Ch. 14 – A ‘Date’ with your Waitress and Three Slaves
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A 'Date' with your Waitress and Three Slaves


The next few days, the group continued going to the Dungeon every morning, spending the day accumulating magic stones, then cashing them in and slowly gearing up. They got a club and shield for Olga, a bow and quiver of arrows for Plune, and some more clothes for everyone.

At night, things were much the same, with Sean and the three going at it before bed. However, Lilah was now also joining them whenever her shift was over. Between the big bed and the five people, the room was getting a bit crowded.

Not all of them could fit in the tub at once, so they would take turns washing while not having sex. Sean usually had to go last, though the others would usually scrub him since he was exhausted by then.

Tonight, Plune and Lilah were washing him, while Olga and Ribi were already half-asleep on the bed.

Plune asked, “Lilah, are you enjoying yourself?”

Lilah blushed, but smiled, “What do you think? I wouldn't be coming over here otherwise.”

“We were thinking of taking a day off from the Dungeon tomorrow,” Plune said, poking Sean in the side.

Lilah nodded, “You should, seems like you all have been going there a lot.”

Sean asked, “Err, Lilah, would you want to, something tomorrow?”

Lilah stopped scrubbing then leaned over to look at him, her face red. “Are you trying to ask me on a date?”

Plune sighed, “Master, why are you nervous? And you too Lilah? You have sex every day.”

Sean poked her cheek back, although was blushing, “Why do you revert to Master when you want to be condescending...”
Lilah blushed more, “Yeah, but, that is just having fun, the date is more serious.”

Plune shook her head, poking Sean back again. “Sorry, I thought you were serious about Master here...”

Lilah averted her gaze. “I didn't say no.”

Plune smiled, “Good. Master needs to have someone besides his slaves or else people will think we're weird.”

Lilah giggled, “That's true. I don't know if it's a date if all of us go at once, though.”

“I tried to get Master to go with just you, but he insisted all of us should go,” Plune explained.

Ribi sat up. “Yeah, Sean wouldn't leave us out! Though...I wouldn't mind having some alone time with him...” she trailed off.

Olga seemed confused. “Master...Sean...I thought we were getting something for me tomorrow?”

Sean nodded at her with a smile. “We are, we're just doing other stuff too.”

Lilah now took her turn to poke his cheek. “Why did you even invite me? Are we just shopping with your slaves?”

Sean turned around to face her, “I wanted you to come as well.”

Lilah blushed a bit, then covered her face. “Fine, fine, I should be able to take a day off, especially if I tell the Mistress its for a date. You better not just be messing with me, though.”


In the morning, they all gathered together. Plune and Ribi were wearing cute sundresses, while Olga was wearing a sashed-robe normal for oni. Lilah was the last to arrive, wearing a fancy blue dress instead of her normal tavern outfit.

Ribi seemed jealous. “Lilah, you're so pretty!” she exclaimed, hugging her.

Lilah smiled and blushed. “Thanks, you are too.”

Sean gulped, “Yeah, you look nice.”

Lilah elbowed him, “You're just saying that...”

Plune shook her head, “No, Master is getting aroused.”

Lilah smiled, baring her fang, “You want to stay here instead?”

Sean gulped but quickly shook his head, putting a backpack on. “No, we have stuff to do.”


They left together, and started walking towards their first destination: the lingerie store.

“This is your idea of a date? Well, actually...” Lilah trailed off.

Sean shook his head. “What's wrong with getting pretty clothes for everyone?”

“'Lingerie' is a bit different than 'clothes', but I understand,” Lilah responded with a nod.

Olga seemed excited. “Master, are you getting one for me?”

Sean smiled deviously. “Even better...” They walked in, and were greeted by one of the ladies there.

“Hello, how are- oh, Master Sean, I have your order ready. One moment...” she trailed off before walking to the back.

Plune looked at him, “They know you by sight? We've only bought a couple pairs here...”

Sean nodded. “I put in a special order.”

After a moment, the lady came back, holding a stack of red lingerie. Except, they were quite large. She handed them to Olga. “Here you go, dear. Special made for an Oni. If you need adjustments, just let me know.”

Olga's eyes sparkled, and she hugged Sean. “Thank you so much, Master.”

Sean patted her back until she put him down. “Try it on before you thank me.” He and Olga went to the back, with Ribi following.


Plune noticed Lilah was looking around. “You want to get some too?”

Lilah blushed, “Well, you two are always in them, but I'm just in my normal undergarments.”

Plune shrugged, “That hasn't deterred Sean, but I would guess he wouldn't say no to getting some for you as well.”

“I can pay for them myself,” Lilah blushed.

Plune giggled, “It's not a gift if you pay for it.”

Lilah shook her head. “I don't mind spending my own money on something that will get some use. Besides, I think you all wouldn't mind saving a bit...”

Plune had no response to that, just gingerly nodding.


Ribi was helping Olga get her lingerie on, standing on a chair to it behind her. Olga was blushing, looking down at her barely covered chest, and the thin cloth covering her midsection. “Do you think Sean will like it?”

Ribi giggled, “Of course, he ordered it for you!” After she finished tying, she jumped down and stuck her head through, then slid the curtain.

Sean looked at Olga, who blushed even more, feeling like she should cover herself. Sean gave a thumbs up, crossing his legs to hide his crotch.

Ribi closed the curtains. “That's a d yes.”


Meanwhile, Lilah was looking through some sets with Plune.

“This is similar to what Master bought for us,” Plune held one up.

Lilah looked at it. “Maybe...” she said, while clutching a different pair.

Plune set down the one she was holding and replied, “Just try that one on.”

They walked over just as Olga was coming out (back in her normal robe) and Ribi stepped out. Sean was about to stand up, but Plune stopped him. “Lilah is getting something.”

Lilah blushed, then disappeared into the changing room.

Plune whispered, “Lilah chose this one herself, so make sure you say you like it.”

Sean looked at her, “Why wouldn't I like it?”

Plune shrugged, then looked at the curtain, waiting.

After a couple minutes, they heard. “I...I don't think this is good.”

Sean looked at the others, who motioned for him to look. He peeked his head in, and saw a red Lilah wearing a frilly white two-piece. It had no covering in the middle, and barely contained her large chest.

Sean gave a thumbs up. “It's good.”

Lilah covered her face, so Sean stuck his head back out.

After changing back, they paid for their purchases and headed back out.

Lilah, who still had some red in her face from earlier, asked, “What's next?”

Sean jostled his backpack, “We're gonna go out of the city for a bit.”


The five of them walked out the south of the city, Sean weaving through the trees as if heading for a specific destination.

Lilah was confused. “What exactly are we doin'?”

“You'll see.”

After a couple more minutes, they came into a small clearing.

Plune smiled, “Master, why did you want to come here?”

Sean shook his head, “I figured it would be fun to spend some time here.” He opened up his backpack, and got out some cooking supplies. He then set about starting a fire.

Plune and Ribi started chopping vegetables, Olga was given some meat to slice, and Sean was wrapping potatoes in some cloth.

“What should I do?” Lilah asked.

“Um...can you stir while everyone is putting things in the pot?” Sean answered.

Lilah giggled, “Am I on a date or back at work?” she asked, but grabbed a ladle from the pack and started stirring.

After a few minutes, the stew was bubbling while the potatoes were sitting next to the fire, Sean occasionally turning them.

Plune and Ribi were sitting on each side of Sean, leaning up against him, while Olga sat behind him, seeming content just to be next to them.

These four a really weird. Never seen slaves so infatuated with their Master...unless it's an act. But I don't think it is. Lilah sighed.

“What's wrong?” Plune asked, noticing.

“Nothing really, just wondering if I really fit in with you all.”

Plune shook her head, “I don't see why you wouldn't.”

Ribi nodded, “If you like Sean, then you fit right in.”

Lilah thought for a moment, then nodded back I guess I won't worry about it. This is better than just working every day with nothing to look forward to but an empty room at night.

Olga smiled at her, “Just go with the flow, that's what I've been doing.”

The others giggled, causing Olga's smile to slip. “What? Is that bad?”

Sean turned around to kiss her, “No.”

The others demanded kisses, so Sean obliged.

Lilah also felt herself wanting one, and set down the ladle to go grab one.

Plune giggled, “See, you fit right in.”


After that, they ate the stew, and Sean handed out buttered potatoes to everyone, garnering much excitement from those who hadn't tried them yet.

Plune giggled, snuggling up against Sean. “This reminds me of when you thought I was too thin, and kept making me eat more.”

“You were too thin...” Sean sighed.

Ribi got nervous. “Am I too thin!?”

Sean chuckled, “Maybe when I bought you, but you're fine now.”

Lilah blushed, looking at her stomach. “Should I eat more?”

Sean blushed and tried to reassure her, but Plune lifted up her shirt. “I think Master would like it if you thickened up a bit.”

Ribi nodded, “Your chest might get bigger, too!”

Olga seemed confused, “Aren't they big enough?”


Once they had finished, it was the afternoon, and they were lazing around the fire. Plune rummaged into the backpack. “Sean, were you wanting to camp out here today?”

Sean blushed and nodded. “Yeah, I brought the tent and sleeping bags.”

Plune blushed back, crawling over to kiss him. “And have sex in the tent again?”

Sean nodded. “If everyone wants too.”

Ribi nodded vigorously, while Olga seemed confused. “Why in a tent?”

Plune giggled. “It's very...intimate. Although, I wonder if we'll all fit.”

Sean looked crestfallen, “I didn't think about that...”

The girls huddled together for a bit, then Ribi came up. “I'm going first.”

They set up the tent, then Sean and Ribi went inside. Sean though she would start to rip their clothes off right away, but instead she curled up in his lap, holding him and snuggling into his chest.

“Ribi?” Sean asked, hugging her back.

Ribi looked up, her eyes glistening, “I'm just so glad you bought me. I love you Sean.”

“I love you too, Ribi.” Sean hugged her closer, and they embraced for a bit. Eventually, though, Ribi leaned up and kissed him.

“Sean...” she cooed, before kissing him again.

Sean explored under her sundress, caressing her leg, before getting up to her stomach.

Ribi giggled, “That tickles.” She slid off her dress, and Sean unhooked her bra, licking her breasts.

Ribi reached into his pants, grabbing his member and flicking it out, before rubbing it slowly.

It didn't take long for Sean to get hard, and the two of them finished undressing.

Ribi pushed him down, and hopped on top of him, giving a 'pyoooo' as she slid onto his shaft.

She pushed herself up and down, ears flopping about each time she hit down onto him, until she started climaxing. Sean grabbed her hips, and thrusted up into her, coming with multiple squirts.

Ribi fell over onto him, and the two held each other for a bit.

After a minute, Ribi blushed, and pushed herself up, “I should probably let the next one go.” She gave one more kiss to Sean, then put her clothing back on and crawled out.

No sooner had she left, then Plune crawled in. She giggled as Sean lifted his head to look at her. “Enjoy yourself? It sounded like it.”

Sean started to get up, but Plune pushed him down. “Just stay there.”

Sean nodded.

Plune undressed herself, then laid down next to him. “Does this bring back memories?”

Sean smiled, “Of course.”

Plune pressed her breasts into his side, draping her arm over his chest.

Soon Sean's member started rising again, and Plune grabbed it. “Just from lying here?” she giggled again.

“Well, you are naked.”

Plune nodded and turned around.

Sean turned on his side and gently grabbed her tail, before sliding his member into her. He started pounding, rubbing her tail as he kept hitting into her.

Plune let out a 'nyaaaa' that slowly grew in intensity each time he hit into her.

Sean wrapped an arm around her, grabbing a breast and squeezing holding her tightly to him.

Plune lifted her head around, licking Sean's lips until he started kissing her, struggling to make out as their bodies kept hitting against each other. Finally, Sean grabbed her tail tighter as he released into her.

They both lay their spooned together while catching their breath. “Sean...” she said, rolling on top of him. She kissed him, then got up. “Seeya in a bit.” After getting dressed, she went back out.

This time, there was a bit of a delay, then Lilah came in, her face red.

“What's wrong?”

Lilah averted her gaze, “I felt bad going before Olga, but she said she lost fair and square.”

Lilah could almost stand up in the tent, and she quickly took off her dress. Underneath was the lingerie she had bought earlier.

Sean instantly got hard again. Since he was naked, Lilah could see. She blushed harder and bopped him on the head. “That's all it takes!?”

Sean shrugged, pulling her down and kissing her.

Lilah sat in his lap, leaning up to kiss him back.

Sean unhooked her bra, and she pressed her breasts into him.

“Do you like that?” she smiled deviously, fang showing.

Sean nodded, kissing her again.

Lilah giggled, “You're too easy to please.”

Sean pulled off her panties, and Lilah slid herself onto him. He held her closely as he pounded up into her. Lilah got redder, leaning her nose into him as he sped up.

“Sean, give it to me...”

After a few more thrusts, he squeezed her even tigher and emptied into her, as she gave out a small 'awooo' in pleasure.

After a minute, Lilah poked his chest, “Hey...I'm one of your women, right?”

Sean wasn't sure how to respond. “Um...what do you mean?”

Lilah got redder, “We're...together, right? Like you and your slaves.”

“But you're not a slave.”

“I know! I'm saying, I want to stay with you. And I can tell people you're my boyfriend if they ask,” she explained, her tail wagging back and forth.

Sean blushed. “Of course! Calling you my g-girlfiend would be amazing Sean replied, stumbling over the previously little used word.

Lilah smiled, a sense of relief on her face, and hugged him tightly. “Good, I just wanted to make sure we were on the same page.”

After a kiss, she got dressed and left.

After a moment, Olga squeezed in. She had to stay on her hands and knees, and blushed heavily as she came in.

“Master...Sean...I'm glad it's finally my turn.”

Sean replied by kissing her.

Olga blushed, then grabbed him. “Wait, I must undress first.” She struggled to get her clothes off, so Sean helped untie her robe. She was also wearing her new lingerie.

“You're so gorgeous,” Sean replied, as Olga sat down, seeming to show it off.

Olga blushed deeper, grabbing Sean and pulling him into her lap to make out.

They kissed for a bit, while Sean grabbed her breasts, squeezing and massaging them.

“Sean...” she replied, slipping her lingerie up so he could grab her bare skin. He tickled her nipples until she let out a deep giggle. She laid down (stretching out the tent a bit) and pulled down her panties. “Please....”

Sean got on top of her and slid himself in. Despite this being his fourth time, he slammed against her as hard as he could, bouncing off her thighs.

Olga pulled his head into her breasts, and he licked her nipples as he kept going faster and faster.

After a few minutes of pounding, he felt himself coming. With one more deep thrust, he released into her as she climaxed beneath him.

She pulled him up so they could kiss more, making a mess as their bodies slid together.

After a bit, the tent opened, and Plune stuck her head in. “Not to ruin your moment, but it's getting dark soon.”

Olga blushed and pushed Sean off. “Sorry...”

Plune giggled and shook her head. “We can continue at the inn.”

Hope you enjoyed, that's all I have written for now.  Please vote in the poll if you'd like to inform me on where I should go in the future.

Should I add more girls or focus on the existing ones?
  • More Girls Votes: 14 24.1%
  • Focus on current ones Votes: 44 75.9%
Total voters: 58 · This poll was closed on Apr 14, 2024 02:08 AM.