Chapter 47: The Truth
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Sunlight streamed through the library window, painting an ethereal mosaic of leaves on the oak desk. Athena stood, her presence a tangible weight that pressed down on the air. Students, librarian included, scurried from the room, the air crackling with tension like a live wire.

Callista gripped the desk, knuckles white. The wood threatened to splinter under her iron grip. The princess's golden eyes, usually playful and alluring, now flickered with an unknown emotion. They darted first to the sliver of exposed skin at Callista's neckline, then to the hunter's crimson eyes that mirrored a trapped animal's.

Suffocating silence descended. Athena's approach wasn't a sound, it was the absence of it. As if the very air itself recoiled from her steps, a chill swept through the room. Callista swallowed, the familiar tightness returning to her throat.

Leaning against the desk, Athena's voice was a low, dangerous purr as she lingered on Callista's alias, "Astra..." A shiver ran down Callista's spine as she averted her gaze, the princess's words a phantom touch igniting a yearning she couldn't suppress.

"You've been avoiding me," Athena stated.

"There was nothing to avoid," Callista retorted, her voice thin and unconvincing. "You practically asked me to leave."

Athena's long lashes fluttered shut, briefly eclipsing the sun that danced across the angles of her face. When she opened her eyes again, a flicker of shame quickly masked by a steely resolve. "You understood why, didn't you?"

"How can I understand your constant riddles?" Callista spat. Her crimson eyes, usually guarded, now mirrored the open wound in her chest.

The princess leaned in. Her hand, cool and smooth, reached out. Callista flinched, a tremor rippling through her body, before Athena cupped her cheek. A strand of golden hair brushed against Callista's skin, sending a jolt of warmth that both comforted and terrified her.

"Who hurt you, Astra?" Athena's voice was laced with a conflicting mix of concern and a rising edge. "Did Melissa have something to do with this?"

Callista let out a choked laugh, tilting her head away from Athena’s touch. "Don't play coy, Athena. You know exactly what this is about." The words came out harsher than she intended.

A beat of stunned silence followed. Then, a hint of hurt reflected in Athena's eyes before being extinguished by a cold fury. "Melissa's affections have long belonged to Natalia. Entangling yourself with her only…”   She trailed off, a muscle clenching in her jaw.

Frustrated, Callista shot upright, only to be yanked back down by the unexpected firmness of Athena's grip.

"You truly don't get it," Callista rasped. "Perhaps your all-knowing... intellect..." She spat the word out, "never considered that as a possibility. Consider me as..."

Callista's heart pounded against her ribs, each beat a deafening echo of her fear. She had faced countless monsters, stared death in the face without flinching, but this... this was a new kind of terror. 

Tears, the first in years, welled up in her eyes. No! Not this weakness. Not in front of Athena. Not in front of anyone. 

But her traitorous heart, a rebel in her own chest, had a will of its own. Just like it ached whenever she was near Athena. She couldn't understand it. Why was she so weak? Blinking rapidly, she tried to force the tears back, but a fresh wave welled up as her gaze met the vampire’s.

Athena stood frozen, panic, an emotion so foreign it distorted the usually graceful planes of her face. Realisation dawned on her slowly, agonizingly, mirrored by the deepening desperation in Callista's eyes. Athena tried to speak, but the words snagged in her throat, choked by a torrent of conflicting emotions. 

The hesitation stretched, a terrible finality that confirmed Callista's deepest fears.

"Am I so insignificant?" Callista's voice cracked.

It was all out in the open now. She might as well just rip the bandaid off and move on. 

But could she?

Athena's eyes, a kaleidoscope of emotions swirling within, seemed to speak volumes, yet remained an enigma. But a tenderness, unexpected and gentle as a summer breeze, bloomed in her touch as she cupped Callista's glistening cheeks. 

"Did you...cry because of me?" Athena's voice trembled, uncharacteristically laced with vulnerability. "Wasn't I just a curiosity?"

Callista squeezed her eyes shut, heart hammering a terrifying rhythm against her ribs. Indifference, that would be the final blow. "If I say yes," her voice cracked, thick with emotion, "and no… What then? Will you lie to me now, tell me what I want to hear? Am I worth even that much?"

A sharp gasp ripped from Athena's throat. Callista dared a single glance, meeting a storm brewing in Athena's golden depths.

The cruelty wasn't in Athena’s words, not in her past actions. It was in the unexpected affection, the heartbreaking sincerity in her gaze that promised something Callista craved, yet offered no guarantee it would be reciprocated. A flicker of hope, then the crushing weight of uncertainty.

Then, a voice, barely a whisper, cut through the suffocating silence. "The truth, then."

Athena’s hand, cool against Callista's burning cheek, lingered for a heartbeat before tracing a scorching path down her arm, seeking, searching. Finally, it grasped Callista's hand, a lifeline in the storm raging within them both. With a fierce gentleness that belied the raw panic in her eyes, Athena guided Callista's hand to the frantic thunder of her heart beneath the thin fabric. 

"The truth is," Athena's voice dropped to a bare whisper, her breath warm against Callista's ear, "whenever I'm with you, Astra, my world explodes. And all that remains is you. All I can feel… is you. And it… terrifies me." But beneath the fear, a flicker of something else, something hopeful, something akin to… surrender.

The world dissolved around them. Time seemed to stand still. All Callista could hear was the frantic drumbeat of her own heart, a wild counterpoint to the chaotic rhythm thrumming beneath her fingertips where Athena's heart was. Hope, once extinguished, roared back to life, a phoenix rising from the ashes of her doubt. Athena's words echoed in her mind, branding themselves onto her soul. A searing reminder that she wasn't alone in this. 

This terrifying, exhilarating maelstrom of emotions she dared not name.

In one swift movement, Callista dipped Athena down, the princess's heat a searing promise pressed against her burning skin. Their lips met in a collision of yearning, a gasp escaping Callista's throat. Doubt, jealousy, anger — all melted away, dissolving into the white noise of the pounding in her ears. All that remained was this, this perfect, all-consuming moment.

Their bodies collided, a silent plea for a closeness that transcended words. Callista felt the frantic echo of her own heart against Athena's chest. Callista skimmed her fingertips across the soft flesh she'd craved, a forbidden touch that had haunted her dreams for so long. Every caress elicited a gasp, a moan, a primal sound that mirrored the wildfire raging within her. 

Perhaps her world, too, had been reduced to ashes. All she felt, all she craved, was this woman — this vampire princess who had become her sun, setting her ablaze with a hunger she never knew existed.

Hello everyone! Given the darker tones of Bite Me, Darling, I've decided to introduce a new story with comedic undertones to bring more balance. If you're interested, feel free to check it out at the link below.

Although the characters may share names, but their backgrounds and premises will be unique, leading to different relationships, decisions, and personalities.

Level Up, Your Majesty!