Chapter 2: Golden Finger
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Looking around, Ye Hao noticed that the trees in this world were many times larger than trees typically were on Earth.

Each tree looked as though it could touch the clouds above. Furthermore, in the distance, he could see an unusual sight: a majestic mountain ahead, with a tree perched on top. The tree was so large that it could be said to be almost as large as the mountain itself. Its roots extended from the bottom of the mountain and seemed to intertwine with it.

Ye Hao was filled with awe.

"This isn't a dream; I really have transmigrated," Ye Hao thought to himself.

"For now, I should call it Mount Sumeru."

Ye Hao then focused his attention on the chat screen. To his surprise, one of the four tabs from earlier no longer had a lock symbol next to it.

Ye Hao decisively tried to click on it with his mind.

The screen changed, replacing the chat room with a simple screen displaying text and a massive red button in the middle.

The text read, "Click here to get your Golden Finger."

Ye Hao's face broke into a wide grin before he clicked it with his mind.

After about a second, a notification appeared.

"Congratulations, Ye Hao, for acquiring Heaven-Defying Comprehension."

The moment the electronic voice finished buzzing, Ye Hao felt an explosion in his mind. Every memory Ye Hao had accumulated until now became as clear as though he had experienced them yesterday; even memories he had forgotten had resurfaced.

High school math, which he used to have trouble with, now seemed like simple addition and subtraction.

The world around him seemed to become more colorful, and despite not seeing any animals, he could notice traces of even the smallest insects simply by paying closer attention to the grass or the trees.

In his mind, there seemed to be a vision of a massive explosion, and from the explosion, a bubble-like creation was formed. It was as if he was seeing with his own eyes how the universe was created.

The euphoria that accompanied this vision was unimaginable in the past; it was simply incomparable to any other experience or sensation a mortal could possibly experience.

As the vision dissipated, Ye Hao once again became aware of his surroundings.

Despite not having moved anywhere, the forest he was in now looked completely different.

Moreover, Ye Hao seemed to sense something he had never sensed before.

"There seems to be a kind of energy in the air around me."

"Spiritual Qi?"

"So, that could mean I'm in an immortal cultivation world."

"Since that's the case, then I should have spirit roots too, right?"

Ye Hao stopped thinking and focused his mind inside his body.

When Ye Hao acquired his Golden Finger, both his mind and soul underwent a qualitative transformation. It didn't make either of them stronger but vastly increased their capabilities. This is why Ye Hao is able to perform an inner body scan like he's doing now.



"But why?"

"Do I not have spirit roots because immortal cultivation doesn't exist on Earth?"

"No, that doesn't sound right."

"Forget it, I should find shelter first."

After finding a cave, Ye Hao roughly furnished it and had a quick lunch before he once again focused his attention inwardly.

And once again, his efforts were fruitless.

"Do I really have no aptitude for Immortal Cultivation?"

"Then what even was the point of my transmigration?"

Thinking as such, Ye Hao's mental state hit rock bottom.

"He was being delusional; he had expected novels to be accurate and had envisioned himself as the protagonist, yet he overlooked one key fact: fiction is fiction, reality is reality."

"Though the line between the two may seem especially thin right now, however, one will never be another."

He opened the chat screen and looked at it in despair.

"He feared for his future and his coming suffering."

"As the saying goes, when immortals fight, mortals suffer."

It was at this moment that a certain memory resurfaced in his mind.

"A memory about a novel he had read before, about a man who, after learning he had no aptitude for Immortal Cultivation, pioneers Martial Dao to be able to rival even immortals."

"That's right; who says I need to be an immortal cultivator to become powerful? I have Heaven-Defying Comprehension."

"That's all I need to thrive in this world."

With newfound motivation, Ye Hao crossed his legs and began to use his comprehension to deduce the realms for his Martial Dao.

"Typically, martial arts cultivation begins with body tempering."

"So, I need to find a way to use the energy in the surroundings to temper my body."