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First off I want to thank all of you for reading my story. I hope you have enjoyed it. Now comes the hard part for me. I have decided to take this week off from posting any new chapters. I need to recharge my creative juices. I will be back next monday.

I have the ending of this arc almost completely planned out so I will be able to finish this arc out. I am so glad that so many have commented on my story.

I will answer any questions any commenters may have about my story, if it is not a spoiler.

Here are some questions I have seen.

What is a system?

To me the writer, a system is a basically a framework that a soul interacts with. It can provide benefits and the like. In my story, these systems are usually mindless making Jack an outlier.

What is a god?

I see this question pop up, usually in how to differentiate Jack from a god. In my story the title god speciffically refers to beings that are comprised of divine energy. For the average person who does not have access to any powers it doesn't mean anything, and anyone with immense powers are gods to them.

For those with powers it does mean something, because Divine Energy while it can be powerful has specific weaknesses. All gods are formed out of divine energy, but not all gods are equal in strength. First they face restrictions based on what aspect they represent. As gods grow in strength they gain access to more aspects.

Gods can gain more strength in a few way's. First by the number of followers they gain. A worshipper of a god provides the god with a trickle of divine energy. Second they can absorb ambient divine energy, this ambient energy is produced by aspects of the universe.

There are a few ways a god can come into existence. Being birthed by other gods, coalescing from ambient divine energy and reshaping one's body are some of the way's gods exist in my story. All the gods so far in my story are one's that are tied to the world. What that means, is while their aspects may exist in other worlds, they only have control of that aspect on the world they were born.

Why do I have so many sex scenes?

There are several reasons I write them. First, I planned to do so from the begining. I also enjoy writing them though I know it's not something that everyone likes to read. I have taken to writing them only about 1 every ten or so chapters.

Do I have an agenda?

No. I just try to write my characters with respect to some of the subjects they bring up.

Do I have an end in mind for my story?

I do. But it won't happen for a few more arcs.

Why do I have so many problems with grammar?

Grammar was one of my worst subjects in school. In fact I can say I never really learned grammar. A lot of it is greek to me. I have to rely on spell checker to find most of my mistakes. I did use a grammar checker as well but it stopped working recently and I have yet to find a better one yet.

I don't proofread, as I usually post it within minutes of me actually finishing the chapter. I am appreciative of all the comments pointing out my mistakes.

Will I rewrite all my chapters?

I plan to eventually.

Do I have a patreon?

I do.

Are you the best readers?

Yes you are! I hope you have a good week, and I will return next monday.