Cycle 789-791
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I’ve been trying out nicknames for Elster: El, Elsie, Ellie, Els, Elsa, trying to find one that feels right to say and that she seems to like. She seems a bit confused by it, doesn’t seem to quite get why, but also doesn’t tell me to stop. Today I told told her that nicknames are a way of showing affection, and, we’re getting to be friends, now, right? But, she didn’t even know what a friend was! That took a good amount of explaining, but it was so worth it, because when she finally got it, she smiled!


I’ve never seen her smile before!


I wonder if I can get her to stop habitually referring to me as ‘Officer Yeong?’ We’re friends now, after all, not crew members.




Cycle 790


Elster called me ‘Riri’ completely out of nowhere today. I wasn’t prepared for it, I was in the middle of changing a lightbulb and the shock nearly made me fall off my step ladder! Poor Elster seemed so distraught, but I reassured her again and again that everything was okay, and I encouraged her to keep trying just like I was.




Cycle 791


I’m ‘Ari,’ she’s ‘Ellie’.


BFFs for life 🙂