Chapter 16 – My Partner
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I shut the door, “I’m home!”

“Welcome back, honey!” I hear from over in the kitchen.

I don’t say anything else. With my schoolbag still hanging off of my arm, I aim straight for the door to my room. Though right as I pass the living room-

“Ah, tut tut, hold on there, sport.”


Dad lumbers up from our couch, breathing a loud sigh. “So, whatcha been up to?”

He wasn't exactly heavy, but I always thought he was pretty big for a university professor. The glasses and bowtie certainly helped make him look less intimidating, but it rarely felt like it erased it.

I don’t bring myself to look back at him. His gaze wasn’t something I was ready for, at the moment. “Oh, just went to Adrian’s place after school. You know.”

He mouths an ‘ah’, as if pretending to be surprised by that information. Having approached me, he asked, “You were… playing those video games or something?”

I nod.

“I see, I see… Well, you’re still sticking with your studies, aren’t you, champ?”

I nod again. It still hasn’t been a problem. Dad’s reminded me well enough that I can’t let video games or tv or whatever distract me, and I’ve made sure to listen. It’s not like there’s a lot to study in the 7th grade, but there have been times where I’ve pretended to do homework just to make him worry less. 

“...And there’s nothing new going on?” He asks.

I shake my head, still avoiding his gaze.

“...Look at me, son.”

I follow the command. His brown orbs felt menacing, despite the fatherly smile. I wasn't sure if that had any intention behind it, it might just be me being anxious.

Dad peers his eyes at me, “Have I ever mentioned how much I think you’ve grown?”

He had. But I guess not that recently.

“Thirteen…” He muses, “Going on fourteen in a couple of months, once school’s out. Not much longer until you’re suddenly all grown up.” He puts his hands on my shoulders. His… big hands. 

I gently brush some of my fingers against my cheek, feeling its skin as I visually compare it to Dad’s hard stubble. 

Seeing this, he chuckled. “Hey, it’s okay, you’re still young.” He let go of me and scratched his chin, “Besides, I was a bit of a late bloomer myself. You just need some patience, and one day you’ll start looking more like your old man.”

The thought made me uncomfortable.

I don’t answer him, instead choosing to just look away.

The awkward silence hangs,  “...I just want what’s best for you. You know that, right?”


“Have you thought about… joining a club or something? I know you-”

“No thanks.” I quickly answered. “I’m good.”

“...I see.” I could tell by the tone of his voice that he was disappointed. I felt shitty, knowing that.

I couldn’t help it. I was barely able to keep friends even in just my own classes. I usually just lowered my head, rarely said anything unless spoken to or forced to work on a quick assignment. A part of me honestly wished things weren’t like that, that things came as naturally to me as it did for others. But… I just couldn’t ever do it. It felt like I was stuck.

Even when talking to my own father…

The thought that they were looking at me, and of what they saw…

I almost felt… ashamed of my own existence. Or at least, of what they perceived.

“I’m… going to my room.” I shyly admitted.

His forced smile faltered, but he let me go without a word, and so off I went.

I threw the bag onto my bed, closing the door along the way. …Well, not quite. I don’t shut it fully, leaving a slip open. I knew what was going to happen after how that conversation ended, and I was… curious. 

I heard a few footsteps. “Honey, are you alright?” My mom’s voice echoed.

“It’s just… I don’t know what to do about that kid.” My father responded.

“I’m sure he’s alright, he’s just going through a lot.” Mom continues. “School and whatnot.”

“No, I mean the other stuff. I know his grades are good, but you ever think about how the boy just doesn’t have any friends?”

“Well, there’s Adrian. Those two have been friends for a while now.”

“All they do is play video games together, Kel. We’ve both met him, do you think they even talk about anything else?”

“Is that really so bad?”

“It's all a waste of time, is what it is. You know how I feel about it.”

“...” I don’t hear Mom respond.

“...I just want the kid to do well in his life. Find a good job, make a living for himself, at least turn out fine and normal…”

A part of me wants to walk away, to stop listening. But I stay, even as the tears form.

“But he barely talks, coops up in his room all day when he’s not hanging out with that buddy of his. It doesn’t feel like he even wants to look at me anymore…”

“...Maybe it’s about figuring out what works best for him.” Mom suggests. “He’s a teenager, he’s still growing. What if we just give him some room?”

“...You’re right. Maybe he needs the space. It’s tough, being his age. Things come at you fast.”

I was about to shut the door, when I heard Dad continue, “...I’m just scared that there’s something wrong with him. That boy, he’s… he feels like he’s nothing. Like there’s a whole person missing.”


He sighed. “I just wish he turns out normal, like everyone else…”

I shut the door and sit down on my bed. 

I still had some tears on my face. Why was I crying? I’d heard it countless times by now, boys don’t cry. I’m not supposed to. I start trying to wipe them away, just stop god damn it-!


I pull out my phone. A dm from Discord, it was Adrian.

“Hey, check out the trailer for this game I found, it’s on sale. I haven’t bought it yet, but it's local co-op, you down?”

A small smile formed on my face. Even if it’s only one, there was at least somebody who I felt kinda like a person around. Somebody who was able to look at me, and see some other part of me along the way.

Sometimes, he even made me believe that I actually existed.



I was still mentally reeling from how that game ended, even as I sat down on one of the lunch tables in the corner of the room. That really just happened. 

Adrian stood next to me, leaning on the table himself with a look of amazement on his face. “Seriously, good job again. Pulling that comeback off was crazy!”

I waved my hand dismissively. “Hey, come on, stop that, you did all the real work for those games. I just got lucky at the end.”

“Yeah, but you’re the one who won us the match.” He turned his head to look at me. “So I’d say you were just as important.”

It was hard to avoid the small smile creeping up my face. “Whatever.” I tried to dismiss it.

Adrian turns back to look at where everyone was gathered around the projector, watching Lexie and Dylan get ready to start their match against Will and Trent. “But I mean it. Win or lose, it’s moments like that that make the night. Doesn’t matter if it’s lucky, I think you can be proud of yourself for that one.”

“Mh.” I nod absentmindedly. Sure, I guess that was true.

“Are you gonna come watch with the others? Next game's about to start." He asks.

I pause to think, “...No thanks, I’m gonna catch my breath here. You can go on ahead.”

Adrian nods, before walking away and returning to the others.

It was sweet of him to ask, but I wanted to relax a bit. I meant what I said about this leaving me mentally exhausted. Even if I still played the game from time to time, and even if I was intentionally holding back, I haven't actually played against a person since… What, since the last time I hung out with Adrian? Well, since the last time I hung out with him as a guy, I mean. And even then, that was one against one, there was more to keep track of in a team game.

I saw the game starting in the distance, but I didn’t pay it any mind. I had a gut feeling I already knew how it’d turn out. I chose to pull out my phone and scroll social media instead, you know, to pass the time.

To my surprise however, it wasn’t long until I saw Nora sitting on the lunch table right next to me. “Hey, sorry I wasn’t able to say hi to you earlier. I was kinda busy helping my brother set things up.”

“Huh? It’s no problem, really.” I put the phone down. “I’ve had other people keep me company.”

Nora nodded. “That’s good. Congratulations on the game, by the way! I was on the edge of my seat for that last one.”

“Aw, thanks.” I smiled. “It was pretty stressful, I won’t lie. But I guess it was fun? Oh, you and Jake were doing really good though. For some reason, I didn’t think you’d be playing.”

Nora shrugged bashfully. “I get it. I’m more of a JRPG kind of girl, but my brother loves the game. It’s not my cup of tea, but I’ve gotten pretty decent with the amount of times I’ve played with him.”

“I see…” I nod. “I’m still getting the hang of it, but it seems fun?” I lie, still trying to keep my charade going. 

“It is.” Nora responds. “Especially with more people. I wish more girls weren’t afraid of things like this, I like the energy of these types of events.”

I turn my gaze to look at the others. Adrian was among them, talking to one of the guys next to him as he spectated the match with bated breath. I think that was… Dave? I wasn’t quite sure, but he seemed to be having fun. 

I was glad. 

“...Sooooo,” Nora began. “What exactly *is* the deal between you and Adrian?”

I snapped away from my thoughts, turning to look at her. “Huh? What do you mean?” I asked, confused.

“You know, your *thing.*” Nora continues. “That whole bit with the Art club, and now him dragging you to play a game you don’t even know. There’s gotta be something going on, isn’t there?”

I hesitate. How was I supposed to answer that? She wasn’t… implying anything, was she?

We were just lab partners, weren’t we? That’s… kind of a hard answer to give though, especially when we were doing things like this together. Admittedly, talking to him tonight had felt strangely normal. And he seemed comfortable talking to me, more so than before. That awkward barrier from our first few classes together and when we were doing that assignment felt… gone now.

Did that mean…?

“I… guess we’re friends?” I answer, albeit with a hesitant smile. “I mean, that’s what you’d call it if we were hanging out like this, right?”

“Uh-huh,” Nora mused with a smile on her face. “And nothing more than that?”

Ack-! That part caught me off guard. Shit, was she really implying what I thought?!

“What? No. I mean, come on, me and him? As if. You’re overthinking it.” I go off really fast, shirking her question off. I hope there’s not even a semblance of a blush on my face right now. What? It's an awkward question. It wouldn't mean anything, but she'd get the wrong idea.

“Hmm, well, if you say so.” Is all Nora responds with, turning her head back to the game.

“...” Was it really that easy? Just like that, she’s backing off? “...Is there any reason you were asking, by the way?” I questioned.

Without facing me, a simple smile on her face, she answers, “Oh, just curious. That’s all.”

…Why was she curious if anything was going on between me and Adrian? 

No, don’t tell me…

But before I could continue that thought, Nora hopped to the ground. “Looks like Jake and I are gonna be up again soon, better get ready.” She turns to wave at me as she walks, “Let’s find some other time to catch up more! Oh, and good luck with your own game!”

“Y-Yeah!” I greet her goodbye with my own wave. “I’m looking forward to it.”

She couldn’t possibly think I was actually into him or anything, right? Or maybe… was she into him? They did have some things in common…

I push that thought away. No, no, not gonna worry about that right now. Whatever she was thinking, it’s not my business. What’s important is that I gave her my honest answer, and that there was still more to come tonight.



Lexie and Dylan had taken two games without much pushback. Will and Trent had thus been the second team out. This also meant that the two childhood friends would be our opponents in the second round of the loser’s bracket. Fun. 

But first, there were the finals for the winner’s bracket. Jake and Nora against Dave and Jacob. I didn’t pay attention to this one either, but I caught the end. Incineroar pulled some moves and came out on top, and a third game wasn’t needed. A lot of these matches sure finished fast, huh.

Keeping everything moving forward, Adrian and I made our way to our seats.

As far as I understood it, whoever won the next one would then have to fight Dave and Jacob in the finals for the loser’s bracket. The winner from that would then play against Jake and Nora for the win. 

Woah, so even if we lost here, we’d be… 4th place? That’s not much when we only won the one matchup, I guess, but it was weird to think about.

We didn’t really say anything to each other as we got ready this time, but I assumed he was ready to go for our earlier strategy again.

…Though I soon discovered that it wouldn’t even matter.

I don’t even know how to describe it, from moment one it felt like they had us cornered. Whenever I’d try to do something, a swift attack from Pikachu or some random hit from Villager would stop Lucina in her tracks. Villager, especially. God, I’d already seen Dylan’s Villager in action earlier, but trying to fight them was something else. I’d say I was terrified to even approach the thing, but half the time they did their job from a distance.

Maybe it was because Max and Kyle took me less seriously in comparison, but I felt so outmatched and overwhelmed. Even when I got a hold of a final smash again, my opponents didn’t run or jump, they just went on an all out assault until I died.

When I was finally out of stocks, I could almost drop the controller. It wasn’t long until Adrian fell as well and the game was set.

The second one didn’t fare any better. For a moment, I actually decided to try, use the dodge button a couple of times, improve my timing and get more strong hits in, but that only worked for about 5 seconds. In response, Dylan’s Villager only grew more aggressive. I think I was knocked out even faster than in the first game.

When Robin finally fell for the last time, we sighed. “Wow, those two are monsters…” I mused.

“Hey, it was a good game. We already did plenty.” Adrian responded back with a small smile, lifting his fist up for me to bump.

I hesitated, but ended up completing the gesture with him. “Yeah. We did good, partner.”

Of course, we made sure to congratulate our opponents on their win. It wasn’t exactly that interesting of a match, I don't think we stood much of a chance, but it was the polite thing to do. Plus, those two seemed really nice. But it’s not like we could chat for long, they were heading straight into the next game with Dave and Jacob. The whole thing was almost drawing to a close.

I considered spectating, but I think I’d prefer to save the suspense for the actual final that came later. As Adrian caught himself in some conversation with Jake, I silently dipped from the crowd and found myself a little corner to sit down and unwind in. Back to my phone, I go.

If anything, I was glad my participation in this thing was over. Sure, it dragged a little longer than expected, a whole three sets of matches. Sure, I might have gotten more invested than expected. But it was one less thing to worry about. Once those final matches were over, I could go back home and finally call it a day. 


I turned to look up, and saw that Adrian was sitting down next to me.

“Oh. Hey.” I replied. What was he doing here? “You’re not staying with the others?” I asked.

“Nah, figured I should check in on my partner.” He answered.

A soft smile formed, “I’m fine really. You can go watch the game.”

He just shrugged in response.

Adrian didn’t need to check up on me, seriously. I know he’s been worried about how out of place I was here, but that didn’t mean I was dying of boredom or having troubles or anything. I just wanted to take a breather from the action.

“...So, for how long have you been playing the game? Like, actually?”

I froze. “Um, didn’t I tell you? Just today.”

He cocked an eyebrow. “Uh-huh, sure.”

…Shit, was he on to me?

Oh no, oh no no no. This could be bad. Did he… know…? I was almost too terrified to respond, though I tried not to show it. Maybe I was still in the clear. I kept my usual pleasant smile. “What?”

“Look, I can’t say I’m an expert on how newbies play the game,” Adrian went on, “But you did not play like a newbie. You weren’t great obviously, but you’re better than you’re giving yourself credit for.”

“...Is it so hard to believe that I’m just really adaptable?” My smile grows more awkward and forced. Damn, now that I was actually being questioned on this…

“Hm, I almost thought so, you seemed to have a handle on the basics pretty quick. But after that rematch?” Adrian looked at me incredulously. “Come on, be for real. That plan was out of nowhere, I barely even use Nosferatu in a normal game, so it was weird that you knew that move. And I swear, I think that Counter was frame perfect…”

“...” I felt embarrassed. I guess I was leaving more tells than I thought. 

“Plus, you definitely played harder for a bit in that last game. You've been holding back. That sealed the deal for me.” 

Shit, he noticed that too.

I covered my face with my hands. Now I just looked silly for how I've been playing all evening. Well, maybe others hadn’t noticed, but Adrian definitely did. After I’d been blatantly lying to his face too. 

I sighed, moving my hands away. “...Fine, so maybe I used to play a little.”

“A little?”

“Whatever, my point is it’s not something I do that much anymore,” I dismissed with a wave of my hand. “Like I technically wasn’t lying when you asked me back at school if I played the game. I wasn't *currently* playing it, it hasn't been opened for a couple of months now.”

Adrian let out a short laugh. “Seriously? Why, though?”

“It’s not funny!” I pouted. “You put me on the spot, and then decided to sign me up anyway! Not like I had much choice at that point, just… try and pretend to be worse at it than I actually was.” God this sounded so stupid when I said it out loud.

He snickered at that, but then shrugged. “I mean, fair enough I guess. But I meant… why lie at all? You could have just been upfront from the start. That you used to play or whatever.”

I frowned. “I mean, come on, look at me.” I gesture at myself. “You think people expect a girl like this to play video games?”

Adrian laughed again. “What?”

“I’m serious!” I continued. “We’ve been over this, I care a lot about my image and how I look, okay?!”

“And that includes not being a gamer?” He asked.

“Well, yeah, I guess,” I answered. “But like I said, I play less than I used to. Not like it matters if I tell people I just don’t play at all…”

Adrian pauses to think for himself, “Hm…”

…Though I continue, cupping my cheek in my palm. “I dunno, I’m Penelope Bridges. Social, outgoing, feminine, pretty, I guess I just don’t think ‘plays video games’ really meshes with that stuff.”

It felt like… It was a part of the old me, I guess. Something to leave behind. Like I should be separating that as a ‘boy’ thing. Even if I guess it still *was* kind of part of me, acknowledging it felt... weird.

“Huh? But you’re way more than just *that* stuff.” Adrian responds puzzled.

My eyes perk up towards him, “What do you mean?”

He lightly scratches his cheek, “Well… You’re smart too.”

My cheeks flush a shade deeper.

“You’re also really nice, and witty too. You look out for people.” He seems a bit embarrassed as he says this, though he quickly regains his composure. “But then again, you’re also super stubborn, and nosy, and apparently you can be pretty devious when you want to, judging by that one game.” Suddenly, he flashes a smirk at me. “And as we’ve thoroughly established at this point, you also have a habit of being quite stupid.”

The suddenness of that comment cracks me up. “Pfft-! Shut up!” I give him a light shove on his shoulder.

Adrian laughed. “What? It’s true! You’ve been pretending to be bad at a video game all night just so you wouldn’t be caught in a lie! You admitted it!”

I let out a short snicker, brushing a lock of my hair behind my ear. “Yeah, I know. But that only makes me the best kind of stupid, right?”

My partner lifts his index finger. “The very best, like no one ever was.”

I nod with a grin. “Sure am.”

The silence hangs for a moment. I guess I don't have as much to worry about as I thought. For a second I thought that he might have figured out all my other secrets, about my identity and how we knew each other, but I guess I was safe on that front.

...For now.

Thinking more, I find myself appreciating Adrian’s reaction to it. I’d been pretty anxious about handling tonight, admittedly. It was nice that he was being chill about me playing as bad as I did.

“...Thanks, by the way.” I tell him, “And sorry again for basically throwing. We might have done better if I was actually trying more.”

Adrian shook his head. “Don’t worry about it. It’s not like you’re a pro or anything, and I think we'd have lost to some of these guys anyway.”

I nodded, I guess that was true. Jake and Lexie’s teams in particular seemed really good.

“...Besides, I kinda get it, worrying about those kinds of things.”

My eyes perk up to look at him. “What do you mean?”

“You’re different, since you're apparently hiding all that stuff for the most part. But me? I’ve been living the whole gamer life practically since I was born.” He explained.

“You came out of the womb with a controller?” I joked.

He chuckled shortly, but quieted down. “No, but actually kinda close. I was like, what, four? Mom died when I was born, and my dad… well, I guess he didn’t really know what to do with me a lot of the time. He probably figured handing me one at that point was an easy solution.”

“...” I didn’t respond. I knew about his family circumstances, but I don’t think he ever mentioned what specifically happened to his mom. “...Oh, I’m sorry about...”

He waved his hand dismissively, forcing a small smile. “Nah, it’s okay. I barely remember her anyway. It’s always just been me and my dad. But even then he’d always work late, so… I guess in some ways you could say I was raised by those kinds of games.”

Right, I remember that part too. I rarely saw his dad around when I was at his place, only if we were hanging out late together.

“But look, the point I’m getting at…” Adrian paused, then continued. “Basically I was a pretty weird kid when I started elementary. Old hand-me-down clothes, long shaggy hair that went everywhere cuz my dad hadn’t bothered getting it cut for over a year, and I brought a DS with me to school on most days.”

I nodded, following along. I guess I could see that, though it made for a funny image in my head. I wouldn’t say he matched that description currently though. I’d never seen him with hair that got past his ears, and I didn't get the impression his zipped-down hoodie or the shirt under it were particularly old.

“I thought maybe I could finally make some friends, but… I guess it just wasn’t meant to be.” He sighed loudly. “Most of the kids thought I was weird, and there was this one girl… God, she sucked so bad. She started just making my life hell, for some reason.”

“What?” I reacted. “You mean like bullying?”

He nodded. “That’s what you’d call it. She’d barely leave me alone, poking me with pencils, snatching my DS, calling me names. Basically kiddie stuff, but still, made for some shitty years.”

…Somehow I’d never heard about this.

He leaned his head back, grimacing towards the ceiling. “Teachers only barely gave a shit, she never got punished or anything. Guys just thought it was hilarious too whenever I’d complain about it. So there went any chance of getting along with them. Again, it sucked.”

I found myself putting a comforting hand on his arm. “That… must have been hard.”

But he shook it off. “It’s fine. It ended eventually. We went to different middle schools, so I stopped having to deal with her.”

I decided to keep my hands to myself. I guess that explains how I never knew. She was gone by the time we first met.

“Still, I figured I’d keep my head down. Didn’t want to stand out, had more than enough of that. Not like I needed friends, I felt like I already had enough with my…” He trailed off.


“...I guess there was one friend. This guy I met. But that didn’t last long, we lost touch after graduating.”

Hearing that part might have stung the most, like a stab straight to the heart. That friend, that ‘guy,’ was me. This was the first time I’d heard him acknowledge my old self, and what we had. I guess a part of me worried he’d somehow forgotten it all… But he remembered. I was nothing but a footnote in the story he was telling, but I was there. 

I wonder what he’d say, how he’d react, if I just told him here and now.

‘It’s me, Adrian…’

‘I’m still here. I’m with you.’ 

…But I keep my mouth shut. 

“Anyway,” Adrian sighed, “I guess what I’m saying is that I get it if you’re self-conscious about that stuff. There are guys like Max and Kyle who act especially weird with girls and video games. I mean, I’m not a girl or anything and it's not like I'm trying to hide the stuff, but I know how people look at me.”

I grimace, thinking to myself for a few seconds. I wondered if my act was only proving Max and Kyle right, in the end. If I was aligning myself to the stereotypes that they purported. I suppose that even if it was done while still pretending, it felt good to win and prove them wrong. In the end, they didn't actually know anything about me.

“...But you *don’t* know,” I respond.


“There are people who accept you, who like talking to you.” I continue, looking towards the crowd watching the match that was unfolding. “Nora, Lee, Lexie, some of those other guys… They haven't been treating you like that girl did. Even… that friend you mentioned, I’m sure he liked you.” I felt my lips quiver after saying that last part. Just keep that poker face, Penny, that’s all you have to do.

“...Maybe.” He flatly replied, sounding a bit skeptical.

"If people look at you like you think they do, then I think that's only because they don't actually know you. They haven't gotten to truly meet you." I breathe in. “You just… had to give it a try. Push yourself to get out there, find people who are like you, who want to be with you.” I smile, and he looks at me. “There’s never a problem with you, it’s just about the type of environment you put yourself in, you know?”

That’s right, he was the one who inadvertently taught me that once. Albeit in a type of gaming metaphor. 

For a second, he doesn’t even respond, just meeting my eyes. “...Maybe you’re right.”

His response makes me feel better. I still felt like I was healing from that gut punch earlier, but for now, things felt like they were going to be alright.

“...I’m sorry for dumping all of that on you though.” Adrian said, moving his gaze down to the floor in shame. “I made things awkward.”

“Hey, it’s okay.” I assured him, “That’s what partners are for.”

I heard a small cheer from the spectators in the distance. Taking a glance, the projector was showing a victory screen for a Pikachu and Villager. Was the match over?

“Well then,” Adrian stood, reaching a hand down to me. “There’s one more game, you coming with me to watch?”

I hesitated, but with a smile, I reached out and grabbed it. “Yep!”



I had fun spectating that last matchup. Lexie and Dylan rematching Jake and Nora after an earlier round, both teams really good at the game. I wasn’t sure who to root for, I kinda cheered for both, but I definitely favored the underdogs that lost and had to be sent to the loser’s bracket earlier tonight. 

I thought some people were going to explode when that last game settled. They had taken one each before that point, and it felt like everyone watching was on edge. 

But somehow, right when Incineroar had dashed to grab Pikachu, the Villager had cut down a tree from a platform above, landing on the fire cat and KOing it, firmly ending the game in the process. Some of these characters felt way too silly to be taken seriously, but that didn’t make those final moments any less tense.

I cheered along with everyone else when the match was settled. Lexie and Dylan had pulled out a comeback after losing to the host earlier tonight, and were now the winners. It’s not like I knew them very well, but I was happy for them! Besides, It was hard not to be excited with the air around me.

The two pairs shook hands, Jake making some comment about how they’ve bested champions. Nora went off to fetch the con passes that had been promised to the winners, coming back to hand them off to Lexie.

“Congratulations, you earned this.” Jake continued, performing an overdramatic salute.

Nora awkwardly smiled. “Well, to be clear, we were planning to give these away to second place anyway if we ended up winning. But the point still stands.”

People clapped, and that seemed to be that.

What followed was a fun little time together. The night wasn’t over quite just yet, people were welcome to use the console to play a more casual match if they wanted to. A couple of people wanted to try a traditional 1v1, though eventually people started setting up 4 player free-for-alls with items on, just for the fun and chaos.

I figured I should help Jake and Nora clean things up, putting away the snacks, moving some lunch tables back to where they were supposed to be. But soon enough Adrian invited me to join them for a game, and well…

I had no reason to say no, especially with the host himself insisting that I should go have fun. Admittedly, I really enjoyed that game. It was relaxed, but chaotic. We laughed, we shouted. I wasn’t worrying about how hard I was trying, for once. I had my own silly playstyle. All I did was focus on grabbing items to throw at people, or at one point to summon an angry moon that crashed into the stage. This game could be goofy at times.

I ended up coming 3rd. Whatever, the match was still better than it had any right to be.

I went back to help Jake and Nora after that, but I far from regretted it. When all was said and done, I think it was past 11 PM or so when everyone was finally about to call it quits. I think Max and Kyle had left earlier at some point, but that was when the rest of us were going to head home.

Nora had already offered me a ride with her and her brother during cleanup, seeing as he had a license, and I’d otherwise be walking out there in the dark. Lexie was forwarded the offer as well, but she and Dylan apparently lived in the same apartment building. She said she wouldn’t be walking alone and politely declined.

“Hey, you wanna ask Adrian to come with?” Nora suddenly asked.

“Huh?” I react. “Why?” 

“Why not?” She hits back. “We got room, don’t we?”

“I guess…” Honestly I didn’t mind, just thought they asked Lexie and myself because we were girls. Less of a reason to invite a guy along, since I thought it was for unspoken safety reasons.

“Then go ahead and invite him.” Nora continued. 

“What? No, why me?” I respond, feeling a bit sheepish at the sudden suggestion thrust upon me. “It’s your ride, your offer, why don’t you do it?”

Nora shrugged. “Suit yourself.” 

She went off and found Adrian chatting to Dave. Why was she insistent on that? Like again, I get it, we have a bit more room. But why him? And why ask me about it?

…Don’t overthink it, Penny.



“So where do you two live?” Jake asked from the front seat.

The car was small and a bit dirty, though thankfully not too cramped. I could swear Adrian’s head was close to bumping to the ceiling, but I was more fortunate. Even still, I felt a bit of a rumble under me after the car had started. I got the sense it was cheap. I had to assume this was Jake’s own personal car rather than a family one, bought with his own money. I wonder if he saved up for it, or if their parents helped him out. I knew he was a senior, but it felt weird to think that someone just one year older might already have a license and could start driving. 

I gave him my information, and Adrian did so as well. I almost paused, worried it might somehow out me to Adrian if he knew where I lived, but it was a new apartment, so there shouldn’t be any dots to connect. Adrian on the other hand gave his old address, the one I was familiar with. So he still lived there?

“Huh, that’s… far away.” I note.

Adrian shrugged. “Not really the type that can move a lot. I make it to school on time, it’s fine.”

“Oh yeah, you’re new, aren’t you?” Jake asked. “Feel like I heard that. You transfered?”

“Pretty much.” He answered, though didn’t say anything else, just looking out the car window.

It didn’t seem like the topic would continue, so Nora added in, “Then we’ll drop Penny off first, that’s closer by.”

I nodded, it made sense to me. Still, with the topic brought up, I had to wonder about Adrian’s home. Was it still the same apartment I was familiar with, with the dusty furniture and the tv screen that lights up the room? Recalling it, it felt nostalgic to me.

The remainder of the ride was silent, but I guess that was partly because my stop was first and not that far.

For that time, the four of us just sat there, taking in the city lights that illuminate our faces in passing. 

When we pulled over at my apartment building, I got out of the car, though not before peeking my head back in. “Thanks again for the night, guys. Really, I had fun.”

“No problem, thanks for coming.” Nora replied. Jake nodded as well, giving a wave from the driver’s seat.

“And hey, Adrian.” I called his attention. He’d previously been staring out his window, but he perked up to look in my direction when I said his name. “Thanks for bringing me. Seriously. I’d forgotten how fun this could be.”

He took a moment to register what I’d said, as if realizing what I was referring to. The fact that I was indeed a bit of a veteran at the game, who just hadn't played in a while. “...Yeah. No problem.” He answered, smiling.

“Couldn’t have asked for a better partner.” I added.

He nodded. “Likewise.”

With that farewell, I closed the door.

I watched the car drive out of sight. Off they went…

I wondered what they were talking about, if at all. It’d be a bit of a longer drive than it took to get to my place, there were bound to be some chats. Adrian, with Jake and… Nora. Well, it’s not like anything weird would happen, right? I had no reason to worry about what those two might be up to alone. Wait, no, those three. Yeah. Not like it mattered whether there were two or three of them, but there were three.

…Aw crap, Mom wouldn’t be worried about me coming home late like this, would she? No, no, it’s fine, not like I haven’t stayed late hanging out with Irene or Bryce before. Plus, she hasn’t called, and I mentioned the possibility before I left. Knowing her, she might even be tucked in by now.

Whatever the case, I made my way up the stairwell. Frankly, I was pooped. So much for a relaxing zen day, I could really go for my bed right about now. It was about time I just shut my brain off...