Idea 2: Kryptonian reincarnation.
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I jolted awake suddenly, taking in a deep, panicked breath. Looking around me wildly as I tried to calm myself down I quickly took note of where I was. Or more like, where I wasn't.

I was in a pure white room, sitting in front of an old PC asking for log in creds. Which discombobulated me, because I could have sworn I was sitting in a crumbling building with a new type of batarang stuck in my neck beeping. Reaching up to my neck after feeling the phantom pain of it entering it caused me to silently whimper.

I leaned back on the chair and closed my eyes as I tried to stifle down the renewed panic attack. It didn't take me very long to realize what happened. I was murdered by Batman. Whimpering at the flashes of the crazy smile he had on, one that reminded me of the victims of the Joker Gas, I nearly broke down again. The crazy laughter, even as the building was coming down around him was beyond unnerving.

After who knows how long I sighed and whispered, "At least I died quickly, all things considered. But why even kill me or destroy the building... I was just some lowly building security for the Daily Planet..."

After another stretch of time, I managed to finally fully calm down and address my situation as I found it. Sitting in a small(?) room, with no way in or out, with only a computer. It was rather obvious what I was expected to do.

Reaching for the mouse, I moved it and clicked on the log in button. The screen went white for a second before text started to show up.



Welcome Soul#23432438965409690234908645060e43595035490ORP93450439534N7347U5699L7868L437638 - L

It seems you have died. Our condolences.

However, due to the massive influx of souls from your sector, we regret to inform you that we can not meet you personally. However, please be assured that the new automated method of reincarnation has been extensively tested in house, and is ready to be used!

Please follow the on screen prompts and fill in all fields. Then you'll be on your way to a new life! How exciting!



Blinking a bit at the explanation so far, I decided to just go with the flow. Who was I to tell the higher powers how to handle their jobs? No one, that's who.

Clicking on the continue button, the computer then listed a bunch of information. From what I was gathering, it was going to be my new life. I couldn't hold back the frown as I read through the information. I was to be reborn on a different Earth, as someone named "Peter Parker." The Earth had a title of "Earth-2149" and it had a small blurb about how my new life was going to go as this "Peter Parker."

To say I was slightly pissed, would be an understatement. What the fuck had I done that was so terrible that I had to be put through something like that?!

I couldn't help myself as I punched the monitor and yelled, "Fuck you! I refuse to have such a 'Destiny'!"

Before I could continue my rant, the screen started to garble itself and glitch out before shutting off. While I was confused, this was a better outcome than what they had originally planned for me. Fuck that shit.

Much to my annoyance though, the computer was quick to reboot before it returned to the log in screen. However this time, the screen had some heavy artefacting and glitching going on. Intrigued, and a bit hesitant, I grabbed the mouse and clicked on the buggy looking log in button.

It did the whole song and dance again, but this time when it displayed my new life details I instantly noticed a difference. I could edit things!!

When I clicked on the field with the name "Peter Parker" I noticed a little question mark near the right of the bar. Clicking on it informed me that if I left the area blank, I would get a random name generated off my gender/race/world etc..

Considering I couldn't name things for shit, I did just that and left it blank. Moving down, I immediately locked in Female as my gender. It's what I was used to, and what I honestly preferred.

Next came age, and I again left it blank.

Next came the Earth. Clicking on the question mark had nearly the same information, but it also said I could add remove command for worlds I didn't want. If it only had removed worlds in the field, it would generate a random one, with out said worlds in the list. Instantly I added -Earth-2149 as one of the world to be removed. From what I knew about the fate of that universe, I wanted NOTHING to do with it.

Clicking on the question mark for the body, I decided to leave it blank. It would generate a body for me based off of my other selections, and I could review it before I confirmed.

Clicking on the powers section, something new happened. It took me to a new screen with a outline of a humanoid body, like one that cops leave at a crime scene after they have removed a body. Above it was my "soul name" as it displayed. To the right of the whole thing was two categories. Boons and Debuffs. The little help menu came in clutch once again. Basically, I had to balance the powers I can get with negatives. Since my soul could only hold so much before it would pop, the negatives were used to balance it out. The icon to the left would fill with blue for boons, and red for debuffs. The balance that was suggested was a 50/50.

It seems the balance would affect your souls growth. The more positive, the slower and less potential you had. The more negative, the faster and more. With that in mind, I began to look through the list of powers. To say there was a lot, would be like saying that fire is hot.

The first thing I looked for, was the three big O's. I was not at all surprised to find them missing though. Time ticked and ticked by as I looked through the list as if I was shopping for a new game. I noticed that there were several systems available, but I was hesitant to select them. I didn't want to be a slave to quests and such. Another thing I made note of was the numbers beside all the options. They ranged from zero to two hundred. Glancing at my "soul" I also noted that I had a cap of 100, so I'd need a value of -150 to get back to a balanced if I selected such powers.

The ones that had zero were a mixed bag I found. Either they were super weak, like having household magic (which I promptly took!) or were powerful but had natural "Debuffs" attached due to their nature.

Sometime later, I stumbled onto something that I didn't expect to see. It was also the first power that was also 500 for a cost. With my curiosity peeked, I clicked it.


Perfect True Rao Kryptonian

A blood line that has been blessed instead of cursed by Rao, while also being refined to the utmost possible. Able to gain powers and abilities from any type of sun and at an extremely accelerated rate, while being able to absorb any type of radiation. Red suns would act as yellow suns for example. Due to the tuning and blessings of Rao (and *&*%$&#) all weaknesses have been removed or reduced to a minor annoyance at best. Click more info for a full list of powers.


I didn't even try to stop the stupid smile on my face as I read the power. I could be like Superman! No! I could be BETTER than Superman!!

Selecting it with out even second guessing myself, I closed the list and then opened the Debuff list. While I was scrolling through the list, one of them caught my eye.


Hated by Magic

Magic and other such forces despise you. And will never bend to your will. Further more, nearly all magic will have no effect on you. Positive or otherwise.


I was a tiny bit hesitant to select this option. But thinking back to the bullshit I have seen Superman do, and some of the powers in the more info tab, I bit the proverbial bullet. The fact that if I was able to live long enough, I'd basically have reality warping powers also kinda sold the deal. Oh, and the fact that the debuff had a massive -300 attached to it was nice.

Soon as I selected it, I got a notice that my Household magic was stripped because of an option I had selected. Oh well, the Bio-field I would have would prevent me from getting dirty anyway.

Shrugging at my "loss" of helpful magic, and went back to browsing the list. Thankfully, didn't take me long to find another one.


Banish from Death

You are banished from death and reincarnation forever more. If you die, your soul will instead of sent to NULL and be erased. This can not be prevent or stalled by any means normally.


This one... was very tempting. It also had a negative of -500, but I very well understood why. I was honestly thinking about taking it, because if anything did manage to kill me, I fully expected them to be able to fuck with my soul. A sudden flash of that horrible laugh and smile caused me to stop mulling it over, and select it.

Shaking my head I mumbled, "Yeah... non-existence is preferable than some fates in my eyes...."

Returning my attention back to the computer, I looked over my selection. With this banishment, I could very well deselect the magic debuff. But, I was going to keep it. This would give me a rather large bonus to my souls advancement and potential after all! And who needs magic when I can punch a fucking black hole into reality, or move fast enough to hop multiverses?

Finalizing my selection, the screen then flashed white before a 3d picture of a woman appeared. She was in a T pose, and was slowly spinning clock wise and was totally naked.

Glancing at the height chart, she, or rather I, was rather tall. Standing at a staggering 214cm's tall and sporting very noticeable yet not overbearing muscles. She had very lush and full hair all the way down to her butt, that was a vibrant red. Sporting a creamy chocolate skin colour, and bright gold eyes I found myself drooling a little at what I was seeing. I couldn't help the sweat drop at the K cup size. I would be sporting some... very dangerous weapons. I may have also drooled some more when I noticed my new body was sporting an 8pack...

My face was very soft, and heart shaped. Long eye lashes, lush and semi plump lips also graced my new face. My resting face also seemed a little fierce, and had a small "villainous" look to it by the shape of the sharp eyes.

Almost smashing the accept button, I couldn't help but yell in my head, 'I AM NOW A MUSCLE MOMMY!!!'

My excitement was building as the computer started to... do what ever it had to do. After several of suspenseful minutes a new page showed up with a completed profile. Every was looking perfect, and I made a quick note of my new name "Edia Rao"

As I clicked accept, my eyes widened as I yelled, "Shit! What world am-"

And then my world went black.


I groaned as my mind started to reboot. Fluttering my eyes open in confusion, I looked around to see what kind of situation I was in. My eyes widened when I noticed the cause of sound I was very much aware of now. I was falling. From orbit! I started to flail around in panic, which only increased when I entered the atmosphere and fire erupted all around me from the friction.

I was quick to notice however that I didn't feel a thing from the fire that was currently beating against my body. Which I thankfully noted was not naked! Small wins! I raised my hand to my face and looked at it in wonder at all the fire whipping by, yet not feeling even the slightest bit of heat.

Turning around onto my "back" I looked back out into space and saw a nice yellow sun shining down on me. It was then I noticed a gentle and calm energy flowing into me. I sighed as I relaxed into the feeling, enjoying every second of it. I could actually FEEL myself getting stronger every second by leaps and bounds!

I was brought out of my trance when the fire of reentry suddenly vanished. Turning back onto my belly, I gazed below me.

I grimaced as I thought, 'Fuck. That is 100% a city isn't it. Fuck fuck fuck. I am going to make a HUGE crater at this speed. I can also feel my mass increasing as my cells empower themselves and my physiology gets denser, which isn't helping the situation...'

I struggled to give myself in a crash course on how to fly. I started to sweat buckets as the ground was getting closer and close.

With an annoyed growl I mumbled, "Fuck, I can't fly. Shit, not enough power yet I guess. Not good, I am going to fucking LEVEL this city at this rate..."

As the screams finally reached my ears and crashing through a skyscraper I thought, 'Well, at least I know there is an afterlife for them all. Of sorts. Sorry I guess~.'

When I completely obliterated the ground, crashed through their sewer system, and then finally fully impacted the earth the only thought I had was, 'At least that didn't hurt at all.'

Thankful that I at least had the foresight to crash into the earth with my back, it was a quite easy to pull myself free. I couldn't see shit though, as there was a massive dust cloud still lingering from my impact. With an annoyed huff, I swung my right arm as if I was back handing someone in an attempt to clear it away. Much to my glee, I did generate a quite forceful gust, and ended up clearing a large chunk of the dust away from myself.

Looking around myself, I couldn't help the tiny flinch as I looked at the damage my landing had caused. There was nothing left of the city as far as my eyes could see.

I suddenly felt a huge headache mixed with pain from my eyes, causing me to fall to my knees. My hearing and eye sight were expanding at an alarming rate, and it was extremely painful. Shutting my eyes to try and shut that down, and then focused all my efforts on trying to get a handle on my super hearing. In an effort to help myself, I started to hum a random tune and tried to focus on only that while shutting out all other sounds.

As I was struggling with my new powers exploding in strength, I could at least say I didn't destroy the ENTIRE city... if the cries of pain and pleas for help were any indication. As I was finally starting to get a handle on my hearing problems, I suddenly felt a sudden surge of heat from my eyes. Tilting my head up, I started to briefly open them seconds at a time in an attempt to get that new situation under control.

I found my self mumbling and thanking Rao when I was quickly able to get my heat vision under control quickly. Noting that for later, I slowly started to pull myself together and stood up. Shaking my head and rapidly blinking my eyes I took another look around myself. I smiled like a loon as I was able to "zoom in" and see past things with my new x-ray vision.

Blinking to turn off the new power, I was about to take a step when I was suddenly surrounded by multiple beams of white light. Seconds alter I was able to see bodies form, atom by atom, from with in the light. Teleportation!

As the beings finished teleporting in, I couldn't help but frown and immediately ask, "If that teleportation was achieved by technology, why didn't you teleport me before I crashed into your planet?"

The men, from some army by the looks of it, looked around with confusion on their face. One of the older look ones leaned over to an alien and whispered something I did not understand, "Thor... what did she say?"

However, I was to busy looking at the little gray alien and his clearly advanced chair. The only alien I ever saw was Superman, and he looks very human. This? Now this was a REAL alien, and it even looked like one from some old conspiracy shit I read as a kid! I could almost feel the excitement starting to bubble in me, and I had to struggle not to smile.

The little guy just shook his head and said, "I do not know, O'Neill. That is a language the Asgard have never encountered before."

Looking at the rest of them, another one of the men caught my eye. He had an interesting golden... sigil of some sort plastered to his forehead. But beyond that, what caught my attention was the THING in his stomach!

Looking at the man I asked, "Does it hurt having that thing swimming around?"

Much to my dismay, he merely tilted his head to the right and raised an eyebrow. It was then that I noticed the problem. I slapped my face with my right hand, accidently breaking the sound barrier and causing a shock wave. 

I sighed, elected to ignore my slip up, and looked to the little alien and asked, "You have no idea what I am saying, do you?"