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“Um Yeah” I responded “I tried to say something earlier but you kept talking over me”


“Oh uh my bad” Rebeca said, “Well Ok so next we need to know your age”


“Wait wait” Jacob said “ I think you were right Rebeca i think a different receptionist would be better for him”


“Why would his gender have any effect on that” Rebeca asked


“You know, we know nothing about him. He could be a weirdo or a pervert who could try to hurt you”


“Wait what” I said


“You have no proof of that, and he seems nice enough”


“I saved your life” I interjected. Seemingly neither of them heard me.


After about 30 seconds of bickering Jacob finally said "Fine, i agree he does seem nice”


“Ok so moving on, None how old are you?”


Well we are moving on quickly. “Um I'm not sure but I think around 21 years old, but i can’t remember that either”


“Oh well that's fine, the age requirement for adventuring is 13 with a parents permission and you are definitely older than that. Not to mention that requirement can be waived in some circumstances, no matter what you are old enough. Next is Class type, what weapon do you mainly use?”




“Ok so that's everything I need next is the test but that might have to wait but i can explain it now. The test will be a basic 9th rank quest you will undergo with a rank 8 or higher adventurer. You will do most of the work yourself during it and the higher rank will just monitor you to make sure you do everything by the book.”


“Rank 9 quest? I thought you started at Rank 10.” I asked.


“Oh yes, let me also explain the questing system. Yes you do start at rank 10 but you can take both your rank and 1 rank higher quests so a rank 10 can take a rank 9 quest. This is true for all of the Ranks. Your rank can go up by completing special tests during your time as an adventurer. They are all very similar to the test you are taking now but with added challenges when going higher in the ranks. There is also an interview part for anything past rank 5 and rank 1 needs a recommendation from a royal family.”


Everything Rebeca told me made sense. So the higher the rank the more powerful the adventurer. She continued on about the ranks and broke it down as such, 10 and 9 are newbies, 8 is a rookies, 7-6 are up and comers, 5 is where the average adventurer tops out at. 4 and 3 are veterans, and 2 are the best. Rank 1 is only for the people who have the power to rival a military themselves. Currently there are 5 rank 1’s in the world. One of them is active around here actually but no one has seen them in a few months.


After everything was explained, Rebeca told me that she would start asking about a person who could go with me to do the quest so it might take some time. She asked where I was staying so that when someone was chosen someone would get me to come in so I don’t have to stop by every day. Jacob got quite annoyed when I was asked where I was staying, which confused me.


With all of that done I was issued a temporary ID from the guild and I was on my way. As I was walking out Jacob followed behind me and asked if we could talk somewhere. Haven not eaten yet he even volunteered to buy me lunch. I agreed and we left the guild. Right at the door I bumped into someone who was walking in. As I fell to the ground in front of them I looked up and saw a woman a little taller than myself. She had black and purple hair and wore two swords on her back. Her clothes seemed very stylish.


I awkwardly said ”I'm sorry” while I got up and quickly followed after Jacob.


As I caught up with Jacob we went to a local restaurant and ordered some food. While waiting for our food Jacob quickly asked me what I thought was on his mind since he found out I was a guy. “Are you interested in Rebeca?”




“Answer the question,” he said very directly. It seems very important to him.


“Not particularly” I answered.


“Oh that's great” he sighed in relief.


After that he told me a lot about his past with Rebeca. Apparently they have been close since they were kids. As they got older and Jacob saw how his brother and his wife got along he began to realize that he had feelings for Rebeca. They both joined the Guild at the same time to work together, but since she doesn't like combat she decided to become a receptionist. After he told me this the sudden change at the guild seemed to make more sense.


When we were done eating we said our goodbyes and he went back to the guild to find work for the day. Not sure what to do, I went back to the inn. There I told Mrs. Rachel about the name I picked and she put it down in the records of the Inn with a note on the bill that it was me.


“None huh, that's an interesting name” she said as i walked back to my room.


When I got there I found an interesting sight. The girl I saw earlier in the morning leaving the inn was now in front of my door.


“Oh you're finally back” she said.


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