How do you guys feel about the story so far?
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How do you guys feel about the story so far?
  • Its Good! Keep it up! Votes: 57 60.0%
  • I like it, it's entertaining. Votes: 30 31.6%
  • Its ok Votes: 6 6.3%
  • Eh Votes: 1 1.1%
  • Mhm. Kinda boring. Votes: 1 1.1%
  • If something doesnt happen soon ima drop Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ugh. Bad. Votes: 0 0.0%
Total voters: 95

I just wanna gauge how you guys are feeling about this story. It's my first time writing first person, but I'm trying me best :>


I usually write horror n dark stuff w/ the occasional side of smut all in 3rd person, so switching to first is a bit of an experiment for me to expand my writing repertoire.  Any and all feedback is greatly appreciated, even though I have a few already published and picked up works, I still aim to improve and write mostly for the sake of reader engagement and the peeps. So please, if u have a gripe, complaint, or note of how I can improve,



OH, And I am working on some artwork(paid for by me patreon, bless them), so u may start seeing that n future chapters :p