Chapter 44: Magic vs Technology
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The beams of magic struck Kintovar with incredible force and she collapsed to the ground, unconscious. It was a sudden and unexpected attack that left Becky and Sybil in shock, their earlier confidence replaced with shock and uncertainty. They turned to see the source of the attack.

Solene gives them one good look with a smirk that begins to turn into a laugh. Her laugh then became hysterical. She continued as the hidden mages revealed themselves, surrounding Becky and Sybil. Her confident demeanor remained unshaken as she explained her foresight.

“We anticipated that the situation might become chaotic, especially with the Mana extractors under threat,” Solene declared, a smug smile on her face.

“So, we made sure to prepare this area with backup mages, just in case. You two are trapped now.”

Becky and Sybil exchanged a worried glance realizing that they were outnumbered.

Solene’s words cut deep and she continued to taunt the trapped duo “You scientists, with your fragile bodies, always thinking you can challenge the power of magic,” Solene sneered. “What a load of crap! A single blast to the heart and you’re done. You should have regretted your existence long ago, trying to play with forces beyond your own reach. You thought you could defy the Academy but look where it got you!? Welcome to the Graveyard, Dr. Kintovar!”

She couldn’t resist adding a final triumphant jab.

“When I deliver Kintovar’s body to the Headmaster, I’ll be hailed as a hero,” Solene boasted. “The one who finally eliminated the last scientist on this island. You two are nothing but a footnote in history. Look at how feeble your powers are. What I do to the two of you will be an example for anyone who dares to challenge the magical order.”

At the snap of a finger, a barrage of magic blasts were launched at Becky and Sybil. Becky and Sybil did their best to defend themselves. They managed to create barriers but some of the attacks still slipped through, causing them both to take damage. Sybil winced as the magical onslaught struck her and Becky gritted her teeth, her body aching from the impacts.

But then, something in Becky snapped. She let out a furious shout and swung her massive hammer with reckless abandon. The sheer force of her swings knocked down several mages, sending them tumbling to the ground.

Ignoring the pain, Becky charged headlong into the mages’ magical attacks. Her hammer swung in wide arcs smashing through the energy projectiles and striking the mages with brutal force. She was a whirlwind of fury and her attacks left a trail of defeated opponents in her wake. Solene watched with a look of awe.

“What?! Did ya think we were just going to roll over and die like little weaklins? You don’t know the first thing about us Solene! We may not have the fancy magic you do but that doesn’t mean we’re going to cave to the likes of you!”

With each swing of her hammer, Becky drew closer to Solene who could do little to stop the relentless onslaught. The stern mage’s once-confident demeanor had crumbled and was replaced by a sense of panic and desperation.

Becky was gaining on her. Solene knew she had to act quickly to defend herself. She chanted a spell with newfound urgency, conjuring a shimmering barrier of cosmic energy to protect herself from Becky’s impending strike. The hammer collided with the barrier, creating a burst of magical energy upon impact.

Solene strained to maintain the barrier, her face contorted with effort. Sybil found herself surrounded by the mages, her heart raced and her mind raced even faster. She clutched her custom-made sword tightly. The blade gleamed with a green aura. The familiarity with this type of the weapon in her hands brought a sense of reassurance.

Her mind wandered back to the moment when Kintovar had explained the unique properties of their weapons. She recalled Kintovar’s words vividly: “These weapons allow you to channel your magic into them, just like ordinary weapons. You can channel any spell you want into them.”

Sybil deftly avoided the magical attacks of the mages. a sense of familiarity washed over her as she wielded the custom-made sword. With each swing of the blade, she channeled her wind magic into it, creating waves of cutting gusts that tore through the ranks of the mages. Her attacks were swift and precise and the mages had little time to react as they were struck down one by one.

“Why does this feel so natural? I’ve never trained as a swordswoman but I can move with the grace of a seasoned warrior. It’s as if….”

Sybil neared Solene. She observed the strain on the stern mage’s face as she struggled to maintain her cosmic barrier. The barrier had protected her from Becky’s onslaught but Sybil was following up in order to breach it. She moved with the grace of the wind itself, her blade shimmering with the power of her magic. The stern mage’s barrier of cosmic energy, which had protected her from Becky’s hammer, now faced a new threat in the form of Sybil’s wind-infused strikes.

Sybil’s eyes flashed with a brilliant aqua light, a sudden surge of power coursed through her. With great strength, she unleashed a devastating slash with her custom-made sword. The blade sliced through the sky, creating a shimmering arc of energy that collided with Solene’s cosmic barrier.

Solene’s eyes widened in shock as she witnessed the incredible force behind Sybil’s attack. The barrier, once impenetrable, shattered into a cascade of light and darkness. The cosmic energy that had protected Solene dissipated, leaving her vulnerable and exposed.

With the barrier broken, Sybil wasted no time. She lunged forward, her blade poised to strike. The world seemed to slow down as her sword descended towards Solene, ready to end this battle once and for all.

Sybil’s blade came to an abrupt halt as a previously defeated mage, now resurrected, blocked her path with a dark sword. Solene’s triumphant laughter echoed through the forest as she revealed her powerful magic.

With a wicked smile, Solene taunted, “Impressive, isn’t it? This is my Extreme level Magic – Undead Resurrection. I can bring back any fallen mage under my control, granting them increased power and loyalty. Now, you’ll have to deal with the very mages you defeated once before!”

Sybil gritted her teeth.

Becky with her frustration evident commented.

“Well, that’s just downright annoying.” She shifted her massive hammer to her shoulders, ready to face the resurrected mages once more.

Sybil’s body began to radiate with an unnatural aura, her magical power surging in a way that Becky had never witnessed before. A concerned frown crossed Becky’s face as she exclaimed,

“Sybil, you don’t naturally have this much magical power! What the hell’s happening to you?”

Magical energy enveloped Sybil. it took on a shimmering, aqua hue and swirled around her to create a protective barrier that repelled the resurrected mages’ attacks.

Kintovar’s suddenly rose from the ground, brushing dirt off her lab coat with a nonchalant fashion. Her eyes held a hint of amusement once she looked at the astonished Solene and the chaotic scene around her.

“Well, it seems I missed all the fun,” Kintovar remarked, her tone filled with mockery. “But I can’t let you have all the glory, now can I?”

With a snap of her fingers, Kintovar summoned her advanced technological weaponry, which glinted ominously in the dappled light of the Mystical forest. The mages, already disoriented by the unexpected turn of events, found themselves facing a renewed threat in the form of Kintovar’s arsenal. Solene’s shout echoed through the forest as she stared incredulously at Kintovar’s return. “YOU?! How are you still alive?!” she stomps her foot, her anger flaring.

Kintovar’s response was calm and collected. “Ah, Solene, you underestimated me. That’s a mistake I find many people make,” she said with a sly smile. “You see, I’m not just any scientist. I’m not like those who came before me, fragile and unprepared. I always come prepared for the worst-case scenario. My outfit is made of anti-magic material and I have more tricks up my sleeve than you can imagine. Now, shall we continue this little battle, or do you want to surrender and save yourself more embarrassment?”

Solene’s face contorted with anger and frustration.

Kintovar’s smile remained as she spoke with a final say. “Well, it seems you’ve made your choice; but then again, I wasn’t giving you much of a choice to begin with was I? You will be going to hell and taking your magic with you, just like these mages.”

With that, Kintovar raised her advanced weapon, the BG-356 and a powerful surge of energy coursed through it. In an instant, she unleashed a devastating blast that enveloped the mages who had been brought back to life by Solene’s extreme magic. The unfortunate mages were vaporized, leaving behind only faint traces of magical residue in the air.

Solene’s face contorted in rage and despair as she watched her allies vanish in a burst of energy. She was now alone, facing not only Kintovar but also her formidable arsenal of technology. She felt a burning need for revenge and her magical prowess surged in response.

With a furious motion, Solene selected one of the swirling cosmic orbs of energy that circled around her, its power growing with her anger. The chosen orb shot forward with incredible speed, homing in on Sybil and Becky. They barely had time to react before the cosmic energy slammed into them with a devastating impact. Becky was sent flying through the area, her massive hammer tumbling from her grasp as she crashed into a tree with a painful thud.

Sybil, on the other hand, managed to hold her ground for a moment, her eyes flashing as she channeled power she didn’t even know she had. She let out a defiant shout, attempting to push back against the overwhelming force of the cosmic energy. But in the end, the sheer power of the attack proved too much and Sybil was blown back with a cry of pain, her body battered and bruised.

Solene’s triumphant laughter echoed through the forest as she reveled in the damage she had inflicted.

Kintovar swiftly adjusted her aim and fired the BG-356 at Solene with deadly precision. The energy projectile shot through the air, leaving a trail of crackling energy in its wake. However, Solene she easily dodged the incoming blast.

As the BG-356′s energy blast passed harmlessly by, Solene’s cosmic energy continued to swirl around her, a formidable shield against Kintovar’s attacks. Unfazed by the near miss, Solene watched Kintovar closely, ready for whatever weapon the scientist might deploy next.

Seeing that her initial weapon had been ineffective, Kintovar swiftly packed up the BG-356 and reached for another advanced piece of technology from her arsenal. This one appeared to be a silver blaster of some kind and it hummed with an ominous energy.

Solene, her eyes locked onto Kintovar, remained on guard, ready to counter whatever came next.

Kintovar, undeterred by her initial failure, aimed the silver blaster with precision and a powerful beam of energy surged forth. However, Solene was quick to respond. With a focused motion, she directed the miniature planet of cosmic energy toward the oncoming blast.

The cosmic energy collided with the blaster’s beam and it creating a dazzling display of magic and technology clashing with great force throughout the forest. The two opposing forces locked in a fierce struggle with each trying to overpower the other.

Solene, with disdain, taunted. “Your weapons are nothing compared to the might of magic,” she declared with a wicked grin. “No matter how advanced your technology may be, it can never match the power that flows through me.”

As the struggle continued, it became clear that Solene’s cosmic energy was gaining the upper hand, slowly tearing through the blaster’s beam. Kintovar’s face shifted from confidence to concern as her weapon was gradually overwhelmed.

The forest around them was getting tense with magical and technological energy and the outcome of this battle hung in the balance. What would emerge Victorious? Magic or Technology?