Chapter 23: Peak at What Lies in the Shadows.
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  • Warrior Votes: 7 10.3%
  • Sorcerer Votes: 27 39.7%
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  • Assassin Votes: 11 16.2%
  • Priest Votes: 4 5.9%
Total voters: 68

Chapter 23: Peak at What Lies in the Shadows.


A day passed with sporadic attacks happening on and off. Probing no doubt, considering the angles of invasion occurring from different areas and spots just at the edge of my domain. 

The monsters seemed keen on attacking my fortifications, cutting down my trip wires and setting off my pitfalls.

A problem, but at least they weren't penetrating deeper into my domain and giving me an opportunity to level my army and create backup traps.

Because of the low intensity of the attacks, I had Slimey catch these ruffians, mostly spiders, and bring them back for my other minions to finish off. 

The goal here was to level up Hector and Chloe, as well as my spiders to hopefully trigger an evolution.

Hector was already level 9 while Chloe was 8. 

Spooderman was level 6 while my new reptile excavator in charge of digging a tunnel for me was level 5.


For now, I prioritized Hector, mainly so I could use Minion Synchronization on him. 

The skeleton didn't possess muscles or ligaments, but it was still capable of swinging a sword hard enough to do some damage thanks to the magic that empowered it.

It was my hope, that if I could level him, I would be able to use his body. To contribute to the war effort.

So I had Slimey deposit monsters that Hector immediately skewered, using a spear made entirely of metal that had been scrubbed of its rust. 


Immaculate in its cleanliness.


Like all things should be with Slimey dissolving the monster remains.


[MINION: HECTOR! Has Hit Level Cap!]

Suddenly the blue orbs that constituted the skeleton’s eyes were snuffed out, the skeleton collapsing into a pile of bones.


Great… do all monsters do this during an evolution? Hmmm. What would happen if I had Slimey max level before evolving?


“Hiro Darling, if you wish I can duplicate myself and hunt down the misguided and unenlightened cretins who know not your bountiful grace.” Slimey sent, the slime priestess stroking my head lovingly. “I can reach level cap if you so desire my lord darling.”

Wait, can you read my thoughts?

“Of course not my lord. We are bound by a sacred union. Your goals are my goals, it is only natural that your most loyal, humble, and obedient servant know what you desire.” 






I'm not sure how comfortable I am with you in my mind.


“Worry not master, I shall strive to be as non-invasive as possible!” Slimey quickly said, hugging me close.


Uhhhh. Yeah… somehow I don't feel like the master here, especially with this collar around my neck.


“Do… you not like my gift Lord Hiro?”

Suddenly Slimey changed colors, the creature shifting from the pale pink skin she imitated back to her blue hue before shifting to yellow.









Slimey asked again, this time in a menacing tone as her eyes went wide and glared at me.



Noooooooooo. It's lovely. The best gift I've ever been given.


“You've been given other gifts? Who is giving you gifts?” Slimey asked, hovering extremely close to my body, her eyes actually touching my rubber shell. “Can I see them?”


Uhhhhhhh. Nooooooo the only gift I've gotten is the one from you, the only one I need. So of course it's the best! I sent back, the slime suddenly changing back to her blue color.


“Oh lovely darling! I'm glad you like it!”

Yup! Yup! Great. Slimey, let's get back to work.

“Of course my lord, I am here to fulfill your every desire.”

Great. I turned my attention back to the pile of bones when suddenly, a notification appeared.

[Your Minion: Hector, is trying to advance to Class: Skeleton Rogue!]


[Requirements Not Met!]




[Requirements for Skeleton Rogue: 

40 Pounds Bones: 0/40

Weapon: 0/2 (Daggers)

Huh. Looks like I can't pick a class for the skeleton. Do they choose their own class?


So I just need to gather more bones? And two daggers. Simple enough. I should have a few daggers in inventory.

I ordered Dave over, the large gator reluctantly obeying me for once and moving to collect bones which it nonchalantly dropped atop Hector.


[Requirements Met for Skeleton Rogue!]


Suddenly Hector's status changed, a white glow swirling over the pile of bones.

Moving on, Slimey and I went about patrolling my territory, resetting traps, catching ruffians, and feeding them to my other minions.

While an appealing thought to have Slimey reach max level and evolve, the idea actually terrified me. So instead we focused on raising up my tarantual spiders and Chloe, my other skeleton undergoing the same metamorphosis Hector was. 


One small hiccup.


[Your Minion: Chloe, is trying to advance to Class: Skeleton Mage!]



[Requirements Not Met!]



[Requirements for Skeleton Mage:

20 Pounds of Bones: 0/20


Arcane Focus: 0/1




A magic user would be a powerful addition to my forces…

But an arcane focus… From what little remained of my knowledge, I knew that mages needed a focus or such to conduct their magic. Something physical in order to channel their magic through so as to not explode or ruin their magic circuits.

Funny that the skeleton named after the magician of our party would choose mage as their vocation whilst Hector chose rogue.


Coincidence? Or were they spurred on by my memories?


Whatever the case I was left with a conundrum. What constituted an arcane focus? And where would I find one?

I didn't know. From what I could recall, they were typically gemstones mounted on staffs… then again there was that one demon wizard that used a book. 

What was his name? Zack? Zac? Zatch? Zatch Kell?

Anyway would a gemstone suffice?

Man I wish I had an encyclopedia or something, Chloe was always good with random facts and knowled-

Can I help you Slimey?


“Who are you thinking about Darling?”


A companion of mine.


“A female one?”


Suddenly an odd chill descended down my rubber duck spine.



Hmmm. Somehow I feel like I'm in danger.

I doubled down.

Yes. A companion of mine from ages passed. Of my former life. I sent, after all, I was the mastermind here! Why was I afraid?!


Slimey opened its mouth, forming sharp teeth that solidified thanks to its skill, creating a terrifying visage.

Ah… that's why.

“Tell me more about this companion my darling?!”


Uhhhhh. Screw it.


Yes. She was a companion of mine.

I decided to regale Slimey with my tale, what little I remembered of it anyway.

But just a I was about to, a sinister feeling washed over me, a burst of mana as my consciousness picked up the presence of a monster I had yet to encounter.

A red eyed spider.

The tarantual was twice the size of my spiders, with beady red eyes, and large appendages that ended with razor-sharp scythe-like talons on the end.

And it wasn't alone.

Ah, about time the actual army showed up. 

Let's see what we're dealing with.


Like a tidal wave, they came, at least two dozen, the monsters smashing through my bone walls, climbing around my traps and slashing through my webs that coated the roofs.




For once, the Croco-girl stood at attention at my command, glaring at the intruders and charging the monsters.

Slimey! Support! Let's get in there!

“Yes my Lord.” 

Riding atop Slimey I joined the fray, there wasn't much I could do in my rubber duck form so instead, I took control of Dave.

The first time I had done so, it was a jarring experience, an overwhelming sense of fatigue taking me as my mind overlapped over hers.

It was different than taking over Hector. Dave was all muscle, strong, nearly overflowing with life force. The opposite of Hector who was cold, unfeeling, no sense of touch or direction. And the sense of sight… it was different. Not to mention having a tail!

Of course the only thing on Dave's mind was sleep along with an odd sense of… longing?

Synchronizing with Dave, I move my massive body forward, charging the crowd of red-eyed Tarantuals. 

I slammed down with my talons, squashing the bugs, ignoring their claws that scrapped my scaly body.

Unlike their hardened appendages and front end where their mandibles lay, the spider’s bodies themselves were very squish, at least their bulbous back sides were

Tearing through them, I could feel their exoskeletons crumbling in my palms, sweeping them away with my tail, I could feel their guts spill across the floor and the pain! The pain of their sharp teeth and talons piercing my skin!

In a sense… the carnage was exhilarating.

Nothing I had known so far came close to finally being able to stretch, to finally be able to fight! To speak! TO ROAR!


And then it ended, my body back in my shell, leaving Dave to handle the rest of these upgraded minions.

Leave one alive. I ordered, having Slimey return me to my dungeon heart.

I observed the conflict. Watching as Dave crushed the enemy vanguard, although she was taking damage, it was nothing Slimey couldn't heal. 

Before long, there was only one red-eyed tarantual remaining, held aloft with the creature snapping wildly despite its legs being smashed and broken.

I ordered Dave to gingerly bring the monster to me, to hold it aloft as I reached out, my will touching the monster and pricking against the will of the master it served.

It hadn't occurred to me until recently but I realized that if I could steal one of the enemy dungeon core’s minions… then I could order that minion to show me where my foe was.

However, unlike the lower level monsters, the bond this red-eyed spider had was stronger, more concrete, an actual will that fought back against my intrusion.

Then it happened, my consciousness rapidly stretching, moving at insane speeds as I momentarily shifted, my mind now within a being that saw through a hundred eyes. 

I was… a matriarch. A leader. A mother. A horror entrenched in the depths of the castle. 

A being that had grown too large and whose sole purpose now was to direct the brood and produce more.

To expand.

But in order to do so I needed food. Nourishment. More than what the low level monsters that scurried beneath my talons could off me.

Through a hundred eyes, I peered through the abyss, sweeping my eyes across my lair, my brood, the thousands of spiders crawling around a cavern filled with glowing gems and kennels stuffed with Capruxas.

My livestock.

And then I was back, the enormity of what I was dealing with descending on me.

Ah… crap.


Suddenly a furious roar, a shriek sounding out from the depths of the abyss that surrounded my domain. A cry that spoke with hatred fueled by the desire to destroy that which had invaded it.


Hey but on the plus side gems for Chloe!