Chapter 10 The power of money is amazing!
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[Gundam Nova]


February 13th, 194 I.J.C., 1:12 P.M. The Stellar,  Deluxe Suite.

And she says that she doesn't have money…then what is this? 2 big beds could fit 5 of me in there and still have room for wiggling, a spacious kitchen that seems to have both fresh and canned food and a luxurious view of the space…there is even an indoor spa!


I look at her, with sheer flabbergasted at the room we will stay in for the next month…


“I thought we didn't have money?”


“Not my money, it was the Ottoman, we are going to stay with them for our stay on earth, they  really want to meet you.” 


Woah…so all this is their money? Damn power of connection is scary…


But well, I will indulge in this! Quickly I dropped down to the soft bed, and it was…so soft that I felt like I was getting sucked in, it felt so comfortable that I might have slept…


“Yoha! Yoha!” 


“Haro! Oh, you take him out for me? Thank you, Mama!” She just smiled at me, I let Haro roll toward me and jump into my arm. 


“Let me rest for a bit, after that let's go play some more OK? With Yohai too!” 


Oh right!


“Haro, open your component for a bit.” Haro did as I said, and I went to look for the thing in my backpack…which Packs is it? I think it was…the black one! That is where my PC is! 


After a quick search, I finally found it! A projector that I already modified and ready to install!


Making my way to Haro, I shut him down for a bit, otherwise, I'm going to get a shock too, and if I just take out this…add that, and then…There!


“Alright, let's test this out.” I turn Haro back on, slowly watching his eyes come to life.


“Yoha! New device detects.” 


“Right, Haro, check your optical module, and I will run the diagnosis on you with my laptop.” quickly connecting my Laptop to Haro, I found myself surprised to see Yohai there.


“Since you were connected to my laptop before, could you change your place at will?” I ask her and she nods, well, isn't that convenient?


“Then…can you help your big brother with his program? Just check if there is any error and notify me.”


“O…K!” she gave me a big smile and dived into the countless lines of codes without a second thought. Within a second, I already lost her in this endless sea of codes. But I’m not worried, My Yohai isn’t that weak.  


While doing my own check-up, the hour had already passed and Yohai finally emerged, her hair was messy, it was her mimicking me when I searched through my endless wardrobe, Which is quite cute, to be honest.


“Remember to brush your hair, and thank you,” I said to her and looked over the screen she pulled out for me…no error. Yosh! This work after all!


“Haro, ready for an upgrade?” 


“Ready! Ready!” Smiling, I press the upload button, and watch as Haro's eyes turn into endless code…and glow bright! 


“Now Haro! use your new Projector and show us, my Favorite moment!” and with my words, Haro’s eyes glow even brighter, and in front of us is…a clip of me when I just turned 4, rolling around and crying after-


“Wait! Not that one!” I quickly stopped him before the clip got played further! Phew…if Yohai see that I would lose all the respect she has for me! Good thing it hasn’t got to that part…


“Ok…project the clip of my favorite moment!” And he did, by showing the exact same clip and I quickly shut him down. “I mean my favorite, not Mama’s!” This time he showed me a video of Sylvy, playing with him and me. Finally! I got to talk to Mama about this though, Why did she set that clip as my favorite?!


“Right, it works…A 3d projector, I thought it would have bad quality but honestly? Not bad at all, 1080hd is quite acceptable with my resource right now.” But once I got into the Academy I would have all the resources of their and use them to upgrade Haro as much as I want! And make a Mobile suit! Gundam! Or maybe even Mobile Armor in the shape of a dragon! 



“Are you thinking of something bad, Yoha?” …oops? 


“Then why are you laughing so maniacally? This really concerns me y’know? As your mother, I forbade you from laughing like that! What would you do if your laugh led me to not having Grandchildren?” She wipes her fake tears as she tries to make a pitiful expression.


“Mama…that joke is not funny, and why would you talk about me having a baby when I’m just 4?” I ask her, “Anyway, look at this! I got a 3d projector for Haro! With this, we could view our memory with him with much better quality!” 


Hehe! This is one of my prize works, do you know how much of a trouble it is to write a code that automatically creates a 3d recreation of the surroundings? Not easy I tell you, I have to learn how 3d works and then learn how to render it, creating many sub code for it, I even broke it a few times and had to get a new one!


But hey! As long as it works, it works right? No need to complicate things…I believe most people would rather kick themselves in the d than read the messy code I write…But it works, so I rest my case!


“my…The quality is quite nice too, You use one from TerraTech?”

“Yup! They have a good product at an affordable price! Plus they allow for modding which most companies have a policy against it. It took me a few…dozen projectors to get it right.”


“Where did you get that money?” oh...She asks that...


“....Um..the one you give me and…freelance coding?”


“So… that's why my credit card suddenly got more money…You use my credit card?!” 


“I swear, I never touch your money! I…just use it to receive my payment…Fake credit cards are easy to track after all…” She stares at me, like eyes squirting hard and ready to scold me…only to sigh and let it go with a flick to the head which hurt like hell. Why is she so strong!?


“Well, It's time I got used to you doing what you want. But next time tell me that you want something ok? I will get it for you.”


“Ok,” I answer her, she she smiles at me.


“Then let's take a look at those memories, shall we?” Eh…Why is she smiling like that? Why is there a dangerous Aura coming out of her?! Wait…No! Not that!


Just as I turned to run, she grabbed and lifted me up with ease, and dragged me toward Haro.


“No! Anything but that! Not them!”

“Well, let's enjoy it together, Haro opened Favorite moment 35th.” 


“No! Haro don’t open it!” But he didn’t listen, that traitor! I was your maker and you betrayed me like this!? No, I can already see it! Me in my 3 trying to climb the shelf to get the pudding!  


And just like that…my hell begins.


[Gundam Nova]


February 13th, 194 I.J.C., 3:36 P.M. The Stellar,  Deluxe Suite.


“Kill me…just do it…I can’t live anymore…” a whisper leaked out of my mouth, no…it was the shell of my former self, 2 hours long of endless torture…


“Don’t be a drama queen, it's just some embarrassing memory, once you grow up, you going to laugh at this, just like me.”


“It funny for you because I was the one who suffered!” Urg! Yeah…I’m gonna delete those…


“Haro, Lock everything you just play, Don’t allow Yoha to delete them.” And I heard the sound of the lock, which is some add-on I add to Haro for funsies…


“No Haro! Delete them! Right now!” 


“No! No! These are precious memories!” Urg! When he said it like that…I can’t bring myself to order him to delete it anymore…


“Come on, don’t be like that. I know you're just embarrassed.” She pats my head, “Oh, look at how time flies, how about we get something to eat, hm? I heard there is pudding from McMellow Palate, I heard it is very delicious.”



“Really, come on let’s go.” She took my hand, and I took Haro with me too, McMellow…what a sweet surname. I hope their food is as good as their brand name.

[Gundam Nova]


February 13th, 194 I.J.C., 10:50, Siga-2 port.


“Yes…yes, she already took the kid….No, I don’t think I could follow them, she was too careful. Don’t worry, She will come back. Yes…yes,  I already succeeded, the fact that she took her kid to run away is the proof.” the voice call continued to bug him, but he couldn’t just shut it down, they hired him after all.


“Yes, like I said, She will crawl through back and hell just to get back, that is if she didn’t want her child hurt. But you sure you don’t want the child?...No, no, it's just that she is quite extraordinary too, that's all…Ok, I understand…goodbye. Geez, a bunch of big shots playing politics.”


Scratching his head, he took out a cigarette from his pocket, lighting it up with his lighter. Taking in a big huff of it, he slowly let out the smoke. “Araya Milas Revory…Married Joel Milas in the year 170, used her deceased husband's sperm bank and IVF treatment, and successfully became pregnant with Yoha Milas Revory. A miracle child huh?” 


Scrolling through his phone, multiple videos, voice recordings, and even a thousand pictures, all of them were of both the parent and the child. 


“Well, this is a job well done…as for the child…they don’t want her so I will just not do anything. If it comes back to bite them in the future so be it.” With everything deleted on his phone, he crushes it with his hand and throws it into the trash.


[gundam Nova]


February 13th, 194 I.J.C., 1:30 P.M. The Stellar,  Deluxe Suite.


“Yummy! So, so sweet! The caramel’s bitter and saltiness is just right! The texture of the pudding itself is perfect too! Soft, creamy and sweet!” I couldn’t stop my hand from devouring Pudding after pudding, not my money, it was Mama’s so it's fine! 


Besides, they often say girls have a second stomach for sweets and right now, it really feels like it is true! So I was one step closer to being the true girl, huh? 


“Clma down, Yoha. you won’t be able to eat dinner otherwise.” Dinner? Who needs it?! I already have my dinner right here! “I know what you thinking, Young lady. Stop it or you going to have a bad time in the toilet.” 


“Ah! My pudding!” She took it away from my hand! The sweet, sweet pudding! Urg…she glared at me again, this time with a disappointed look in them. “F-fine! I won’t eat any more today…”


“Good. eating too much of these will upset your stomach. Well, what should we do? We still have a lot of time before they serve dinner.”


“Eat Pud–”

“Yoha, Say it again and I swear I will never let you have this again.”


“Gaming lounge! There are still a lot of things I didn’t try there!” Quickly changing the topic, I jump down from my seat, and struggle to get up a bit…I really eat too much, I’m going to get fat…