Chapter 1:- The Initiation Ceremony
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The crowd went silent as the priestess stepped up she was wearing a revealing, ceremony-themed black and gold costume with intricate filigree patterns, featuring a chain-connected bikini top and bottom with detached flowing sleeves and ornate armlets.

" Welcome Children, Today is the day when you will become adults and follow the ways of our mother goddess Mithra " she began speaking, as crowds cheered.

" At the beginning of the Time, there was nothing but Darkness, and from it, the mother emerged, She was all alone and lonely in the vast cosmos so she desired a companion, and using her powers she bore a child, her first son John, The progenitor of Mankind. John was in every way a perfect being, born free of evil and corruption. Mithra loved John for he was all she wanted so she took him her son as her lover and they engaged in Union, when their energies mixed the universe was created born from Mithra's womb, flooded with life. Every time they engaged in this Union of Love beings of consciousness emerged from Mithra. 

To govern the Human Beings, the beings which bore the closest resemblance to Mithra and John, Mithra created Earth,  a planet teeming with life fit for humans, unlike other planets which were dead. John The First took charge of nurturing human beings, for eons he shaped the planet to make it fit for living, copulating with humans to further their populace, as Humans became self-reliant he left and returned to his mother.

When he returned he found that his departure has caused his mother loneliness and in her loneliness she had created several children and they had created their children all of whom Unioined with Mithra and among the selves and she was enjoying it. But Mithra still loved him the most, so after his return only he was allowed to have her and others became jealous. So they rebelled using their combined power to deal a devastating blow to Mithra and John, they cast out John, making him weak. They imprisoned Mithra and extracted her essence forcefully from her, and then cast her out too, now these children call themselves God and rule over outside world feeding lies and manipulating people "

All audience does sad moans

" But our goddess still persists, we can feel her presence"

" In the era where John was taking care of earth and Mithra's family was loyal to her, she decreed that to become of age a child must achieve Union with their family so here we are today following tradition so that our children shall also become adults now and praise our Goddess"

Concluded the priest and audience cheered.

This story was told at every gathering and didn't cover all of the mythology, there is a long version with many incidents and accidents which define the universe and it's reality but for saving time we use a short version, one can hear the long one at our 10 day festival of goddess or can go to the temple library.

The priest stepped forward and took priestess by the waist, facing her and looking directly in her eyes. She was shorter than him so she looked up at him with glintfuly eyes and put her hands on feeling his exposed chest. 

" Becoming an adult is a sacrifice of childhood, it's a journey that one must take to fulfilling their destiny, we become adults by proving we can create life " he spoke soo softly but his voice still audible to everyone.

" Step forward and drink this sacred wine and go forth to your chambers, mark your partner with your essences and prove that you are capable " he said and the other sages came to us to serve us a glass of wine. 

This wine was made of grapes grown in temple itself and fermented using a secret technique known only to the Sage, this made the wine a powerful aphrodisiac. 

I could see that audiences were also taking a sip from the chalice given to them and passing them around. 

At last the sexy Sagess came to me and Sofia, she offered Sofia the first Sip. Sofia took a huge gulp and this gained a giggle from the Sagess.

Sofia Looked at me with a grin and sexily wiped her lips with her tongue. Then Sagess offered me my sip.

I took a sip as I didn't need anything to fuck Sofia tonight her dress and her attitude had made me more than willing.

As the sage walked away, I felt a heat rising within me and I became sweaty. I looked around and saw that others were uncomfortable as well, I saw Jake turning red and sweat on his forehead and he unbuttoned one button from his shirt to feel the air. I looked at Sofia who was looking hungrily at me with an eyes of a predator, her entire skin red and blushing.

I looked at my hand and they felt hot as well, I felt like my boner was trying to rip through my pants. Precum was leaking.

As soon as the gates to the chambers opened, Jake took Trisha's hand and ran into one, following the suit others candidates also ran into their respective chamber. The atmosphere suddenly became energetic. I felt Sofia clinging to me and she buried her head in my neck and left a bite mark. But instead of crying, I moaned in pleasure.

" Take me, please take me to the chambers, hurry now" she pleaded.

I took her hand and we went into our assigned chamber, as we were walking I saw audience was leaving quickly as well. The sages were all now naked and had started fucking as well.

I saw the preist tear away priestess dress like a paper and picking her up by spreading her legs. He inserted his cock from below her pussy and she howled moans, which could be heard across the entire chamber.

Sofia pushed me on the bed and locked the door behind us.