Devoid Extra Chapter: Introduction to Ornithichnites Flock
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Extra Chapter: Introduction to Ornithichnites Flock

  • The Ornithichnite live and make nests on rocky cliffs near the ocean where they get their food.
  • The protagonist begins his journey from infancy to juvenile stage, starting from the ending of the second chapter which showcases the pivotal moment of learning to fly. 
  • Once they learn to fly, they move away to make their own flocks.


Daily Routine

  1. Foraging: Ornithichnites spend time foraging for plants, fruits, seeds, or small insects and invertebrates.
  2. Nest-building: They construct nests for shelter and raising their young.
  3. Social interactions: Ornithichnites engage in social activities such as grooming, play behavior, or communication through vocalizations or body language.
  4. Hunting or Scavenging: The adult male Ornithichnite hunts fish from the ocean and scavenges any food from the below forest.
  5. Resting: Ornithichnites, especially the infants, require periods of rest and sleep to conserve energy and recuperate.


Social Structure and Interactions

  1. Family units: Ornithichnites live in herds/flock groups consisting of many mated pairs and their offspring.
  2. Flocks: Segregated by age groups, the juvenile would leave the flocks to form their own.
  3. Hierarchical relationships: Until they are able to fly, Ornithichnites are cared for by their flock. When they become juvenile(3ish years old), they leave their flock to form new ones. They become adults when around 5-6ish years old.
  4. Cooperative behavior: Biased on age, the flock care for each other.


Cultural Practices

  1. Scent marking or territorial displays: Ornithichnites use scent marking or other displays to communicate boundaries, social status, or reproductive readiness.
  2. Vocalizations and communication: They have complex vocalizations or calls for social communication, mating rituals, or warning signals.
  3. Tool use or manipulation: Ornithichnites use a rudimentary manipulation of objects for tasks such as nest-building.