Daenerys Targaryen
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In the inner palace, A beautiful young lady was painting by the balcony.

The lady looked somewhere between 12 to 14. She has gorgeous long white hair.

The young lady, Daenerys Targaryen, has been tense lately. 

Though her brother couldn't understand the extent of trouble they were in, she could see that the situation is becoming more dire by how desperate and crazy her father is becoming.

From childhood, she has pretty strong empathy and could easily discern emotions.

To escape from all the heavy emotions, she came here for her favourite hobby.

While she was painting, she noticed the female servants excitedly running somewhere.

It has been a long time since she has felt such bright emotions since the battle of trident.

"Why are those people so excited?" She asked the servant holding colors.

"Oh, princess have you not heard? It has been pretty trendy conversation between highborn ladies of late." The servant replied casually.

"What is it about?", Daenerys asked curiously.

"Sir Jamie has recently taken a squire from somewhere." 

"Jamie Lanester?" She asked surprise and curiousty evident in her voice.

The maid nodded excitedly, "Yes and it is said that he is even more handsome than Sir Jamie and Loras combined."

"Really? Aren't they just rumours?" She asked with doubt.

"No, Princess. I myself have verified the authenticity of rumou-"

She stopped halfway as she noticed Daenerys's increadlous gaze.

She coughed with embarrassment at her slip of tongue.

Daenerys's didn't pay the horny servant any more attention and got back to painting again.


Daenerys, immersed in her painting, didn't notice the flow of time and it quickly became dark. 

She hurriedly packed her things and ran towards the dining room while the maid followed behind.

While running in the hallway.


 She suddenly collided with someone causing her to fall down.

She felt a burning sensation down her knee.

"Princess, are you alright?" Daenerys looked up to find a handsome man in his twenties extending his hand to her, Worry evident in his voice.

'Sir Jamie.' "I am quite alright. It's just a minor scratch." She said with a reassuring smile.

"No, that wouldn't do, what would the kingdom do if something happened to it's last competent living heir."

"Sir Jamie, that's not very appropriate. We both know my brother is still alive." She warned with a solemn expression but it only looked adorable from Jamie's perspective.

He chuckled,"I said competent didn't I?" 

He guided her to a table and pulled a chair for her to sit, "Now, Princess sit her while I get the ointment." 

She tried to argue but immediately closed her mouth when seeing his strict expression.

After he left, Daenerys looked around the room. 

The room was the standard guest room that could be found anywhere in the castle with yellow curtains and a round bed while a small balcony was attached on the side.

Time passed very slowly in the castle as there is nothing to do for a woman. So, Daenerys was used to waiting.

Suddenly, she heard footsteps coming from the hallway connected to the guest room.

She turned towards the footsteps to look at the visitor and her eyes widened a little.

The hallway was pretty dark due to limitations of sociaty even with all the candles illuminating it.

In the dark hallway, a person in golden armour was walking with a lamp in his hand.

 His chiseled face seems to be the masterpiece of the smith, His rose blond hair, being brightened by the light of the flames, were even more gorgeous than usual. 

 His dull light red eyes was a wonderful touch that complimented his entire set up perfectly. 

He perfectly fitted the concept of a knight that would slay dragons singlehandedly to ask for the hand of their beloved in old tales.

A knight in majestic armour walking through a luxurious hallway, this scene looked like a painting by a master craftsman.

So, she couldn't help but widen her eyes a little at his otherworldly beauty.

She didn't need to be told to know who this gorgeous man is, she has already guessed it.

The knight suddenly looked up at her, his dull red eyes brightened like two rubies in the dark.

She couldn't help but be memorized by them.

'The rumours were not wrong.', She hurriedly averted her eyes with a blush while thinking that his beauty really surpass the both famous knights combined.

When she silently looked up again, a brilliant smile was on his face as he looked happy at seeing her.

At his smile, Daenerys quickly lowered her head blushing. She was a little confused about his happiness though and couldn't help but ask herself if they have met somewhere before.

She heard footsteps again but this time instead of going away they were coming closer to her.

She straightened up with an inward cough embarrassed about her display.

"Greetings, my lady. May I help you with something." 

She looked up at the gorgeous man standing not far from her doing a clumsy bow.

'He's even more handsome up close.' She thought while smiling casually,"No, Kind sir. As you can see, I am doing quite fine."

"Are you sure, My lady? You don't very look fine though." He said while tilting his head.

"Sir, can you tell?" She asked with surprise.

Steve smiled casually,"My lady's walking posture is a bit off, any skilled knight could tell that much. Do you need me to excort you to your chambers?"

"You know, Sir. That question could be very disrespectful to a proper lady." She said while looking at his expression, clueless about the implications of his sentence.

Steve tilted his head confused.

"And to answer your question, Sir. I am still waiting for Sir Jamie to bring ointment. So, I can't leave right now."

"Sir Jamie?" His eyebrows raised in surprise,"He was here just now?" 

Daenerys nodded. Steve's expression brightened,"That's good, I was just going to visit him anyway. Why don't I first drop the lady off and bring ointment from Sir Jamie while I visit him."

He stretched his hand towards her, Daenerys was about to refuse but couldn't when seeing his sunny smile full of expectations.

He helped her stand up while she guided him to towards her quarters while crossing arms with him.

He was very considerate slowing down when needed and sometimes helping her lean on him, though it was not very appropriate for high born ladies he seems clueless.

'Well, I don't think any woman would complain anyway.' She thought while looking at his face.

"Oh...I didn't introduce myself now, did I my lady?" He said with sudden moment of enlightenment,"I am the new squire of Sir Jamie, William Lancelot."

"I am Daenerys Targaryen. It's an honor to meet you, Sir William." She greeted while lightly bowing her head.

She noticed that he didn't seem to be surprised at hearing her name. 

"Oh! Princess, what happened!?" She looked up to find her personal servant, the one who was holding the paints, Harlen Leygood coming towards her.

"I am fine, nothing bad happened." She said seeing harlen's worried expression.

Suddenly, Harlen noticed the man besides the princess.

She looked up at his face and immediately felt that arrow was shot through her heart.

Steve smiled at harlen's blushing expression who was looking at both of them with bewildered expression before her gaze moved towards their linked hands.

Daenerys could feel her face burn at her servant's reaction. She hurriedly unlinked her arm, "Sir William, I am fine now that Harlen is here. Why don't you go find Sir Jamie."

Steve didn't mind and nodded with a smile before going off on his way.

Harlen looked at his back for moment before looking accusingly at Daenerys as if she stole something from her.

At her servant's misunderstanding, An embarrassed expression appeared on her face before she hurriedly walked ahead leaving her behind.