Chapter 4: Fresh Blood
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Sunlight streamed through the intricate stonework of Celestial Academy’s weathered facade, casting dancing patterns on the cobblestone lane. A sleek Tesla, its obsidian paint reflecting the golden light, pulled up to the grand archway.

Melissa, perched on the balcony above, her sapphire eyes glinting with disdain, watched the car with a sneer playing across her perfectly sculpted features.

Beside her, Natalia's crimson gaze was locked on the emerging figure. "No clue on her species, Blue?" she inquired, nudging Melissa with a playful grin. The morning mist swirled around their feet, carrying the faint scent of honeysuckle and damp earth.

Melissa shrugged, twirling a wavy azure lock. "No clue. But rebellious and probably poor, judging by the wheels."

"You’re no help," Natalia complained, her fangs flashing briefly. The newcomer, with her midnight hair and confident stride, was definitely intriguing. "Maybe a werewolf?"

Melissa's frown deepened, her perfectly manicured nails tapping a rhythm against the stone railing. "Ugh, they smell awful," she muttered. "Guess that explains the chariot."

Their gossip was interrupted by a silky voice, as smooth as the polished marble floor beneath their feet. "Dissecting your next meal already, troublemakers?" 

Princess Athena's presence was as serene as her words. Her eyes, the colour of molten gold, reflected the morning sun, casting an ethereal glow on her face. The smile playing there, although beautiful, held an edge sharper than the stained glass itself—deceptively angelic, promising sunshine while hiding a viper's cunning.

Natalia, unfazed, grinned. "She seems... delicious, Your Highness."

Melissa's scowl intensified, already disliking the new student. "How'd she get in, Princess?"

Athena chuckled. "Human, surprisingly. Crypto-millionaire dad."

"New money," Melissa scoffed. "Predictable. Let's see how long this one lasts."

Athena, her golden hair catching the sunlight, strolled towards the balcony, her eyes fixed on the enigmatic girl conversing with the headmistress. 

"Are you truly human?" She asked, her voice a purr, a hint of fangs glinting through her smile. "Or are you something... more, darling?"

Theo's voice, a low rumble, joined the conversation. "Already vying for her attention, Princess?" His silver eyes held a hint of possession that mirrored the morning frost on his hair.

Athena laughed, a melodic sound that belied the darkness in her golden gaze. Her hand, cool and smooth, found Theo's, their fingers intertwined. "Jealous, perhaps?" Her eyes never left the newcomer below.

Theo leaned closer, his lips brushing against her ear. "Just a touch.”

Athena's reply was a whisper, barely audible even to Melissa. "Rest assured, You'll always be my favourite... for now."

Melissa rolled her eyes, muttering under her breath. "Get a room, please, Your Highness."

Athena's lips curved into a sly smile. "Perhaps we will," she murmured, before disappearing with Theo into the shadows, leaving Melissa and Natalia on the balcony.

The setting sun cast dancing shadows across the pristine marble floor of the expansive hallway. The polished mahogany panels gleamed like dark mirrors, reflecting only Miss May’s rigid form as her heels clicked a monotonous rhythm against the cold stone.

"We pride ourselves on fostering a diverse student body."

Callista, already half-tuned out with a bored expression playing on her features, mumbled a distracted question under her breath. "Species or bank accounts?

Miss May’s perfectly poised smile faltered for a moment, a flicker of annoyance crossing her carefully constructed facade. But after forcing a strained smile back into place, she continued, her voice clipped and formal, "We cater to all preferences, naturally, including… dietary restrictions."

Callista, eyebrow arched in skepticism, halted mid-step. The supervisor, her face a hint of irritation, produced a form with a practised, albeit insincere, smile. As Callista scanned the document, her lips twisted into a grimace. 

Male blood, female blood, raw everything... and even the utterly repulsive "Female Menses?!"

A guttural "Gross!" escaped her lips, echoing in the previously hushed hallway. This, she thought, staring at the grotesque menu, was definitely not what the brochure had promised. Maybe, she mused with a grumbling sigh, a career change was in order. With a flourish, she ticked the "cooked food" box, her frustration simmering like a forgotten cauldron.

The door swung open, revealing a cozy dorm room. Two beds sat opposite each other, a pristine bathroom gleamed in the corner, and a well-lit study area offered a quiet sanctuary.

 "Even the elite can't afford a single room, huh?"

"Did you forget already, Miss Astra?" Miss May’s voice turned sharp. "This academy champions diversity and equality! Roommates are mandatory, and of different species, of course. Isn't that why you're here?"

Callista mentally cursed her slip-up. What had Indigo written in that monstrous 2,000-word essay again? Determined to maintain her cover, she swallowed her retort. "Apologies, please continue."

"Consider yourself forgiven," the supervisor said curtly, turning to leave. Just as she reached the door, she added, "Just be warned, your roommate is...unconventional. Please-"

Her words were abruptly cut off by the explosive entrance of a fiery-haired girl. A whirlwind of scarlet tresses and infectious laughter, she burst into the room, nearly slamming the door shut on the bewildered supervisor's face. With the lightning-fast reflexes of a seasoned werewolf, Miss May narrowly dodged the assault.

"Natalia!" the supervisor hissed, teeth bared in irritation. "Manners!"

Undeterred, the girl, Natalia, flashed a grin that could rival the midday sun. "Roommate! And a human at that!" She ignored the supervisor entirely, her scarlet eyes sparkling with mischief. "Very nice to meet you, I'm Natalia Robin!" She extended a hand, her fingers drumming an impatient rhythm against her palm.

Mentally adding ‘obnoxious roommate’ to the ever-growing list of why this academy was a personal hell, Callista reluctantly shook the offered hand. "Ca- Astra," she mumbled, the lie already sour on her tongue.

"Castra? What an interesting name!" Natalia's curiosity seemed genuine, and her fingers lingered on Callista's wrist, tracing the rhythmic pulse beneath.

Snatching her hand back with a glare that could freeze magma, Callista gritted her teeth. Loudmouth or not, she needed this walking info-bomb to find the Queen. "Astra," she hissed, each syllable dripping with forced composure. "Maybe you could… show me around sometime? I'm new."

Natalia, momentarily stunned by the sudden shift from blazing anger to polite request, stammered, "S-sure. Tomorrow morning?"

"Excellent," Miss May chimed in, a hint of amusement sparkling in her eyes. "It's good for newcomers to have friends." With a lingering gaze, she shut the door, leaving Callista face-to-face with the vampire hurricane.

Beneath the spring sun, the academy garden bloomed like a vibrant oasis unlike the concrete jungle Callista was used to. Towering oak trees, their branches heavy with emerald leaves, cast dappled shade on manicured lawns, where students clustered in groups.

Natalia, her fiery ponytail bouncing with her enthusiastic chatter, pointed towards a group of figures with emerald-green hair and ethereal green eyes. 

"See those nature enthusiasts? Shapeshifters from Sylvanwood House, they can morph into any animal they fancy. Plant whisperers and animal lovers, they'd rather hug a tree than fight in the coming conflict." 

Callista offered a curt nod, dismissing the botanists as irrelevant to her mission. They moved on to a group radiating elegance despite the casual setting. Their hair shimmered with an ethereal blue glow, and their eyes held a glint of arrogance tempered by grace. One girl, with piercing sapphire eyes, locked gazes with Callista, her expression a mixture of curiosity and disdain.

Natalia, oblivious to the undercurrent, chirped, "Melissa! Meet Astra, my... roommate." The air tensed as Callista and Melissa acknowledged each other.

Natalia, seemingly unaware, bubbled, "Melissa's an Azurean Nymph! Her healing powers are unrivalled!" 

Melissa, momentarily softened by the praise, offered, "Coffee after school?"

Natalia, dismissive, waved her hand. "Can't. Maths' a nightmare. Speaking of, Astra, any good with numbers?"

Callista shrugged. "Average at everything," she replied, her gaze already shifting.

A flicker of movement on the periphery of her vision sent a jolt through Callista. The vibrant tapestry of the garden blurred as she narrowed her eyes. Melissa's sneer faded into the background, rendered insignificant by the captivating figure gliding through the crowd.

A lone phantom amidst the fireflies' flickering dance, the figure moved with an almost predatory grace. Molten gold eyes glinted beneath windblown blonde waves. They held a gaze that seemed to pierce through the crowd, silencing the chatter not with command, but with an unexpected intensity.

Queen Eydis? But… blonde wasn't right.

"Princess Athena," Natalia murmured, "Vampire royalty."

Royalty. The word echoed in Callista's mind, a spark igniting a chain reaction of possibilities. The key to the Queen could lie in this unexpected encounter. Were they... connected in some way?

The golden eyes, a tell-tale mark of the royal bloodline, seemed to hold an intelligence that both intrigued and unsettled Callista. This wasn't just royalty; an aura of danger veiled the breathtaking beauty. A predator. A dangerous one.

Their eyes met across the throng. Crimson met gold, a molten clash against a sun-dappled sea. A charged silence, a subtle dance. A game was afoot, and the princess seemed to hold all the cards.

As if sensing Callista's scrutiny, Athena offered a ghost of a smile, a fleeting glimpse of amusement that sent a shiver down Callista's spine. It was gone as quickly as it came, the princess turning away with a graceful tilt of her head. But in that moment, a spark ignited within Callista, a hint of something unexpected that she couldn't quite place.

The hunt, it seemed, had begun. And the rules were far from clear.

Princess Athena Art

