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Ren and the group looked at the source of the voice. It was a chest naked man standing at 190cm in height. He carries a sword on his waist and sports a lascivious grin on his face, his gaze hover between Kuroneko and Hancock.

“How about you two beauties ditch these wimpy lads and have fun with me instead,” said the man.

Kuroneko became afraid and unconsciously leaned on Ren, while Hancock was about to stand up and kick the man but was held back by Ren. He looked at Hancock in the eyes, as if commanding her to seat down. Hancock gave in and came back sitting on her chair, while Ren looked at the intruder with cool eyes.

“What? Feeling like a hero, eh?” scowled the man.

“Have someone ever told you that you look like a goblin? I mean, seriously, who goes to a pub with a bare chest. Are you sporting how poor you are?” said Ren

The crowd laughed and the man’s face became red in anger mixed with embarrassment and was about to lash out, when suddenly, he finds the world spinning. He didn’t know what happened until pain came from his back attacked him. He was thrown, and he didn’t even notice. Now he knew that he messed with the wrong guys.

“Next time, don’t look with your disgusting eyes to someone else’s woman. Do it again and I might do this world a favor by removing one less scum,” said Ren as he looked coldly at the man who is now sweating bullets and is nodding furiously.

Ren came back to his seat and noticed that the pub went quiet. He finally realized that he snapped at a public place and was facepalming. The crowd that was quiet suddenly burst out of cheers

“AHAHAHAHA! Well done, lad!” “That throw makes me hungrier! Oi, bring us some meat!” “You don’t see thing like this every day, GAHAHAHAHA!”

Ren was appalled with the crowd’s reaction to the matter. He then looked at his own group and noticed that Kuroneko and Hancock were blushing and is avoiding his gaze, while Loki and Kisuke were grinning like they found a new toy. Marquis on the other hand is just eating without a care to the world.

Ren looked at Loki and Kisuke and said, “what?”

The two looked at each other and then Kisuke said,

“’Someone else’s woman’, huh”

“Quite the lady killer, aren’t you, leader” added Loki

Ren was stunned at their words and realized what was going on. He then looked at Kuroneko and Hancock who were still blushing and can’t help but blush himself. The Loki-Kisuke pair just laughed at the display and the crowd followed afterwards. They finished eating and headed to Loki’s base, The Twilight Manor.

While they were walking, Hancock can’t help but remember Ren’s word. She was feeling hot recalling Ren’s piercing gaze at her back at the pub. After watching ‘One Piece’, she knew that what her feeling was love, or at least attraction, to Ren. She saw how she acted with Luffy in the series. She might not have met Luffy now, but she can understand what was her other self was feeling.

‘Who wouldn’t fall in love with such a dashing man’ she thought.

Kuroneko was the same as her, Ren’s position in her heart was already in the highest. Even if she wants to deny it. She can’t help but fall in love with Ren. Paired with the things that she saw on the memories sent by Ren, she already accepted Ren as her only one. She just doesn’t know how to approach Ren; she was afraid that she might get rejected. She just sighed and grumbled on her own cowardice.

Meanwhile, Ren who was watching the two, felt that he has to take responsibility somehow. He had watched to many animes and read too many mangas and novels to not know what is going on. He wondered if it was the results of his high CHARISMA, or his actions earlier in the pub, or maybe both.

He wanted to talk to them, and just as he was about to speak up. They arrived at the Twilight Manor. They were dumbfounded by the huge size of the mansion, no, calling it a mansion doesn’t do it justice

“Welcome, folks! To my Twilight Manor!” said Loki while spreading her hands on a T-pose.

Ren was chuckling in his head while looking at Loki

‘Now, she just has to yell, “ZA WARUDO!” and it will be perfect’ he thought

They went in and was amazed by the interior. It was white marble walls adorned by gold and silver linings. The furbishing is also eye-catching as the furniture looked like expensive stuff from a high-end shop. They went further inside to the reception room and ended up meeting a blonde boy and a green-haired woman with pointy ears.

“Hm? Who are they, Loki?” Said the short, young-looking boy. The womanjust looked at the goddess, waiting for an answer.

“Oh! Let me introduce them to you, they’re all my friends but they don’t belong to any Familia. The old man is Marquis Voban, The man on green is Urahara Kisuke, the one on a goth is Kuroneko and this fair lady is Boa Hancock. As for this handsome young man, well, he’s the leader,” said Loki

“That doesn’t explain anything Loki” said Ren, “I’m Asamiya Ren, we meet with Loki by the course of some… unfortunate thing” he said as he looked onto Loki

“Oi, what do you mean by that?” quipped Loki.

Ren ignored her and continued, “Anyways, Nice to meet you”

The boy then introduced himself “ Oh, I’m Finn Diemne. Captain of the Loki Familia”

The woman beside him was just silently looking at Ren, which Loki didn’t find pleasant so she coughed and the lady came back to her sense. “I’m Riveria Lyos Alf, vice-captain of the Familia. Sorry for staring, even in my race, there was no one as good-looking as you so...”

Loki was obviously not happy with the current events,

“Didn’t I just said not to seduce my girls? Huh, leader” she said

“It’s not my fault you know, I mean, it’s my innate look so I can’t really do anything” Ren said.

“Well, the leader is just too dashing, I guess” said Kisuke

Kuroneko and Hancock just nodded they’re head, agreeing on Kisuke.

Loki grunted but stopped there because there’s nothing she can do.

While they were talking, some footsteps accompanied by a female voice rang from the outside.

“Loki! We’re back!” said a tanned girl with a short black hair as she opens the door. She wears little clothing the only covered her sensitive parts. She was accompanied with a long-haired girl with the same clothing and a blonde-haired girl carrying a rapier wearing a tight white battle dress under a small breast plate.

The group turned their eyes on the new arrivals, and Loki quickly ran to the door.

“My dear Ais-tan, hide behind me! There is a bad incubus here,” shouted Loki.

 As if ignoring her, the girl named Ais just came forward and looked at Ren.

Seeing this, Loki got teary-eyed while biting a handkerchief that came from who-knows-where

Ren just wore a wry smile and thought, ‘How troublesome’