Chapter 1
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Hours later in a little store. A man goes into a store. The doorbell chimes. The book store owner says “ hey David fifth time this week you came here. I am guessing you're gonna pay me the money me and my friends loaned you. David says “ no please give me more time I can pay it back when i can find a job.” the book store owner says “ one you did not address me as sir that is disrespectful for me.  Another lie, what a shame it would be if we would have to cut you up and into pieces and sell you for parts….” he says “ no sir  please I will do anything.” the book store owner says “ well that's what I planned on you saying. Have you heard about the couple and officers who died this morning? He says “ no sir I have not.”                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            The book store owner says “ of course not you doing with your life. You can't even watch the news worthless trash.”  David says “ yes I know I am worthless trash but sir what do you want me to do.” the book store owner says “ yes well i want you to steal a pack jewels that couple owned me. Those jewels are rare and a buyer I got yesterday wanted them today. You get me them and let's say I will take a third of your debt out and not cut your limbs off.  Go to that little suburb city in town, the blue house is theirs" David nods and says “ yes sir I will." David goes out to go out of the store and the owner says “ and  you need a better sense of style, you disgust everyone.” he walks out onto the street. David thinks to himself “I hate this life. How am I supposed to find the jewels in a house? Also it's a crime scene. Won't the cops come on man?”                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Two hours pass while David walks there. It's night time now. It's so quiet and peaceful as if something horrible has not happened here. David goes up to the front of the house and there's a note there saying “ from your friendly police officer don't screw up this job or I will make you happen to be shot up next morning. David thinks to himself ‘ even the police work for him probably because of loans. Now to find the jewels.” David looks around to see if there's any neighbor possibly watching him. David goes into the house and it still reeks a bit of death. David looks through the couch in the living room with nothing but crumbs.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  David says “ it would not be hidden that easily. most people I feel like would hide their valuables in their bed room or a study.’ David goes up stairs into the bedroom he looks through everywhere but under the bed. David lays and puts his hand under the bed one of the planks feels loose; he moves it and grabs a box. He opens the box's lid  and puts his hand without looking and accidentally gets stabbed by a piece of glass. There's a bunch of shards of  glass in the box and the jewels are in the middle. David carefully lifts the jewel out of the box. David thinks to himself "thank god I found it.” There's the sound from outside the house coming from the backyard. It sounds like something went over the fence. David freaks out for a sec but then cools down and thinks “ maybe it's an animal the backyard is connected to a forest so it could happen. But I better just check the case through the window. David peeks through the curtains of the window and looks down towards the fence.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           He sees something or someone crawling on all fours. It has a human body. It's wearing a purple vest and has gray hair. It appears to be a girl. David thinks to himself ‘ what the hell is that thing the hell. I got to hide or run. I should have some time to run hopefully to the front door. He runs down stairs and the thing jumps through the glass back screen door. It says “ I finally found one. Finally I can eat and have it.”                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          it hisses and runs on all fours and yells “ I want to eat your arms first then I will take what I need! David almost reaches the door he tries to grab the door but its tongue comes out of its mouth and grabs him with it. He looks behind him shocked and sees it turn more into a monster; its body on top shreds skin blood dripping from all sides. All that is left is red meat left there. It starts to make more hissing and growling sounds. David closes his eyes and he has given up on his life he knows he is done for. He hates how all his life ended up leading to being eaten by a monster. But then a car parks outside and the cop goes up and opens the door.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    its the sheriff and he yells “ the hell is that I came here to shoot you for making so much noise that the neighbors called. But I guess that will wait. Just think about the trophies I will get for killing a monster like that!”  The sheriff shots the tongue. The monster yells in pain. David runs past the police officer. David knows he is screwed either way if he doesn't try to make a deal with the sheriff to not kill him. But then the monster jumps onto the sheriff tearing his arms and eating them and the sheriff tries to stab in the back. But his hand gets absorbed into the monster's back. His flesh melts away. David makes a quick decision to keep running since has no idea how to drive it would take too long. The monster has eyes tearing through its face. He runs and jumps a fence into another neighbor's yard and runs into the forest. There's a lake on his way to the other side. The monster is almost there.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                David is panicked. he has no idea what to do. The monster is getting closer and it uses its tongue again. It now grows wings on its back, all its flesh almost gone, the human body is just a corpse dangling on it. It's a giant beast that's only left. David says “ screw you screw all of you. I don't want to die here. He tries to struggle out of it. David thinks to himself there's many things I still want to do. I can't die. ‘ it looks like it will be the end of him but a gunshot is heard from somewhere in the forest and someone yelling “ bingo!” the bullet flies into the flying beast. The bullet breaks both wings at once the beast falls and the corpse stuck to it gets crushed once it falls on the ground.  David can't believe he has been saved. The man who shot it comes out of the forest holding a sniper rifle.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            The man is wearing a Hawaiian shirt and has sunglasses on. His long air moving in the breeze. The man walks up to David and says “ do you wanna live or would you rather sit there and die.” David gets up. He asks “who are you and how did you even know where i was.” the man says “ I will tell you later. Follow me to my truck.” David nods and follows the man. David takes one look back at the dead corpse of the monster and continues going. They walk through the forest and finally reach a road. The man's truck is there. The man goes into the driver seat and David goes into the passenger side.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              The man starts up the car and starts to drive down the road. David says “ will you tell me now who you are.” the man says “ my name's victor. I am guessing you have no idea what's happening.” David says “ yea i have no idea. What was that thing and why was it after me? " Victor says “ that thing was a human. My mother had a book filled with her journal. The reason it was after you was because you are a chosen one." David says “ what the hell does that mean. Chosen for what to die." Victor says “ well you're almost right there. Have you ever looked at your back? There's a symbol there that glows a little bit. That thing is part of a family. This family is after people who have markings like you. They will cut a square chunk of your back. They want the mark. I have no idea why.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            My mother just put what she saw. She was a friend of the family but when she saw what they were doing to these people she freed them from their cells and they all escaped. All of the family were searching but never found them. That was 20 years ago. She wanted to help the people and stop whatever the family was going wrong. But I don't really care if you die or anyone else. All I care about is killing the family to make sure they don't get their way." David says “ what happened to your mom. She could help since maybe she knows more." Victor says “I don't know what happened to her.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 My adopted parents told me they found me with a box. There was a strange marked rock and the book with it on top written please don't open until emergency. My life was normal with my adopted parents but then a month ago. I walked to the store. When I was on my way back I saw a man walking out of my house. I never saw his face but I ran to my house afraid of what happened. I saw my adopted parents died with their eyes missing. The box was on the floor and it was open. The strange mark was gone. I was in shock and I cried.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                But then I saw the book and I opened it and read it. I know I wanted my revenge. I could not track the man but I tracked someone similar who I believed had something to do with it. That someone was this thing here when it was human. I saw it kill a man with its tongue . Then I know it must be searching for something. It was a mark she took out . she crawled out on all fours. I have been tracking her ever since. I think she took the mark back to her family.” David can't believe all this is real. David says “ then I am guessing you're using me as bait.”                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Victor says “damn you figured me out. I am using you to bait out the family and hopefully or marked people before they can get to them." The truck stops when they have reached their destination. It was an abandoned shack. Victor and David get out of the car and Victor says “ this is where I will be sleeping till tomorrow. Hopefully they won't find us here.” Victor pulls out a sleeping bag from his trunk. Both David and Victor enter the shack. David says “where am I going to sleep.” Victor points to the old dusty broken floor and says “right there. I ain't giving you my sleeping bag.” David sighs and thinks whatever. He lays down. David thinks about the life he has had. He remembers taking a loan for an apartment. David falls asleep.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      David has a dream about his father smoking a cigar and putting the ashes on him. Then his dad says “ you never listen to me. Why do you think your mom left us? Whatever, just be there standing your better as an ashtray then a son.'' David wakes up. Victor says “ finally you woke up. Come on, we got to get ready.” David gets up and says “what's the plan?” Victor hands him a clean pair of sheets of clothes and a handgun. He says “ well get dressed, your clothes have blood on them. We're going to town to see if we can find another person like you or find a family member. Do you know how to use a gun?” David says “ Well I do know a little bit how to use a gun, my old man taught me a bit.” David goes into another room to change  and puts the gun in his pocket." David thinks to himself I cant believe all this is happening but at least I wont get my limbs chopped off because of debt.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Victor packs up his sleeping bag. Both David and Victor go in the car. Victor starts up the car and starts driving. David says “ i never told you my name it's David.” victor says “ I don't care what your name is.'' David says '' ok whatever. Have you ever found someone like me before? Victor says “ Can you stop with the small talk. I want peace and quiet.” David stays quiet. David thinks to himself this guy is boring. David turns on the radio and Victor turns it off. Victor says “ I will blow your brains out if you do that again.” David says “ fine whatever.” They drove in peace and quiet until they finally arrived in the town of Haven wood.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      They park in a shopping mall parking lot. They both get out. David says “ oh you're gonna leave the sniper in the truck.'' Victor says' ' obviously if I were to carry that around the cops would be swarming us. Your a dumb ass.” Victor takes a cigarette and smokes it. They walk for a little bit and arrive at the town square. Victor says “ have you felt any weird feelings?” David says “ nah. I just feel a bit hungry.” Victor says “ damn then that must no other people with blue marks be near us.” Victor says “ let's try to keep walking around town to see if we can find any one.” Both of them begin to walk and then victor gets shot in the shoulder. Victor says “ fuck!” everyone around them starts screaming and running. Victor says “ David come on run we need to run and get into cover.”  Both of them run. Victor says “ it will be hard to shoot us because of the crowds of people.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 The man begins shooting everyone. The man says “ all these crowds of people can't hide you forever if I kill them all. Also I know you killed my sister. I found her body. I don't really care that you killed her. She was so weak she choose the worst power ever. It made me happy to see her dead. But I need you to give me back what you took from here. I also need the marked one. David, I know everything about you. My power lets me touch dead body's and see there past. Who ever is in there vision I can see there how's your father doing.” the man keeps shooting and kills one person and touches him.  The man says “ I know where you are. You're hiding behind the building in the alleyway way across the street!”                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          The man takes aim and shoots towards the alleyway trying to spook them out.” David and victor are hiding there. Victor ready's his revolver and says “ David get ready, we're gonna try to get down the street more”  David pulls out his gun and nods. They run get out of the alleyway. Victor aims at the man and gets ready to shoot. The man is holding up a gun to a man and holding him hostage in front of him. The man says “ what are you gonna do shoot this man to get rid of him as my human shield. You won't do it.” the man he is holding hostage says “ please don't shoot.” Victor shoots the man being used as a human shield. Victor says “ I don't give a damn about that man.” victor has to reload. The man gets his gun ready to shoot at victor.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            But then David shoots the man holding the gun. “ The man drops it. The man says “ what ever i was never good with guns.” a man arrives from the sky floating down.  The man who was floating says to the other man “ hi Kab so I am guessing these are the men who killed your sister. I see they have a marked one. If I help you with this you owe me the mark.” Kab says “ fine Kenzo you get the mark I don't give a shit about it. It should be easy to kill them all they got are guns." Kenzo laughs and says “this should be easy.” Kenzo gets down and starts to walk at victor and David. Victor takes a shoot at him. David reloads. Kenzo points at the bullet right when it gets near his head he makes it rotate around and flicks it with his finger. The bullet goes right back to victor hitting his leg.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Victor screams “shit fucking damn it.'' David thinks to himself. I think his ability is gravity or something that must be how he rotated it and made it go back. Kenzo says “ first that old couples mark and now this one will be mine. Dude just give me the guy with the mark and I might let you live." Victor says to David, “ I want you to shoot at him David.” David says, "Are you crazy.” Victor says “ I have a crazy idea that might work.”  David shoots. Kenzo gets ready to grab the bullet and laughs. Victor takes a grenade out of his pocket and throws it to the side where kab is. Kenzo sees the grenade and can't grab it in time . Kab sees it landing in front of him and is shocked and screams "hell nooooo.” The grenade explodes Kenzo points where the grenade is exploding and aims it at Kab's legs. The bullet hits his shoulder at the same time.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Kab's legs were blown off. Kenzo says “ you did all that just to hit me in the shoulder, how sad.” Kab is there laying on the floor bleeding. Kab says “ cousin could you please hold in the blood with your gravity so i don't bleed out. Kenzo says “ sorry kab but you ran out of your usefulness to me.” kabs says “ noo god don't do it were family.” kab tries to crawl away. Kenzo waves bye bye. He gets close to kab and points at his head and uses gravity to make Kab's head squish into his own body.” Kenzo says “ damn kab you bleed so much hahaha.'' Kenzo turns around. David is trying to pick up Victor. Victor can't get up because of the bullet in his leg. Victor says “ you ain't getting me up man. We need another plan or we are finished." David does not know what to do. He thinks to himself should I run or should I try to shoot. But if I shoot he will just use the bullet. Kenzo floats across and grabs Dave while he is thinking. Kenzo says “ your mine now. Say bye to your friend.”                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  David feels a power coming from the mark. He has the feeling of trying to grab something from his back. David grabs a ghost looking sword from his back and cuts  Kenzo's leg off. Kenzo screams falling back and says “ what the hell is that.” David looks at the ghost like a sword in his hand. Dave gets ready to fight. Kenzo rushes at him; he points at the sword trying to use his gravity to make David stab himself. But David stabs through his gravity and says “ seems like I am more powerful than you.” David smiles and Kenzo is pissed and takes out a dagger and says "you can't be more powerful than me, you're a weakling.” David cuts Kenzo's dagger and cuts Kenzo's arm in half. Kenzo falls to the ground. David walks over to him.  Kenzo says “I am guessing you're gonna….kill.. me.” David grins and says “ nahhh I am gonna leave you here to slowly bleed out. The police in this town take very long so you will die slowly. Have fun.”  David picks up victor and goes down the road to get back to the truck.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Victor says “ I guess you're more useful than you look.” David says "I am guessing you're weaker than me now.” Victor laughs and says “ I guess so. Before  they can get to the mall parking lot. A car stops in front of them. Two men wearing business suits shoot Dave and Victor with a tranquilizer gun. David says “ god damn it ahh.” he falls down and is knocked out.