer estudar magia da luz, ele apenas teve que pagar uma taxa de 150 moedas de cobre, uma quantia que até o mais pobre dos camponeses poderia pagar, e você sabe quanto esses livros de magia da luz valem. -O rei respondeu.
-O veredicto é o seguinte: todos eles, incluindo o ladrão, devem ser levados dentro de três dias para Scenia, no reino de Ferro, para serem executados. -Gildenar disse e o rei Hartmut Carlyle concordou.

Alexandre Hackney foi acusado de roubar livros de magia da luz e foi condenado à morte. Em três dias, ele e alguns outros rebeldes seriam enviados a Scenia para serem executados.
Mas o que realmente espera por você no seu destino final?