Chapter 6: Petty Gratification
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Meanwhile, Adam Graham finally made the decision to contact the most open person in Linda's neglectful family. Her second brother, Jake, accepted the random online person's invite without thinking.

He didn't seem all that careful.

"Who's this? I've never seen you before." Jake said arrogantly crossed arms. A scar near his lips certified his identity. There was no way he wouldn't recognise the scar Linda made when the two of them fought.

"I'm a newly instated aristocrat. As I don't have any familiar connections, I wanted to reach out to someone. Your account just so happened to come into view." Adam lied without feeling guilty at all.

It wasn't like this antisocial outcast was that good of a liar, but he wasn't bad at it either. Confidence in the truth woven within the lies was what helped sell this farce. After all, nothing he said was wrong.

Adam, for the most part, really DIDN'T have connections right now. Plus, it wasn't like he was used to how feudalism worked. Having someone do socialise with even briefly would be a great help.

"..." There were no words spoken at first, but his expressions weren't hard to read. After a brief but suffocating moment of total silence, Jake asked: "Do you not know about us? Why find me specifically?"

"About the Arcadia dukedom?" Adam tilted his head.

"So you at least know our title." Jake scoffed at the audacity of this bastard. Knowing who he was but still daringly wasting his time. Seeing how calm and collected the youth sounded, Adam found it strange.

Jake's personality was usually 'hotter' than this.

That's why he didn't go into too much detail in the beginning. He wanted a closer connection to him emotionally. However, a part of him found thinking before saying a lot of words super annoying to do.

The only thing he wanted most of all was how Linda was doing lately. Since he was still alive, that girl was likely not influenced by him. She should be following the 'plot' laid out by the synopsis of that game.

The backdrop he'd always skipped in the intro.

"Did something happen recently?" Adam did not let his emotions control his voice, but that only made the lack of it in his words scary. The sudden sharpness in his voice frighted the young master.

Jake's hairs stood on end, but he quickly spoke:

"Don't misunderstand...! Many have been avoiding my family lately because of nonsense. False rumours might blind you." Finally, Jake was revealing his hand without the latter even pushing the subject.

The whole reason this guy was reached out to.

"Yeah... So..." Adam wasn't sure what to say from here to get what he wanted, so he didn't commit to an act. This seemed to get a response he wasn't quite expecting: Jake rang him on the Virtual Chat.

Rather than controlling puppet-like avatars, this was a way to get face-to-face with his opponent. The only thing was... Adam wasn't confident in being able to hide his expression in front of the real thing.

"Oh well." Adam thought. Seeing that the worst that could happen was getting blocked, he had accepted it. A large virtual reality window opened up almost like a portal. The gap let him peek into Jake's room.

On top of the screen was the familiar face.

But somehow, the second young master he remembered seemed more tired and unkept compared to his memories. It looked nothing like the virtual avatar they used to chat not too long ago.

"Are you feeling alright?" Adam had to ask.

This didn't seem right.

"I'm fine." Jake rubbed his untrimmed beard. His voice showing complete composure. There was a dissonance between his words and actions. It made Adam unable to truly believe these sweet words.

"I'll try taking your word for it." Adam squinted.

"Thank you for understanding." Jake, again, had showed an unusual amount of understanding. The understanding Adam had of him was starting to crumble. He wondered if this was the same person.

"Now where were we?" Still, Adam had moved on.

"I wanted to ask how much you knew." Jake stared.

"From what I'd heard: You're the second son of the Arcadia Household. Your older brother is the heir to the dukedom. The Arcadia Family is a bloodline of pure 'Wizards', a Lineage Class passed down thr-"

"Ahem, sorry to stop you there. You know a lot about us, but... I meant if you knew anything about the current controversy around us." Jake stopped him before any more time was wasted on this sophistry.

"Controversy? What happened with you all?" Adam squinted his eyes when he heard these words. This was the first time he'd heard of such a thing. There was rarely ever any controversies with the family.

Even if there were, the stature of a duke family was enough to stop any publishers from talking. The fact that Jake was worried about meant things were beyond significant. A big event must have occurred.

Things started feeling ominous...

"...We disowned an illegitimate child." Jake clarified.

Adam's expression immediately changed. It was supposed to be a controversy that would come up in tandem with her engagement breaking. Hearing that this trash was still harping on about that, Adam said:

"You mean Linda Arcadia?" Even though Adam had expected the answer, there was still agitation in his heart. It made the once indifferent and selfish man immediately show a truly frustrated expression. 

What else could he have expected of them?

"So you've heard of her?" Jake didn't notice his pain.

"Of course I'd heard. It isn't common for someone to start off with nothing to climb their way up." Adam did not show his chaotic emotions. There was just a mask of a man who valued positive traits of a person.

"She's just a gold digger." Jake brushed it off.

"In what way was she?" Adam could not wear his mask of etiquette for long. Thankfully, Jake didn't seem to notice how familiar he was with Linda. The conversation would have changed badly if he knew.

It seemed like Jake was explaining himself as right.

Like their family had done nothing wrong.

"My father was trying to wed her so that she could help the family stand tall, but she ended up trading it away." Jake was truly someone of this era. He did not all consider her actions in the light of a brother.

"Gosh... This is about the ending." Adam thought with disappointment in his eyes. He was aware of what this trash of a human being meant by that. It seemed like things had taken a strange turn.

In the beginning of the 'original story' that Linda knew before reincarnation, she was supposed to go through a classic villainess downfall. While her fiancé was wooed, she would bully the heroine.

Thus, leading to the stereotypical death ending.

The best that version could get was exile.

However, after the Linda of this current timeline took over the driver's seat for the plot, everything changed. She might have had assistance. As this was usually not something achievable without advice.

Rather than being thrown around by destiny, the plot of 'The Villainess Against Fate' was obviously altered. Originally, Lara and Linda were supposed to have opposing roles thanks to the handsome prince.

Ignoring his mental illness, the original Villainess of the work, Linda, was supposed to desire Ramos for his influence. The title of 'Reigning Queen' was all too tempting. However, the memories of Earth and Adam's assistance as a system changed everything.

She saw Ramos for what he truly was.

He wasn't a handsome Crown Prince in needing of love and compassion from her. He was a pitiable patient of a psychotic mental illness. That's why Linda focused on curing his ailment first and foremost before doing working on his heart.

The one taking credit for healing his emotional scars being the 'Otome Protagonist' was Lara, who she had set him up with. There was no way she would have had the time to steal or dig up their family resources.

That's why Adam said without a shadow of a doubt:


Jake's eyes widened when a stranger like Adam unceremoniously cussed at him... Almost like he'd held it in for a long time. Even someone as totally oblivious as Jake couldn't ignore his outburst.

"...What exactly did you say to me?" He glared.

"I guess the cat's out of the bag." Adam sighed.

"You said you knew nothing." Jake now started to accuse him of trying to deceive him. There was obviously a lot going on. Apparently, this was the first time someone called him up to deceive him.

"Not of the current political climate, at least."

"Then what the heck?!" Jake didn't believe it. Rather than cutting the virtual call off, he slammed the desk before him. No one came into his office despite the shouting. There seemed to be less servants now.

"Not only did she stop your family from being destroyed, she protected you the entire time." This was the girl that Adam knew before twisting her. The kind girl who was originally willing to forgive them.

"What do YOU know? That's nonsense! That bitch has only ever cared about herself. She always looked down on her family. Not giving us a glance before shaming us. Look at this scar on my face! This-"

"Was made because you attacked her." Adam knew more than he let on. He had personally witnessed that scene with his own eyes. Seeing how she'd always make the same injury on his face.

"She deserved what she got!" Jake growled at him.

"And you did too." He didn't stand down.

"Don't act like you know anything about me!"

"Bullshit! Do you think the oh-so-kind 'Prince Ramos' of back then was the type to forgive people who used him?" Adam brought up a secret that would have sparked more controversy than this.

"...What are you talking about?" Jake's voice betrayed his emotions. Water started dripping down the young man's face at this revelation. Realising that his secret was known outside of the family.

"Don't try to hide it. Ra- I mean, His Majesty King Ramos, already knew the Arcadia Household was planning on killing him off. The moment he had a successor, the kingdom would fall into your hands."

"You can't prove anything!" Jake got terrified of him.

"I don't need to. The point is this: Why did the psychotic prince spare your family at all?" Adam started to mock them. He never liked Linda's family in the first place. Unwilling to socialise with them.

He ended up revealing what he wanted them to know for a long time. There had to be a reason why the Crown Prince of the time spared them. When considering the circumstances, it was all strange.

Ramos had never publicly outed her, after all.

"If she had the king's backing, why didn't she tell us?! We only got into this embarrassing situation because of her!" Jake didn't show the least bit of curiosity towards what circumstances she had.

Only seeking to benefit.

"WHAT.DID.YOU.DO?!!!" Adam's face twisted violently when Jake brought up Linda's situation again. He was scared they had killed her. She was not someone they were worthy of destroying.

It was then he got filled in on the details.

Jake tried desperately to rationalise how she wasn't technically his sister, but a fake in disguise. That the nonsense this random person spouted had no weight on him. He should not doubt his own actions.

Jake even heard things he never knew before:

"She wasn't a person. She was a 'Monster'!"

Adam's eyes widened when he heard that Duke Bryan had Linda with someone who wasn't even human. Adam had always thought all Linda's problems started because that guy was a pervert.

He had a child with a servant simply because he couldn't hold it in his pants or use protection. The typical plot you'd see in television drama. One where the child would be blamed for being born safely.

More details were shared with him in droves.

Adam hadn't expected that a near mythically rare creature, a monster made from the congregation of the Light Attribute, would be her mother. Her origin was even worse than being the 'maid' of the Duke.

The duke faggot  of a man actually went to a brothel!

With his knowledge as a former administrator of this world and prior experience, Adam understood one thing about the man. Duke Bryan was far too creepy and ambitious. Willing to do anything for a chance.

There was either two possibilities of why he slept with the monster pretending to be a prostitute. The first was that he wanted to birth the 'Hope' the kingdom was looking for through this unholy union.

Light Attribute in monsters were unique. Unknown.

Even if it was a monster from the Dark Forest, he could've lawfully taken her as his first mistress. The fear of the Dark Forest and the scary creatures of the dark... wouldn't hold a candle to that girl's value.

The 'light' was precious in Pandorica, after all.

However, this possibility of a Light Attribute child being born happening was slim. Not only had he never told Linda of her true heritage, but there was something everyone knew except the girl herself:

"Your father can't have had a child with a 'Light Monster'. It's impossible. Even if she was a doppelgänger type." There were laws in this world that stopped bloodlines from mixing in this way.

Adam was sure if it.

"I know... That's why I considered her a freak. Even though Humans and Monsters can't mix, that mongrel-" Jake's voice was shaky, but what seemed strange was that he was still willing to talk about it.

"Taking a step back: Why did your father even do it?" Adam took advantage of Jake's current stubborn attitude towards justifying himself. Not giving him a reason to hang up, but also not keeping him at ease.

"For the sake of a new 'Hope'." Jake responded.

"That must be what he told you." Adam theorised.

"What are you on about?" Jake didn't understand it.

"Think about it clearly." Adam listed things out:

"Firstly, it's a law of this world that Humans and Monsters can't make offspring together at all. Your father already knew this. Secondly, he took a lot out of his time to give more duties to his heir so he could go unnoticed." He stopped to see the other's eyes...

...then continued:

"Thirdly, he never introduced her as his mistress or wife whatsoever. Their only relationship was as you'd expect. Fourthly, your rational father isn't the type of 'patriot' to go to a brothel specifically to make children." His words were invading their private life. 

The moment Adam finished, Jake's expression was one to behold. His face was twisted in disbelief. As if he'd never even considered the possibility. There was one thing he could guess from these words alone.

"No... She was... No!" Jake started to thrash around in agony. Which was something that made Adam feel pleasure. Was this the satisfaction of getting revenge? No, it was much deeper than that. 

Perhaps Adam was just twisted on the inside... find this enjoyable...

Was he always so sadistic in the past? It didn't matter now. Seeing how Jake's entire life was collapsing in on itself drew Adam's eyes. He looked at the poor kid. Feeling a trickle of satisfaction.

Foolishly innocent and naive, yet brazen enough to think that his actions embodied that of justice. Even though he wasn't sure what circumstances lead to Linda being disowned, he didn't care at all.

The result was all that mattered to him.

"I wonder if you knew..." Adam thought. Did Linda intentionally keep quiet so her brother wouldn't have a meltdown like this? Linda was a kind girl. Keeping this revelation as far from him as physically possible.

Really... she was too soft to be a villainess.

Though as Adam was enjoying the view of this pitiful kid tears and snot dripping off his face while trashing his room, he noticed a shadowy figure lurk in the background. It immediately caught his eyes.

"Jake..." Adam couldn't help smiling like a demon.

"Lies! Everything is a lie!! A lie.. It doesn't make sense!!!" Jake did not believe his father actually cared for that girl. He could not believe. He could not admit. Doing so would be a loss of his esteem.

It was then a shadow headed straight for him.

Adam had realised the danger, but he was too late!

"Hey, Jake!" Adam called out again when the shadowy silhouette revealed a thick-muscled masked man. He looked like a certain chainsaw wielding maniac that had recently escaped from prison! 

The assassin's hands each held two ends of a sharp but thin wire. Their intentions couldn't be more obvious. This was an attack on their family. It was unknown who, but someone had sent assassins.

"Aaa- Aaaagh! AAAARGH!" Anger and sorrow was lined into Jake's voice. He was unable to come to terms with the realisation about Linda. Seemingly unaware of what danger was currently approaching.

Naturally, the former administrator, Adam, knew the many complicated emotions Jake was thinking of. Even though the kid pretended to hate her, he was just going along with his brother's persuasion.

An idiot who couldn't think for himself.

Always trying to get the attention of their neglectful parents. Finding solace in the attention of other people. How could a social justice freak handle knowing that the one he hated had shown pity?

Trying her best not to hurt his ego.

However, that didn't change he was about to die!

"JAKE!" Adam roared again to wake him up. The thread was tightening around his body. A pulse of deadly energy turning the wire into more than a simple sharp object. Death was at the doorstep.

"SHUT UP!" The moment Jake said that, the sharp wire descended down and was tugged back with insane joy. A look of ecstasy was in the mad eyes of the assassin. He seemed to be taking pleasure in this.

How he was able to infiltrate a duke household's security without alerting anyone was unknown, but one thing was for sure: The assassin chose the wrong time to act. Even without knowing the danger, Jake literally exploded like a supernova in the room.

He cracked the ceiling.

The camera had already been toppled over earlier by his tantrum, but this time was interesting. Within a certain area around his body, a circular domain of flames burnt like an ethereal pillar around him.

The assassin was no exception.

A cruel look appeared in the young master's eyes when he heard the agonised screams of the contract killer. Before that anything else happened, Adam tested out one of the skills he'd obtained earlier.

'Inspection' was used on the domain of flames.

[Fire Release: Pyro Darkness]

Despite having half lost his mind, Jake somehow materialised a crimson wand of burning energy in his hand. He didn't need to look at his opponent. It wasn't hard for him to instinctively target dangers.

Adam used 'Inspection' on the next attack.

[Fire Spell: Infernal Fireworks]

A beautiful but deadly flame enveloped the muscle bound assassin's figure. The fireproofed computer and electronics finally broke after he'd surpassed their stress limit. The computer ended up being burnt. Thus, breaking the connection they had.

The virtual chat ended.

But not before Adam saw two things.

The first was the details regarding the special characteristics Jake had as this world's proper resident. He saw exactly what a 'Spell' thrown by a Gaia Human could do. The ferocity of the flames.

The details of 'Jake Arcadia' appeared in his mind:

{Spirit Essence: Red Wand

• Innate Ability- Alaya Affinity

Spell Slots:

(Dark Slot- Implosive Bomb)

Fire Slot- Infernal Firework

Lineage Class- Fire Wizard

• Class Skill- Magic Talent

• Class Skill- Flame Manipulation

- Role Response: Studying Magic}

"So it was the difference between 'Spell' and 'Release' of magic." Adam inwardly dissected what he saw with a rational mind. The difference in output intensity. How it burned the man to a crisp.

The video call had shown many things before being cut off. He knew that 'Release' was a common way of using Mana without expending the Spell Slot, but using the Spell Slot raw would do the opposite.

From what he learned from the game, Spell Slots had a daily limit. They could only be expended once everyday. When playing political games in the background, he had figured that much by listening.

This was the first time he'd seen the difference in power between a Release and a raw Spell. Feeling the strength of the fire even from behind a virtual screen. Adam had been scared stiff by the explosion.

No, it wasn't only that.

After being hit by that mesmerising flame, the bulky figure of the assassin was burnt into ashes. He had offended someone who could do that. Fear started to grow in Adam's heart after realising his fuck up.

Jake supposedly wasn't considered the strongest person in 'The Villainess Against Fate'. He was only a side character at most. In fact, he'd even had a front row seat to Jake's death when he was a guide.

"Am I going to die?" Adam was becoming pale like a ghost. His thoughts weren't hopeful. It was only remedied when remembering he had immortality on his side. Fire probably wouldn't burn him to death.

...But that only made things much worse.

Wouldn't he be burning forever?

They say being burnt to death was the worst way to go off, so wouldn't Jake just torture him now? What should he do?! He needed to hide, stat! Adam ran upstairs and jumped under his bedsheets in fear.

No wait, didn't he have some connections with royalty? They'd spare him a bodyguard, right?

Thus, he hastily contacted King Ramos for help!