10. That Night III ♥
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'What kind of gaze is that!!!' Ruixue shouted in her thought, but her body said something else. Her shivering body was full of anticipation of what Jane would do, especially Ruixue womb who shouted to immediately accept the person in front of her.

Ruixue, who was a little scared and full of expectations, moved away from Jane until she couldn't move anymore because Ruixue had reached the corner of the bed. Seeing Ruixue trying to escape from her made Jane feel happy and her lust increased even more.

“Where Are you going, Ruixue ?"Jane said with a laugh as She Lowered her body to approach Jane. Looking at Jane who walked up to her with a lustful look, Ruixue immediately remembered what she wanted to say.

“Wait a minute, Jane."Ruixue Laughed.

“What is it? Darling."Jane asked in a more violent tone while still approaching her.

Looking at Jane who was getting closer, Ruixue immediately said.

“It's About You, Jane.”

“about me? So will that has a negative effect on me for now?"Jane said as she stopped in front of Ruixue's face and looked into Ruixue's eyes.

Looking at the face and eyes in front of her, Ruixue was made nervous by jane and just said Honestly.

“For now there are no negative effects but this will complicate things for you.”

With that, Jane said with a big smile.

“Then we can postpone these talks and continue the activities we are doing.”

“But Jane this is import....” Before Ruixue finished her words, Jane immediately covered her mouth with a fierce kiss. The kiss also moved Ruixue's mind. For 3 minutes, Jane explored Ruixue's mouth again so that Ruixue could only accept the pleasure it gave her. After satisfied kissing. Jane release her kiss.

“we can continue this conversation later. Okay Darling?"Jane said while holding Ruixue's cheek.

“Yes.. we can talk later.” Ruixue said breathlessly.

Hearing that, Jane kissed Ruixue and said.

“Okay, Good Ruixue.”

Jane also positioned her penis in front of Ruixue's hole.

'I had to slowly put it in because from what the book describes, the first experience would be painful.'Think Jane.

Seeing Jane who stopped, Ruixue immediately grabbed Jane by the neck and whispered.

“Don't worry, dear. It's just a dream,”

Hearing that, Jane focused on what Ruixue was going to say.

“So you can do it as you wish.”

Hearing a whisper full of seduction, made Jane could not stand it anymore and inserted her penis.

“Ughh.” They both shouted at the same time.

Both of them experienced a pleasure that they never felt. The pleasure was so great that it made Ruixue climax immediately and Jane almost ejaculated. And they stay in that position to enjoy the feelings they feel.

Jane stood there thinking.

'So this is the taste of Sex, The Taste of pussy massaging my dick makes me want to get moving and cumming inside ruixue right away.’

Seeing Ruixue's face enjoying the afterglow of the climax, Jane kissed Ruixue.

The Kissed Ruixue immediately woke up from her afterglow. Jane immediately asked.

“you okay, Ruixue?”

“Okay ... I'm... okay.”

Ruixue who replied was feeling a sensation she had never felt.

' So this is sex. The feeling of fullness in my vagina. It's a nice feeling. Ugh this is gonna get me hooked.' Ruixue Thought.

Seeing that Ruixue was fine. Jane said.

“Then I will move Ruixue.”

Before Jane Made A Move, Ruixue Said.

“Dear, Can we stop for a moment, I still want to feel this sensation.”

“of course, Ruixue Darling. Whatever you want."Jane Laughed.

They also kissed. The kiss this time was not as violent as it had been. This is a casual kiss. They take turns putting their tongues in each other's mouths and exchanging their saliva. The kiss lasted 5 minutes.

After removing the kiss, Jane asked.

“can I move, darling?”

Ruixue nodded.

Jane pulls the waist. Jane pulls her waist until her dick wants to come out and pushes the penis into Ruixue's pussy. Jane did this repeatedly.

“This is great, Jane. Stronger yet, Jane " Ruixue pleaded.

Jane who was listening immediately accelerated her piston movement which made Ruixue sigh even more.

“aah, aah, aah, aah, aah, aah, aah, aah, aah, aah, aah, aah, Jane."Ruixue Shouted.

“hah, I also feel good Ruixue."Jane said with a sigh.

The moved Jane looked at Ruixue's face. Ruixue's face made Jane's movements even faster. Ruixue's everyday face felt sharp now was the face of a very lewd woman. Her mouth was filled with saliva. Her sharp eyes were now filled with tears. This greatly increased Jane's lust because this face was a face made by her. Jane's growing lust makes her Pistons move faster.

“Ahh Jane Jane Jane!!!”

“Ruixue Ruixue Ruixue.”

They call each other their names. Then they kissed each other. 15 minutes passed, Ruixue almost had her second climax.

"Jane, Im cumminggg”

“Just Let it out, Ruixue.“

Hearing those words, even Ruixue couldn't help it.


Jane stopped the movement. Ruixue who is experiencing afterglow looks very sexy. This makes Jane want to continue sex again but Jane holds back her desire so that ruixue can rest.

After Ruixue finished experiencing the afterglow, she said.

“Jane, let me rest for a moment.” plead Ruixue.

Hearing Ruixue's request, Jane smiled and nodded. Seeing that smile and nod, Ruixue immediately closed her eyes, only to moan.


Ruixue immediately saw the cause of the scream. She saw Jane who was biting her right breast nipple and clamping her left nipple. Ruixue also saw Jane who was looking at her with a sly feeling.

“Jane, Why don't you let me rest ?”

Jane took off her bite and tilted her head with a smile.


Hearing that, Ruixue felt dumbfounded. Before Ruixue eliminated dumbfounded feeling, Jane began to resume her piston movement.

”Ahh why Jane ahhh Why"

Hearing her question, Jane whispered in his ear.

“Why ? because I'm still not satisfied, Ruixue. And you will not rest until I am satisfied.”

The Whisper was full of ferocity that made ruixue shivering. Ruixue was not only shivering from fear, she was also shivering from the pleasure she was about to experience.

Jane continued with her piston movement. Not only did Jane move her waist, she also kissed Ruixue fiercely and squeezed her chest with her right hand. Her right hand not only squeezed her chest, it also pinched her nipple. This made Ruixue experience a pleasure that was incomparable to before. The pleasure experienced also makes her pussy tighten more strongly.

Jane thought about it.

'ugh this is tightening, the need to increase the tempo.’

“Ugh darling, your pussy is so tight then I increase the tempo.”

Hearing that, Ruixue immediately said.

“No, Jan..” Before you finish saying it, Jane has already done it.

"Jane ahh its too good Jane”

“Me too, Ruxue.”

After that they continue sex for 30 minutes. In those 30 minutes, Ruixue had already climaxed 5 times while Jane was still holding back the taste of ejaculation. Jane actually wanted to ejaculate 15 minutes ago but she could not and now she could not help it.

“Ruixue, Im almost cumming.”

“Okay cum inside me Ruixue."Said Ruixue hoarsely.

Jane also pushes the penis to the maximum. The Penis penetrated into the Ruixue womb. This action made Ruixue experience a small climax.

“Im cumming, Ruixue.”

"Me too, Jane”

Then they climax and ejaculate at the same time.


The Penis shot that white liquid into Ruixue womb directly. The white liquid immediately painted over and filled Ruixue womb. Ruixue also experienced successive climaxes that made her faint. Before she completely lost consciousness, she said in her mind.

'As I thought, Jane is...' before finishing her words, Ruixue fainted.

Jane who was enjoying the ejaculation afterglow did not notice Ruixue who lost consciousness. Jane immediately took out the penis from Ruixue Vagina. After removing her penis, the Vagina began to secrete white discharge. Seeing that, Jane's Penis began to tense up again. Jane who was still lustful wanted to continue again but before that she saw Ruixue's condition first.

Jane saw that Ruixue was asleep. Seeing that Ruixue could only surrender.

“It seems that I have to wait for Ruixue to wake up first to satisfy me.”

Jane wondered how much time she had left. There's 3 hours left.

“Let it be, Ruixue rest."Jane Laughed.

“But if before time runs out, Jane wakes up.”

Jane's eyes look lustful and ferocious.

“I'll eat it again.”

Jane immediately moved Ruixue's position and hugged Ruxue from behind.


Ruixue who was asleep opened her eyes. The newly awakened Ruixue immediately felt a dizzying pleasure.


“you are awake, Darling.”

Ruxue immediately looked back. She looked at jane's smiling face.

“What are you doing to me?"Asked Ruixue with a sharp gaze.

Seeing that sharp look, Jane just smiled and said.

“Feel it yourself.” Before Ruixue understood a word. she Moaned.


Ruixue immediately saw the cause. shee saw jane's right hand was squeezing her chest and Jane's left hand was Fingering her vagina.

"Jane, stop this. I have something to say.”

Jane kept moving her hands and hugged Ruixue tightly.

“can we postpone it? There are 30 minutes left before this dream ends."Jane whispered in the Ruixue Wolf's ear.

Hearing the whisper, Ruixue could only stop and listen to what Jane said.

Ruixue felt something protruding touch her ass. This made Ruixue's face blush.

“Because I'm still not satisfied, Ruixue. Can you help me?"Jane continued with her sexy hoarse voice.

What more could Ruixue do, she could only nod to grant Jane's request.

Seeing the nod, Jane immediately accelerated her hand.


“Look Ruixue, you are ready."Jane said, showing her hand.

Ruixue could only stare intently at Jane. Then jane whispered to Ruixue. After hearing Jane's voice. Ruixue looked more and more intently at Jane with a flushed face.

“Can you do it ?"Asked Jane in a pleading tone.

Ruixue just nodded.

This is where they both are now. The Ruixue position is a position on four legs. While Jane's position was to stand behind Ruixue. Jane who was behind Ruixue was positioning her dick in front of Ruixue's pussy.

“Don't Worry, Ruixue. It'll be nice.”

Without hearing Ruixue reply. Jane entered the hole and nodded slowly.

“Ruixue do you feel it ?”

"Ahn~, Yes Jane~.”

Jane also saw Ruixue's tail moving to the left and right. Jane curiously pulled the tail.


“oh, your tail is quite sensitive.”

“Don't touch my tail, Jane.”

Touching the base of Ruixue's tail, Jane said.

“Why? Wouldn't you feel pleasure?”

“Its too sensitive, Jane.”

Hearing that, Jane immediately stopped him and whispered to Jane's teliga.

“In that case, I will hold your tail with my tail. Dad said, only couples can touch the Tiger beastman's tail.”

Hearing that, Ruixue's tail wagged and Ruixue's pussy tightened.

“Wow, you're so happy with what I said, Ruixue.”

"Shut up!, Focus on the thing you are doing.”

“Okay, Darling.”

Jane answered by accelerating the movement of the piston. She also squeezed both of ruixue's breasts and pinched her nipples. Jane also does a handjob movement with her tail on the base of Ruixue tail.

"Sooo good~ Jane~”

“Oh Gosh You are so tight, Darling.”

"My tail, Jane”

“Okay darling.”

Jane took Ruixue's hands and pulled her back. It also speeds up the Pistons.

“How this position, Ruixue.”

"Ahhn~ ~ Good Ahhn~”

While doing the piston, Jane Saw Ruixue wolf ear.

'In the book say there sometimes, someone with ears as pleasure point. Then how about This wolf ears?'

Immediately Jane began to bite softly The wolf ears.

"Hinggg, Jane dont bite it."

"Okay, Ruxue"

'Noted, Beasthuman ears can be a pleasure point.'

They have sex in this position for up to ten minutes. In these ten minutes Ruixue had already climaxed twice. During these ten minutes, Jane was already on the brink.



Jane pushed Ruixue down so that ruixue's position was face right on the pillow with her ass looming up.

Jane who saw the position immediately took hold of Ruixue's thigh and inserted her penis. She quickly pounced on her plate.

"Ruixue Ruixue Ruixue”


Ruixue couldn't moan because her face was facing the pillow.

Jane who is about to ejaculate pushes the penis into Ruixue womb

“Ruixue, Take it !!”

Ruixue womb was filled with white streaks released by Jane. Ruixue who received the white liquid again experienced a continuous climax and fainted.

Meanwhile, Jane who has stopped ejaculating takes her penis out of the Vagina. Jane also saw a towering butt oozing white liquid like a waterfall. This makes her penis erect again. But She immediately checked Ruixue's condition.

After seeing ruixue's messy face, her lust became even more burning. But she tried to calm down again.

“Unfortunately the time to stay, 10 more minutes.”

After saying so she began to tidy up Ruixue and slept while hugging her.