Ch. 1 – Bankrupting Yourself to Lose Your Virginity
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Ch. 1 – Bankrupting Yourself to Lose Your Virginity


Sean got excited as he looked into his coinpurse. I finally saved fifty coppers! His goal the past month, since he had been sent to this fantasy world, was to lose his virginity. Not just to any girl, mind. He had found a brothel with cute catgirls, every self-respecting man's dream.

As would be expected, when on the way home from university he died saving schoolchildren from a runaway truck, the gods had given him a second life in a fantasy world. Also as would be expected, once he arrived in this fantasy world, he immediately joined the Adventurer's Guild to start making a living. He didn't have the money for a class change, so his current one was the default 'Fighter' that he'd had when he got there. And of course, the money he was saving wasn't going to be spent on something unimportant like that.

Being the low level and a generic Fighter, he hadn't made it into a party, but he had made a few 'friends' with some of other single men in the Guild. He had found out quickly the cheapest prostitutes were fifty coppers, and once he had found a girl of choice amongst the fantasy races, he'd had his goal.

He felt his member starting to tingle while still walking there. No, son, down! You can't pop out in the middle of the street! After successfully calming himself, he kept walking, until finally arriving at the establishment.

Despite still being the late afternoon, there was already several people inside, including a few he recognized from the guild.

He was shaking slightly as he got to the front of the line, placing his coinpurse on the desk.

The old man at the desk was wearing a butler outfit, and gave him a smile. “Is this your first time here, son? I don't recognize your face.”

Sean nodded. “Yes, this is my first time here.” I won't mention it's my first time anywhere.

The man set out a book with pictures.

Sean had to stop from salivating at all the catgirls. Cute ones, sexy ones, voluptuous ones. However, they were all out of his price range. “Um, I just want your cheapest, I only have fifty coppers.”

The man chuckled slightly, “Haha, sorry sir, our cheapest is two silver.”

“Oh...” was all Sean could say. Those bastards, they said I could get one for fifty copper! Actually, wait...they didn't say catgirls specifically, they just said prostitutes in general. Of course the catgirls would be more expensive! Feeling like an idiot, he put his coinpurse on his belt and started walking out.

“I look forward to seeing you again,” the old man said as he left.

Sean sat on the steps outside, depressed. I have to work for three more months!? Maybe I can raise my level and try to make more eventually, but this will take forever. He got up and started walking down the street.

In order to save money efficiently, after the first week he had bought a cheap tent and lived in it outside of town. He was grudgingly heading towards it, when he noticed something out of the corner of his eye – a man with a catgirl slave.

That's right! I wasn't sure what to think about it at first, but...if I buy a catgirl slave, I can just have sex whenever I want, for free! Just besides the cost of purchasing them...and feeding them, and...well, it probably works out better long-term, he told himself. Realizing he had no clue how much they might be, he turned around and started heading towards the nearest slave market.

The slave markets weren't hard to miss, as they looked like giant circus tents in the market squares. Generally slavers would come in with a fresh haul, set up shop, sell what they had, then went back out to collect more (through legal means or otherwise).

Not knowing really what he was doing, he walked inside the first one he found, only to be greeted by a middle-aged lady wearing a shimmering red robe and what looked like a whole peacock worth of feathers on her head. “Hello there, son. What are you in the market for?”

Sean wasn't sure if he should just say, 'a catgirl to have sex with', so started stammering, “Um, I'm not sure...”

The women shook her head and waved her finger. “Just be honest, boy. If you want a combat slave, tell me. If you want a sex slave, tell me. Don't pretend you want a women to clean your house when you're actually looking for one to bang every night.”

Sean blushed slightly, but also had a revelation. Wait, if I had a combat slave, I could probably get requests done quicker and rank up faster, which means more money! But, the cute catgirls... “Um, preferably one that could be a combat and...s-sex slave.”

The women smiled. “I appreciate your honesty. Follow me,” she motioned to him. “Just to be clear, you want a woman, correct?” she said, motioning to the fact she had cages full of muscled men.

Sean nodded, “Yes. Um, I'd actually like a catgirl, if possible.”

The women's smiled widened, “Of course. I like a client that knows what they want.” She took him down a few different paths, until they reached several dozen cages of catgirls. “As you can see, we have a wide selection catkin race.”

Sean nodded, having to stop himself from salivating again. There's so many sexy ones here...

“What is your price ceiling?” the lady asked.

Sean cratered back to reality. “Um...fifty coppers.”

The lady's smile started slipping as a vein throbbed in her forehead. “Erm...alright. That... limits your options slightly.” She started walking past all the catgirls, to one at the back.

Inside was a catgirl in rough brown wool, and shoulder-length brown hair, and lying on her side. As they approached, she coughed lightly.

The lady grabbed a clipboard from the cage, reading off of it. “This is Plune, catkin race, nineteen. She's a level 3 Rogue...not a virgin...sold off by her previous owner for being, quote 'useless'. As you can see, she also has a bit of a cough.”

Plune coughed again, giving a somewhat-suspicious look towards the lady.

“If you want, I'll sell her for twenty coppers, just to get her off my hands. She might expire soon, though, so no returns.”

Sean sized her up. She was about his height, with around C-cup breasts, he guessed, though it was hard to tell under the robe. On her face was a scar that went over her nose and down her right cheek. One of her ears was also clipped off at the very top.

None of this dampened his increasing horniness, though.

“I'll buy her!” he said excitedly.

The lady chuckled, “Great...let me go get the slave seal.”

Plune stood up with another cough, then walked over. “You're...buying me?”

Her voice is so cute! He nodded. “Yes.”

“ getting me as a sex slave?” she asked, before coughing again.

He blushed slightly, That's awkward. Wait, she's my slave, right? “Erm...yeah...though I'm also an Adventurer.”

Plune's face distorted slightly, before hanging her head.

Sean felt a bit dejected. Wait...this is bad. If she's like that, it won't feel right. Although... he felt his member still tingling.

After a few moments, the slaver lady came back. Sean had to prick his thumb to drop blood into an enchanted bowl, and then the lady used a magic brand on the back of Plune's hand.

Sean opened up his status screen, and he now had a new box for Plune, verifying the stats he had heard from the slaver lady.

The lady unlocked the cage then started ushering them out. “Thanks for your business. Come back again when you have... more coin to spend.”


All of a sudden, Sean was outside with Plune behind him.

“Um...” Plune said. “Thank you for purchasing me,” she said with a slight bow.

Sean gave a nervous smile, “You didn't seem too happy about it...”

Plune shook her head, “Whatever you're going to do to me is probably better than dying in the slaver tent.”

Still being super horny, he grabbed Plune's hand and started half-dragging her through the streets. About halfway out, she started coughing again, and he let go of her.

“Are you okay?” he asked.

Plune gave him a dirty look. “Do I look okay?”

If she's coughing during sex, that won't be fun. “Let's get you some medicine,” he said, grabbing her hand again.

Plune seemed surprised, but let Sean guide her along.

A couple streets over, he stopped at an alchemist. Before Sean could say anything, Plune coughed again, and the alchemist went over to grab a potion. “Here. That'll be three silver.”

Sean blushed in embarrassment. “Um...I only have thirty coppers.”

The alchemist sighed, “I have some tea I'll sell you for five coppers that will help.”

Sean nodded, and purchased the tea.


They then continued through the city, and out into the woods near the gate, where he had set up his camp. His 'camp' was a tent set up in a small clearing by a stream, that also contained a small chest of clothing and a tub that doubled as both his bathing and washing tub. Despite hygiene seeming to be of lower importance in this world, he couldn't help but want to keep himself and his clothing clean as a holdover from his previous world.

Wanting to be clean enough to impress his first sexual partner may have also played a part in it.

Plune seemed to hesitate slightly when they first got to the clearing, but then shook her head and followed in.

“I'll heat up some water so you can take a bath first, and I'll get started on dinner.”

“You're not going to make me cook?” Plune asked.

Sean shrugged, “I didn't see it in your skills. I mean, I know you don't have to have it to heat some food up, but still.”

Plune walked over to him, “So you're not making your slave do anything?”

Sean blushed slightly, “Um...could you peel some potatoes then?” he replied, motioning to the chest.

Plune opened the chest and grabbed a sack of potatoes, then started to peel as asked.


As she was peeling potatoes, Plune assessed her new situation. This guy seems a bit weird. He admitted he bought me for sex, but so far he's barely given me any commands, and didn't just take me right into his tent. And he bought tea for me? Hopefully I at least get a few scraps of stew afterwards.

She watched as he kept pouring water into the tub, until it was most of the way full.

After she had peeled four potatoes, she asked, “Is this enough?”

Sean looked over at her, then the potatoes. “Yeah, that's fine.” He picked them up then put them in a new pot he had filled with water, starting a second fire and placing it in. “You can bathe once the water is heated.”

“You really want me to bathe? I thought you drew water for yourself?” Plune asked, surprised.

Sean blushed slightly. “Yes. I said that earlier, didn't I? I want you to be clean for...later...”

Plune felt the compulsion involved with the slave magic and went over to the tub. She had been a slave long enough to know when to follow instructions. Any pushing beyond this point would result in pain (either from the magic, the owner, or both). She walked over and realized her new owner was watching as he chopped up some meat.


I can watch her, right? Sean thought excitedly.

Plune then coughed, looking at him. She then took off her tattered robe, revealing pale white skin, with several scars similar to the one on her face. Her ribs were also showing slightly underneath her brown bra.

She needs to eat more, he thought as he decided to cut off a couple more slices of meat and put them into the stew.

Plune then took off her bra, revealing perky, medium breasts.

Those are totally D, not C, huge score!

Sean felt his shaft starting to dig into his pants again, for the umpteenth time that day.

Plune slipped off her undergarment. From the side, he could see some hair around her lower region. She then slipped into the tub, coughing slightly as she sank into the water.

After making sure the stew was cooking, he opened and dug into his chest, grabbing a half-used bar of soap. Walking over (awkwardly due his erection), Plune looked up at him. “Are we having sex now Master?” she asked, staring at his bulging pants.

Sean blushed, “No, I was just giving you some soap.”

Plune grabbed the soap, then started scrubbing herself.

Sean went back to the stew, stirring it.

After a couple minutes, Plune held out the soap. “Thank you, Master.”

Sean went over to grab it. Though, seeing the naked Plune soaking in the soapy water, he got even more excited. “Can I scrub your back?”

Plune seemed to blush slightly, “There's no need Master.”

Sean shook his head, “No, it's fine, I'll scrub your back.”

Plune leaned forward, and Sean started scrubbing. Her back seemed particularly dirty, with a few sores as well, so he went about scrubbing her firmly but carefully.

After he finished, Plune leaned back against the tub, “Thank you again, Master.”

“You don't need to call me Master,” Sean said.

“What should I call Master then?” Plune asked.

“Just call me Sean,” he said.

Plune nodded.

Sean watched her for a moment, then asked, “Can I...touch you?”

He couldn't see Plune's face, but she nodded.

Sean reached around and grabbed her breasts. When he actually squeezed them, they seemed larger than they looked. Meanwhile, his member was fighting even more to get out.

Plune seemed to shiver slightly, so Sean let go.

We can do more later he thought, before going over to the stew again.


Plune was blushing slightly, Well, he still wants to have sex with me even after seeing me naked. She hadn't expected him to awkwardly grab her breasts like that, but he had at least been fairly gentle with squeezing them. Sighing, she got out, grabbing a towel draped over the tent and drying herself off.

This time, her Mast-..., Sean, was too busy stirring the stew to watch her as she got back into her undergarments and robe.

When she came over, Sean was busy testing the stew, and pointed to the ground next to him. She dutifully sat down, watching him. After deciding the stew was a good temperature, he started spooning out a large bowl for himself. Except, he handed the bowl to her.

“Master, this is for me?” Plune asked, confused.

“Yes,” he said. “And just call me Sean,” he reiterated, spooning some out for himself now.

Plune looked at him once more, then started ravenously eating. It was just a simple beef and potato stew, but it was the best thing she'd eaten in months, or possibly years.

Sean watched her eat with surprise, startling Plune and causing her to choke on her current mouthful. He patted her back as she coughed, causing her to blush.


Sean shook his head. “It's okay, just eat more slowly.”

After she finished, she watched Sean finish his.

Seeing Plune had finished hers, he took her bowl and filled it again, giving her more than he even had.

As she was finishing her second bowl, Sean was heating up the tea he had bought, which smelled vaguely of honey.

Offering a cup to her, she started drinking. It felt great as it went down her cough-ridden throat.

“I'm going to bathe now, but you can go in the tent whenever you want,” he said, getting up.

Plune, not wanting to upset his mood since he seemed to be in a good one, quickly finished her tea and went into the tent.


Sean sighed as he sat in the tub, scrubbing himself. I was hoping she'd offer to scrub my back, but maybe she just wants to get ready. For the second time, he was mentally preparing himself for sex that day.

He opened up his status screen to again look at Plune's stats. He also noticed underneath, in a box labeled 'Conditions' it said 'Cough'. Huh...well hopefully the tea gets rid of it.

After digging around in the slave menu a bit, he noticed there was some options he could mess with. Allowing them to go a certain ways away from him, forcing them to protect him, or if they were allowed to purchase stuff on their behalf. At the bottom was a contraceptive enchantment (that he left on). Wow, this is pretty intense. I'll need to mess with them later.

Deciding he was done scrubbing, he toweled himself off and got dressed, realizing only afterwards that he hadn't needed too. Well, maybe we can undress each other...

Quivering slightly, he opened up the tent and...Plune was in there coughing heavily, trying to suppress it, but seemed unable too.

Sean went over quickly, trying to support her as she lay there coughing.

“I'm sorry Master...” she got in between bouts of coughing. “You can still have sex with me *cough* but I won't be able to do much...” she wheezed.

Sean started getting worried. That tea didn't do anything! He held her next to him, but the coughing wouldn't subside. I've got to do something.


Plune watched between coughs as Sean ran out of the tent. Where is he going? Does he just want me to die by myself!? Plune started crying softly as she coughed.

After a few minutes, the coughing subsided, although her breathing felt ragged. Crawling over, she laid her head on the singular pillow, then closed her eyes.


Plune didn't know how long she had slept, but she was woken up by the tent flap opening. It was totally dark outside.

“Master?” Plune asked, but that caused her to start coughing again.

Sean smiled, before producing from a bag a potion. She recognized it as the same one from earlier. He uncorked it and held it to her lips.

“Master, you wasted money on this for me? It's worth more than I am,” she said, before coughing again.

Sean smiled sheepishly, “Well...I mean, call me Sean! Why isn't the slave magic working for just that one thing!?”

Plune blushed slightly, “Thank you...Sean,” she replied, then let him pour the potion into her mouth.

She felt a cooling sensation as it washed over her throat, before feeling a warmth in her chest, causing her to cough more.

Sean held held her again, as she started feeling incredibly drowsy. “Just relax.”


Plune woke up again, this time seeing rays of sun streaming in through the crack in the tent flap. Why is it so warm? It's the fall, she thought. She then realized she was so warm due to her being spooned into Sean, under a cover he had laid over them. Blushing slightly, she inched away from him, although this caused him to wake up.

Rubbing his eyes, he seemed to take a moment to comprehend his surroundings, before blushing slightly. “Plune! Are you feeling better?”

Plune then realized, for the first time in months, her chest and throat didn't hurt. The potion he had bought worked. She jumped on top of Sean, hugging him, sobbing softly. “Sean, thank you, thank you!”

Sean blushed even more, before gently hugging her back. “I'm glad you're feeling better.”

Plune, however, felt something stabbing into her leg. His shaft was poking through his pants and into her thigh. She also blushed, “Sorry...”

Sean shook his head. “You don't need to be sorry for being cute,” he replied, before grinning awkwardly at her.

Plune shook her head, “How am I cute? I have all these scars, and even my ear is disfigured.”

Sean shook his head, “Nah, you're still cute. And, not that I'm glad you got them, but it did mean I was able to afford you...” he said with an awkward gaze, averting his eyes.

Plune blushed again, a small smile coming to her lips. “Do you want to have sex now, Sean?”


Sean gulped as Plune said those words. I don't even have to ask her!? She's just asking me!? I mean, I told her I wanted too, but... He leaned over and carefully grabbed her cheek. Plune closed her eyes, and so he pulled her in closely. He had never kissed before, but he knew the gist, and gently shoved his tongue towards her.

Plune reciprocated, licking his tongue with hers. It felt a bit...rough, but them intertwining caused his breathing to go into overdrive.

He then grabbed her breasts over her robe. Plune stopped him, taking off her robe and bra, before sitting with her back into his chest, right on top of his shaft.

Sean grabbed them again, squeezing softly and massaging them, before gently touching her nipples.

This caused her to moan slightly, “Nyahhhhh,” she said, trying to cover her mouth.

Sean was taken aback. “Your voice is so cute.”

Plune blushed slightly, looking back at him.


What is with him? My former masters were all rough with me, but he's treating me like I'm some dress to be delicately handled. If it's always like's not that bad...

Sean kissed her cheek again, scar and all.

Am I really that pretty!?

“Um...does this feel okay?” Sean asked, taking one hand off her breasts and reaching into her undergarments.

“Yes,” Plune responded, before turning her head to kiss him some more.

After a couple minutes, she could feel she was drenched, and let out another 'nyyaaahhh' in satisfaction, not bothering to suppress herself this time.

Turning around, she pulled off his shirt and pants, causing his member to flick out. It was...about average-sized, at least compared to what she'd seen. Grabbing it, she started to stick it in her mouth, but Sean stopped her.

“You don't need to do that,” he said.

Plune blushed, “I don't mind, if it's for...Sean.”

Sean shook his head, “No, maybe some other time. I just want to stick it in.”

Plune blushed, before taking off her undergarment and lying down. She watched as Sean carefully lined himself up, before slowly pushing into her opening.


Sean couldn't believe the feeling of being inside Plune. This is incredible! It feels so much better than my hand or anything else. I'm about to-... he then came. “Uh...sorry...”

Plune blushed. “It felt that good!? You finished already?”

Sean nodded, falling to his elbows. Sweat dripped off his chin and onto her chest.

Plune giggled slightly. “It's okay,” and leaned up to kiss him.

Sean was still hard. “I can continue.”

Plune giggled again.

Sean started thrusting in and out, causing a squishy sound to emanate from their nethers.

Plune was going red. “Sean...can you kiss me more...?”

Sean blushed but leaned over, careful to keep pistoning his hips while they made out. After a minute, he felt like he was about to come again. “Plune...”

She held his cheeks. “Sean...” They stared into each other's eyes as he released inside her.

Sean fell over next to her, holding her tightly as he caught his breath. This is so amazing! He kissed her again.

Plune seemed fully into it, rolling over on top of him and inserting his half-erect member into herself again. She then started bouncing up and down, causing her breasts to jiggle in front of him.

He reached up and grabbed them, squeezing them tightly, eliciting another 'nyahhh' from Plune.

After another couple minutes, he released into her once more, causing Plune's face to light up in ecstasy, before she fell onto him, breasts cushioning her fall.

Sean held her tightly to him as they both tried to catch their breath. She smiled and kissed him once more.

“Are you going to keep me?” Plune asked, a bit of worry on her face.

Sean was confused at the sudden question, “Wh-what? Of course!”

Plune gave a sigh of relief, before lying her head on his chest. “I hoped so, but...”

Sean sat up, having her sit in his lap perpendicular. “Why would I not?”

Plune shrugged. “Several masters had sex with me once then sold me off, saying I wasn't good enough or not exciting.”

Sean felt a surge of anger, although realized their folly had led to his benefit. “Well, they're dumb. You're amazing.”

Plune blushed slightly, lying against him, and Sean wrapped his arms around her.

This is great. It feels like we're lovers. “Um...did I do okay?”

Plune giggled, “Yes.”

Sean felt some relief. Deciding to be open, he admitted, “That was actually my first time.”

Plune blushed, “ wanted your first time to be with your slave?”

Sean shrugged, “I just wanted a cute catgirl.”

Plune blushed deeper, here ears twitching slightly, before realizing Sean was hard again. Giggling, she asked, “One more time?”

Sean pulled her around, sliding his member into her as they sat facing each other. He grabbed her butt from behind. While it wasn't large, he squeezed it and pushed her into him, causing her to spasm in his arms as he hit sensitive areas.


Maybe because he had already came multiple times, but Sean was able to last longer now, and they made out for a few minutes as he slowly thrusted into her, before finally releasing again.

After embracing each other for a couple minutes, Sean realized they were both drenched in sweat. “Should we take another bath?”

Despite it being mid-morning, they both got out of the tent naked and over to the tub, Sean lit the fire to re-warm the soapy water from yesterday. He sat down in it, then pulled Plune on top of him.

Plune blushed as Sean ran his hands over her. Not just her breasts, but her stomach, sides, thighs, everything... “Why are you so affectionate to me, M- Sean?”

Sean blushed, “I don't know. I guess I'm just excited to have a cute girl with me. This is every guy's dream.”

Plune blushed deeper. “I can't be any guys dream,” she said, touching the scar on her cheek.

Sean grabbed her hand and kissed her cheek. “That's mean. Having a cute catgirl like you is my dream.”

Plune couldn't handle it any more, and turned around around in the tub to kiss him again, before lying on his chest as they soaked in the tub.