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Bright light assaulted his senses almost as soon as he opened his eyes, forcing him to shut them once again, for fear of getting a migraine. He struggled to gather his bearings as he tried to recall where he was. He opened his eyes once again, slowly this time.

Looking around, he found himself in unfamiliar surroundings, making him wary almost immediately. The room he was in resembled a hospital of the old world. He wasn’t aware that such a place existed anymore. Whatever this room was, it was clear looking at the apparatus and arrangements that a lot of care and resources had gone towards this project.

“So, you are finally up, huh, Atlas? I am glad to see that our notification system for this room is working! And what better first beneficiary of the system than the leader of ‘The Roaring Dragons’!”

Jordan looked towards the source of the sound to find the leader of one of his rival guilds, ‘The Wandering Phoenix’ staring back at him with a smile. That alone caused him to grow wary of the whole situation.

“Why am I here, Osiris?”

Osiris’ face lit up with his trademark smile, exuding the charisma that had enabled him to become the leader of one of the top three guilds in the region.

“Forgive me, Atlas, but when the leader of one of my rival guilds turns up half-dead on my door, the least I can do is take care of him and nurse him back to health!”

Jordan couldn’t help but let out a snort at that. “Really? I find it hard to believe that you did anything with my well-being in mind.”

Osiris could only shrug nonchalantly at that, “Meh, you are right, of course. You dying near my guild headquarters would have aroused a lot of my suspicions from the member of your guild. And a turf war at this stage of development of our respective guilds isn’t something we need.”

Jordan nodded at that. “I agree. Especially when the situation within my own guild might be more tenuous than ever!”

Osiris couldn’t help but chuckle at his rival’s misery. “I heard about your latest bounty. Bitten off more than you can chew, I think.”

Jordan gained an angry look on his face at that, “No, that’s not true! You don’t know how this man operates. He is a coward, choosing to strike his opponents in the back. A coward who uses poison to cover up his own failings and weaknesses. A coward who chooses to dwell in the shadows rather than shine out in the light.”

A raised eyebrow was what he received in response. “Touched a nerve, did I, Atlas?”

“No, I am merely stating the facts for what they are. The Bounty Hunter is nothing more than a menace, a man who has got ideas above his station.”

Again, Osiris shrugged as he said, “Say what you will, but he did take out four of your elite bodyguards. In fact, I was envious of your protectors myself. He took out three of them all at once. The video capturing the demise of your final three bodyguards is live on the forums for everyone to see. He may strike from the shadows but he always seems to draw blood when it comes to the reputation of your guild.”

Jordan felt his ire rising with every word that came out of Osiris’ mouth.

“Look, Osiris. I didn’t bother coming here just to argue with you. I came here to ask for your aid in this matter. And I promise to provide you with equal compensation.”

“And what is this aid you speak of, Atlas? I’d like to hear the words if you would oblige.”

Jordan could merely grit his teeth at the fact that Osiris was forcing him to voice his desperation for his own selfish amusement.

“I would like your help to take out the Bounty Hunter. I would like the help of your vast network and resources to aid me in this quest. And I truly believe that it would be mutually beneficial for both of us. It will help foster better relations between our members while taking out a common threat. After all, who is to say that the Bounty Hunter won't turn his attention to you and yours once our affair is over?”

Osiris turned around so all Jordan could see was his back. “You must really think me a fool if that’s all you have to offer, Atlas! Mutual benefits? Taking out common threats? Last time I checked you were the one who kicked the hornet’s nest. Not me. So get out of here with that. You know as well as I do that I can take care of myself and my own without your help.

He paused for a moment before continuing, “Now, unless you have something actually valuable to offer, I suggest you prepare for your departure. I have already alerted your guild. Someone will be arriving pretty soon to escort you back.”

After saying his piece, Osiris started walking towards the exit of the room when Jordan stopped him.

“Wait! I have one more thing to offer. The first crack at the Minotaur dungeon. It’s yours! Just help me and I promise that neither I nor the members of my guild will enter that dungeon before you have a go at it. What do you say?”

Osiris turned around to face Jordan once more before staring him in the eye as if he was looking for something.

Then with a smirk, he replied, “Your offer is very tempting, Atlas but I am afraid that I have to decline. The risk outweighs the reward. I hope that you understand.”

Jordan couldn’t believe what he was hearing. “The risk outweighs the reward? How? Don’t tell me you are actually fearful of the Bounty Hunter?”

All this while, Osiris hadn’t stopped staring Jordan in the eye, which was unnerving Jordan a little bit, much to Jordan’s chagrin. To add to that, the infuriating smirk hadn’t yet left Osiris’ face.

“It’s not fear that drives my decision, I am afraid. Rather, it’s temptation. As a guild leader yourself, I think you should understand that.”

Jordan looked at his fellow guild leader with perplexity written all over his face. He had lost any hope he had had of recruiting the aid of Osiris’ guild with those final words.

“You wish to recruit the Bounty Hunter? A common thief, a murderer, a man who would sink to unknown depths just for money? I thought you were better than that. Any respect I had for you as a guild leader before today has been lost today.”

That wiped the smirk off Osiris’ face immediately, much to Jordan’s satisfaction. With a steely expression, Osiris replied, “He’s strong. Strong enough to take out three of your bodyguards. Strong enough and skilled enough to poison the guild leader of one of the topmost guilds in the region without the target having even a whiff of his plans.”

“So, tell me if I am wrong in desiring such a valuable asset for my guild? I have to look out for the best interests of my guild, not yours.”

Osiris was practically frothing at the mouth after the disrespect shown to him by Jordan. Reining in his emotions once again, he turned around and said, “And even if he refused to join me, I’d rather not have him as my foe.”

Before Osiris could leave the room, Jordan shouted through gritted teeth, “ ‘The Roaring Dragons’ won't forget this refusal, Osiris. I won’t forget how you turned me away in my hour of need. There will be hell to pay, Osiris. Mark my words!”

Osiris didn’t bother turning around as he walked towards the exit once more while saying, “I will send someone in to check your health. I would like you to leave as soon as someone from your guild arrives. Best of luck, Atlas!”

All Jordan could think through the rage building up in his veins was the manner in which he would make Osiris pay for his refusal to help him. But first, he had to deal with the Bounty Hunter and make an example out of him.

No one crossed him without paying their pound of flesh! No one!


“So, it went that bad, huh?”

Jordan couldn’t help but glare at Scottie after he asked that question. His already poor mood plummeted even more if that was even possible. Looking around, he saw the mess that he had created as soon as he had entered his office. At that moment, he couldn’t help but admire the restraint Osiris had shown in a similar situation.

“All of my hand-picked bodyguards dead, an adamant refusal of my plea for aid from one of my competitors and now the word on the street is that the Bounty Hunter is stronger than me, capable of beating me in broad daylight without anyone even realising it. So, tell me, Prometheus, was it a bad day?”

“Ooh, Prometheus! You never call me that! Now I can say for certain that you are pissed.” All Scott received in response was another glare, causing him to raise his hands in mock surrender.

Jordan could only sigh in response to Scottie’s laid back attitude, not willing to engage in an argument with him so soon after returning to the guild.

“Man, I am tired. Did we find out what poison the Bounty Hunter used on me? I want to know if there will be any lasting effects on my health or abilities.”

Scott shook his head in response, “Nothing yet. It’s not like you are making the task any easy by refusing to give your blood.”

“No one is taking my blood. Not unless we gain a good understanding of this system and the various mechanics within it. I mean, who knows if there is an artifact or potion out there that can help manipulate people through blood, or even kill them.”

Scott nodded at that, having no reason to refute that statement.

“That’s true, I guess. Anyways, it’s just come out that one of the adventurers in our nation has finally reached the coveted level 20. There was a notification from the capital, stating that we have the capability to form our own government now. Our region will be expected to send five representatives to take part in the process to decide the members of the government.”

Jordan couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow at that, “I have to admit that I am surprised. I didn’t expect that we would be just the fourth nation to have a member reach level 20. The top three nations haven’t been exactly forthcoming about the changes in the system once they assigned their government within the system.”

Scott replied, “Can you blame them? I mean, why give up the advantage you have?”

“True, I guess. The world might have changed but humanity does not. Power is still king, even in this new order.”

Both sat in contemplative silence for a while, various thoughts running through their heads before Jordan broke the silence.

“So, any idea who the level 20 adventurer is? It’s a feat worthy of appreciation. I assume he is already being heralded as the greatest thing this side of the ‘Change’. Is it a guild leader from one of the regions?”

Scott shook his head at that. “That’s the weird thing about all of this. No one in the entire country has come out and claimed the feat. It’s almost as if they want their strength to remain hidden. Of course, gossip hasn’t ceased and speculation is strife in the forums.”

Jordan couldn’t help but scoff at that. “Hiding your strength? I just hope that it’s not because of a false sense of humility. Humility might be the greatest weakness in this world! Anyways, what do the gossip mongers say?”

Scott replied, “You know, the same old. Must be one of the ‘Ten Swords’. There are even betting odds that have cropped up on the forums, speculating the identity of this strongest adventurer. You have the fifteenth best odds. So, I guess congratulations are in order.”

Jordan let out a wry smile. “That’s a sucker’s bet then. Who do you think will be asked to go as representatives of our region?”

“Hayabusa is a lock, as expected. Osiris and you are also almost entirely certain, although you might face some minor opposition in the face of today’s debacle. The last two names are up for contention right now but there is a name that is saturating the forums. Many people seem to think that ‘he’ would be an ideal representative.” Scott couldn’t help but send a curious look towards Jordan after saying that, just to gauge his reaction, knowing that Jordan would catch on to the meaning behind his words.

Jordan just shook his head and scoffed, “The Bounty Hunter?!”

After a moment, he continued, “As much as I hate to do it, I have to admit that he is strong. But tell me something. How is anyone going to find him? No one has seen hide or hair of him till now. That’s a major obstacle in trying to get him to be a representative, I would assume.”

Scott shrugged at that before looking at Jordan and saying, “Leaving that aside, do you think I have a legitimate shot? Of becoming a representative from our region?”

Jordan could only sigh at that, wondering whether he should voice his own opinions on the matter.

“There’s always a possibility, Scott. But I think it will be difficult for you in the face of the stronger players in the region. Most people would classify you as a top 10 adventurer in the region. I think you will narrowly miss out.”

Scott could only nod at that, his face betraying no emotion as he got up to leave.

Scott looked at Jordan and asked, “So, what’s the plan now that plan A has failed?”

Jordan looked out of the window in the direction of a now famous hill while saying, “We need a trump card. I think the reward from Minotaur’s lair could be that if the rumours about similar dungeons in other regions are true. We need to overtake the other two guilds to become the foremost guild in the region, sooner rather than later. I want to take down the Bounty Hunter and Osiris before the meeting of the representatives.”

Scott whistled out loud at that. “We are at least a month away from challenging the Minotaur, mate. The meeting could be happening within a month. No one in the guild is strong enough to be part of such an expedition. Plus, no offence, you need to get stronger too, if you are to lead us on the raid.”

Jordan replied, his tone weary, “Don’t you think I know that? The past few hours have made that abundantly clear for all to see. Contact the guilds who you have a good relationship with. Tell them that we need their strongest members. I don’t want news of this getting quiet.”

Scott replied, “Understood. What should be the time frame I give them?”

“Two weeks. Tell them that we will be mounting an attack on the Minotaur in two weeks.”

Scott couldn’t help but gape at that. “We aren’t ready, man. No one in the guild is. Hell, no one in the region is, believe me. This might be too unrealistic of an expectation, even for you.”

Jordan turned to face Scott before replying, “You are wrong. Osiris is ready. Hayabusa must be too. Osiris wouldn’t just ignore my offer for first shot at the Minotaur just because he coveted the Bounty Hunter. That might have played a part, true. But I think he didn’t need the offer.”

Jordan's face turned grave as he continued, “I have a feeling, Scott. That the balance of power in this region will completely shift once someone conquers the Minotaur. It will be a statement of intent, I believe. The intent to capture the throne of this region. And I am not letting anyone else do that.”

Joran continued once more, his voice suggesting that he would tolerate no arguments, “Make the preparations. Offer additional rewards if you have to. Out of our own coffers. I want the conqueror’s loot from the Minotaur’s dungeon.”

Scott could only stare at Jordan before saying, “As you wish” and leaving the room, leaving Jordan alone with his own thoughts.




“There is going to be a competition in our guild. To determine who will participate in the dungeon raid of the Minotaur’s lair organised by ‘The Roaring Dragons’.”

“Isn’t that nice? Do make sure you win, Anna. It’s a wonderful opportunity, after all.”

“Will you be there?”

“Oh, I will be. Don’t you worry! After all, I and that Minotaur have some scores to settle.”

“For now, leave me alone, Anna. Let me enjoy this moment before I take things into account. It’s not every day that one reaches the coveted level 20 after all!”