Part 3
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Part 3

Allie looked really, really goofy, wearing that sailor uniform. She’d look the epitome of a Japanese schoolgirl if either of us were Japanese. And then there was that big wand/staff/thing, which honestly scared the crap out of me because, for all I knew, she’d killed thousands of succubi with it. For whatever reason, Allie seemed taller now. Was it just because I shorter, even though I was sitting down? She looked like she took up even more of the doorway than she used to.

It’s because she’s wearing heels, Eve said. I didn’t even realize that until she pointed it out.

“Allie, please, don’t put what’s happened to me between us,” I said as I slowly stood up. “I didn’t ask for this, it just sorta happened.”

She’s not gonna try and kill me, right? Eve asked. I didn’t have an answer for her.

“I mean, c’mon, do I look like I’d…” I trailed off. I didn’t know what to say. This whole thing was nuts, and nothing I said or did would change the insanity of the situation. “Okay, I really don’t have anything to say. Just please, please don’t kill me?”

Allie didn’t say anything. She walked toward me, pushed Terry out of the way and put the head of the staff against my throat. I backed away as much as I could, but that was about two feet. Allie kept that staff against my neck and the look on her face told me that she was ready to do whatever the hell it was she did to kill succubi. In some childish, futile attempt to protect myself, I raised my hands in front of my face and closed my eyes.

And then nothing happened.

I cautiously opened my eyes, one at a time, and realized that I was being hugged.

This is weird, Eve whispered, for whatever reason. I’ve never been hugged by a magical girl.

And here I have been for years, I said. Imagine how weird this is for me.

I stiffly returned the hug, more than a little cautious. For all I knew, this was the standard way to kill a succubus, and potentially the host for said succubus. “Is this normal?” I asked.

“Yes, it's normal for me to hug my little sister. Well, now that I have a little sister.” She finally broke off the hug. “Did you think I was gonna hurt you?”


“Mom told me about what happened. So long as Eve stays in line, my order will let her go.”

Stays in line? What does she think I am? I could tell that Eve wasn’t happy.

Well, you are a sex demon, I said, hoping to diffuse the situation.

Allie sat down on the bed beside me. “How come you asked Terry here? Isn’t that kinda tempting?”

I sighed. “You have no idea.”

“I’ve had a few boyfriends, yeah, I think I do.”

Terry coughed out a laugh.

“Anyway, I was gonna call Mindy, but I thought she was out of town, then Terry tells me she’s not, but he was already here by then and I wasn’t gonna have both of them. What I’ve tried to do to Terry is bad enough, it would be a helluva lot worse if I was trying to hump Terry and Mindy was trying to hump me.”

Allie smirked. “What have you tried to do to Terry?”

“Nothing important,” I said, making sure to shoot a glare at Terry before he said a word, “just a lot of stuff I will never want to do again, unless I get Eve outta me and end up in a regular relationship with somebody. Even if it’s a guy.”

Oh, gee, thanks, Eve said, the sarcasm almost visible. I thought we were friends.

You invaded my body and turned me into a girl. We might become friends later on. We’ll have to see.

“I wish this had never happened to you,” Allie said, a sullen look on her face. “If it hadn’t, you could have gone on never knowing about… The Order. It’s not exactly a good thing that somebody outside of us,” she motioned toward Terry, “knows about this.”

Terry rolled his eyes. “Oh, please, like anybody’s gonna believe me that there’s a war between sex demons and Sailor Moon cosplayers.”

She stood up and moved over to him. “It’s not regular people I’m worried about. I’m not the only magical girl in town, and Mikey’s not the only succubus host. Just because we don’t advertise the War doesn’t mean it’s not on your doorstep, y’know?”

I asked, “So, how exactly do you guys fight this war, if nobody knows about it?”

She turned to me. “It’s more difficult than it sounds. First, we need to detect the presence of a succubus. Regular members like me can’t do it without a Sister. Sisters are one rank up from me, and they’re actually capable of generating magic within themselves. A regular can only turn our wands in to get magic infused in them, which we can then use freely during the day, but there’s a pretty strict limit. Thankfully, only fighting a succubus will drain it quickly.” She grabbed her staff again. Apparently, it had been leaning up against my closet door. She closed her eyes and a bright light emitted from her stomach, then split in two directions, going up and down. The light circled her, and her clothes changed from the schoolgirl outfit to her regular street clothes. “Whew, sweat pants feel so much more comfortable.”

“How exactly do you fight a succubus?”

Why are you asking when that could happen to you?! Eve nearly screamed.

So I know what to avoid in the future!

“It takes a lot of magical power, but essentially, we destroy everything about the girl. She ends up an amnesiac at best and a vegetable at worst.”

I gulped pretty loudly. “Is that the only thing you can do? There’s no way to separate the girl from the succubus?”

She shook her head. “The only one who can do that is the succubus. And most of the time, they don’t really wanna leave a girl’s body.” She rubbed at her arm. “And sometimes, even when they do, they don’t leave the girl off well. I’ve never actively fought a succubus before, I’ve only watched my Sister deal with one. The poor girl the succubus was possessing ended up… I don’t even know what the best way to put it is.” She shivered. “Probably the closest thing to say is that she was a cock-icidal maniac.”

Holy shit…

I couldn’t agree with Eve more. “So… What happened to her?”

“The only thing we could do was wipe her brain and leave her in a hospital. If we hadn’t, she would have had sex with every man she could find. And no guy would ever be able to satisfy her. If she ever comes out of the coma we left her in, she’ll still have an unbelievably high sex drive, but now she won’t be humping every dick in sight.”

You didn’t tell me that could happen to me! I yelled at Eve.

I didn’t know… My family’s always been really respectful of our hosts.

Allie sat down beside me again. “Um… This is gonna seem like a really weird request, but can I talk to Eve?”


“I’ve never actually talked to a succubus before. Eve seems like she’s reasonable, so I wanna talk to her.”

Terry was smiling. “This’ll be good.”

She glared at him. “You leave the room.”

The smile disappeared. “Aww, c’mon!”

“If Eve’s not completely in control of herself, she could fuck you senseless and then my little sister has to be dealt with, so you need to leave.”

I was one step shy of laughing my ass off. Terry wanted a show, and he wasn’t gonna get it. Once he was out of the room, I closed my eyes and asked Eve, Do you wanna do this?

She took a little while to answer, but finally said, Yeah.

Okay, how do we do -


With Mike safely tucked away, I opened my eyes. It felt a little weird, actually being in control of her body, but after a second or two, I acclimated. “Whaddya wanna know?” I asked.

“You’re Eve?”

I nodded. “Yeah.”

“How do I know?”

“Just, trust me. I don’t know how to actually convince you.”

Allie smiled. “What would you do if I brought Terry back in here?”

Automatically, I answered, “Take his pants off, followed by his underwear, work the shaft with my hands for fifteen seconds, then finally take him in my mouth. I’d only work to get him mostly hard before I take my lips off of him, take off my pants, bend over and work him doggy style for a good fifteen minutes. After that, I’d go back to oral for a little bit, and then I’d finish him off with anal while having him finger me.”

WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?! Mike shouted.

That was when I realized what I’d said. “Um… Sorry, sorry… I didn’t think about that at all.”

Allie giggled. “No, it’s okay. Now I know you’re Eve.”

I blushed. “Still. He’s Mike’s best friend, and I just described how I’d fuck him. And Mike heard me.”

“She’s conscious in there?”

I nodded. “Yeah. Same when it’s the other way around, and Mike’s in control.”

“Was my description the first time you’ve heard about what happens to succubi when members of the Order fight them?”

I nodded again. “Yeah. My mom and I stay away from all that. I’ve only ever had a couple of hosts, and I always left them exactly as I found them.”

“What about your mom?”

“Well, she’s had more hosts, but she’s been around since the beginning. I mean, my mom’s first host was Eve, as in Adam and Eve, Eve.”

Allie’s eyes widened. “Your… Holy crap, I need to meet your mom.”

“No. Nononono… If my mom finds out about me wanting to stop having sex, she’ll… Probably do less to me than what your Order would do, but it still wouldn’t be good. I just… I can’t tell her.”

“Eve, your mom is the first succubus. The whole reason you can try to get out of having all that sex is because your sex drive isn’t as strong as other succubi.”

I scratched at my arm. “Yeah, it is. I still want to fuck, it’s just… I can choose not to, y’know?”

“Yeah, that’s my point. Most of the time, a succubus is so driven by her sex drive that she gets violent. That’s the whole reason the Order exists. We’re here to save regular girls from that violent sexual need. We don’t like to kill succubi, but it’s the only thing we can do.” She grabbed my hand. “But if your mom was on our side, we might be able to do something else.”

I looked down at her hand holding mine, then closed my eyes and sighed. “I can’t. Believe me, I want a better solution, but… If my mom hurts me, she’ll hurt Mike, and I can’t let that happen.”

What’ll she do to me? Mike asked.

Nothing good.


I opened my eyes and suddenly I was back in control of my own body. Eve had moved me from the bed to the couch downstairs without my paying any attention. At least my clothes were still on. The only bad thing was that I couldn’t see Terry anywhere. Allie was sitting next to me, and some rom-com was playing on the TV.

“Where’s Terry?” I asked.

“Well, Eve and I worked out a deal, so he’s upstairs on your bed, naked, with his hands and legs tied together, with a gag stuck in his mouth,” Allie said, smirking. “I’m kidding, obviously. I wouldn’t let Eve in the same room with Terry if my life depended on it.”

“Thank you, very, very much.” I looked around. “Seriously, though, where is he?”

“In the bathroom, doing whatever it is boys do since they can actually stand to pee.”

The idea of going to the bathroom had yet to occur to me the entire day. “It’s not as hard as you’d think.”

“Just so you know that you can’t do it anymore. That’d be a helluva mess you’d need to clean up if you tried.” She was suddenly holding a bowl of popcorn. “Want some?”

“No. Where’d you get that?”

“Magic wand, remember?”

“Yeah, but I don’t see it anywhere.”

She reached into her back pocket and pulled her phone out. “When it’s not in physical form, I can just use magic with this app,” she said, pointing to something that I didn’t think existed on any app store. It was actually called Magic Wand. “Making popcorn isn’t the best use of magic, but it doesn’t use like any of my wand’s power. Also, the Order doesn’t have any problems with it.”

“What if you use up all your magic power making popcorn and then you have to fight a succubus?”

“I don’t think I could actually eat that much popcorn. Either way want some?”

“I said no.”

“You coulda changed your mind.”

“Nope.” I adjusted myself on the couch. Eve had me sitting with my legs tucked under me, which wasn’t uncomfortable, but felt kinda weird. I had a feeling I’d get more used to it eventually. Particularly when I would get a boyfriend, which still didn’t seem right, but was starting to become less weird to me. “What are we watching, anyway?”

“Um…” Allie reached for the remote and hit the guide button. “Run Fatboy Run. It’s been kinda funny.”

“I’ve never seen it.”

She gobbled down another mouthful of popcorn. “Trust me, if you as a girl is anything like me or Mom, you’re gonna start enjoying romantic comedies.” She once again held the bowl over to me, and this time I gave up and grabbed a handful of popcorn. “Have any of your tastes changed? Other than your sexual preference, that is.”

I shrugged. “I dunno. I still like all the things I did like, nothing actually feels different, except for the fact that I like guys now.” I took more popcorn. “He’s taking a really long time in the bathroom.”

“Maybe he had to take a dump.”


“Where did you get a dart board?” I asked as Terry hammered a nail on my wall. “And why were you in the basement?”

“Do you even realize how much cool shit you have in the basement?” he asked, holding onto some nails with his teeth. “You think your mom would care if I took that blow-up doll I found down there?”

“There’s a blow-up doll in the basement?”


“Take it,” Allie said, looking like she was going to burst into laughter. “It’s not gonna get any use from anybody here.”

“Still,” I said, “do we have like a bar down in the basement, why a dart board?”

“As a matter of fact,” Mom began, as she brought in a laundry basket full of recently folded clothes, "your grandpa did have a bar in the basement.” She opened my dresser drawer. “And yes, Terry, take the blow-up doll and get it out of here. That was something I bought the girls’ grandpa for his birthday once. He let the air out of it the day I brought it home and it just sat in the basement.”

Allie asked, “Um, isn’t Mike gonna need new clothes?”

I shook my head. “Nope. Mom bought me new underwear and all my old clothes fit me. They’re a little... Well… The pants are kinda tight in the ass, and my shirts are big on me, but other than that, there’s no problem with them. And it’s not like I’d be the only girl at school who wears boy clothes.”

“You’d be the hottest girl at school who wears guy clothes,” Terry added.

Allie ignored him. “But if you just wear guy clothes, you’ll never enjoy the feeling of wearing a skirt on a warm day, or just sitting in the sun in a sundress.”

I shook my head. “I think I should stay away from skirts.”


“The succubus in my head that would love the chance to make me drop my panties around a well-built guy.”

You say that like I want you to go around naked with a sign pointed saying ‘Fuck me harder’ all the time.

Are you saying you don’t want to have sex with well-built boys?

Ugh! Why do you have to have a point?

I added, “Pants make that substantially harder for her.”

“Yeah, but when you need to hurry to the bathroom, skirts are a great help. You won’t have to fumble around with a belt and a zipper.” Allie made a motion and suddenly her wand/staff was in her hands, and a bright light appeared above her head. The light traveled down her body, making her clothes disappear, and then a second light appeared above her and followed the path of the first, only this time it was giving her the schoolgirl outfit she’d had on when she got home. It was over in a few seconds. “And the leg freedom is nice, too.”

I sighed. “Can I wear pants under a skirt?”

She rolled her eyes. “You can, but why would you?”

“So that I can avoid dropping my panties in front of boys!

Mom patted me on the head. “You can wear pants under a skirt if you want to. Don’t let your sister try to make you do something you don’t want to do.” She picked up the laundry basket and walked to the doorway. “I’d suggest tights, though. They look better under a skirt.” She closed the door behind her, then opened it again and tossed Allie a box of darts. “You’re gonna need those.” Then the door was closed again.

I sighed. “Okay, I’ll try a skirt at some point, but I’m not letting Eve have a shot at tempting any boys into getting me pregnant.”

Oh, like you wouldn’t make a great mom.

So help me, I will find a way to hurt you.

“Awesome!” Allie squealed. “I’mma go get one right now, you can try it on. We’re about the same size, except for the boobs.” She almost literally flew out the door (and then the idea that Allie might actually be capable of flying out the door occurred to me…), and closed it behind her.

Terry laughed. “Dude, your sister is cooler now that I know she’s Sailor Hartford.”

“I should probably be scared that she’s bringing skirts in here for me to try on. Especially around you.”

“You’ll be fine. Your sister’ll probably kick me out of the room or throw a dart at my dick, or something.” He grabbed the box of darts and pulled a couple out. “Besides, I think you’re hot, but I don’t wanna, y’know, come off as rapey, or anything.”

I sat down on my bed. “Thanks, Terry. You really are a big help in all this.”

He smiled that adorable smile again. “No problem.” He threw a dart. “I’ve gotta ask, though, are you gonna keep going by Mike? No offense, but you don’t really look like a Mike anymore.”

“Mike can be short for Michelle, y’know.”

“I know, but… I dunno, it just seems wrong for you now.”

“So what seems right?”

“Don’t ask me, I’m gonna keep callin’ you Mike.”

“Then why even bring it up?”

“You’re gonna need a new name for school.”

I sighed. “And you don’t have any suggestions?”

Allie walked back in the room, an armful of more than just skirts in her arms. “What’s going on?”

“Terry thinks I need a new name.”

“Because she does,” Terry added, throwing another dart.

“What’s wrong with Mike?” Allie asked.

“It’s not a girl name.”

“And yet he’s gonna keep calling me that regardless,” I said, giggling.

Are you gonna give yourself a new name?” Allie sat down on the bed beside me.

I shrugged. “I dunno. I haven’t really thought about it. What would be a good name?”

She scratched at her chin. “Hmmm… It would have to be something that goes well with Mike…”

“Mikaela,” Terry said, punctuated by yet another dart hitting the board.

“I kinda like that, actually,” I said.

“Then Mikaela it is, little sis.” That was followed by a hug.