Chapter 2: First Mission
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The humans all wore faces that were paled with fear. They all collectively took a step back, their confidence shattered by the display of Roselle's power. Whispers of disbelief filled the air as they exchanged glances while Confusion began to gather among the group. The remaining humans, their fear soon gave way to ferosity. They took a collective step forward. One of them, a woman with flowing robes and a staff adorned with colorful runes.
"Enough" she declared, her eyes narrowing. "We cannot allow this abomination to go any further! We must neutralize her before she becomes a greater threat to humans. Kill her now!"
Roselle's heart raced as the humans closed in. She knew she had to defend herself, to protect both her own existence and the plans of Dr. Kintovar.
Roselle activated her cannon once again, its immense weight shifting from her back. She aimed the weapon at the oncoming humans and unleashed a barrage of explosive shots, each one finding its mark with devastating precision. The air was filled with the deafening sound of explosions, shattering the tranquility of the forest. The humans, overwhelmed by the onslaught, began to run away. Roselle chased after each of them, not allowing a single one of them to escape her grasp.
The humans fell one by one in various parts of the forest, their bodies being torn apart by the sheer force of Roselle's power.
As Roselle unleashed her devastating onslaught on the remaining humans, faint yet familiar voice began to echo within her mind.
‘Please... stop... this...’
This inner voice was filled with desperation and fear, struggling to be heard amidst the chaos and destruction that Roselle was causing. It was a cry for mercy, a plea to reconsider the path she took.
But as Roselle hesitated for a moment, another voice, just like her own but sinister, Echoed in her mind,
’No. They want to destroy you. You must eliminate them. Don’t Disobey Dr. Kintovar!’
This devilish voice urged her to continue the onslaught, to show no mercy to the humans. It reminded her of the consequences if she failed, the detonation that would consume her.
Caught between these two conflicting voices, Roselle stood amidst the chaos of the forest, torn between her own humanity and the ruthless weapon she had become. Her cannon continued to fire, each shot echoing in that area. The humans fell, their cries silenced with the relentless assault by the cannon.
She found the last of the humans within a clearing within the forest, and shot them down without hesitation. With the last of the humans defeated, Roselle's cannon ceased firing and fell silent. The forest around her was now a bloodied battlefield, scarred by the devastation she had made. Her breathing was heavy, her heart weighed down by the choices she had made.
‘What... have I done? ‘ she said in a meeker tone which was filled with remorse, and while she struggled to comprehend the destruction caused by her.
‘You did what was necessary for survival. There is no room for weakness. ‘ The ominous one replied coldly.
Just as Roselle was about to make her way back to Dr. Kintovar's base, she noticed that her timer had stopped. It meant that her objective had been completed successfully. Yet, before she could celebrate or return to the laboratory, an unexpected barrier of magic sealed off the area she was in, trapping her Within the magical barrier in the forest.
Roselle looked around in alarm, her senses on high alert. The magical barrier shimmered with an eerie energy, preventing her from leaving the confines of the forest. She found herself trapped within the mystical barrier, unable to pass through it. Her mind raced with fear. She clenched her fists, her hands trembling as she looked around..
“What is this? Wh-What's happening?" she stammered, "I can't get out! I'm stuck here..."
As the seconds ticked by, her fears grew within her. Roselle's gaze darted around the barrier, searching for any sign of hope. Her fingers clenched into fists, her nails digging into her palms as she fought the urge to break down.
Suddenly, a powerful presence descended upon the forest. A figure, shrouded in dark robes and radiating an ominous aura, materialized before Roselle. The figure's eyes gleamed with malevolence, and a sinister smile played upon her lips.
"Well, well, well, what do we have here? ”The figure said curiously. The figure hissed roughly," My acute senses can detect even the faintest traces of magic, and I can sense the absence of magic in you... You've caused quite a ruckus, haven't you?"
Roselle shrank back, her fear intensifying as she looked at the bodies on the ground. She stammered. Her tone took a higher pitch , "I-I... I was just trying to protect myself."
The figure chuckled, her laughter echoing through the ancient forest.
"Protect yourself, you say? From what? The poor, defenseless humans?'' She took a menacing step closer, her power unmistakable, "You see, child, this forest was filled with promising mages, and then you came out of nowhere and eliminated them... without a hint of magic in you. That makes you... different."
Roselle's confusion deepened as she asked, "Different? Different how?" The figure removed her dark robes, revealing a forest-like outfit adorned with several runes and symbols. In her hand, she held a majestic, glowing staff that pulsed with magical energy.
"I am Thalindra, the eternal guardian of these ancient woods. For centuries, I have observed this mystical realm, and now, you appear—, an outsider."
Roselle swallowed hard, her heart pounding. Thalindra's presence was majestic and overwhelming, and her very essence of magic seemed intertwined with the forest. You've not only extinguished the lives of these mages but also disrupted the delicate balance of power in this forest,” Thalandria declared, her eyes narrowing as she approached Roselle." This is a price you will pay with your life."
Roselle knew that pleading alone would not save her against someone with such a title.. She needed a plan. This woman seemed stronger than all the others and the only thing she knew how to do right now was use her weapon. She thinks carefully before saying with her arms over her chest and a small trembling smile coming to her face "Forgive me and let me go?"
Thalindra's eyes widened in surprise, and then a laughter rang out, a haunting sound in the enchanted forest.
"WOW, child! Did you really think that was going to work? The damage has already been done, and the lives of the mages you took cannot be restored. I am the guardian of this forest. The magic of this forest flows through my heart. I must uphold its laws. Your fate has already been sealed."


With a nervous chuckle, Roselle tilted her head with a slow response. "Well, I guess that my 'forgive and forget' strategy isn't going to cut it here, huh? Note to self: reevaluate my negotiation tactics."

Thalindra's shifted to pure surprise by the audacity of this child.

"You find humor in this situation, child? Bold move. I was going to take things lightly, but now, I'm going to crush you!"

Thalindra, the Arcane Warden, unleashed her formidable magical abilities. With a wave of her staff, she summoned the very essence of the forest itself, causing trees to sprout and combine with the area, creating many trees around them that made Moving within the area a challenge.
Roselle felt the forest closing in on her, the once-familiar surroundings now transformed into a maze of branches and leaves. Panic threatened to consume her as she realized the dire situation she was in.
Thalindra's laughter echoed through the forest as she continued to exert her control over the magical barrier, her sinister intent clear. She raised her staff high, and a surge of magical energy coursed through it, creating a green projectile that homed in on Roselle, regardless of where she hid.
Roselle had little time to react. She aimed her cannon once again. As the magical projectile closed in, she fired a powerful shot in its direction, hoping to intercept it and avoid its deadly impact. The collision between Roselle's cannon shot and Thalindra's magical projectile created a blinding explosion of energy. The forest shook with the force of their clash.
Thalindra wasted no time preparing her next move. With a gesture of her staff, Thalindra begins to conjure up magic.
“Nature’s Wrath!”
Thalindra summoned a torrential downpour that drenched the forest. Raindrops fell like heavy tears from the sky, making the already difficult terrain even more treacherous. Roselle struggled to maintain her footing as the rain soaked her to the bone. But Thalindra's onslaught was just starting. With another swing of her staff, bolts of lightning streaked down through the barrier from the darkened sky, illuminating the forest in blinding flashes. The thunderous crashes were heard through the enchanted woods, causing Roselle's heart to race with fear.
Roselle began to evade lightning strikes that rained down upon her. She realized that Thalindra's control over the elements was vast. The relentless assault of rain and lightning made it nearly impossible for her to mount a counterattack. With a final incantation, Thalindra summoned a raging whirlwind that tore through the forest, uprooting trees and sending debris hovering through the air. Roselle struggled to find cover amidst the chaos, her cannon proving to be of little use against the forces of nature that Thalindra wielded. The raging whirlwind summoned by Thalindra intensified, and Roselle found herself lifted high into the air, unable to control her ascent. Panic surged through her as she was carried higher and higher, buffeted by the relentless winds. The forest below appeared as a chaotic blur, and her fear grew with each passing moment.
Then, with a sudden and jarring force, the whirlwind released its grip on Roselle, sending her plummeting towards the ground. She fell like a leaf in a storm, the world spinning around her as she braced herself for the fall. The impact with the forest floor was harsh. A large amount of Pain coursed through Roselle's body as she lay on the ground, but it was in this moment of intense pain and disorientation that her systems, dormant until now, finally activated. The display within Roselle's field of vision is illuminated with a series of holographic notifications. The information flashed before her eyes, providing vital data in this critical moment:
System Status: Online
LifeForce: 50% (Nearly Critical)
Magic: 200%
Cannon Charge: 32%
Timer: Deactivated (All Humans eliminated)
Location: Enchanted Forest
Threat Assessment: Critical (Forest Guardian Thalindra)
Kintovar's lab: Safe
Roselle couldn't ignore the questions that swirled in her thoughts. ‘What... What's happening to me? They said that I had no magic, but... this Magic I’m seeing, it's real… isn’t it? How am I able to use it... ?’ Roselle closed her eyes , and she murmured inwardly while gritting her teeth.
'It’s no use! Dr.Kintovar didn’t teach me how to use it!’
Before Roselle could fully grasp her thoughts, Thalindra she approached her with with lowered eyes. "I expected more from a creation of Dr. Kintovar," she sneered, her eyes narrowing in disdain. "You may have survived my previous attacks, but you are no match for the power of this forest."
Roselle struggles to get up on her feet.
“Kintovar has become a huge problem," she declared, her tone was filled with anger and frustration and she continued "Somehow, she has evaded my capture and her execution, but in order to warn her, I will destroy her creations one by one, starting with you."
With a wave of her staff, Thalindra directed her magic toward the forest. The ancient trees that had stood tall around them began to wither and crumble, their leaves turning to dust. The remnants of the mages Roselle had defeated were turned to dust.
Roselle watched in horror as the forest's magic unleashed by Thalindra wreaked havoc all around her. In this situation, her life was now in danger. Roselle whispered through gritted teeth.
“This ...Isn’t…good...”