Chapter 31-Kael’s plan and Jin’s resolve
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Kael managed to disrupt Azazel by creating multiple tornadoes and sending it flying towards him. Azazel cancelled the affinity fusion blast and used Raylon's plasma blast to hit Kael. The plasma blast only materialises when it hits its target. 

At this moment, Azazel had copied five techniques:

[Plasma blast]

[Affinity fusion blast]

[Gravitational field]

[Meteor shower]

[Volcanic eruption].

Talia attempted to land a surprise attack on Azazel but he created a gravitational field to compress her into the ground. He did the same for Kael but he managed to push through and land a palm strike on his face. Azazel withstood the impact and tried to kick him back. Kael blocked using his tails and grabbed him using his tails.

Azazel used Meteor shower, causing meteors to rain from the sky. Kael let him go and blasted him away using fire. Kael raised the ground to create a place for Talia and him to withstand the Meteor shower. 

“We're not getting anywhere like this. I've only seen him using four techniques so far but he could be able to use more” said Talia.

“I agree. I'm going to launch an all out attack. I'm going to need you to adapt to the affinity of gravity. You felt it multiple times now. It may be our only shot to surprise him” said Kael. Talia nodded in agreement. 

While their battle continued, Jin and Nyx had recently entered a portal. The portal took them to a dungeon filled with goblins. 

Nyx relaxed against a dead corpse of a goblin general while Jin continued to fight the remaining goblins.

A goblin tried to stab Jin but he dodged its attack and kicked it into the air. Another one used a longsword to make up for its short limbs. It swung the longsword wildly but Jin caught the sword using his shadow tendrils and pulled the goblin into a lariat that took its head off. 

Two goblins remained and they decided to throw explosives at Jin. He dodged the explosives and used a blood blast to eradicate them. Jin then turned his attention to the chamber of the goblin overlord.

“I see that you took care of these weaklings quite easily. Before you head into the overlord’s chamber I'll answer a question you have” said Nyx.

“Why did you bring me here?” asked Jin.

“It's quite simple. You have the potential to rival Saraya and Kodon. You improve fast and as a vampire you regenerate fast as well. Combine that with your immortality and your potential is limitless” replied Nyx.

“If you beat the goblin overlord I'll show you how to use your true ability. Let's just say that you'll become a one-man army” said Nyx. 

As Jin headed into the goblin overlord’s chamber, the battle between Kael and Azazel continued. Kael sent chunks of the sky island towards Azazel. He simply punched through them but then Kael used a whirlwind to send the debris hurling at him at incredible speed. 

Azazel activated a gravitational field to stop the attack and then he erected a volcano. The volcano then erupted, spewing lava everywhere. He copied this technique from Avawrath. Kael sent out a wave of water to cool the lava down. As the lava began to turn into molten rock, he surfed on a wave of water to reach Azazel and he tried to kick him.

Azazel blocked and unscheated his sword. Kael materialised his two swords. One sword attacks on its own and the other is able to reflect the impact of any attack. Azazel tried to slash him but the sword that attacks on its own began striking at him relentlessly. Azazel blasted it away using a plasma blast but it created an opening for Kael to strike him.

Kael managed to slash his back and hit him with a spinning backfist. Azazel spun around from the impact but he punched the ground to cause Kael to move back. Azazel then tried to focus an incredible amount of energy into his sword and tried to slash Kael. 

Kael used the sword's reflection ability to reflect the impact towards Azazel. Azazel's sword broke from the impact and he went flying through multiple trees. He was enraged and charged at Kael. That's when Talia tried to hit Azazel with a surprise attack. Azazel just used a gravitational field to get her out of the way but she had adapted to its affinity and used a gravitational field on Azazel!

This allowed Kael to slash Azazel with his sword. He released his gravitational field so that Talia would no longer be able to use gravity as her affinity changes based on her environment. He then grabbed Kael's sword with his mouth and flung him into the air.

Kael used the wind to give him a burst of speed to dodge Azazel's attack and he countered with a kick. Talia then uppercutted Azazel and hit him with a piledriver. Kael then began charging up the affinity fusion blast and he managed to hit Azazel with it! Is it over for Azazel?

Meanwhile, the battle between Raylon and Atea enters its final phase. Atea swung the axe at Raylon. He blasted it with fire but it had no effect. Atea then threw the axe at Raylon but he dodged and grabbed it. When he grabbed it felt heavier to the point that he fell to the ground. She then whacked him with the side of the axe.

“I created this one to fight Ragnar. It's able to absorb affinity based attacks, completely nullifying it. Also it can change its weight so that it's light to move around but heavy upon impact” said Atea.

“Having a fancy axe won't change the fact that you're going to lose. You can't keep up with me” said Raylon.

Atea sighed and began swinging the axe at Raylon. Raylon once again combined the affinity of electricity with himself to increase his speed significantly. He dodged all of her attacks and managed to get behind her. He was about to strike her but he suddenly slowed down!

She then hit his stomach with a knee strike and dropped the axe on his back. As Raylon screamed in pain she began pulling it while it penetrated his body. He sent out a burst of fire but the axe just absorbed it. He used that as a distraction to punch the side of Atea’s knee causing her to collapse.

He then kicked her away and removed the axe from his body. He writhed in pain but he still managed to dodge her flurry of attacks.

“The axe absorbed the electricity that I was using to increase my speed. I guess I'll have to tank the axe strikes and counter attack. It's going to hurt but it's the only way” said Raylon.

He transformed into his demon form. He was still new to it so he couldn't stay in it for too long. He charged into her as she swung her axe. The axe lodged into him but he withstood the impact and uppercutted her. As she moved away, the wound from where Raylon was struck by the axe began to heal.

She began swinging wildly out of anger but Raylon charged into her and endured a barrage of her attacks to deliver a dark energy blast at point blank range. She went flying into the forge. Raylon then began punching her rapidly until she was unable to maintain the void and they returned back to the sky island.

“Please just surrender. I don't want to hit someone as beautiful as you” said Raylon.

“You prick! I don't need your pity” said Atea as she lunged at Raylon. 

Raylon uprooted a tree and hit her with it. As she went flying across the area he kicked her into the ground so hard that a crater formed. He then hit her with another dark energy blast and she was knocked out. Since was unconscious, she was eliminated.

With Atea eliminated, 4 participants remain. Who do you think will be the winner?