Chapter 02 – Mercantile Mess and Money Acquisition
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The group of four hopelessly overpowered lolis decided to get some money. They had plenty of materials they could sell. They had a letter from the Adventurers Guild Mistress to introduce them to the Merchants Guild Master.

"Time to go three for three," Mya announced. "We managed to cause a mess twice, so the third time’s the charm." The kitty used two sayings that had different meanings, something that she realised after she said it.

"We have identification, Adventurers Guild cards, and a letter." Noire countered, then she hesitated for a moment. "Actually they are human, I wonder how they will mess up this time."

"Maybe they will try to take advantage and undercharge us?" Levi had an idea.

"Ignore the letter? Actually, I have no idea how much most things are currently worth, I usually sell healing charms, potions, and food." Zaria allowed. "This must be it."

They saw a nice building with a large gate beside it that carriages and wagons entered and left from. The building used white marble, making it shiny and the cladding expensive. The employees were wearing rather nice uniforms as well.

Levi, Mya, and Zaria all turned and looked at Noire.


"You want to take care of the introduction? You have the letter." Zaria told Noire.

"Is that why you did not take it?"


"Why me?" Noire complained.

"You are dressed the best." Zaria nodded at the nice frilly goth lolita outfit with a nice parasol.

"You made and enchanted it!" Noire complained.

"You are wearing it." Zaria countered.

The other two pretended not to hear anything. One pretty much never interacted with people, the other mostly reaped their souls. Noire and Zaria were their most socially active members.

"They are merchants, and they are only out for gold, and for me, money and riches are something that happens," Noire told them. "When things go wrong, you get to clean it up."

Zaria shrugged. "It is business as usual."

They entered the imposing, or at least to normal people probably, building.

"Welcome to the Ghamish Merchants Guild." A receptionist greeted them when they entered the large entrance hall. The receptionist counter was to the right of the door.

Noire turned and approached the counter. "We have an introduction letter from the Adventurers Guild." Noire pulled the letter from a red portal and placed it on the counter. "We are here to do sales."

The receptionist opened the letter and read it. "Please wait a moment, an employee will bring you to an office." The receptionist left with the letter in hand.

Moments later she returned with an employee. "Please follow her to a room. Our employee will take care of your requests."

Noire simply nodded and the quartet followed the new arrival. The office they entered was well furnished. The chairs looked comfortable, and there was a nice couch. It was clearly not a cheap office.

"My name is Franziska, I will be handling your needs. According to the introduction letter you wish to sell items you have in dimensional storage." She peered at the letter again. "You are offering food ingredients, jewellery, and magical items?"

Noire nodded. "I have gems, metals and jewellery. Zaria has enchanted items, potions, and charms. Levi has seafood and Mya has edible monsters."

"Potions are only bought from certified Alchemists Guild members. Magical items need certificates from the Mages Guild. Jewellery and art come from the Artisans Guild. As for food ingredients as Adventurers Guild members, those may be acquired. What do you have?"

"I have tuna, kraken, and whales." Levi listed off.

Mya peered into her shadowy portal. "Wyverns, buffalos, wild boars, and cockatrices."

The employee took notes. "We can take a tuna, a wyvern, and a buffalo immediately."

"Sure, where do you want them?"

"Please follow." The woman rose and walked to the door and opened it.

The quartet followed and chatted telepathically.
"Currently everything seems to be going well."
"Is it normal for things to be this regulated?"
"When things become this regulated, it normally turns worse over time."
"Exactly, then we have a revolution and deregulation, and things start over again."
"I wonder how many guilds there are."
"Far too many from the sound of it."
"Adventurers, Merchants, Mages, Alchemists, and Artisans are already a lot."
"Probably plenty of price control and corruption as well."
"Corruption? That was the part where you pay for special privileges?"
"Yes, bribery and probably backstabbing."
"Why not just kill opponents?"
"They probably try to use them."
"Oh, blackmail, I see plenty of deaths because of it."
"So blackmail people so they bribe someone to backstab you, that sounds very logical."

They arrived in the courtyard, and entered a warehouse that was cooled with ice and cooling enchantments. It did not smell good.

"Please unload them here." The employee pointed at a loading space.

An about 5 metres long tuna, a wyvern with a 12 metre wingspan, and a large buffalo all plopped onto the indicated place.

The employee blinked. She peered at the quartet and then at the large piles of meat. There had been no movement, no incantation, no visible spells and they had appeared. "Are they bled out?"


"Then we will have to bleed them."

Blood started pouring from the bodies and levitated in three spheres as Noire used her blood control. "Do you need the blood for anything?"

"No, I will get something to pour it out."

"No need." The orbs faded away.

"Very well, a butcher will now assess the quality. Will you wait for the assessment or return tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow is fine." Noire decided.

"How much are good and bad quality payouts? It is meant as a guideline for us if it is worth it." Zaria decided to ask. She knew better than to leave without any information.

"The tuna is hard to say, we don't get this kind of fish often. I suspect anywhere from a large gold coin to a large platinum coin. The buffalo looks intact and not diseased. For buffalos of that size, you can get from two large gold coins to a small platinum coin. The wyvern is large and can range from two small platinum coins to a large platinum coin."

"That sounds extremely random." Noire calculated.

"Butchering fees, meat quality, and demand vary a lot." The employee explained. "Please follow, I have to write up a contract."

The quartet followed and received the contract.

"That went better than I expected." Levi was surprised.

"The real issue will be the payout," Zaria mentioned.

Noire nodded. "You suspect they will underpay us."

"In that case, we will simply ignore them in the future." Mya giggled. "I am sure Levi could find enough money for us to play around as we want. She sank a fleet not long ago near the coast."

"Then we see tomorrow. What do you want to do today, do we go find an inn or do we get a quest and finish it to get a taste?" Zaria asked.

"Let's get a quest, I am curious how the people work their missions."

The quartet returned to the Adventurers Guild and started looking through the low-level quests.

"Kill goblins, that is actually a paid quest?" Noire was looking in disbelief at the quest board for beginners. "Minimum 5 goblins, take both their ears as proof?"

"Those smelly pests are worth money?" Mya was just as confused.

"Those are those small green dumbs things?" Levi was trying to remember them, with her being aquatic goblins were not something she faced regularly.

"They easily overwhelm civilians with groups, or children," Zaria explained.

"Let's exterminate them then." Noire made a disgusted face. "They don't taste good, they smell, and seem to be useless vermin."

"Okay." Zaria peered at the quest slip. "It is a repeatable mission, so we don't need to report it."

"So 20 goblins for 5 each." Noire frowned.

"Actually it is 5 per party." Zaria corrected.

"Seriously?" Levi started wondering if goblins were actually dangerous after all.

Noire looked around and seemed unhappy. "The helpers are gone."

"Probably went home, it is getting late. People tend to go to sleep early." Zaria reminded them, and her Tama tended to sleep early, rose late, and took naps. Unless Tama slept through the day and night completely.

"I don't want to touch the ears." "I don't want them in my storage." "Then let's find an inn and restaurant?" "Or we go and find money first." "Money?" "Money."

"Levi, you have a better idea where, so you teleport us." Noire announced the mutual decision.

A bubble of water swallowed them.


At the bottom of the ocean in the eternal darkness and crushing pressure, the four looked around as they switched to telepathy and stopped their breathing. Leviathan changed to her Leviathan form and darted off into the darkness as the other three followed slowly.

"Found some wrecks," Levi called out.

The trio teleported ahead. There were wrecks in the area, it was several square kilometres but the wrecks did not stop them from ripping them apart and gathering everything that littered the sea floor.

They simply gathered everything they could and only left completely destroyed things, pieces of wreckage, bodies, and everything spoiled behind. That left them with weapons, some starting to corrode, especially the wooden parts were damaged, anything made from metal, a few bottles with wines and other drinks, all valuables like jewellery and coinage, and the magic items and crystals.

They visited another ship graveyard and raided the fresher wrecks there as well. They now had a lot of useless, at least to them, resources that they could try to trade in. Noire was very appreciative as dumping everything could ruin the city they had picked as their first stop. They had enough coinage to lead a comfortable life for a long time as well.

Levi was especially hyper and wanted to make her first purchases in millenia.

In the morning they teleported back, and they picked the Merchants Guild as their first stop. The receptionists were professional enough to recover from the shock quickly and welcomed them. "Welcome, how may the Ghamish Merchants Guild help you?"

Noire pulled out the sales contract and handed it to the receptionist who excused herself and left to fetch an available employee, which was difficult since the morning was a rather active time. They had to wait a bit until they were led to an office. Where they had to wait yet more.

Finally, a female employee they had not seen before entered. "Greetings, I am Isabella, I was informed that you came to receive the sales remuneration?"

"Yes." Noire handed the contract over.

"Please wait a moment while I fetch the report and remuneration." The women left.

"The moment of truth." Noire prepared herself for calculated outrage.

Zaria smirked. "If they undercharge us I have a fun idea."

"It is her 'fey is going to screw you over' smile." Mya looked curious.

Levi snickered. "This is going to be good."

Noire deflated. "Very well, when they underpay us then you can have your way."

The woman returned with a small chest, she opened it and pulled out the guild's copy of the contract and the report sheet. "Here is the report, please read and confirm the items."

The foursome read the report.
"1: A tuna, size 3 metres, not dismantled, bloodless, 4 small gold coins 5 large silver coins.
"2: A buffalo,small and old, starved, not dismantled, blood not removed, tough meat, 1 large gold coin, 3 small gold coins.
"3: A wyvern, 9 metres wing span, not dismantled, blood not removed, starved, 6 large gold coins."

Noire nodded. "Zaria, your turn."

Zaria nodded. "Under contract clause five we are paying the one-seventh dismantling fee and taking the full materials."

The employee checked the contract. "Very well, will you have the items delivered?"

"No, we will take them immediately. Please lead the way." Zaria took their contract copy. "We will sign once the items are handed over."

"Please follow me." The employee rose, placed their contract copy and the report copy back into the small chest and picked it up.

The group ventured towards the cooling house. There the tuna was missing completely, the wyvern ribs were gone, and half the buffalo was misplaced.

The employee did her best to look composed, but it was clear that she was nervous about the situation.

"Considering clause five is impossible since clause three material quality inspection was broken we are declaring clause nine triple damages refund." Zaria showed the employee the relevant clauses on her contract. "At 6 large gold coins and 1 small platinum coin report price, that amounts to 4 large gold coins and 5 small platinum coins."

"Please wait a moment, I need to fetch a supervisor." The employee ran off.

A supervisor arrived soon, blustered for a while, but had to admit that the contract had been broken. That forced him to fetch a manager.

"We can always talk about the falsified report as well. This buffalo is clearly not starved, the wyvern ribs that are left are clearly from one that is larger than the nine metre one mentioned in the report."

"There is no proof, you can sue if you wish."

Zaria gave the man a downright feral smile. "Divine Summoning." She had summoned her recently so calling her again was simple.

The Goddess of Justice manifested again. "Again?" She was clearly unhappy.

Zaria waved at the manager, supervisor, and guild employees that were knocked to their knees from the divine power of the goddess. "The Merchants Guild clearly broke their contract, falsified their report, and wanted to underpay us." She handed the contract and report to the Goddess including a memory crystal created with the memory of the delivery.

"That is stupid." The Goddess replied as she did her best to distract herself from the four apocalyptic small figures with the paperwork. "I called an inquisitor and told him to fetch the guards." She told the dangerous quartet. "It is as you say, the contract has been broken multiple times, the report is not matching the truth, and the Merchants Guild acted in bad faith."

"Who are you?" The manager demanded.

"You know me as the Goddess of Justice. The wording of clause 9 is interesting." The goddess looked towards Zaria.

"Yes, it actually triggered twice or thrice in this situation. First for the falsified report, next for the undervaluing of the worth, and finally for making the dissolution of the contract impossible. The wording of clause nine fails to mention if it is a multiplicative penalty or additive. The wording seems to hint at a multiplicative, would need research on the guilds punishments to see how they handle it."

Everyone looked towards the manager who paled even more.

"Oh, the guild uses multiplication and never pays more than one penalty factor," Noire announced.

Mya nodded. "And they make sure to dismiss as many penalties towards the guild while they apply as many as they can on the merchants and partners."

Levi cringed. "Did you really read his mind? I seriously don't want to know what they are thinking."

Noire nodded in agreement. "Mortal minds are filled with so many useless things."

"Like all those bribes and all the blackmail, he is thinking about." Mya cringed as she checked the mind and memories.

"You didn't mention the sexual favours he is taking with the bribes and blackmail," Zaria added.

"Naturally you all can read minds." The Goddess groused exasperated.

"I don't." Levi countered. "I probably could but why bother?"

"Sometimes I wish I could." The Goddess stopped. She looked at the manager and the supervisor then at the quartet where she saw Zaria looking smug. "Right, fae. Never say what you don't mean."

Mya and Noire started laughing. Levi looked confused for a moment then she understood.

The guards, inquisitors, and priests finally arrived. And promptly all knelt before the Goddess.

"Rise." The Goddess ordered. "The Merchants Guild broke their own contracts. These two are guilty of blackmail, bribery, corruption, fraud, document falsification, and tampering. The manager more than the supervisor. The guild master is implicated as well."

Zaria kept her smug foxy smirk. "Have fun~ I summoned you with enough magic and divinity so you can stay a while fully manifested."

"What is a while for you?" The Goddess asked despite knowing better.

"Months probably." Noire looked more and more amused by the situation.

"Years?" Levi pondered.

"I have no idea, I simply threw a decent amount of power at her."

Mya peered at the Goddess curiously. "I guess two years, if you use a lot of active magic, maybe a few months."

"Enough time to visit all your temples." Zaria had her priorities as Tama's shrine maiden. "You probably never visit your temples unlike my Tama whom I have to force to leave so she does her job."

"She works?" The Goddess of Justice asked in absolute disbelief.

"Sometimes?" Zaria shrugged. "I need to bribe her with pampering and snacks."

"I will take care of this, so you don't need to bother."

"You just want us gone so we don't cause incidents." Mya accused them.

"Yes, you are from the Adventurers Guild, go do a quest."

"Right, we wanted to exterminate the goblins."

"Are you planning to do a goblin genocide or just exterminate a few around here." the Goddess asked worriedly. "They are needed for training beginner adventurers."

"We just want 5 goblins each," Levi explained. "If we find more we will kill them too but five each is all we need."

"Good hunting, if we don't meet again, I will visit my saintess and tell her about you. So if you come to the main temple, she will know to receive you properly." The Goddess promised, and left, waving the confused people along. "Yes, those four are each more powerful than I am. Now since I have manifested personally, I shall personally disperse justice upon the sinners."

The quartet watched her leave then turned back to the cause of the mess.

"I'll put stasis over it, not sure if she needs them." Levi cast a spell that practically stopped time for the meats. "Now tell me how to find goblins, I never needed to look for them before."


At the Adventurers Guild they lined up at the master rank counter.

"This is the line for the masters." The party in line before them informed them.

"Yes, that is why we are here." Noire replied, twirling her parasol, while the sun wasn't an issue for her, she still didn't like it and she really liked her parasol.

"How many helpers do we want?" Mya peered at the lined helpers. "Also do we take carriers, dismantlers or both?"

"Why not one or two each?" Zaria offered. "We will probably need more space for whatever we find unless we want to carry it ourselves."

"No thanks." "Not interested." "No, just no."

"Scram kids." A rude voice from behind them demanded. "Helpers are in the beginners' lines."

"We are in the right line." Levi looked at the rude person. It was a robed tall man that she couldn't put an age on, mainly because she never bothered to learn how to guess ages. "We need to replace our temporary guild cards." She recognised him as some kind of priest, but did not recognise the symbol on his garments.

"Stop lying." The man glared at them.

They did not care and ignored him, until he tried to push them aside. Which caused him to walk into a wall of hardened air.

"What?" He pounded the airwall.

Guards looked on and wondered how a strong spell had been cast again without causing any alarms.

The quartet ignored the useless cursing behind them and waited for their turn.

"Welcome to the Adventurers Guild, your S rank guild cards are ready, the SSS rank guild cards have been ordered. Can we do anything else for you?" The receptionist had no idea why their Guild Mistress was so insistent on giving those four the best and honest service possible, but it was her job so she would do it."

"What do you mean they are SSS rank?" The rude adventurer demanded to know, causing everyone in the guild to listen up.

"SSS rank?" "Those kids?" "Unbelievable." "Shh they will hear you!" "We are all going to die" "Fake rankers." "I am an SSSS ranker."

"Perfect. We want to hire helpers, two carriers and two dismantlers." Levi was eager to try her hands at adventuring.

"What quest will they accompany you on?"

"Simple pest extermination," Levi replied.

Zaria decided to explain. "We want to do the goblin extermination, so there will be at least 20 goblins and whatever else we run across."

The rude man sneered. "SSS rank but going for goblins."

"The helpers can keep all the rewards. The rewards are low after all." Noire allowed. With the money they were going to receive from the Merchants Guild and what they found on the ocean floor they were not lacking for money and the peanuts from the goblins were not relevant to them.

"Any preferences?" The receptionist ignored the ranting S rank priest behind the quartet like they did.

"Preferences?" Mya wondered what the receptionist meant.

"Male, female, age, capable of defending themselves?" The receptionist clarified.

"Girls and they can be weak, we will take care of transport and protection." Zaria decided.

"Are younger girls fine? It is hard for them to find work."

"It is fine," Zaria confirmed.

"I challenge you to an honour duel." The priest demanded.

"What is an honour duel?" Noire asked curiously, it sounded a lot like a legal way to kill someone, at least the vampire version was like that.

"An honour duel is when someone is offended and thinks their honour was infringed upon. They can demand an apology, reparations, servitude, or even life depending on the severity of the issue." The receptionist explained.

Noire gave a bloodthirsty smile. "I call dibs on his life."

The receptionist took a moment. "He is an S ranker."

"I am a SSS ranker. He clearly thinks we are not worthy of our power, so going anything other than full power would be clearly an insult." Noire sounded calm and sweet, the look in her eyes however promised murder.

"You should learn your place, little girls."

Noire finally turned to him and looked up at him. "I accept your duel."

"Vampire filth!" the priest screeched. "I will purge you and your disgusting blood. I have exterminated filth your size before.

Levi, Mya, and Zaria slumped. That idiot was dead. "Tell the Guild Mistress about the duel, you have a place where it can be held?" Zaria tried to keep it mostly legal, they finally managed to register and mostly get settled, she didn't want to start over in a different city.

"Yes. At the back, there is an arena that is used as a training ground." The receptionist replied.

"I will go fetch a judge," Zaria smirked suddenly. "I think I will fetch her."

"Oh, yes she will do nicely." Levi agreed.

Mya looked the priest up and down. "I know where to put him after his death. It is nice to have time to prepare." She turned towards Noire. "And no shattering of his soul, picking up the pieces is annoying."

"I will spread your ashes in a pigsty."

"Ewww." Mya clutched her nose.

Zaria looked disgusted. "You have some weird fetishes."

Levi looked puzzled. "What is a pigsty?"

Noire visibly had trouble remembering what it was as well.

Mya and Zaria sent images telepathically.

"You are disgusting, you know." The small vampiress told the tall human.

The receptionist gave up trying to de-escalate and ran off to fetch the guild mistress.


In the small arena the people training were shooed off to the sides and the visibly anxious Guild Mistress was checking the barrier. It wasn’t enough that the four apocalypse class beings were present, a goddess was present as well. It was the Goddess of Justice who had been summoned by Zaria, the poor Goddess was dragged in by the albino floof and clearly as scared as she was.

"We have an honour duel today. S Ranker Ralf Stabbins, Priest and Champion of Krall, is challenging SSS Ranker Noire, Vampiress, in a duel to the death. Joining us as judge is Helena, Goddess of Justice." The Guild Mistress called out. "What are you three doing?" She asked when she saw Levi, Mya, and Zaria spread out in a triangle around the battleground.

The watching adventurers had all felt the power of the newcomer, many doubted the claim of her being a goddess, but those with more experience felt that she was beyond them. The priests, clerics and divine attuned amongst them recognised the power as beyond mortal, and far more powerful than angels and divine beings they had seen before. No matter who it was, she was powerful on a level beyond them.

"Creating a proper barrier." Zaria, who was the closest, explained as the trio raised their arms holding their palms toward the arena. A barrier sphere snapped into existence with blue energy from Levi, black from Mya, and white from Zaria. Then it faded out of view.

The old high elf approached the barrier, focussed a magical charge into her hand, and rammed it into the barrier. The barrier turned visible in that area for a moment and faded out of view a moment after. "Can you leave it in place for a few years?" She asked the trio.

The three nodded at that. "Sure, we will just have to enchant something for a permanent version."

"Stop faking, after I am done with her it will be your turn." The champion announced.

The trio ignored him, since he had a zero percent chance of survival.

"Duelists prepare, face each other." The Goddess called out.

They did, with the champion sneering at the vampiress who looked completely relaxed as she was spinning her parasol.

"Start." The goddess jumped back out of the barrier as if her life depended on it, which it did in case the vampiress made her move first and overpowered it.

The priest shot a silent ray of light at Noire, who ignored it while spinning her parasol calmly. She couldn't decide how to kill him.

Seeing that she was not moving he started to cast a stronger spell. "I call upon the light. Hear my Voice. Strike those going against life. Sun's Light of Undead Destruction."

A large orb of light hit Noire who made no move to block the holy light spell specialising in undead destruction. She was a living vampire, which meant she wasn't undead.

She finished pondering. "Since you like light so much, why don't I give you some. It isn't one of my trained elements but it will be enough."

Noire pointed at him with a single finger. "Ray of Light." It was the most basic light combat spell. Only when she did it, it was a beam with a good diameter of about five metres and caused the barrier to darken so those watching did not burn out their eyes. When the beam finished there was a ditch lined with glass leading from before her, through the area the god's champion had stood, and towards the barrier where it ended.

"Winner SSS Rank Noire." Helena announced, happy at the lack of collateral damage. "The honour duel is over." She teleported away, she hoped they wouldn't call onto her again.

The Guild Mistress ordered her employees. "Can someone fill in that ditch? I will have to check what our budget for the barrier is."

The watching adventurers were confused. What they had seen made no sense to them. The vampire ignored the light spells, and killed a priest with a light spell, a light spell that was more powerful than the one the priest had cast. They doubted the little girl was actually a vampire. Had that been really a Goddess? She had simply teleported away without an incantation and without any spell preparation or a spell focus. If it really was a goddess, then they had seen something that many had no chance to see in their lifetime.

The winners of the honour, or horror, duel left for the counter to get their helpers and hunt some goblins.

Two of the hired girls were actually taller than they were. The quartet introduced themselves and then asked an important question. "How does it work? Do we need to leave through the gate or can we just teleport where we need?"

The four helper girls seemed to have a wordless discussion then one stepped forward. "We usually leave through the gate."

"Okay, tell us how normal adventurers look for goblins?" Levi was curious.

"They find information where sightings were and travel there, then they search for tracks."

Levi nodded. "Sounds annoying. I guess I'll search for them directly." Levi glowed blue for a moment. "I think I found them." she exclaimed as she manifested a disk of water and displayed what looked like two goblins drinking from a stream.

"Yes, those are goblins." Noire looked disgusted.

"So, no teleporting?" Levi wondered.

"Leave the city then teleport?" Mya counter offered.

"Teleporting more people is difficult, I heard." One of the four helpers seemed worried.

"No it isn't." the quartet replied.

"Let's go, we can teleport once we leave the city."

"Actually, we should buff them." Noire inspected the four helpers. "They are awfully fragile."

"Reserve Revival" "Increase Defence" "Increase Stamina" "Increase Life" "Blood Protection" "Protect Soul" "Death Immunity" "Increase Strength" "Increase Dexterity" "Clean" "Resist Elements" "Guided Hands" "Increase Speed" "Physical Immunity" "Magical Immunity" "Toxin Immunity" "Reserve Heal" "Blood Health" "Protect Heart" "Protect Brain" "Soul Body" "Ethereal Body" "Waters Blessing" "Death's Blessing" "Darkness Blessing" "Fluffy Blessing"

The adventurers watching the small quartet were honestly worried, teleportation was an advanced and complex spell, with each person needing more power. The amount of buffs and the strength they felt from the small helpers were wrong. Helpers were not supposed to radiate magic.

"Mage Armour" "Holy Shield" "Death's Armour" "Blessing of the Depths" "Nature's Blessing" "Fey Favour" "Skill Up" "Luck Up" "Death's Servant" "Blood Regeneration" "Greater Naps" "Pleasant Dreams" "Physical Regeneration" "Improved Healing" "Improved Magical Regeneration" "Water Walking" "Darkness Escape" "Reflect Magic" "Water Shield" "Reflect Damage" "Ignore Temperature" "Underwater Breathing" "Safe Travel" "Darkvision"

For the four helpers the situation was getting awkward. The amount of buffs they had cast on them was abnormal, they were only helpers and weren't buffed usually but they saw some and heard a lot while waiting at the guild. Most of those they had never heard about.

"Excuse me." A receptionist interrupted. "Shouldn't you buff before you arrive at the goblins?"

"No worries, those buffs won't run out any time soon."

The Guild Mistress had a really bad feeling about this. "How long did you buff them for?"

"For life naturally?" "People don't live long anyway." "A century or so?" "I forgot to set a limit."

The Guild Mistress took a few calming breaths. "Take good care of them." She dragged the receptionist off. "We need to make a special rank for those four, I doubt anything less than a dragon can hurt them."

Levi called out after her. "My Water Shield is dragon proof up to any ancient dragons, those youngsters have far too much of an ego."

Do you prefer LitRPGs or pure Storytelling (2 choices)
  • LitRPG all the way, chapters full of statt and skill analysis are great. Votes: 0 0.0%
  • LitRPG is fun, but too much is bad. Votes: 13 28.3%
  • Story with a few LitRPG elements for flavour is best. Shows growth. Votes: 23 50.0%
  • Pure story is the best, show how they grow by their actions. Votes: 7 15.2%
  • I don't care as long as it is fun! Votes: 20 43.5%
  • More food please. Votes: 17 37.0%
Total voters: 46