Chapter 2: A chaotic encounter
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Kimura Seiji:

So, in the end I took the girl inside my home. Fortunately everyone else in the apartment was inside their rooms so nobody saw me. 

Currently, I was sitting on my study chair, while the strange girl was sitting on the floor. I didn't understand what was the deal with this girl. She seemed to be about my age, and she was wearing a white t-shirt, a blue suspender skirt and a black jacket. She also had a bag. I also noticed many scars and injury signs on her hands and legs. 

"Who are you?"


"Don't keep quiet. Otherwise I can't keep you here."

"I... I'm Tsukino Rie."

"Are you perhaps a high schooler like me?"

"Y-Yes. I'm 16."

"I see... just as I thought you're of same age as me. But what happened that you were running like that? Where is your house?"

She looked at me with teary eyes, then she hesitantly said,

"I... I don't have anywhere to live."


"And I don't have any family."

"B-But... Why is Police after you?"

"I... I did a crime."

"What crime?"

"I... I stole money... because I was starving. I didn't have anything to eat. Look here it is."

She immediately opened her bag and showed the money she apparently stole. It was only about 9000 Yen (i.e. about 60 USD). So it definitely seemed like she only did the theft in desperation. And she didn't have any other ill motive.

"You can have all of this! But please let me stay here for some time." 

"No. I don't want those money."

They were stolen money. So I could probably get in trouble in future. I sighed and looked at her.

She was looking at me with her puppy eyes. She was quite cute to be honest. 

No! This was not the time for this! 

"I'm sorry... but if you're a thief, then how can I trust you? You might be onto stealing my money as well?"

"No! Not at all! Please trust me! You can have all my money as well in exchange."

"As I said I don't want those stolen money."

Just get her out man! Why are you still letting her in?

Even after the warning of my inner thoughts, I was about to do something stupid.

"Okay, I will let you stay for one night."

"Th-thank you!"

"And I don't need any money. But you should leave tomorrow."


I sighed. I didn't know why but I got some inner satisfaction watching her smile.

Something was not adding up though. Something was telling me.... that her story might not be entirely true...


Suddenly, the siren of a Police car was heard from outside. I gulped and so did Tsukino.

What was going to happen now?

Both I and Tsukino didn't utter a single word for a few minutes. Tsukino was sweating in terror. Even I was extremely scared. 

After a few minutes, suddenly footsteps could be heard outside my room. And then... a knock on the door!

Tsukino was about to cry. I indicated her to keep calm, and then took a deep breath and went towards the door. Tsukino, meanwhile, hid in my bedroom.

I slowly opened the door and tried my best to give the police a normal reaction. There were two policemen at the door. 

"Eh? Police? What happened?"

"I'm sorry to disturb you at this time. But we have to ask a very important question to everyone of this apartment."

"Huh? What is it?"

"Did you see this girl?"

He then showed me a photo from his phone screen. Needless to say, it was Tsukino.

"Ah no. Why?"

"She is a criminal. As far as we know she went this way. That's why we are asking everyone in this apartment."

"Oh I get it. But I didn't see her."

Thankfully, this apartment didn't have any CCTV for them to check.

"Okay... but did you ever come outside in the last hour?"

I almost lost my composure with that question. I somehow answered, 

"I did come outside to buy some Ramen from the retail shop just a few minutes away."

"I see. Did you see anything strange? Maybe not the girl, but anyone?"

"Let me think... wait, I actually saw a car going that way."

I lied. I didn't see any car. But I said that to misdirect the police.

"A car? If a car went that way then..."

While one officer was thinking, the other officer said, "The station is not far away from here. Maybe she went towards the station with the car?"

Yes! Yes! They were getting misdirected, that's what I wanted. 

"Boy, did you by any chance see the number of the car?"

"I'm sorry I didn't."

"Anyway, thank you boy for your help."

After that, the officers left. I breathed a sigh of relief. When I went back to my bedroom, I saw Tsukino still hiding behind my bed.

"Don't worry, they left."

"Thank you!"

She came out and grabbed both my hands in happiness. She was indeed cute.

"Umm... sorry I didn't ask your name yet."

"Oh my name is Kimura Seiji. I'm a second year high schooler."

"Thank you again, Kimura-kun."


Meanwhile, The two police officers were having an important conversation. 

Officer 1: "So nobody saw this girl here, it seems."

Officer 2: "I guess we need to find the car, which that boy was talking about."

Officer 1: "I think so too... anyway, this girl is extremely dangerous. We need to be careful."

Officer 2: "Yeah. Can't believe such a teenage girl could kill two grown man and woman!"

[To be continued]